
    Ep. 1027 - We Are Going To Make Child ‘Gender Transitions’ Illegal

    enSeptember 23, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Media distortion of Vanderbilt University's child mutilation practicesMedia bias obscures truth about Vanderbilt's controversial gender clinic practices, emphasizing the importance of accurate reporting and having a will to protect children and legacy.

      The debate surrounding Vanderbilt University's child mutilation practices continues to be distorted by biased reporting from various media outlets. The left's war on childhood and the importance of having a will in place to protect children and legacy are also discussed. Vanderbilt University's gender clinic practices have been exposed, but the media's response has been to deflect, change the subject, or outright lie about the situation. The institution has the advantage of a media that acts as its PR representatives, and local and national publications have published articles that misrepresent the facts or ignore the issue altogether. The progressive Christian community in Nashville has also rallied around the hospital, with one author even making a threatening statement towards Matt Walsh. Despite this, it's crucial for individuals to protect their children and legacy by having a will in place, which can be easily and affordably done through EpicWill. The importance of accurately reporting on sensitive issues cannot be overstated, as it allows for informed decision-making and holds institutions accountable for their actions.

    • Turning awareness into actionSpeaker advocates for legislation banning gender transition procedures for minors and calls for investigations into long-term effects of puberty blockers.

      It's crucial to raise awareness about important issues and build a critical mass of people who recognize the need for change, but it's equally important to convert that attention into action. In the context of the discussion, this means taking steps to protect children from gender transition procedures and medical experimentation. The speaker has already initiated conversations with lawmakers on both the state and federal levels to ban such procedures for minors and has also called for investigations into the long-term effects of puberty blockers. By making these issues a priority and pushing for action, the speaker aims to create a cultural shift and bring about real change.

    • Right's offensive stance in politicsExploiting left's misunderstandings and taking the lead in setting debate terms can help the right win public opinion and bring about tangible results.

      The right is shifting from a defensive to an offensive stance in the political arena, taking the lead in setting the terms of the debate and addressing issues that the left would rather avoid. This strategy, which was discussed in relation to the film and its impact, is seen as a way to win over public opinion and bring about tangible results. Additionally, the left's misunderstanding of the right's motivations and priorities was highlighted as an advantage that should be exploited. Furthermore, the importance of protecting personal information from identity theft was emphasized, with LifeLock being presented as a solution to help prevent such crimes. Overall, the message is that by taking the initiative and exposing the left's weaknesses, the right can effectively challenge the status quo and make a difference.

    • Is a six-week fetal heartbeat real?Despite Stacey Abrams' claim, scientific evidence shows a real fetal heartbeat at six weeks, indicating the presence of a developing organism

      The debate over abortion rights continues to be a contentious issue, with differing perspectives on when life begins and what constitutes a heartbeat. During a recent interview, Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams suggested that a fetal heartbeat at six weeks is not real but a manufactured sound designed to take away women's rights. However, scientific evidence from peer-reviewed studies indicates that a heartbeat is present at six weeks and continues to beat throughout pregnancy, with approximately 54 million beats occurring between conception and birth. This heartbeat is a sign of a developing organism with a brain and various organs forming. Despite these facts, some argue that the definition of a heartbeat can be parsed to justify the destruction of human life. This debate is likely to continue, with strong opinions on both sides, as it is a complex issue with significant ethical and moral implications.

    • The contradictory narrative on acknowledging the humanity of unborn childrenDespite scientific evidence of unborn children's reactions, some argue they're just cells. Planned Parenthood's website flip-flopped, raising ethical questions about when to recognize personhood.

      There is a contradictory narrative when it comes to acknowledging the humanity of unborn children. While some studies show that unborn children can react to flavors in the womb, the media and certain politicians argue that a fetus is just a collection of cells. However, the inconsistency in this argument was highlighted when Planned Parenthood changed their website to align with this viewpoint, despite previously acknowledging that a heartbeat starts at six weeks, which is electrical activity generated by the embryo, just like any other heartbeat. This selective acknowledgement of personhood raises ethical questions about when and how we should recognize the humanity of unborn children. Additionally, the use of language to dehumanize individuals, whether it be unborn children or adults, can be dangerous and further highlights the importance of considering the implications of our words.

    • Abortion laws impact military recruitmentWomen are declining military service in anti-abortion states, causing recruitment shortfalls

      The ongoing debate around abortion legislation is having unintended consequences, specifically in relation to military recruitment. According to a report, women are declining to serve in states where they cannot access abortions, contributing to recruitment shortfalls within the Defense Department. This issue, which has received less attention than other perceived causes of recruitment challenges, could potentially worsen if more states enact restrictive abortion laws. This highlights the complex interplay between social and political issues and their impact on various sectors of society. It's crucial to consider these far-reaching implications when shaping policy and public discourse.

    • The contrasting history of American immigrationUnderstanding historical context is crucial for recognizing the complexities of immigration issues. America's welcoming attitude towards immigrants contrasts sharply with recent actions, and hypocrisy towards immigration based on overpopulation is misguided.

      The history of immigration to America contrasts sharply with the current political climate, as illustrated by the story of Luigi Colucci who was able to immigrate despite being illiterate during a time when America had more open borders. However, the recent actions of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who deceptively transported migrants to Martha's Vineyard, show a stark contrast to the welcoming attitude of the past. Furthermore, the hypocrisy of those who criticize immigration based on overpopulation was highlighted in the discussion, as it was pointed out that there is ample room on Earth for everyone if people were not living in densely populated areas. Ultimately, the discussion underscores the importance of understanding historical context and recognizing the complexities of immigration issues.

