
    083. 5 Things that are Killing Your Dreams and How to Change them

    en-usApril 30, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing and Overcoming Dream KillersDream killers, or limiting beliefs and barriers, prevent us from achieving our goals and dreams in various aspects of life. Acknowledging their presence and working to remove them allows us to live a life of significance, purpose, and meaning.

      There are dream killers, or limiting beliefs and barriers, that prevent us from achieving our goals and dreams in various aspects of life, not just in business. These dream killers can exist in any area of life, and they often stem from fear, uncertainty, and doubt. However, it's essential to recognize and overcome these dream killers to live a life of significance, purpose, and meaning. At an event called Scale Day, entrepreneurs faced these dream killers while trying to scale their businesses, but the same issue exists in other areas of life, such as personal growth or relationships. By acknowledging the presence of dream killers and working to remove them, we can live a life worthy of being a shining example to those around us.

    • Live your life to the fullest, not as a trial runBe authentic, share your story, and conquer fear to build connections and grow your business

      We only have one life, and it's essential to live it to the fullest. The speaker emphasizes that we should not treat this life as a trial run but rather as the only chance we have to experience all that life has to offer. He encourages people to share their stories and be authentic to build connections and grow their businesses. However, fear of judgment from others can limit our human experience and success. The speaker shares an example of a woman with a successful business who knows she can grow it further but is hesitant to share her story due to her family's potential reaction. He emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and sharing one's story to connect with audiences and build a stronger business. Additionally, the speaker promotes the Truline Wellness Shot, which can help keep us healthy and hydrated to continue chasing our goals and dreams.

    • People can unintentionally limit our growthBe open about goals, remember everyone's perspectives shape advice, and make decisions for personal growth.

      The people in our lives, while they may have good intentions, can sometimes unintentionally limit our growth and dreams. This can be due to fear of hurting their feelings, or their attempts to protect us from potential failure. However, it's important to remember that if we do succeed, we have the power to use that success to positively impact our lives and the lives of those around us. It's crucial to have open and honest conversations with loved ones about our goals and aspirations, rather than making assumptions about their reactions. Additionally, it's essential to remember that everyone's experiences and cultural backgrounds shape their perspectives, and what may seem like limiting advice could be rooted in their own experiences. Ultimately, it's up to us to make the decision that's best for our personal growth and happiness.

    • Parents' well-intentioned advice can hinder dreamsPeople's good intentions can limit our aspirations, but taking risks and overcoming fear is necessary for personal growth and fulfillment.

      Following a safe and secure career path may not always align with personal passions and goals. The speaker's experience of considering a career as a smog technician, despite his parents' encouragement, illustrates this point. While their intentions were to ensure his financial security, the speaker had aspirations for a more extravagant lifestyle and desired to pursue his passions. People in our lives, including family members, can unintentionally hinder our dreams, but it's essential to remember that taking risks and experiencing setbacks are part of the journey to achieving our goals. Additionally, fear and doubt can prevent us from taking risks, and it's crucial to overcome these feelings to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. The example of Elon Musk, who came from a humble background and took significant risks, demonstrates the potential rewards of taking chances and following one's dreams.

    • Elon Musk's mission to preserve freedom on TwitterDespite risks and opposition, taking calculated risks and persevering can lead to significant impact and personal fulfillment.

      Elon Musk bought Twitter with a mission to preserve the country's freedom and sovereignty by making it a legitimate public forum for dialogue. Despite the risks, hate, and threats, Musk remains undeterred, demonstrating that fear, doubt, and uncertainty should not be allowed to hinder personal goals. This anecdote serves as a reminder that taking risks, even when met with opposition, can lead to significant impact and personal fulfillment. However, it's essential to recognize that there are numerous factors that can act as dream killers, including fear, doubt, uncertainty, and external influences. To avoid living with regrets, one must be willing to take calculated risks, overcome fears, and persevere in the face of adversity.

