
    EMPIRE: Being Black in America - Navy SEAL Remi Adeleke - 150

    en-usJune 02, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Politics and Building WealthUnderstanding politics is crucial for creating and maintaining wealth. Adversity and resilience are essential for overcoming challenges and building an empire.

      Politics and the political climate play a significant role in how we make and keep money. The speaker, Bedros, shares his personal experience of growing up in the Soviet Union and how the political environment limited his father's ability to create wealth. He argues that understanding the political landscape is crucial for building an empire, whether that means financial wealth or the ability to help others. The speaker also emphasizes that racism and social unrest can have a major impact on businesses and communities, and invites Remi Adeleke, a former Nigerian prince turned Navy SEAL, to share his story of overcoming adversity and defying odds. Overall, the episode highlights the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the role of politics in shaping our financial futures.

    • The need for change in policing and addressing systemic racismThorough background checks and mental health evaluations for police officers, understanding complex dynamics, and continued dialogue and action are crucial for addressing systemic racism and police brutality against the African American community.

      The tragic death of George Floyd, a black man, at the hands of a white police officer has once again brought attention to the long-standing issue of systemic racism and police brutality against the African American community. The speaker, who has experienced poverty and discrimination himself, expressed deep frustration over the lack of change despite numerous incidents of police violence against black people being documented over the years. He believes that a fundamental shift is required in the way police officers are screened and selected, with more thorough background checks and mental health evaluations to ensure they are equipped to serve and protect all communities fairly. The speaker also emphasized the importance of understanding the complex dynamics at play in these situations and the potential consequences of intervening. He urged for continued dialogue and action towards creating a more equitable and just society.

    • Recognizing and Addressing Systemic RacismSystemic racism affects marginalized communities beyond individual actions, requiring collective societal change. Pride and the desire to save face can hinder necessary adjustments, leading to harmful consequences.

      The issue of systemic racism goes beyond individual actions and involves the collective responsibility of society. The speaker shares his personal experiences of being profiled and the impact it has on him as a black man. He also draws parallels between the behavior of the police officer during the George Floyd incident and the reluctance of policy makers to pivot during the COVID-19 pandemic. The speaker emphasizes that pride and the desire to save face can prevent necessary changes, leading to harmful consequences for marginalized communities. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing the systemic issues that perpetuate racism and inequality.

    • The power of allegiances in preventing acknowledgment of wrongdoingsAllegiances to political or tribal groups can hinder acknowledgement and addressing of harm or death, rooted in a culture prioritizing individualism and self-interest.

      People's pride and loyalty to their political or tribal affiliations can prevent them from acknowledging and addressing wrongdoings, even in instances of harm or death. This was exemplified in the discussion about the situation in Minnesota, where bystanders did not intervene to stop the death of George Floyd, likely due to their allegiance to the police officers and their own tribe. This issue extends beyond politics and is rooted in a culture that prioritizes individualism and self-interest over the well-being of others. The conversation also touched upon the concept of bilateral stimulation in EMDR therapy, which can aid in problem-solving and creativity. However, the main theme revolved around the importance of recognizing and challenging harmful behaviors and biases, regardless of our affiliations.

    • Personal experiences of discrimination and feeling like an outsiderUnderstanding historical context and using personal experiences can inspire change and create solutions, regardless of race or ethnicity. Everyone has the potential to make a positive impact in their communities.

      Experiences of discrimination and feeling like an outsider can lead to complex emotions, including anger and a desire for understanding and change. The speaker shares his personal experience of growing up as an immigrant and facing discrimination, which made him feel like he didn't belong. He also talks about how he felt anger but then found inspiration to use his experiences to initiate change and solve problems. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding historical context and using personal experiences to create solutions. He also shares that everyone, regardless of race or ethnicity, has the potential to be a problem solver and make a positive impact in their communities. Additionally, the speaker reflects on how past experiences can shape perceptions and biases, even if they are not based in reality. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of empathy, understanding, and taking action to create positive change.

