
    Podcast Summary

    • The intolerant cultural climate in AmericaThe 'woke police' standard should be evenly applied, avoiding the slippery slope of cancel culture, recognizing the importance of tolerance and forgiveness.

      The current cultural climate in America is increasingly intolerant towards individuals who express opinions deemed offensive or insensitive, particularly when it comes to race. This intolerance can lead to public shaming, job loss, and even illegal reparations. However, it's important to note that saying something offensive or insensitive is not the same as causing harm or creating systems of oppression. People make mistakes and say things they regret, and it's crucial to distinguish between genuine apologies and sincere efforts at restitution, and the destruction of lives and careers based on old tweets or past actions. The standard being set up by the "woke police" should be evenly applied across the political spectrum, but in reality, it's often used selectively to target those who don't conform to the prevailing narrative. It's essential to recognize the importance of tolerance and forgiveness in a diverse society, and to avoid the slippery slope of cancel culture.

    • A divisive cultural moment erases history and attacks those who don't conformInstead of tearing down the old world, focus on creating a new one through constructive policies and dialogue. Simplify can help manage finances and reduce stress.

      We are witnessing a divisive and destructive cultural moment, where people are being targeted and canceled based on their past statements and associations, even if they apologize and move on. This is not a genuine effort to hold people accountable for their actions, but rather a politically motivated attack on those who do not conform to the current ideology. This trend is not only erasing history but also attempting to wipe away aspects of western civilization, offering no viable solutions for a better world. Instead of tearing down the old world, we should focus on creating a new one through constructive policies and dialogue. Personal finance, an essential aspect of our lives, can provide some stability during these uncertain times. Simplify, a financial app, can help us manage our spending and prepare for the future, giving us control over our finances and reducing the stress caused by unexpected charges.

    • Simplify app focuses on future expenses and personalized tipsApp Simplify helps users manage finances in real-time by focusing on future expenses and providing personalized tips for healthy habits.

      Simplify, a financial app, stands out by focusing on future expenses and providing personalized tips for healthy financial habits, rather than just tracking past spending. This approach is particularly valuable for individuals who want to stay on top of their finances in real-time. Additionally, the speaker expressed concern about a perceived double standard in public figures, using a controversial figure like Al Sharpton as an example. Despite Sharpton's history of controversial statements and actions, he was invited to speak at a memorial for George Floyd, raising questions about accountability and the definition of "acceptable" behavior in public figures.

    • Focus on solutions instead of vague racial impurities and institutions of powerInstead of dwelling on past grievances, we should focus on finding solutions and inspiring the next generation to chase their dreams in America

      The narrative of systemic racism and wickedness in high places being the primary obstacle for Black people's success in America is a divisive and uninspiring message. Instead of focusing on vague racial impurities and institutions of power, there should be a call to action and policy solutions to address the real issues. The constant accusations of racism without evidence or a clear target only harms progress and unity. It's important to remember that most Americans do not view the American flag or the national anthem as symbols of racism, and peaceful protests should be focused on the actual issues, not perceived slights. Instead of rehashing old grievances, we should be working together to find solutions and inspire the next generation to chase their dreams, not reject the American system.

    • NFL Commissioner's Potential Protest and Colin Kaepernick's Controversial PastSpeaker argues against unfair criticism of Roger Goodell for not kneeling, defends Colin Kaepernick's right to protest, and highlights hypocrisy of politicians' stance on social justice.

      The discussion revolved around the possibility of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell kneeling during the national anthem and the controversy surrounding Colin Kaepernick's past protests against police brutality. The speaker expressed his opinion that Kaepernick, who had previously protested by wearing socks depicting police as pigs, had been given numerous opportunities in life and that Goodell was being criticized unfairly. The conversation also touched on the hypocrisy of politicians like Joe Biden, who had previously been criticized for their views on race but were now being praised for their stance on social justice issues. The speaker also promoted Noom, a habit-changing solution for weight loss, emphasizing its ability to help individuals make better decisions about food and nutrition.

    • Biden's call for racial justice may detract from individual justiceFocusing on individual justice and treating everyone as individuals is crucial for creating a more just society, rather than using racial qualifiers that can be divisive.

      The concept of "racial justice" as a modifier to the idea of justice can be misleading and potentially divisive. During a memorial for George Floyd, Joe Biden spoke about the need for racial justice, but the speaker argues that justice is an individual concept, and adding racial qualifiers can detract from the fundamental idea of treating everyone equally and fairly. The conversation then shifted to the "me too era for racism," where old posts or actions are being used to ruin people's lives, even if they have already apologized for them. The speaker believes that focusing on individual justice and treating everyone as individuals is the key to creating a more just society.

    • Inconsistent application of accountabilitySocietal standards for accountability are inconsistently applied, often used for shaming and career threats, and can serve as a tool for control rather than progress

      The current societal standard for holding individuals accountable for past actions is not consistently applied and often used as a tool for shaming and threatening careers, particularly for those who do not conform to the "woke" crowd. The discussion highlighted the contrasting treatment of a 15-year-old who used a racial slur and Ice Cube, who shared openly anti-Semitic content on Twitter. While the former faced potential consequences, the latter faced no backlash. This inconsistency raises questions about the true intentions behind the call for accountability and the potential for it to be used as a means of control rather than a path to atonement and progress. Additionally, the conversation touched on the importance of shopping at rockauto.com for affordable auto parts.

