
    A Gift You Can Give

    en-gbJune 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Active ListeningInstead of providing solutions, ask open-ended questions to encourage deeper exploration of thoughts and feelings during conversations, making the speaker feel valued and understood.

      Instead of jumping in with solutions when someone is sharing their problems, try asking open-ended questions instead. Listening attentively and validating someone's feelings through questioning can be a powerful and free gift. When we interrupt with answers, we may prevent the speaker from fully expressing themselves and feeling heard. Asking questions like "What is it that makes you feel that way?" or "Have you considered this option?" can help the speaker explore their thoughts and feelings further, leading to a deeper and more meaningful conversation. By giving someone our full attention and asking thoughtful questions, we can make them feel valued and understood. So, next time you're in a conversation, try asking one more question to show that you care and are truly listening.

    • Everyday Positivity community engagementThe Everyday Positivity community offers various ways to connect, including podcasts, live events, and Facebook/Patreon groups, providing opportunities for positivity and inspiration despite missed podcast live sessions.

      There are various ways to engage with the Everyday Positivity community. Everyday Positivity, a podcast hosted by Kate Cocka, releases new episodes regularly. Additionally, there are live events, such as the Everyday Positivity Hangout, which attendees can join by signing up through the Facebook group or Patreon page. The hangout link will be provided directly to attendees' feeds. So, even if you can't catch the podcast live, there are still opportunities to connect with the community and gain positivity and inspiration. And as a reminder, no matter what challenges you face, always keep in mind that "you have 100% got this."