    • Early experiences shape lifelong biasesEarly experiences can negatively impact perceptions and biases, but later experiences and understanding can help challenge and change them. Thorough background checks and screening processes can also build trust and improve community relations.

      Early experiences and encounters, particularly during formative years, can shape perceptions and biases that last a lifetime. The speaker's experiences with crime, gangs, and law enforcement in his youth led him to harbor negative feelings towards certain groups and authorities. However, later experiences, such as making friends from diverse backgrounds and serving in the military, helped him challenge and change those biases. It's important to recognize the impact of these experiences and work towards understanding and reducing prejudice. Additionally, thorough background checks and screening processes for law enforcement and other positions of authority can help build trust and improve community relations.

    • Bias in Perception of GroupsAvoid judging entire communities based on limited experiences or media portrayals. Seek out balanced perspectives and be aware of media biases to form a more nuanced understanding.

      Our perception of groups, such as police officers or certain communities, can be skewed based on negative experiences or media portrayals. It's important to remember that there are good and bad individuals in every group, and it's not fair to judge an entire community based on the actions of a few. Additionally, our brains are wired to focus on negative experiences and sensational news, which can lead us to form biased opinions. It's crucial to make a conscious effort to seek out balanced perspectives and avoid jumping to conclusions based on limited information. Furthermore, the media plays a significant role in shaping our perceptions, often focusing on negative news to sell ad space and further political agendas. It's essential to be aware of these biases and strive for a more nuanced understanding of the world around us.

    • The Power of Perseverance and Challenging Negative StereotypesBorn in Nigeria but educated in London, Baba Oloyede was determined to change negative stereotypes by creating a thriving business sector and exchanging ideas globally. Despite losing his land, he persevered and created an island using his engineering skills.

      Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, including being stripped of his land by the Nigerian government, Baba Oloyede, the father of the speaker, was a determined problem solver who refused to let go of his dreams. Born in Nigeria but educated in London, he was appalled by the negative stereotypes of Africans and was determined to change the narrative. He established businesses in Nigeria with the goal of creating a thriving business sector and exchanging ideas with people from around the world. When he was unjustly stripped of his land, he fought for it for ten years, eventually asking for the lagoon instead of the money back. Using his engineering skills, he hired Dutch engineers to dredge the foreshore and create an island, ensuring that his creation would be a lasting testament to his determination and ingenuity. This story is a reminder of the power of perseverance and the importance of challenging negative stereotypes.

    • The pervasive nature of corruption in NigeriaCorruption deeply affects Nigerian society, impacting everyday life and leading to immense wealth for those in power, often leaving individuals and their livelihoods in jeopardy.

      Corruption is deeply ingrained in Nigeria's government and society, to the point where it affects everyday life and can lead to immense wealth for those in power. The speaker's father, who was born in Nigeria and developed an island, was a victim of this systemic corruption. Despite developing the island, the federal government claimed it did not have the authority to give him the foreshore, and later, when he passed away, his widow was left struggling to make ends meet. Bribes were commonplace, from customs officials to police officers, and even tourists, including those of Nigerian descent, were not exempt. The corruption reached unprecedented levels, with politicians and high-ranking officials disappearing billions of dollars during their tenures. The speaker's experience illustrates the pervasive nature of corruption in Nigeria and its detrimental impact on individuals and their livelihoods.

    • The speaker's mother's resilience during financial hardshipsMom's strength and determination during tough times shaped the speaker's character, helping him overcome adversity.

      Despite facing significant financial hardships after investing all their savings into a business venture that didn't succeed, the speaker's mother managed to maintain her composure and provide for her family. She hid the reality of their situation from her young children to shield them from the stress and ensure they remained focused on their studies. The speaker admires his mother's resilience and perseverance, which has influenced his own character. Although the speaker felt sad about the loss of their family's wealth and the fact that they couldn't claim the developed island as their own, he eventually came to terms with the situation and made a decision to find a father figure to help guide him. The speaker's mother's strength and determination during this difficult time played a significant role in shaping his character and helping him overcome adversity.

