
    EP: 10 The Sierra Sounds with Ron Morehead

    enOctober 07, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Connections to Unexplained PhenomenaRon Morehead and other guests discuss their personal experiences and research into Bigfoot, elongated skulls, and giants, revealing intriguing connections between these unexplained phenomena.

      The guests on this podcast, including Ron Morehead, have been making significant connections to various unexplained phenomena, such as Bigfoot, elongated skulls, and giants in North America. These connections have been discovered through their personal experiences and research. Ron Morehead, in particular, is an expert on Bigfoot and has the best known audio recordings of these creatures. His connections to other guests, like Brian Forrester, add depth to the conversation and help to piece together the larger mystery. The podcast aims to explore these connections and make sense of the relationship between these unexplained phenomena.

    • From skepticism to belief: The speaker's journey with SasquatchThe speaker's perspective on Sasquatch evolved from initial skepticism to serious investigation, emphasizing the complexity and evolving nature of belief in the existence of the creature.

      The speaker's perspective on the existence of Sasquatch or Bigfoot has evolved significantly over the years. Initially, they encountered strange phenomena in the woods while hunting, but they didn't take it seriously and thought it might be a hoax. However, when an investigative reporter joined them, they became more serious about the anomalies and started looking for scientific explanations. They were initially skeptical of the idea that Sasquatch could exist due to the lack of evidence and the seemingly unlikely location of their encounters. But as they continued to investigate, they began to believe that there could be a quantum aspect to the phenomenon. The speaker emphasizes that they were not hoaxed, but that early skepticism came from a place of not fully understanding the implications of what they were experiencing. They also mention that renowned cryptozoologists initially dismissed their accounts as hoaxes. The speaker's journey from initial skepticism to serious investigation highlights the complex and evolving nature of belief in the existence of Sasquatch.

    • Witnesses share unexplained woodland experiences and seek scientific validationWitnesses reported strange sounds and sightings in the woods, which were confirmed as genuine by an electrical engineering professor, yet some scientists remain skeptical and unwilling to consider new perspectives.

      The witnesses described experiencing unexplained sounds and sightings in the woods that they couldn't explain, which they believe were not hoaxes. They sought scientific validation for these experiences, and one researcher, Albury, managed to get a professor of electrical engineering to study the recordings. The professor confirmed that the sounds were not manipulated and were beyond the human audible range. Despite this evidence, some scientists remain skeptical and refuse to consider possibilities outside their disciplines. The witnesses suggest that scientists might need to challenge their paradigms and consider new perspectives. The speakers also share their personal experiences and the impact they had on their openness to unexplained phenomena.

    • Encounter with the Unknown in the WildernessAn encounter with a mysterious entity sparked one man's curiosity and led him on a quest to uncover the truth about unexplained phenomena through quantum physics and witness interviews.

      An encounter with an unknown entity in the wilderness, described as having a large track, big voice, and moving quickly, opened the speaker's mind to the possibility of the existence of Bigfoot. This encounter occurred during his time with a group of hunters who had been discussing and experiencing strange occurrences in the area since the 1950s. The group's hesitance to share their experiences publicly was due to the uncertainty and fear surrounding the unknown. The speaker's curiosity and belief in the existence of a natural law or explanation for the phenomenon led him to explore quantum physics and interview various witnesses. The enigma of the unexplained drew him in, and he became determined to uncover the truth behind these mysterious encounters.

    • Connection between science and spirituality through energy conceptExploration of unexplained phenomena reveals a possible link between science and spirituality, both rooted in the belief that everything is energy. Encouraging open-mindedness towards advanced entities with vocal abilities.

      The speaker's exploration into unexplained phenomena led him to believe that there is a connection between science and spirituality, as both involve the concept that everything is energy. He was inspired by various cultural and religious texts, as well as personal experiences involving strange lights and sounds. The speaker also believes that these entities have advanced vocal abilities, which could explain the mimicking of sounds. Despite differences in scientific perspectives, the speaker encourages an open-minded approach to understanding these unexplained phenomena.

    • Encounters with mysterious beings and unexplained phenomena challenge our understanding of the physical world.Reports of Bigfoot, giants, and elongated skulls challenge our perception of reality and human history, suggesting the existence of beings or phenomena beyond our three-dimensional world.

      There are numerous reports of encounters with mysterious beings, such as Bigfoot, and unexplained phenomena, including giants and elongated skulls, which challenge our understanding of the physical world. These accounts, from credible witnesses, have persisted throughout history, despite being largely ignored or dismissed by mainstream society. Some theories suggest that these beings may exist in dimensions beyond our three-dimensional reality, as proposed by quantum physics. The discovery of giants and elongated skulls in various parts of the world, particularly in South America, further adds to the intrigue. These findings challenge our perception of human history and suggest that there may be more to the world than meets the eye.

    • History may not be complete or accurateAncient texts mention giants and hybrid beings, suppressed or rewritten, possibly explained by quantum physics and spiritual realm.

      The history we've been taught may not be complete or accurate, as there have been cover-ups and manipulations of narratives by governments and religious institutions throughout history. This includes the existence of giants and hybrid beings, as mentioned in the Bible and other ancient texts, which have been suppressed or rewritten. The speaker also suggests that quantum physics and the existence of a spiritual realm could explain the phenomenon surrounding these beings and ancient structures. The idea that humans have tried to emulate the attributes of these beings is also intriguing. Overall, delving into these topics challenges our understanding of history and the world around us.

    • The Bible's hidden meanings and translational discrepanciesThe Old Testament's 'god,' Elohim, is plural in Genesis, suggesting a collective consciousness or multiple beings. Some Bible passages may have been mistranslated or misunderstood, leading to a reevaluation of religious beliefs and the possibility of otherworldly beings influencing human history and evolution.

      The Bible, specifically the Old Testament, may contain hidden meanings and translational discrepancies that challenge traditional Christian beliefs. For instance, the word for "god," Elohim, is plural in Genesis, suggesting a collective consciousness or multiple beings. Additionally, certain passages, like the one about a camel going through the eye of a needle, may have been mistranslated or misunderstood. These discoveries can lead to a reevaluation of our understanding of religious texts and the role of otherworldly beings in shaping human history. Furthermore, some believe that these beings may have influenced human evolution and even attempted to acclimate to Earth through practices like hybridization. Ultimately, this perspective challenges the notion that humans are the pinnacle of creation and opens up new possibilities for exploring the interconnectedness of all life.

    • Exploring Quantum Physics and Interdimensional Beings through Christian TeachingsThe speaker proposes that Jesus' teachings involve an understanding of quantum physics and the existence of interdimensional beings, challenging traditional religious beliefs and inviting open-mindedness.

      The speaker, who identifies as a Christian, believes that the teachings of Jesus involve an understanding of quantum physics and the ability to change matter through vibration and frequency. He encourages open-mindedness and challenges traditional religious beliefs, suggesting that some biblical figures and creatures, like the Nephilim and Bigfoot, may exist in interdimensional realms. The speaker shares his experiences trying to discuss these ideas with churchgoers, who are resistant to change and unwilling to question their beliefs. He also shares stories of encounters with Bigfoot-like beings, some of which have been friendly and others aggressive. The speaker suggests that there may be different types and intentions among these beings, and encourages caution. He also mentions that some people claim they have been rescued or befriended by these creatures. Overall, the speaker invites listeners to consider the possibility of a more complex and interconnected reality than what is traditionally taught in religious contexts.

    • Encounters with the UnexplainedExploring the world's mysteries requires an open mind and acceptance of unexplained phenomena, such as encounters with giants, Sasquatch, and other strange occurrences.

      The world we know may not be as simple as we think. The speaker shares their experiences and research into strange phenomena, including encounters with Native Americans, giants, and Sasquatch in North America. They emphasize the importance of an open mind and the existence of unexplained phenomena that defy conventional understanding. The speaker also believes that Sasquatch have the ability to move between dimensions and manipulate their mass to energy, which could explain why no definitive evidence or bodies have been found. While some may dismiss these claims as outlandish, the speaker encourages continued exploration and questioning of the unknown. Overall, the discussion underscores the complexity and mystery of the world around us and the importance of maintaining an open-minded perspective.

    • Communicating with Ancient Giants and Sasquatch through the Third EyeThrough meditation and decalcifying the pineal gland, we can communicate with ancient giants and Sasquatch using our 'third eye' for spiritual growth and guidance. Love and compassion are essential for raising our vibrational frequency and accessing the universe's mysteries.

      Our connection to the ancient giants and Sasquatch may go beyond the physical realm, and they might possess dimensional power. When we're in a meditative state, we can communicate with them using our "third eye" or pineal gland, which becomes active when decalcified and in harmony with our heart energy. This connection is crucial for receiving guidance and growing spiritually. The key to this communication is love and compassion, which raises our vibrational frequency and allows us to tap into the universe's mysteries. The universe responds to our intentions, and putting love and compassion out into it can lead to positive experiences. This connection to the spiritual world is not a coincidence; it's a natural part of our growth and understanding of the universe.

    • Exploring the Unexplained: Sasquatch, Spirituality, and Cosmic WarThe speaker encourages open-mindedness towards unexplained phenomena, believing they can broaden spiritual perspectives and challenge conventional beliefs. He discusses the possibility of cosmic war and extraterrestrial influence on human history, and emphasizes the importance of questioning and understanding different perspectives.

      The speaker is passionate about sharing information, especially regarding the existence of Sasquatch and other unexplained phenomena. He believes that these experiences can open people's minds to a bigger spiritual picture and challenge conventional beliefs. He also mentions the possibility of a cosmic war and the influence of extraterrestrial beings on human history. The speaker encourages open-mindedness and questioning of spirituality, drawing parallels to biblical stories and ancient civilizations. He believes we are in an age of enlightenment and that more people are becoming aware of these phenomena. Additionally, he emphasizes that semantics can be a barrier to understanding, as different labels for the same things can create divisions among people.