    • Overcoming Dream KillersFace fears, break free from limiting systems, and take action to pursue dreams despite uncertainty

      Various external factors can hinder us from pursuing our dreams and living fulfilling lives. Fear, doubt, and uncertainty can hold us back, leading us to choose the safe but mediocre path. The system, such as the education or financial systems, can also keep us in debt and limit our ideas, making us good employees rather than risk-takers and entrepreneurs. Lastly, tactical avoidance, the tendency to gather more information instead of taking action, can prevent us from making progress towards our goals. To overcome these dream killers, it's essential to face our fears, break free from the system, and take action despite the uncertainty.

    • Tactical avoidance can hinder personal growthDon't let extensive research and indecision prevent you from taking action towards your goals. Take risks, put yourself out there, and consistently create content or take action today.

      Tactical avoidance, or constantly gathering information without taking action, can hinder personal growth and prevent individuals from achieving their goals. This can manifest in various aspects of life, such as choosing a diet, training program, or business model. While it may feel productive to research extensively, it ultimately leads to a false sense of productivity and can keep individuals stuck in a cycle of indecision. To break free from this pattern, it's essential to take risks, put yourself out there, and consistently create content or take action towards your goals. Don't let fear, doubt, or uncertainty hold you back. Instead, make a list, go on dates, or start at the highest number and work your way down to find what works best for you. Remember, the timing may never be perfect, but taking action today is better than waiting for the perfect moment. Don't let tactical avoidance be a dream killer.

    • The cost of indecision and procrastinationIndecision and procrastination can waste valuable time, resources, and opportunities. Making a decision, even if it's wrong, is better than indecision. Understand and accept the terms and agreements before making a decision.

      Indecision and procrastination can be costly, not only in terms of time and resources, but also in missed opportunities. The speaker in this discussion shared his experience of working with potential franchisees who expressed interest in starting a business but then backed out due to various excuses. This back-and-forth process wasted valuable time and resources for both parties. The speaker emphasized that making a decision, even if it's the wrong one, is better than indecision. He also highlighted the importance of understanding and accepting the terms and agreements that come with starting a franchise. General Norman Schwarzkopf's quote during the Iraq war further emphasizes this idea that indecision can be more costly than making a wrong decision. So, don't let indecision or procrastination kill your dreams. Make a decision and take action.

    • Don't let fear and doubt suffocate your ambitionEmbrace uncertainty and take action despite fear and doubt to achieve growth and fulfillment

      Fear, uncertainty, and doubt can prevent us from achieving our goals and seizing opportunities. The story of a gentleman who missed out on a business opportunity due to excessive fact-finding and hesitation serves as a reminder that decisiveness and trusting oneself are crucial. We all have a sense of what we're meant to do and what we desire, but facing the fear and doubt, and going against the opinions of loved ones, can be challenging. However, listening to our inner voice and taking action despite the risks is essential for growth and fulfillment. Remember, average is the enemy, and success is our responsibility. Change can happen in an instant if we are willing to take the leap and trust ourselves. Don't let fear and doubt suffocate your ambition. Embrace the uncertainty and go after what you truly desire.

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    BEDROS KEUILIAN LIVE 2024 | September 13-14, 2024 in Scottsdale, AZ https://live.bedroskeuilian.com/bk-live-2024 REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS OPEN A FIT BODY LOCATION A High-Profit, Scalable Gym Franchise Opportunity Driven By Impact https://sales.fbbcfranchise.com/get-started?utm_source=bedros BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

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    REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe SUBSCRIBE TO DOMINATION DOWNLOAD A Weekly Newsletter to Help You Dominate in Business & Life https://bedroskeuilian.com/ JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

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    REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

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    REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

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    If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review and share with a friend!

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    This audio is taken from some training videos I recorded for my Travel Transformation Academy, and I’ll be breaking down the challenge into four parts for this podcast. In this episode, we look at Module Two, Your Fear List.

    Things/places mentioned in this episode:

    The Travel Transformation Academy: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/academy


    Follow Jessica on Instagram @traveltransformationcoach and check out her website at www.traveltransformationcoach.com

    Get your free Travel Transformation Guide at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/freeguide

    Join the Flip The Script Travel Transformation Academy at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/academy

    Check out Jessica’s books at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/books

    Email Jessica at info@traveltransformationcoach.com

    We’re partnered with Give The Goodness Global, a brilliant global outreach project. Find out more at www.instagram.com/givethegoodnessglobal

    If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review and share with a friend!