    • Childhood experiences shape us deeplyAn incident from childhood fueled determination, instilled values of perseverance and problem-solving, and shaped the speaker into the person he is today.

      Our experiences, especially those in our youth, can shape us in profound ways. The speaker shares how an incident from his childhood, where his sister was treated unfairly at work, fueled his determination to become successful and provide for his family. This experience instilled in him the values of perseverance and problem-solving, which he attributes to his mother and father, respectively. The speaker also emphasizes that it was the challenges and hardships he faced that made him the person he is today. He believes that it's a combination of nature and nurture that makes us who we are, and that every experience, no matter how small, holds value. The speaker's story highlights the importance of resilience and determination in overcoming adversity and achieving success.

    • The power of hard work and smart thinkingSuccess often requires a combination of natural talent, dedication, marketing skills, and the ability to identify and capitalize on opportunities

      Natural talent is important, but hard work and smart thinking can help turn potential into success. The speaker shares the story of Michael Jordan and how his dedication and recognition of his need for improvement set him apart. He also discusses the importance of marketing skills and the ability to identify opportunities, even if they involve unconventional methods. The speaker's own experience of making extra money by selling shoes in a store demonstrates this concept. While some may view this as a scam, the speaker encourages listeners to look deeper and appreciate the brilliance of the scheme. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that success often requires a combination of talent, hard work, and the ability to identify and capitalize on opportunities.

    • Adapting to Changing Circumstances and Finding OpportunitiesBe smart, adaptable, and strategic in business to capitalize on opportunities and differentiate oneself from competitors, even when dealing with potentially illegal activities.

      Identifying opportunities and adapting to changing circumstances can lead to significant financial gains. The speaker shares his experience of capitalizing on the demand for sneakers and using his business acumen, learned from his father and experiences growing up, to make a profit. He also shares how he expanded his business by selling in less competitive areas, reducing risk. However, his journey eventually led him to selling drugs, but he eventually left that behind and moved on to selling cell phones illegally. The key takeaway is the importance of being smart, adaptable, and strategic in business, even when dealing with potentially illegal activities. It's essential to find unique opportunities and differentiate oneself from competitors to succeed.

    • Learning to Sell Stolen Cell PhonesStarted selling stolen cell phones with low risk due to lack of oversight, eventually got caught and learned to make more money legally and with less risk.

      The speaker started selling stolen cell phones while working a legitimate job, and he was able to make significant profits with low risk due to the lack of oversight during that time. He learned the process from a coworker and sold the phones to former drug dealers and acquaintances, building the cost of the phone into the phone bill. The risk was low because there was minimal oversight and cell phones were becoming popular. However, the speaker eventually got two warrants for his activities, one in New Jersey and one in New York, when he was 19 years old. This experience showed him that he could make more money legally and with less risk, eventually leading him to leave the drug game behind.

    • Mother's influence and pursuit of excellence inspire Navy SEAL careerMother's emphasis on excellence and the rapper's determination to achieve greatness led him to pursue a career as a Navy SEAL

      The desire to become a Navy SEAL, inspired by movies and instilled in him by his mother's emphasis on excellence, served as a dormant dream that resurfaced when the rapper and music mogul aspirations of his youth no longer seemed attainable. Pride and the pursuit of excellence played significant roles in his decision to join the Navy and eventually become a Navy SEAL. The influence of his mother, who instilled in him the importance of striving for the best, and his determination to achieve greatness, even after setbacks, ultimately led him to pursue this challenging and prestigious career.

    • A recruiter's belief changed Remy's lifeBelief in someone's potential can change their life, even with past mistakes and warrants.

