
    Ep. 1006 - Criminals Should Go To Prison, And Other Controversial Opinions

    enAugust 22, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Lenient treatment of violent criminals in NYCDespite repeated arrests for violent crimes, some criminals continue to be released, contributing to a rise in crime and endangering innocent people. Consider diversifying investments to protect savings during economic uncertainty.

      The criminal justice system in some cities, including New York City, appears to be prioritizing the freedom of violent criminals over the safety of innocent citizens. This was highlighted in the case of a man named Alexander Wright, who has been arrested 42 times for violent crimes, including assault, and yet continues to be released back onto the streets. The trend of lenient treatment of criminals by leftist DAs is contributing to a rise in crime and anarchy, putting innocent people at risk. Additionally, the economy is experiencing high inflation and uncertainty, making it important for individuals to consider diversifying their investments to protect their savings. This includes investing in gold and silver through a company like Birch Gold Group.

    • Leftist ideology hinders effective crime solutionsLeftist ideology prioritizes criminal rehabilitation over public safety, hindering effective crime solutions despite evidence of increased crime rates

      The rise in crime statistics, including car thefts, robberies, and rapes, is a significant concern that is spreading from inner cities to once safe areas. However, efforts to address this issue through law and order are met with resistance from leftists, who are criticized for their hopelessly nihilistic and deluded ideology. This ideology, which is severed from reality, makes it difficult for leftists to effectively address practical problems like crime. Anna Kasparian, a leftist commentator, is learning this lesson firsthand as she faces backlash for suggesting that violent criminals should be rehabilitated before release and that laws against violent crime should be enforced. Despite evidence that releasing violent criminals contributes to more crime, the left continues to prioritize the perceived victimhood of criminals over public safety. This perspective is not constructive and fails to acknowledge the practical dimensions of the crime problem.

    • Left's Perspective on Crime and JusticeThe left's focus on ideology over justice can hinder effective leadership and lead to an absence of justice rather than its fulfillment.

      The left's perspective on crime and justice is fundamentally different from that of the general public. They believe that keeping violent criminals in prison does not make society safer and see no evidence to support the contrary. This perspective, rooted in their delusional ideology, makes it difficult for them to provide effective leadership and understand the demand for justice. Furthermore, those who advocate for social justice often prioritize their ideology over justice itself, leading to an absence of justice rather than its fulfillment. Incarcerating violent criminals is not just about keeping people safe, but also a demand of justice, which most people inherently understand and desire.

    • The Importance of Justice and Having a WillJustice ensures fair treatment, while having a will designates guardianship for children in unexpected events.

      Justice is a fundamental virtue that ensures individuals receive what they are due. It's the belief that people should be treated fairly and given protection, while those who harm others should be punished. Regarding practical matters, another important takeaway is the significance of having a will. Many people overlook this, but a will is essential for designating guardianship for children in case of unexpected events. In the speaker's personal experience, he found that even something as simple as planning a rustic camping trip with his wife could lead to unexpected disagreements. However, the importance of justice and having a will in place should not be overlooked.

    • Fear of the Wilderness and Student Loan DebtThe speaker argues for student loan debt forgiveness, but criticizes the disproportionate focus on it compared to other types of debt, particularly affecting working class individuals.

      While some people, particularly men, may view roughing it in the wilderness as an adventure, others, especially women, may find it terrifying. Regarding student loans, the Biden administration is expected to extend the pause on federal student loan payments and interest accrual, likely due to upcoming midterm elections. Although the speaker personally believes in paying off debts, he argues that student loan debt, which is largely held by graduate students and an upper class problem, should be the last type of debt to be forgiven, as opposed to more common forms of debt that working class people deal with. The speaker also criticizes the disproportionate attention and sympathy given to student loan debt compared to other types of debt.

    • Finnish PM Faces Criticism for Party VideoDespite being a young PM, Sanna Marin faces criticism for partying, sparking a debate about personal life vs. public duty in politics.

      Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has faced criticism after a video of her partying went viral. Marin, who is 36 years old, has been accused of inappropriate behavior for going out clubbing and being seen in the leaked video. The debate has intensified due to Finland's application for NATO membership and the ongoing conflict with Russia. Marin defended herself by stating that she is a person and will continue to behave as such, despite being the prime minister. The incident has sparked a larger discussion about the appropriateness of a prime minister's personal life and whether they should be allowed to party. Despite the controversy, Marin remains the prime minister and continues to represent the center-left Social Democratic Party. The incident serves as a reminder that public figures, regardless of their age, will face scrutiny for their personal actions.

    • The lack of dignity and seriousness from political leadersWe need leaders who uphold decency, democracy, and dialogue, and hold media accountable for representing a full spectrum of debate and maintaining reliability.

      We're living in a time where seriousness and dignity seem to be lacking, especially from political leaders. A 36-year-old prime minister making inappropriate videos is just one example of this trend. Dignity doesn't mean being a coward or lacking conviction, but rather having a seriousness of purpose and maturity. We used to expect this from our leaders, but it's no longer the norm. Another concern is the need to hold media accountable for representing the full spectrum of debate and maintaining reliability as a source of information. Brian Stelter's farewell speech on CNN emphasized the importance of standing up for decency, democracy, and dialogue, and it's on all of us to ensure these values are upheld.

    • Comparing CNN's loyalty to Michael Scott's Dunder MifflinStay true to your beliefs and values, whether in personal or professional contexts. Be cautious of institutions that may cling to you for undue loyalty.

      During the discussion, Brian Stelter's devotion to CNN was compared to Michael Scott's belief in Dunder Mifflin being the future in an episode of The Office. The speaker expressed concern over Stelter's continued promotion of CNN after being fired, suggesting that the network may be clinging to him due to his loyalty. Meanwhile, a private Christian school in Florida made headlines for its stance on gender identity, sparking controversy and praise. The speaker encouraged parents sending their kids to private Christian schools to ensure they uphold the values they pay for, as seen in the email from this school. Overall, the conversation touched upon the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and values, whether in personal or professional contexts.

    • Christian Values and LGBT Students in Private SchoolsSome argue for strict adherence to Christian values in schools, while others call for accommodation of modern cultural norms. Parents should be informed about schools' values and practices.

      There is a growing concern among some individuals regarding the enforcement of Christian values in private Christian schools, specifically in relation to the acceptance and handling of LGBT students. Some argue that these schools should adhere strictly to their Christian beliefs and values, while others believe that they should accommodate modern cultural norms. The speaker in the discussion expresses surprise at parents who are shocked when Christian schools enforce their values, suggesting that society has become accustomed to the idea that LGBT individuals are entitled to special exceptions and accommodations. The speaker also shares concerns about the safety and appropriateness of medical interventions for transgender youth, and the lack of transparency and accountability surrounding these interventions. The speaker encourages parents to be informed and vigilant about the values and practices of the schools they choose for their children.

    • The Power of Information: Public vs. PrivateIndividuals and organizations share info with varying intentions. Public has greater access to info through various channels. NASA discovers sound of a black hole, Reliefband relieves motion sickness with FDA-cleared wristband

      Individuals and organizations, including public figures and mainstream media, have different agendas and intentions when it comes to sharing information with the public. While some information is intended for public consumption, other conversations and truths may be kept private. The power dynamic between those controlling the information and the public has shifted, with individuals now having greater access to information through various channels. Additionally, the scientific community continues to make groundbreaking discoveries, such as NASA's recent claim to have captured the sound of a black hole. While this discovery may seem abstract and even frightening, it represents the advancement of knowledge and understanding in the world. Furthermore, for those who experience motion sickness, there is a solution. Reliefband is a clinically proven, FDA-cleared anti-nausea wristband that can effectively relieve and prevent nausea associated with various causes. It is non-drowsy, drug-free, and now comes in a waterproof, extended battery life model called Reliefband Sport. By using promo code Walsh at reliefband.com, listeners can receive 20% off and free shipping with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

    • Disappointment with 'Interstellar' and the Importance of AuthenticityExpectations can influence perception, authenticity matters, and understanding physical realities is essential for accurate portrayals in media.

      Expectations matter, especially when it comes to highly anticipated films or experiences. The speaker expressed his disappointment with the movie "Interstellar," feeling it was a wasted opportunity due to its focus on emotional speeches rather than scientific exploration. The conversation also touched on the importance of understanding physical realities and the role of education in shaping one's perspective. Additionally, the speaker shared personal experiences and reactions to comments from listeners. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of authenticity and staying true to one's beliefs.

