
    Make Good News The News

    en-gbJune 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Positive MomentsFocusing on small positive moments and amplifying them can shift perspective and make us more resilient to negativity. Sharing these moments can create a ripple effect of positivity.

      Even in the midst of a challenging week, it's important to focus on the small positive moments and amplify them. Just like how a tiny crack of light can brighten up a dark room, these small good news stories have the power to make us feel better and create a positive wave. It might seem insignificant at first, but acknowledging and celebrating these moments can help shift our perspective and make us more resilient to the negativity around us. For instance, instead of dwelling on the lost luggage or the busy workweek, we can be grateful for finding it again or the nice pair of trousers we bought. Or, we can be elated about our children finishing their exams or a random act of kindness we witnessed. By making these moments the focus, we can create a ripple effect of positivity and spread it to those around us. So, on Positive Media Day, take a moment to reflect on your week and identify your own cracks of light. Share them with others and let's make good news the news.

    • Good News, Sharing HappinessSharing good news and happiness can bring positivity and learning. Celebrate successes and learn from them at the Everyday Positivity hangout.

      Focusing on good news and sharing happiness can bring positivity and learning. This week, there's exciting news to share - the host's project, Everyday Positivity, has been successful. To celebrate, they're asking everyone to share their own good news on Instagram or at the upcoming Everyday Positivity hangout on Zoom. Instead of solely learning from failures, let's learn from successes. The hangout will be held tomorrow at 6pm UK time, 1pm Eastern American time, and 10am Pacific American time. Patreon members will automatically receive the link, while others can find it through the Facebook group. Remember, we all have the ability to overcome challenges and make a difference. Stay positive and share the good news!