      Sometimes, when we least expect it, we encounter individuals who have the power to change our lives for the better. Remy's story is a testament to this. Despite his past mistakes and warrants, a recruiter named "Robin Hood" in the hood saw his potential and gave him a second chance. She advocated on his behalf, and both judges expunged his record. This experience made Remy realize the value of freedom and patriotism, which he had taken for granted before. It's important to remember that everyone deserves a chance to turn their lives around, and sometimes, all it takes is a helping hand from someone who believes in them.

    • A casual conversation about military experiences leads to meaningful insightsUnexpected discussions can lead to profound realizations about life, patriotism, and personal growth

      Meaningful conversations can emerge from the most unexpected places, like a casual conversation between two friends at a bar. During this discussion, Remy shared his experiences in the military and how they shaped his perspective on life and patriotism. The conversation was particularly timely, given the recent events surrounding social justice and racial equality. Remy shared that he went into the military to escape potential danger, but ended up discovering a deep appreciation for the United States. As a token of appreciation for listening or watching, the host is offering a signed copy of Remy's book to one lucky viewer or listener. The conversation touched on themes of reflection, personal growth, and the importance of having open and honest discussions.

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    BEDROS KEUILIAN LIVE 2024 | September 13-14, 2024 in Scottsdale, AZ https://live.bedroskeuilian.com/bk-live-2024 REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS OPEN A FIT BODY LOCATION A High-Profit, Scalable Gym Franchise Opportunity Driven By Impact https://sales.fbbcfranchise.com/get-started?utm_source=bedros BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

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    REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

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    REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

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    REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

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    Government & Politicians Are Robbing You - Escape The Matrix & Build Wealth In 2024 | Codie Sanchez PT 1

    Government & Politicians Are Robbing You - Escape The Matrix & Build Wealth In 2024 | Codie Sanchez PT 1
    Welcome to another power-packed episode of Impact Theory, I’m Tom Bilyeu!  In today’s episode, Codie Sanchez is here to discuss how we can escape the hidden theft of money printing so we’re not robbed of the value of our money and BUILD wealth instead of losing it to inflation!  Codie Sanchez is known for her contrarian investment strategies and dedication to empowering marginalized communities. She boasts a varied career that includes a decade spent on Wall Street and in private equity, where she managed substantial investments.  Codie advocates for critical thinking about money and wealth building through unconventional business buying strategies, an example being her work with Contrarian Capital, where she oversees a portfolio of "boring" businesses generating millions in revenue. We touch on:  - Cultural shifts and the rise of business ownership - Challenges and rewards of small business ownership - Bankruptcy as a safety net - Encouraging risk-taking while young - Societal aversion to hard work - (Lack of) Government efficiency and private sector incentives - The problem with for-profit prison systems - The value of learning from a diversity of sources - The importance of all-weather investment strategies - Developing strategies for recession-resistant businesses - Potential investment opportunities during economic downturns - The significance of trying new things to discover personal identity - The difficulty of finding truth and the impact of narrative on decision-making  Can you actually BEAT the hidden theft of MONEY PRINTING?  This is just Part 1 of our conversation, so make sure you don’t miss Part 2 of this convo for even more unconventional wisdom from Codie Sanchez. Follow Codie Sanchez: Website: https://www.codiesanchez.com/  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/codiesanchez X: https://twitter.com/codie_sanchez Follow Me, Tom Bilyeu:  Website: https://impacttheoryuniversity.com/  X: https://twitter.com/TomBilyeu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ If you want to dive deeper into my content, search through every episode, find specific topics I've covered, and ask me questions. Go to my Dexa page: https://dexa.ai/tombilyeu Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships SPONSORS: Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/impact now to grow your business – no matter what stage you’re in. Keep your ride-or-die alive at https://ebaymotors.com  Now through April fifteenth, NetSuite is offering a one-of-a-kind flexible financing program. Head to https:/netsuite.com/THEORY Take control of your health with Zocdoc. Go to https://zocdoc.com/impact and download the free Zocdoc app. Visit https:/showcaseworkshop.com today to get a demo and a free 2-week trial Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Bonus Episode: The Changing Face of the Yarn Industry