    • Immigrants from the past vs. presentImmigrants from past contributed to building country, while modern immigrants come to take advantage of what's already built, straining resources

      The argument against immigrants today, based on the belief in overpopulation, holds less weight when compared to immigrants from the past. This is because the systems in place today, particularly the welfare system, have changed significantly. Immigrants from a century or more ago came to help build the country, often legally, and before many of the systems we have today were established. In contrast, modern immigrants, both legal and illegal, are coming to take advantage of what the country has already built, which is unsustainable and puts a strain on the country's resources. This is a significant difference that should be considered when discussing immigration policies.

    • Celebrities and Consent: A Complex IssueBoth parties are responsible for consent and personal responsibility in relationships. Hypocrisy in society silences discussions about child grooming while ignoring grown adults' experiences.

      Consent and personal responsibility are crucial in every relationship, regardless of the age or fame of the individuals involved. The speaker shared her experience of being manipulated by a celebrity, Adam Levine, who was cheating on his wife while she was involved with him. Although Levine's infidelity is not a new revelation, the speaker emphasizes that both parties share the blame in such situations. She criticizes the hypocrisy in society where discussions about child grooming are silenced, while grown adults claiming to be victims of grooming by their partners receive less attention. The speaker also highlights the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and being aware of the potential consequences. In a different context, she shares her excitement about a recent discovery of a transparent fish species and encourages people to use technology to find affordable auto parts through Rockauto.com.

    • Affordable car parts for all at Rockauto.comRockauto.com provides accessible and affordable car parts for professionals and DIYers alike, emphasizing teamwork and community support at The Daily Wire, and the importance of considering news sources for valuable journalism.

      Rockauto.com offers affordable car parts for both professionals and DIYers without price tiers, making it a go-to option for anyone in need. Judith emphasizes the importance of teamwork and community support in their work at The Daily Wire. Bobby and his wife shared their perspective on porn, expressing that it's not a necessity in a relationship and can be a betrayal. S clarified the concept of doxing and how it relates to releasing private information, and Patco highlighted the importance of considering a membership to The Daily Wire as a business transaction rather than a donation. Matt shared his trust in news sources like The Post Millennial, Redux, Libs of TikTok, and Chris Ruffo for their valuable journalism.

    • Parents controlling mealtime to prevent picky eaters, Jack Posobiec's impact on campaigns, new series on Daily Wire Plus, and NFL's treatment of black coachesMatt Walsh discussed the significance of parents setting mealtime rules, Jack Posobiec's impact on political campaigns, the launch of a new series on Daily Wire Plus, and the NFL's persistent disadvantage of black coaches.

      During the discussion, Matt Walsh emphasized the importance of parents taking control during mealtime and not allowing their children to become picky eaters. He argued that this issue is often a result of first-world luxury and parental conditioning. Walsh also highlighted Jack Posobiec's role in bringing important topics to the forefront during political campaigns. Additionally, he announced the release of a new series on Daily Wire Plus called "Breakaways with Allison Williams," featuring interviews with athletes who have taken a stand for their beliefs. Lastly, Walsh shared his current frustration with losing in the Daily Wire fantasy football league and the potential punishment of attending a WNBA game, but had to address the Washington Post's report on the NFL's continued disadvantaging of black coaches despite the Rooney rule.

    • Assumptions of Racism in NFL Coaching Not SupportedMedia assumptions of a racist conspiracy in NFL coaching lack evidence. Focus on helping black coaches succeed instead.

      The lack of black head coaches in the NFL does not automatically equate to a racist conspiracy. While there may be fewer black coaches than white coaches, this does not prove intentional discrimination. The media's assumption of a conspiracy is based on unsupported assumptions and anecdotal evidence. Current and former black coaches have also weighed in on the issue, expressing their own experiences and frustrations. However, it's important to note that not all black coaches have been successful in the NFL. Some have had long careers with mediocre or even poor records. The fact that these coaches have been given opportunities and have had long tenures challenges the notion of a conspiracy to keep black men out of head coaching positions. Instead, it may be more productive to focus on ways to help black coaches succeed and increase their representation in the league.

    • The lack of racial diversity among NFL coaches may not be due to racismHistorically, black players are more likely to succeed on the field, leading to a larger pool of potential coaches. Being a great player does not guarantee coaching success.

      The lack of racial diversity among NFL coaches does not necessarily equate to racism, but rather could be explained by the fact that most children dream of playing in the NFL rather than coaching it. Black players are more likely to succeed on the field, leading to a larger pool of black players, while white players who cannot make it as players may be more motivated to transition into coaching. Contrary to popular belief, being a great player does not automatically translate into being a good coach, and history shows that many legendary coaches were once mediocre players themselves. This hypothesis aligns with reality and common sense, as opposed to the left's explanation which can be easily refuted by their own arguments.

    • The Challenge of Teaching What We Excel AtSuccess in a skill doesn't guarantee the ability to teach it effectively. Instinctive abilities may hinder teaching due to their unconscious nature.

      Being skilled at doing something doesn't necessarily mean one can teach or explain it effectively. The speaker shares his personal experiences in public speaking, acknowledging that he's successful in various public speaking arenas but may not be able to teach a class on it. He also proposes a theory about the racial imbalance in NFL coaching, suggesting that those who are instinctively great at performing a task might not be able to teach it due to the unconscious nature of their skills. He emphasizes that it's not an insult to anyone, but rather a reality of human nature. However, this perspective is likely to be overlooked in favor of the racism claim. Ultimately, the speaker's theory offers a nuanced explanation of the issue, taking into account statistical facts and human nature, but it may be dismissed in favor of simpler explanations.

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