
    Part Three: The Finders: CIA Child Trafficking Cult or Just Normal Cult?

    enJanuary 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of Technology and Media: Education, Finance, and MisinformationTechnology and media can positively impact through education, financial growth, and self-expression, but it's crucial to use them responsibly and be aware of potential negative consequences, such as misinformation spread by AI.

      The power of technology and media can have significant impacts, both positive and negative. In the discussion, Purdue Global offers individuals a chance at a comeback through education, backed by a respected university. Navy Federal Credit Union emphasizes its mission to help the military community grow financially. On the other hand, Robert Evans shares an experience of how AI can be used to spread false information, leading to potential harm. Amy Winehouse's story highlights the importance of being true to oneself and being remembered for who you are. However, it's crucial to remember that technology, while powerful, should be used responsibly. The entertainment industry can provide a platform for self-expression and growth, while education and financial institutions can offer opportunities for improvement. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of the potential consequences of our actions and the information we consume.

    • Suspicious electronic equipment found in Finders cult investigationDuring the investigation of the Finders cult, police discovered advanced electronic equipment, but the most concerning findings were unclear explanations for cages and reports of naked children in bags, while the overall accuracy of the police reports was questionable.

      During the investigation of the Finders cult in the late 1980s, the police discovered advanced electronic equipment, including word processors and fax machines, which they considered suspicious due to the lack of understanding about computers at the time. The only truly concerning findings were the discovery of cages on the cult's property, for which there is no clear explanation or evidence. Additionally, reports of naked children in bags, which were never charged with child pornography. The overall accuracy of the police reports during this investigation was questionable.

    • Misunderstandings and False Allegations in Child Pornography CasesInaccurate police records and miscommunication between authorities and journalists can lead to false allegations and wrongful accusations in child pornography cases, emphasizing the importance of thorough investigations.

      The initial reports of child pornography and kidnapping at a farm were later found to be unsubstantiated. The confusion may have stemmed from miscommunication between authorities and journalists, or from misunderstandings about normal family photos. However, if the police records were indeed inaccurate, it raises concerns about the potential for wrongful accusations and the importance of thorough investigations. Furthermore, the discussion touched on the topic of children being exposed to potentially disturbing content, such as a computer game where a child is saved from sex trafficking, and the contrast between such content and more innocuous media from the past.

    • Misinformation and poor police work fueled the satanic panic surrounding the Finders cultThe satanic panic surrounding the Finders cult was largely based on unfounded claims and inadequate evidence, leading to distress and frustration for the children's mothers and hindering the investigation.

      The satanic panic surrounding the Finders cult was largely based on misinformation and poor police work. Hunt, a customs officer, made unfounded claims about the group being satanic, which ignited a moral panic. The evidence used to support the claim of child trafficking was minimal and could have had other explanations. When the mothers of the children tried to contact the police to clear up the situation, they were met with dismissal and laughter due to the high volume of false reports. This further hindered their ability to get their children back, causing distress and frustration. The handling of the situation by law enforcement was incompetent and contributed to the spread of misinformation.

    • Cult leader downplays serious situation, causing riftDespite children being taken into custody, cult members' attitudes seemed more like a game gone wrong than deeply brainwashed.

      The leader of this cult, Petty, downplayed the seriousness of the situation when multiple women's children were taken into custody, treating it more like a game. He even tried to prevent the mothers from traveling to get their kids, causing a rift within the cult. Despite the gravity of the situation, the members' attitudes seemed more akin to a fun experience gone wrong rather than a deeply brainwashed state. The cult did not appear to exert the same level of mental control over its members as other cults, but the incident did spark a schism. The overall tone of the group's response was surprising given the circumstances, leaving the degree of their brainwashing a subject of debate.

    • Petty's Unprofessional Behavior in CourtThe Finders cult leader, Petty, made unprofessional decisions during a court case, including confusing responses, firing his lawyer, and sending cult members in costumes to do research, potentially harming parents' ability to get their children back.

      Petty, a leader of the Finders cult, made a series of questionable decisions during a court case involving the return of children to their parents. He ordered his followers to make inefficient and confusing responses, potentially endangering the parents' ability to get their children back. Petty also fired his lawyer on the day of the hearing and represented himself, sending mustached cult members to do research in costumes. These actions were seen as unprofessional and absurd, and one mother begged Petty to tell her what to do, but he instructed her to fire her attorney despite the potential harm to her children. Overall, Petty's actions during the court case were not taken seriously and seemed more like something from a B movie.

    • Unreliable Information and the Finders CaseThe Finders case highlights the importance of verifying information before spreading it and the potential harm caused by unfounded accusations.

      The initial reports of satanic rituals, child abuse, and trafficking in the Finders case were based on unreliable information from a single source, a customs service agent named Ramon Martinez. The claims he made about documents containing instructions for obtaining children for unspecified purposes, impregnating women, trading children, and kidnapping them were not corroborated by any other evidence. The FBI investigated and concluded that there was no evidence to support these allegations. The chaos that ensued after the initial reports led to numerous false claims and misinformation, further fueled by conspiracy theorists and media attention. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of verifying information before spreading it and the potential harm caused by unfounded accusations.

    • Investigation into Finders cult involved conflicting interpretations among FBI, CIA, and local law enforcementThe investigation into the Finders cult involved multiple agencies with conflicting interpretations of the evidence, leading to ongoing debate about their activities

      The investigation into the Finders cult involved various parties, including the FBI, CIA, and local law enforcement, and the information shared among them led to conflicting interpretations and misunderstandings. The discovery of unconventional essays on child rearing and new age family practices in the cult's possession led some to suspect child trafficking, but others saw it as part of their experimental lifestyle. The cult's leader, Petty, had traveled to the Soviet Union, North Korea, and North Vietnam during a politically sensitive time, which raised suspicions and led to CIA involvement. However, the reasons for the CIA's interest in the cult are unclear, and some conspiracy theories suggest it may have been due to Petty's travels or other suspicious activities. The FBI's role in the investigation is a point of contention, with some claiming they withdrew from the case and directed local police not to share information, while the FBI denies these allegations. The complex web of involvement from various agencies and conflicting interpretations of evidence has contributed to the ongoing debate about the nature and extent of the Finders cult's activities.

    • Finders linked to the CIA through Petty's wifeThe CIA confirmed Petty's wife worked for them, but the extent and nature of their involvement with the Finders remains unclear

      The Finders, a controversial group investigated in the 1980s for potential child abuse, had connections to the CIA. The most evident link was Petty's wife, who worked for the CIA. During the initial investigation, Petty claimed the CIA was trying to obstruct the case. The FBI, suspecting potential involvement, reached out to the CIA for information. Despite their antagonistic relationship, federal agencies cooperated, with the CIA confirming Petty's wife's employment. However, the extent and nature of the CIA's involvement with the Finders remain unclear.

    • CIA's involvement in a cult investigationDespite the CIA's initial denial, records suggest they had an employee traveling to communist countries during the cult investigation, fueling suspicions of a deeper involvement.

      During an investigation into a cult, the CIA acknowledged having an involvement but was evasive about the extent of it. The FBI records indicate that the CIA claimed their only involvement was that a former employee's wife was connected to the cult. However, the CIA also confirmed that they had an employee traveling to communist countries during the relevant time period, which raised suspicions. The CIA's response and the detective's skepticism towards their answers suggest that there might have been more to the CIA's involvement than what was initially disclosed. The lack of transparency and the CIA's history of covert activities fueled conspiracy theories and raised questions about the true nature of their involvement in the cult investigation.

    • The relationship between the Finders cult and the CIAThe exact nature of the relationship between the Finders cult and the CIA remains unclear, but the police report suggests possible funding or support from the CIA, and some members traveled to prohibited countries during the same time the CIA may have been involved.

      There seems to have been a complex relationship between the Finders cult and the CIA, but the exact nature of that relationship remains unclear. The police report suggests that the CIA may have provided funding or support to the group, but the evidence is not definitive. Some members of the Finders had traveled to prohibited countries during periods of hostility, which could have only been arranged by the CIA, according to a detective. However, it's also possible that other Americans traveled to these countries during the same time period. The CIA did hire a company called Future Enterprises Inc for computer training in the 1980s, and one of the Finders members, Robert Terrell, worked for the company before being let go. The CIA denies that Future Enterprises was a front for them or that they owned or operated it. The relationship between the Finders and the CIA is just one aspect of the larger conflict between the FBI and the CIA, as described in Mark Riebling's book. The full extent of their involvement and the motivations behind it are still a mystery.