    Bonus Episode: The Changing Face of the Yarn Industry
    For many, knitting may still conjure an image of a grandmother in a rocking chair, her cats sleeping and her doilies taking shape. In recent years, however, the quiet industry of tiny neighborhood yarn shops scattered across the U.S. has become an unlikely cultural battleground. It’s been divided by charges of racism and cultural appropriation that have erupted in a series of social media firestorms, prompting some owners to close, sell, or rebrand their businesses. It may seem surprising that such a quiet pursuit could produce so much conflict, but it’s really not all that different from the fissures afflicting the country as a whole. In this bonus episode of the 21 Hats Podcast, we meet three women who were not content to stick to their knitting: Adella Colvin, whose business, LolaBean Yarn Co., is a prominent independent dyer based in Grovetown, Ga.; Gaye (a.k.a. GG) Glasspie, a leading yarn industry influencer whose signature color is orange and who is based in Clifton, New Jersey; and Felicia Eve, who owns String Thing Studio in Brooklyn, N.Y., which is one of the few Black-owned yarn shops in the country.

    Replay: You Take a Stand

    Replay: You Take a Stand
    This week, in part because Loren’s on vacation, we’re offering a replay of an episode we recorded more than two years ago. It was one of our early episodes, and it was recorded shortly after George Floyd was murdered. In the episode, Karen Clark Cole, William Vanderbloemen, and Dana White talked about how they viewed their responsibilities as business leaders at such a fraught moment. What, if anything, were they saying to their customers? What were they saying to their employees? It started as a conversation, but Dana took the lead quickly and powerfully. She talked about what it’s been like to so often be the lone Black voice in the room. She talked about what it’s like for African-American employees to come to work and wonder where their company and their colleagues stand. She drew a line in the sand. “Why is it hard,” she asked? “You’re either over here, or you’re over there.” Even if you’ve already heard this episode, we recommend listening again—especially given that business leaders are again being asked where they stand on social and political issues, whether it’s about race or abortion or the climate or democracy. If you haven’t already heard the episode, we doubt you will soon forget it.

    234 Creating Brave Spaces with Sarah Fox

    234 Creating Brave Spaces with Sarah Fox

    Amplifying voices from those people who are not usually heard from the creative industries and with a philosophy of Do Good and Do Well, Sarah Fox’s contribution to the world is to bring forth the empowering role models in senior leadership that she at one time needed herself. Not afraid of change, acting as a catalyst for changemakers, agents of change and leaders of change to make the world better, every day Sarah is doing so by creating brave spaces.



    Do Good and Do Well is really a call to action to say it is possible to do good in the world and be well and have a life that you love and not compromise on the impact that you make because you put yourself at the centre of the journey.”



    Following a 20-year career in the not-for-profit arena, Sarah Fox is a coach, mentor and facilitator supporting changemakers to put themselves at the centre of the journey so that they can make a big impact in the world and have a good life-work balance. As a senior coaching practitioner, Sarah helps leaders of change across the arts as well as the education sector. She is the host of Do Good and Do Well, a podcast that shares the stories of amazing people making a positive difference trying not to lose themselves in the pursuit of helping others.  



    Do Good and Do Well podcast



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    Amy is a Life Purpose Coach, Podcast Strategist, Top 1% Global Podcaster, Speaker, Mastermind Host and Property Investor. Through coaching and workshops, Amy works with businesses to Focus on WHY to create people-centred environments, by improving productivity and employee engagement by focusing on fulfilment, values and purpose.



    Amy inspires and empowers entrepreneurial clients to discover the life they dream of by assisting them to make it their reality through their own action taking. Helping them to focus on their WHY with clarity uniting their passion and purpose with a plan to create the life they truly desire.

    If you would like Amy to help you to launch your podcast or to focus on your WHY then please book a free 20 min call via www.calendly.com/amyrowlinson/enquirycall


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    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence.