
    Ep. 1019 - Hollywood Film Celebrates African Slave Traders

    enSeptember 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The war on history: rewriting the narrativeHistorical figures are being replaced with new ones, regardless of their accomplishments or moral standing. Support pro-life causes by switching to a pro-life cell phone company like Charity Mobile.

      Our cultural narrative is undergoing a significant shift, with historical heroes being replaced by figures who may not have accomplished great things but align with the current cultural narrative. For instance, Indiana University celebrates Alfred Kinsey, a figure known for his research on sexual behavior that involved children, while Hollywood glorifies violent slave traders. Meanwhile, the fight for pro-life causes continues, and individuals can make a difference by switching to a pro-life cell phone company like Charity Mobile. The war on history has moved from problematizing old heroes to replacing them with new ones, regardless of their accomplishments or moral standing. The left's efforts to rewrite history have reached a new phase, and it's crucial to be aware of these changes and take action where possible. For example, by switching to Charity Mobile, you can support pro-life causes and ensure your monthly phone bill doesn't fund abortion policies against your beliefs.

    • Romanticizing questionable historical figures and eventsHistorical narratives should be critically examined for complexities and controversies, not just celebrated for positive aspects or themes.

      Historical figures and events are often romanticized and celebrated despite questionable or problematic aspects. Alfred Kinsey, a sex researcher who enlisted pedophiles to rape children for research, is an example. Meanwhile, The Woman King, a film about female African warriors, is being praised for its historical accuracy and feminist themes, even though it may not be historically accurate. Critics are afraid to criticize these figures and works for fear of being labeled racist, sexist, or other derogatory terms. This trend highlights the importance of critically examining historical narratives and acknowledging complexities and controversies.

    • The portrayal of historical facts in 'The Woman King' is inaccurateThe movie misrepresents Dahomey as a civilization of freedom fighters instead of a ruthless slave-trading society

      The portrayal of historical facts in "The Woman King" movie, which presents the female warriors of Dahomey as freedom fighters, is inaccurate. The kingdom of Dahomey was a ruthless slave-trading civilization that organized itself around war and slavery. Slaves were either used as labor within the kingdom or sold to European buyers. The transatlantic slave trade could only exist due to the supply of captives from African kingdoms like Dahomey. However, the movie does not acknowledge these historical realities and instead paints the female warriors as abolitionists. This misrepresentation of history is not new, as European nations ended the slave trade against the objections of many African and Middle Eastern nations. The movie's fictionalization of historical events would not be possible if the roles were reversed, and the portrayal of historical figures and societies is subject to cultural rewrites, where some individuals who owned slaves are deemed villains, while others who organized their societies around slavery are glorified. It's essential to acknowledge and learn from the complexities and inconvenient truths of history. In this case, the history of African slavery was a system supported, encouraged, and facilitated by Africans themselves.

    • Staying vigilant about present-day threats like cyber crime and identity theftReflect on past events while staying informed and proactive about present-day risks to protect personal information and democracy

      While we reflect on significant historical events like the 9/11 attacks and the moon landing, it's crucial to stay vigilant about present-day threats, such as cyber crime and identity theft. The moon landing marked a time of great national celebration, but since then, we've faced numerous challenging events. Today, the focus on protecting democracy and freedom from internal threats is a reminder of the importance of safeguarding our personal information. With services like LifeLock by Norton, we can help protect ourselves from identity theft and receive assistance if we fall victim. Remember, the past is important to reflect on, but staying informed and proactive about present-day risks is equally essential. Join LifeLock now and save 25% off your first year at lifelock.com/walsh.

    • Comparing 9/11 and January 6th: Different Threats, Different ConsequencesWhile both 9/11 and January 6th pose threats to our democracy, the experiences and consequences are vastly different. Remember the lessons from 9/11, but also recognize the need for ongoing efforts to address internal threats and find common ground.

      The threats to our democracy, both from external terrorists and internal forces, must be addressed. However, the comparison of the severity of these threats is not equal. The aftermath of the 9/11 attacks resulted in a significant loss of life and destruction, while the events of January 6th involved protests at the Capitol. While some may try to equate the two, the experiences and consequences are vastly different. It's important to remember the lessons from 9/11, including the importance of unity and dealing with extremism, while recognizing that the unity experienced after the attacks was fleeting and not a sustainable solution to our current challenges. Instead, we must continue to work towards finding common ground and addressing the root causes of internal threats to our democracy.