    24. Part One Of The Flip The Script On Fear Challenge

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    This episode is part one of four in a new mini-series where we look at my Flip The Script On Fear Challenge – a challenge I created for myself and took part in during December 2021. It was the catalyst for me completely changing my life; maybe it can be the same for you.

    This audio is taken from some training videos I recorded for my Travel Transformation Academy, and I’ll be breaking down the challenge into four parts for this podcast. In this episode, we look at the Introduction and Module One, Mindset.

    Things/places mentioned in this episode:

    The Travel Transformation Academy: https://traveltransformationcoach.com/academy


    Follow Jessica on Instagram @traveltransformationcoach and check out her website at www.traveltransformationcoach.com

    Get your free Travel Transformation Guide at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/freeguide

    Join the Flip The Script Travel Transformation Academy at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/academy

    Check out Jessica’s books at www.traveltransformationcoach.com/books

    Email Jessica at info@traveltransformationcoach.com

    We’re partnered with Give The Goodness Global, a brilliant global outreach project. Find out more at www.instagram.com/givethegoodnessglobal

    If you enjoyed this episode, please rate and review and share with a friend!



    Today we are taken on a journey of self-discovery and confidence-building. Through a series of expert insights and practical advice, you will learn effective strategies for boosting your self-confidence. Discover how to overcome self-doubt, harness your inner strength, and embrace your unique qualities. Gain the tools to project confidence in various aspects of your life, from personal relationships to professional endeavors. This episode is a powerful reminder that self-confidence is not only attainable but essential for reaching your full potential and achieving your goals. Tune in, and let your self-confidence soar to new heights.

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    Susan David is a psychologist, originally from South Africa, that has been learning about emotions and people’s pursuit of happiness since she lost her father in high school. She has recently written a best selling book, Emotional Agility, about the importance of every emotion we go through. Susan also recently gave a TED Talk that was one of the most successful campaigns to date. It received over a million views within the first week.

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    • How to make your hard work stand out. 
    • Ways to navigate criticism while maintaining your confidence.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1521

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Do you want to overcome the judgment of society's perceptions of what it means to be authentic? 

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    In this interview, you'll learn:

    • How to embrace authenticity
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    • How to make peace with your inner voice

    Tune in for a thought-provoking and heartwarming conversation that validates our humanness, flaws and strengths, and our ability to overcome difficult times.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:42 Fascination for Time Traveling
    • 03:55 Lil Nas X Helped Montero Morph Out of Being a Super Shy Kid  
    • 07:04 There’s No Reason to Stop, Even You Mess Up
    • 08:57 What’s Your Favorite Childhood Memory?
    • 10:32 Becoming Self Aware and More In Tune with Your Sexuality
    • 11:24 Losing a Loved One to Cancer
    • 16:22 A Song About not Being Present When a Loved One Needed You So Much
    • 17:39 Appreciating and Cherishing Time Spent with Family  
    • 19:27 What Scares You the Most Right Now?
    • 20:56 What Does Positive Chaos Look LIke?
    • 22:14 The Part of Montero’s Message That Got Misunderstood
    • 26:30 My Relationship with My Father
    • 28:52 We All Have Our Own Ideals in Seeing Other People 
    • 31:09 Freedom to Explore Your Spirituality
    • 35:05 This One Being That’s Connected to Everything
    • 36:28 Being Authentic and Relatable at the Same Time
    • 38:37 Fully Open to Finding Real, Genuine Love
    • 42:10 Overpowering the Voices in Your Head
    • 45:23 The Ability to Recognize that Everything has Its Place
    • 45:58 Allowing Your Younger Self to Grow 
    • 47:35 Things that Haven’t Been Said to My Family Are in the Documentary
    • 50:35 How to Help Others Work on Their Best Self
    • 54:04 How Do We Deal with Our Lack of Control?
    • 56:03 Why We Need to Relax Sometimes to Stay Sane
    • 57:23 The Habit of Watching a Movie to Take a Break
    • 59:34 What Are You Focusing on Over the Next 12 Months?
    • 01:01:39 Do You Believe in Angel Numbers?
    • 01:03:24 What Do You Do When You Can’t See the Signs?
    • 01:05:11 Lil Nas X on Final Five

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