    • Possible CIA-Finders connection through computer training companyThe involvement of the Finders cult in a CIA computer training program raises questions about potential deception, cover-ups, and communication channels between the two entities during the time period discussed.

      During the time period discussed, the CIA may have hired a computer training company, Future Enterprises, to train their agents due to a lack of in-house expertise. However, the involvement of the Finders cult, a group with a history of deception and spreading disinformation, complicates the situation. It's unclear if the CIA was aware of the Finders' involvement when they contracted the company or if the Finders infiltrated the organization as part of a larger scheme. The possibility of a cover-up or communication channel between the CIA and the Finders through the training program cannot be ruled out. The complex web of deceit and potential motives from both the CIA and the Finders makes it challenging to determine the true nature of their relationship during this time.

    • The Finders: A Cult or an Intelligence Operation?During the 1980s, the Finders, a group with unclear intentions, approached an analyst under the guise of exchanging software, raising suspicions of spying or cult recruitment. Their methods included using computer consulting as a cover and accessing mailing lists from hard drives.

      During the 1980s, an independent intelligence analyst named Daniel Brandt had interactions with a group called the Finders, who approached him under the guise of exchanging software for his files. Brandt suspected they were involved in information gathering for a cult or intelligence purposes. The Finders claimed to be associated with various organizations, and their methods raised suspicions of spying on progressive groups. While it's unclear if the Finders were solely a cult recruiting people or if they were also working with intelligence agencies like the CIA, the possibility of both exists. The use of computer consulting as a cover for spying was noted, as the capabilities of copying entire mailing lists from a hard drive were acknowledged. This information adds to the complexity of understanding the Finders' true intentions, as their actions could be interpreted as both merry pranksters and effective intelligence gatherers.

    • The lost 'horny energy' of the computer world and the potential CIA connection to David PettyThe conversation explored the intriguing link between David Petty, a cult leader, and the CIA, as well as the baffling questions and systemic failures in the case study that fuel conspiracy theories. Stay updated for more in the next episode.

      The conversation revolved around the idea of how the computer world has lost its "horny energy" and the potential connection between David Petty, the leader of a cult, and the CIA. Petty allegedly tried to provide the CIA with information in exchange for leads for stories. This dynamic could have been the beginning of Petty's relationship with the CIA. The conversation also touched upon the infuriating nature of the case study, which raises baffling questions and systemic failures, leading to conspiracy theories. The speaker suggested looking up the Red Sox's alleged involvement in the assassination of MLK as an example of conspiracy culture. The conversation will continue in the next episode with the resolution of the cult case, the aftermath of the child trafficking case, and more. To keep updated, follow the speaker on Twitter and Instagram, buy their book "Raw Dog" about hot dogs, listen to their show "We Beyond Housed" for the unhoused community, and stay tuned for their new show "I don't know" whose title is still in transit.

    • Reflecting on the Mischief and Missteps of Internet's Early MainstaysExploring the past reveals valuable lessons for managing personal finances and navigating the Internet's complex history.

      The Internet and its early main characters were not as innocent as we might remember. During a new weekly show on Cool Zone Media called "15 Minutes," the host reflects on the past, present, and future of Internet mainstays, including early characters like Marionette. As the host muses, it becomes clear that the Internet's history is filled with mischief and missteps, even if we didn't realize it at the time. Elsewhere in the podcast, listeners are encouraged to explore various offerings, from Cedar Point's 2024 Summer Pass to the Michigan Chronicle Digital Daily, which promises to elevate black voices and perspectives. Another segment emphasizes the importance of seeking out a certified financial planner professional (CFP) for financial advice. In essence, this podcast episode underscores the value of looking back at the past, learning from it, and applying those lessons to the present and future. Whether it's understanding the Internet's history or managing personal finances, the insights gained can lead to growth and improvement.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Musique : Thibaud R.

    Habillage sonore / mixage : Alexandre Lechaux





    Contact : tousparano@gmail.com