    • Understanding unexplained phenomena through religious texts and quantum physicsExploring unexplained phenomena through religious texts and quantum physics can broaden our understanding of the world. Remember, interpretations of religious texts have evolved, and quantum physics offers a unique perspective.

      When engaging in discussions about alternate information or science, it's important to be mindful of the language used and potential beliefs or biases that may influence the conversation. Many people, especially those discussing unexplained phenomena, have a connection to religious texts like the Bible. However, it's essential to remember that interpretations of these texts have evolved over time, and not all versions are the same. Furthermore, quantum physics offers a unique perspective on explaining the unexplained phenomena in our lives. Tesla, among other academic minds, believed that some unexplainable occurrences could be quantified using quantum physics. This approach can help us understand and explain phenomena that seem unexplainable within the confines of Newtonian physics. Ultimately, embracing diverse perspectives and being open to new ways of thinking can lead to a more profound understanding of the world around us.

    • Exploring the Interconnectedness of Science and SpiritualityScience and spirituality may not be as distinct as once thought. Both classical and quantum sciences are necessary for a clear perception of reality. Consciousness or spirit is an essential part of energy, and we should keep our hearts and minds connected to better understand the world.

      The boundaries between science and spirituality may not be as distinct as we once thought. Tesla and astronaut Edgar Mitchell believed that what we consider supernatural or unnatural phenomena are simply unexplored areas of the natural world. They urged us to continue seeking knowledge and challenging our current understanding of reality. Both classical and quantum sciences are necessary for a clear perception of the world. People and spiritual beings are not separate entities, but rather interconnected and physical in nature. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, and consciousness or spirit is an essential part of this energy. It's essential to keep our hearts and minds connected and learn to decalcify our pineal glands to better understand the world around us. Modern physics, which is only about a hundred years old, offers a more expansive view of reality than Newtonian physics. Ultimately, we should strive to fill the gaps in our knowledge and challenge our beliefs, rather than being deceived or influenced to ignore certain realms. Ron Morehead, the guest on the show, encourages us to explore his website (ronmorehead.com) and his books, "Quantum Bigfoot" and "Voice in the Wilderness," for more information on these ideas.

    • Ron's 'samurai' approach to the outdoors and Bigfoot encounterRon's unique perspective on the outdoors, inspired by the 'samurai' mindset, and his intriguing encounter with Bigfoot offer captivating insights into the unexplored territories of nature.

      Ron's use of the term "samurai" to describe his approach to the outdoors dates back to the 1990s and has stuck with him ever since. Another memorable experience for Ron was encountering Bigfoot in 1974, which he believed would lead to a new perspective on the forest, but the encounter did not unfold as expected. Ron's experiences with the outdoors and Bigfoot have been filled with intrigue and unexplained occurrences. Electronics seem to malfunction whenever discussions about giants or the outdoors arise, adding to the mystery. Ron's stories offer fascinating insights into his experiences and the unexplored territories of the natural world. Despite the challenges in recording the episode, Ron's passion for the outdoors shines through, and we look forward to hearing more from him in the future. In summary, Ron's use of the term "samurai" and his encounters with Bigfoot are just a few examples of the intriguing stories that come with exploring the great outdoors.

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    Brian writes “I grew up on a property and looking back, it would seem my grandfather had habituated a group. Moving in on the land he sat us down to explain his “rules” of living there.

    I basically all boiled down yo 1 simple rule. Don’t be on the property at night. In those days kids didn’t question. I wouldn’t have anyway since I had already witnessed to red eyes that I spent some time staring into from the window.

    Found out later that this seemed to be an epidemic among the other grade school kids on that side of the county. Although my parents did really well at trying to hide the truth from us and play things off this place was off the charts weird.

    Most friends I made only visited once and wouldn’t come back. The feeling was tangible as soon as you turned to corner of the driveway. There has never been a moment that you felt comfortably alone in these woods. From the voices, the name calling, to the late night vocals. Rock throwing while night fishing, and pinecones on occasion while hunting.

    Missing pets, tree structures, random animal body parts, discarded carcasses, the occasional stolen deer from where it fell after hunt. Which is what led to my eventual encounter. The smells, the lights, all the things we know nothing about sasquatch.

    Anyways, as I said before, it’s a lot to share.

    My encounter is something I’ve never shared considering the treatment I got for saying I’ve seen one.
    I’ve been bingeing your podcast since I found it. I’ve almost caught up with all the free shows. Hopefully after new year I’ll be able to join.

    I had given up on actually hearing from you and being able to share, but the situation has recently changed. A couple of months ago my son was discharged from the Marines. He decided to return to my parents instead of my home. I moved away from home for work. Now my son is messaging me regarding the odd occurrences he’s encountering.”


    Here is a link to Sarah McLeod YouTube Channel. Go subscribe and check out the song played tonight. Sarah gave me permission to play it and it is a same she only has like 2K YouTube subscriber's.
