
    Emotional Regulation Systems

    en-gbJuly 03, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Emotional states: drive, threat, sootheUnderstanding emotional states of drive, threat, and soothe can help manage workload and improve well-being, as prolonged threat state can lead to procrastination

      Our emotions play a significant role in how we approach and manage our daily tasks and deadlines. According to emotional regulation expert Chuck or Paul Gilbert, there are three emotional states: drive, threat, and soothe. Drive is about striving for achievement and getting things done. Threat is about feelings of anxiety, anger, and self-criticism. It's important to note that our bodies need all three states to function optimally, and the ability to move between them is crucial. Procrastination often occurs when we're in a state of threat for too long and need to shift to drive to get things done. Understanding these emotional states can help us better manage our workload and improve our overall well-being.

    • Soothe stateRecognize the importance of the soothe state for productivity and overall well-being, prioritize self-care, and engage in calming activities to counteract negative emotions and promote relaxation.

      Our brains naturally operate in three states: drive, threat, and soothe. While drive and threat states have received more attention, the soothe state is equally important for productivity and overall well-being. When we're in threat mode, we tend to focus on negative emotions and become less productive. Instead, we should recognize the need for soothe and intentionally soothe ourselves to counteract the effects of prolonged threat or drive states. Neglecting the soothe state can lead to overstimulation, difficulty sleeping, and even procrastination. To maintain optimal productivity and mental health, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and make time for activities that promote the soothe state, such as relaxation, nurturing ourselves, and engaging in calming hobbies.

    • Self-soothing practicePrioritize self-soothing throughout the day to balance and level out during stress or overstimulation, replacing driving thoughts with soothing ones.

      It's essential to prioritize self-soothing throughout the day, especially during times of stress or overstimulation. This practice doesn't necessarily bring us out of these states effectively but can help balance and level us out. It involves acknowledging the threatening or driving thoughts in our minds and replacing them with soothing ones. For instance, instead of focusing on the pressure to get things done, we can remind ourselves that we are one person and can only do so much at a time. Or, instead of being nervous about an upcoming event, we can reassure ourselves that everything will work out. By practicing self-soothing, we can calm our inner voice, nurture ourselves, and remember that we are safe and capable. This simple yet powerful practice can make a significant difference in managing stress and anxiety and overall well-being. So, take a moment each day to soothe yourself, remind yourself that you have 100% got this, and stay tuned for a special announcement on Friday, which will be a treat for you.