    • Political Unity: Lasting or Disingenuous?Lasting political unity necessitates a shared value system, but some political figures' efforts have been criticized as disingenuous or divisive. The power of big corporations, especially in tech, is being questioned, with some Republicans advocating for a more nuanced approach.

      The idea of unity in the political sphere is a complex issue. While moments of shared grief or tragedy can bring people together, lasting unity requires a shared value system. However, attempts at unity from certain political figures have been criticized for being disingenuous or even divisive. Furthermore, the role of big corporations, particularly in the tech industry, has become a topic of debate. Some argue that these corporations have become so powerful that they effectively act as an arm of the government, blurring the lines between public and private power. Republicans, including Ron DeSantis, have started to challenge this dynamic, moving away from a reflexive defense of corporations and acknowledging the need for a more nuanced approach.

    • Government manipulates big tech to enforce willThe govt. pressured Facebook to label Hunter Biden's laptop info as misinformation, highlighting the govt.'s power over tech companies and indifference towards human suffering leading to a rise in crimes of indifference.

      The government, when feeling constrained by the constitution, can manipulate big tech companies to enforce their will. This was exemplified when the government couldn't take down information about Hunter Biden's laptop, so they pressured Facebook to do it instead, labeling it as misinformation. Meanwhile, crime waves are affecting communities across the country, with a particular focus on the elderly. This trend is concerning as it reveals a growing population that is indifferent to human suffering, leading to a rise in crimes of indifference. These criminals, often comfortable and not driven by hate, pose a significant threat to society. Republicans need to address these issues by discussing plans to stop government overreach and finding solutions to combat crimes of indifference.

    • Hasty conclusions based on racism allegations can harm innocent individualsFalse accusations of racism can cause harm and require thorough investigations to uncover the truth, emphasizing the importance of factual reporting and patience.

      The hype surrounding allegations of racist incidents can often lead to baseless conclusions, causing harm to innocent individuals. The recent investigation into the alleged racial slurs at a volleyball game between Duke and BYU serves as a prime example. Initially, numerous athletes, celebrities, and media outlets jumped on the bandwagon, condemning the unidentified perpetrator. However, after a thorough investigation by BYU, no evidence was found to support the allegations. The fan who was initially banned for using racial slurs was later exonerated, and BYU sincerely apologized for the false accusation. This incident highlights the importance of waiting for facts before jumping to conclusions and the potential harm caused by baseless allegations. Unfortunately, those who fueled the initial hype are unlikely to apologize or acknowledge their role in the situation. The cycle of baseless accusations and sensationalized reporting continues, demonstrating the need for a more thoughtful and factual approach to addressing allegations of racism.

    • Natural to have preferences when choosing a romantic partnerIt's unrealistic and incorrect to claim that having preferences when dating is transphobic, and everyone has the right to make their own choices.

      Discrimination, or making distinctions, is a natural part of life, including when choosing a romantic partner. However, the claim that it's transphobic to not date trans people is not accurate. It's important to remember that everyone has the right to have preferences when looking for a partner. Furthermore, it's biologically impossible for two men or two women to have a biological child together. Therefore, the idea that one should have no preferences when dating and that it's transphobic not to date trans people is not only unrealistic but also incorrect. It's essential to promote understanding, acceptance, and love within the LGBTQ+ community, but it's also important to recognize that everyone has the right to make their own choices when it comes to dating.

    • Individuals spreading misinformation or harmful beliefs should be restricted from large audiences or platformsThe speaker advocates for limiting the reach of individuals who spread misinformation or hold harmful beliefs, regardless of their ideology.

      Individuals who spread misinformation or hold beliefs that are harmful or detrimental to others should not have access to large audiences or platforms. The speaker believes that such individuals, no matter their ideology, should not be allowed to influence or guide large groups of people if they demonstrate a lack of intelligence or understanding on important issues. The speaker also shared some personal anecdotes about his weekend and his experiences with trending on Twitter, expressing a sense of freedom from the online criticism and negativity. Additionally, the speaker addressed a comment about his support for the NFL, clarifying that he believes the NFL has dialed back on political statements and that the players are not all woke, contradicting the common perception.