    • Twitter Mob: A Double-Edged Sword for AccountabilityThe Twitter mob can call out hypocrisy and hold individuals accountable, but it can also be used to intimidate and silence, creating a culture of fear and resentment.

      The Twitter mob mentality can be a powerful force for accountability, but it can also be used as a tool for intimidation and public shaming. According to Ayesha Harris, this tactic, referred to as "this you," is a way for the Twitter mob to call out hypocrisy and hold individuals accountable for their past actions that contradict their current beliefs. However, it can also be used to silence and intimidate individuals, making it a double-edged sword. The example given was the Twitter mobbing of Drew Brees, who was criticized for his past actions and associations, despite his recent support for the Black Lives Matter movement and charitable contributions. While some argue that this tactic can encourage people to be better, others believe it can create a culture of fear and resentment. Ultimately, it's important to consider the intentions and consequences of using the Twitter mob as a tool for accountability and change.

    • Balancing Accountability and Understanding in the Social ClimateStrive for a balance between holding individuals accountable for their actions and promoting a culture of understanding, forgiveness, and growth to avoid a Twitter mob mentality and promote genuine change.

      The current social climate is marked by a heightened awareness of racial disparities and a call for accountability from individuals and organizations. However, there are concerns that this movement may devolve into a "Twitter mob mentality," where past mistakes or insensitive comments are used to publicly shame and harass individuals without proper context or evidence. This approach risks creating a divisive culture and undermining the progress made towards racial equality. It's crucial to strike a balance between holding people accountable for their actions and promoting a culture of understanding, forgiveness, and growth. The Me Too movement serves as a cautionary tale, as it ended with a backlash against the allegations and a lack of accountability for those accused. We must learn from the past and strive for a more nuanced approach to addressing systemic racism and promoting genuine change.

    • Focusing on equality-neutral aspects of decision making and improving systemsIgnore inequality aspects, focus on rebuilding systems, consider Vincero watches for Father's Day, and support The Daily Wire for unbiased news

      During this project, we aim to ignore aspects of decision making that result in inequality but focus on tearing down the existing system to build something new, even if it means an ugly transition. Meanwhile, for a more tangible gift, consider purchasing a Vincero watch for Father's Day. These watches offer great value, style, and durability at affordable prices. Additionally, The Daily Wire membership provides access to unbiased news and analysis, helping you navigate the misinformation spread by the media. This year has been marked by constant upheaval and media deception, making it crucial to seek out the truth. By supporting Vincero and The Daily Wire, you can enjoy high-quality products and information, respectively.

    • Divisive narratives trying to destroy America's unityMedia, academia, and politics push divisive narratives, curb rights, and change attitudes towards institutions, threatening America's unity and values

      We are living in a time where divisive narratives are being pushed to destroy America's common philosophy of equality and unity. The media, academia, and political sphere are trying to divide us along racial and class lines and curb our fundamental rights, such as free speech and assembly, if they don't align with their narrative. This is being done to disunify the country and militarize groups against one another, ultimately destroying the country. A notable example of this is the cancel culture phenomenon, where individuals are being canceled for past mistakes, while others, like LeBron James, are given a pass for their offensive statements. This is not only unfair but also dangerous as it can change attitudes towards important institutions, such as law enforcement. It's important to be aware of these attempts to divide us and to fight back by rebutting these arguments and saving America's common heritage and values. Additionally, consider subscribing to The Daily Wire for mobile ad-free access to news, exclusive op-eds, and podcasts for just $1, and preorder the author's upcoming book for insights on how to save America.

    • Removing media content from platforms: consequences and considerationsErasing historical context and limiting open discussions about complex issues can result from pulling down media content, but considering full context and educational value is crucial for fostering nuanced understanding and constructive dialogue.

      The removal of media content, such as the TV show "COPS" and the movie "Gone With the Wind," from popular platforms in response to perceived offensive or insensitive portrayals of certain groups, can have far-reaching consequences. These actions may be well-intentioned, but they also risk erasing historical context and limiting open discussions about complex issues. It's crucial to consider the full context of these works and the potential educational value they offer, rather than just pulling them down. This approach fosters a more nuanced understanding of history and encourages constructive dialogue about race, prejudice, and social issues.

    • Consequences of Expressing Opinions on Social MediaBeing mindful of the impact of words and actions on social media is crucial to avoid job loss, family consequences, and a broad interpretation of social media policies.

      The line between expressing opinions and violating social media policies can be blurry, leading to consequences such as job loss for individuals and their family members. In the recent cases discussed, a journalist was criticized for his column on hate crimes statistics, while a soccer player's wife was fired for posting violent and offensive content in response to protests. Meanwhile, some scientists and academics are advocating for a shutdown of the STEM fields in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. The consequences of these actions highlight the importance of being mindful of the impact of words and actions on social media, as well as the potential for a broad interpretation of social media policies.

