
    Step Into Your Light

    en-gbJune 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing uniquenessSmall changes, like wearing new glasses, can help us embrace and express our true selves, leading to increased confidence and a brighter outlook on life

      Small changes, like wearing new glasses, can help us embrace and express our true selves, leading to increased confidence and a brighter outlook on life. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling more like herself and enjoying the person she becomes when wearing her new purple glasses. However, she initially hesitated to wear them due to societal expectations, but eventually came to appreciate the extra confidence they brought out in her. This anecdote serves as a reminder that we all have the power to decide who we want to be and to embrace the unique qualities that make us shine.

    • Identity and Guiding LightIdentify and embrace the words or qualities that define who you want to be, and embody that identity through daily actions and choices to positively impact the world.

      Each of us has the power to decide who we want to be and embody that identity through our actions and choices. This can be represented by a symbol or object that resonates with us, such as a favorite t-shirt or pair of glasses. The important thing is to identify our guiding light and step into that person every day, allowing our unique qualities and brightness to shine. So, take some time to reflect on the words or qualities that define who you want to be and embrace them wholeheartedly. Remember, you have the power to make a positive impact on the world by being true to yourself. As Kate's Cockra from the Volley Network encourages, "join me every day here on Everyday Positivity" to continue exploring this concept and spreading positivity in your daily life. And always remember, you have 100% got this.