    • Boycotting Woke Companies: Targeted Approach NeededWhile some companies may take 'woke' stances, it's essential to consider their role and impact before boycotting. Targeted boycotts are more effective than cutting off all communication or consumption.

      While some companies may make "woke" gestures, it doesn't mean we should boycott them entirely. The NFL, for example, produces football, a game that is neutral. However, it's important to be targeted in our boycotts and not cut off all forms of communication or consumption. A specific example given was Disney Plus removing episodes of the children's show Bluey that promoted bullying, making it an anti-woke children's show. Additionally, there was a discussion about the importance of stay-at-home mothers and how they are often belittled. G.K. Chesterton's quote was shared, highlighting the significance of a mother's role in introducing children to the world. The show also announced the return of Candace Owens with her new show on Daily Wire Plus.

    • Apple TV show 'Gutsy' sparks controversy with candid discussions on women's healthApple TV+ release 'Gutsy' featuring Hillary and Chelsea Clinton discussing women's health and experiences, generating controversy for explicit content, including menopause and rap songs, Hillary Clinton expresses frustration with legislators making laws without understanding women's experiences.

      The new Apple TV show "Gutsy," featuring Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, has sparked controversy due to its focus on women's health and experiences. The show, which includes discussions on menopause and rap songs like "WAP," has drawn criticism from some for being too explicit. Hillary Clinton, in an interview about the show, spoke openly about her own experience with menopause and the importance of destigmatizing these conversations. She expressed frustration with legislators who make laws about women's bodies without understanding their experiences. The show has been released on Apple TV+ and has generated buzz for its candid discussions on women's health and experiences.

    • Discussing Women's Bodies and Societal NormsWomen's bodies should not be a spectacle and there's no need to publicly discuss natural bodily functions. Promote respectful and thoughtful dialogue and actions.

      The discussion revolved around the first lady's menopause and the societal norms surrounding the discussion of women's bodies. It was highlighted that women's bodies are not a spectacle and there's no need to make public announcements about natural bodily functions. The conversation also touched upon feminist perspectives on stigmatization and the importance of being civilized. Furthermore, the topic of women in rap music and their representation was brought up. The speaker criticized the crass and sexual nature of male rappers and expressed her intention to be an equally objectionable rapper herself. However, it was noted that this approach is counterproductive and a terrible lesson to teach. Instead, it's essential to promote respectful and thoughtful dialogue and actions.

    • The glamorization of self-centered behavior can lead to isolation and unhappinessSuccess requires hard work, humility, and respect for others. Don't let the negative behaviors of celebrities discourage personal growth.

      The glamorization of self-centered and obnoxious behavior, as often seen in the rap and pop industries, can be detrimental for individuals who fail to understand that the path to success is not an easy one. The celebrities promoting this message may be worshiped, but for most people, such behavior will lead to isolation and unhappiness. The focus on individual success, often at the expense of others, can lead to being canceled or rejected by society. It's essential to remember that success requires hard work, humility, and respect for others. The admiration of celebrities should not encourage individuals to emulate their negative behaviors, but rather inspire them to strive for personal growth and positive contributions to their communities.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

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    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

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    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the anti-human climate alarmist brats are at it again. This time, they defaced one of the oldest and most historically significant monuments on the planet. These people don't love the planet. They just hate humanity. Also, Louisiana is mandating a copy of the Ten Commandments for every classroom in the state. The usual suspects are claiming that this is an attack on the First Amendment. I'll explain why that's ridiculous. And, the "bio-hacking" movement continues to grow. These are people who think that dying is a choice, rather than an inevitable fact of human existence.




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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the term "Orwellian" is overused these days–but, no other word can describe what just happened with a Pew survey finding that a vast majority of black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories. The findings were so upsetting to activists that Pew went back and changed the report. This is a crazy story that few are talking about. We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of abolishing the income tax. That's a great idea that should garner a lot more enthusiasm than it does. And, a democratic congresswoman claims that she miraculously cured cancer. Where are the fact-checkers on this one?




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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