    • Effective communication and compromise crucial in decision-makingFocus on effective communication, compromise, and action to improve personal and societal growth, rather than fixating on trivial matters or complaining about stress and anxiety.

      Effective communication and compromise are crucial in decision-making, especially when it comes to important matters like naming children. The husband in this conversation was advocating for unique and humorous name suggestions, but his wife seemed uninterested. The husband's insistence on suggesting names despite his wife's disinterest could lead to resentment and strange dynamics in the family. Additionally, the husband's focus on naming their potential child was a distraction from the bigger picture. The Daily Wire, where he works, is making strides in challenging woke narratives and creating alternatives to leftist-dominated industries. The husband could have been more engaged in these efforts instead of fixating on a trivial matter. Furthermore, the concept of stress as we know it today is a relatively modern phenomenon. People in the past dealt with challenges and difficulties without labeling them as "stress" and talking about them incessantly. In today's society, however, there seems to be an obsession with complaining about stress and anxiety. Instead of focusing on these negative emotions, it's essential to take action and find solutions to the underlying issues. In conclusion, effective communication, compromise, and a focus on action rather than complaining are essential for personal and societal growth.

    • Trend of 'quiet quitting' is a modern label for an age-old practiceSetting boundaries and prioritizing mental health are essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and it's okay to do what you're paid for and not more.

      The trend of "quiet quitting" is not a new concept, but rather a modern label for an age-old practice of doing the bare minimum at work. While the term has gained popularity recently, especially among younger generations, the behavior itself is not novel. It's important to recognize that this trend is a response to broader societal issues, such as burnout and hustle culture, rather than a revolutionary new approach to work. By putting labels on common experiences, we can create a sense of novelty and uniqueness, but it's essential to remember that these behaviors have existed throughout history. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that setting boundaries and prioritizing mental health are important for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and it's essential to remember that it's okay to do what you're paid for and not more.

    • Settling for mediocrity is a dead endAchieving great things requires dedication and hard work, don't settle for a mediocre life.

      While it may be tempting to adopt a "quiet quitting" attitude and do the bare minimum at work, this approach often leads to a mediocre life with little success or fulfillment. The modern world provides the luxury of coasting by on minimal effort, but it comes with a price. Great achievements require dedication and hard work. If you find yourself in a job that you dislike or feels unfulfilling, it's important to consider pursuing something more meaningful and challenging instead of settling for mediocrity. Success is earned by those who give more of themselves than is required.

    • Pursue meaningful work, not just a jobFocus on work that brings happiness and fulfillment, even if it means taking risks and leaving comfort zones, to achieve true professional success.

      It's essential to find meaningful work that utilizes your talents and skills, rather than settling for a job that feels wasted or futile. Excuses and fear of risk should not prevent you from pursuing new opportunities. Those who achieve great things focus on the work itself, not the obstacles. Quiet quitting, or the act of doing the bare minimum, is not a path to professional success. Instead, it's important to strive for work that brings happiness and fulfillment, even if it means taking risks and leaving comfort zones. Ultimately, true professional success is not measured by salary but by the value and meaning we bring to our work.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

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    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

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    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

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    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the anti-human climate alarmist brats are at it again. This time, they defaced one of the oldest and most historically significant monuments on the planet. These people don't love the planet. They just hate humanity. Also, Louisiana is mandating a copy of the Ten Commandments for every classroom in the state. The usual suspects are claiming that this is an attack on the First Amendment. I'll explain why that's ridiculous. And, the "bio-hacking" movement continues to grow. These are people who think that dying is a choice, rather than an inevitable fact of human existence.




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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the term "Orwellian" is overused these days–but, no other word can describe what just happened with a Pew survey finding that a vast majority of black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories. The findings were so upsetting to activists that Pew went back and changed the report. This is a crazy story that few are talking about. We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of abolishing the income tax. That's a great idea that should garner a lot more enthusiasm than it does. And, a democratic congresswoman claims that she miraculously cured cancer. Where are the fact-checkers on this one?




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.