    • Accountability and change in various sectorsThe current climate demands conformity and adherence to new standards, with potential risks for those who deviate from the prevailing narrative.

      The current social and political climate is leading to widespread calls for change and accountability, with various communities and organizations being held to new standards. This is evident in the academic, STEM, and arts sectors, where prioritization of needs, apologies, and public statements have become common responses to criticisms of systemic issues. The fear of being the first to step back or dissent can lead to a domino effect of conformity, with potential consequences for those who deviate. This dynamic, compared to the story of the Soviet citizens and Stalin, highlights the pressure to align with the prevailing narrative and the potential risks of non-compliance.

    • The Dangers of Defunding the PoliceCalls to defund the police could lead to decreased police presence, negative backlash, and hypocrisy among politicians, potentially causing more harm than good. A nuanced and thoughtful approach to policing and community safety is necessary.

      The calls to defund the police and vilify law enforcement as systemically racist have the potential to cause more harm than good. This perspective, as expressed in the discussion, argues that such actions could lead to a negative backlash, decreased police presence in communities, and even hypocrisy among politicians. The example of Camden, New Jersey, was given to illustrate this point, where increasing the police force led to a decrease in crime, contradicting the narrative that defunding the police would bring about positive change. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the irony of politicians, such as Nury Martinez in Los Angeles, who demand budget cuts for the police while still relying on them for their personal security. The speaker also touched upon the issue of gaslighting, where the police are portrayed as the bad guys, leading them to leave the force or reduce their presence in communities. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of a nuanced and thoughtful approach to policing and community safety.

    • Renaming streets and painting slogans don't solve crime or inequalityInvesting in communities and public schools is a more effective approach to creating safety and addressing systemic issues than just renaming streets or painting slogans.

      Renaming streets and painting slogans on them does not solve the issue of crime or racial inequality. During a discussion, it was mentioned that after the Rodney King riots, South Central Los Angeles was renamed to South Los Angeles, but crime continued to persist. The proposal to paint "Black Lives Matter" on streets was also criticized as a mere virtue signal, not a solution. Meanwhile, there have been reports of violence from protesters and the police, with no clear consensus on who is responsible. Kamala Harris, a former California Attorney General, was criticized for her stance against the police and her previous actions as AG, which included threatening parents of truants with jail time. The belief that removing police from communities creates more safety was also debated, with evidence suggesting the opposite. Joe Biden, the Democratic nominee, has also stated his intention to expand police budgets. Overall, it was emphasized that investing in communities and public schools, rather than relying solely on the police, is a more effective approach to creating safety and addressing systemic issues.

    • Investing in welfare and removing law enforcement doesn't always improve public safetyAddressing root causes of crime and providing adequate law enforcement are effective in reducing crime rates

      Investing large sums of money into welfare programs and removing law enforcement from inner city communities does not necessarily lead to improvements in public safety or a decrease in racial wealth gaps. Instead, addressing the root causes of crime, such as lack of education and mental health resources, and providing adequate law enforcement in high crime areas have been shown to be effective in reducing crime rates. It's important to have a nuanced conversation about public safety and community investment, rather than oversimplifying the issue and vilifying certain groups, such as law enforcement officers.

    • Discussing political and social divisions in the US, Ben draws parallels to Star Wars' 'Empire of Lies'Stay engaged, don't give in to divisive tactics, and continue the fight against deceit and division.

      On this episode of The Ben Shapiro Show, Ben discussed the current state of political and social divisions in the US, drawing parallels to the Star Wars saga and the concept of an "empire of lies." He urged listeners to stay engaged and not give in to the divisive tactics used to widen the rifts between different groups. Meanwhile, on The Andrew Klavan Show, Andrew Clavin emphasized the importance of continuing the fight against deceit and division. Both shows are produced by The Daily Wire and are available on various podcast platforms. Don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and spread the word to help support these thought-provoking podcasts.

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    Ep. 1996 - Wait, Can Donald Trump DRONE His Political Enemies Now?!

    Ep. 1996 - Wait, Can Donald Trump DRONE His Political Enemies Now?!

    The Supreme Court makes a decision about presidential immunity–and the Left goes predictably insane; Democrats continue to suffer from heartburn over Joe Biden’s dementia; and the French decide whether to go right or left.


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    Ep. 1995 - PANIC! Will Democrats REPLACE Biden?

    Ep. 1995 - PANIC! Will Democrats REPLACE Biden?

    The fallout from Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance continues…and Democrats break into open warfare over whether to toss the dementia-ridden president overboard.


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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    Bishop WC Martin is an American pastor, author, adoption advocate, and the inspiration for the upcoming Angel Studios film, The Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, releasing in partnership with DailyWire+. As the pastor of Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Possum Trot, Texas, Bishop Martin and his wife Donna adopted 4 children and persuaded their entire community to do the same. Ultimately, 77 children were adopted into 22 loving families in their small Texas town. In today’s episode, Bishop Martin and I discuss the problems within the current foster care system and the role of the church in successful adoption stories. Bishop Martin also shares personal anecdotes about raising his adopted children and a few behind-the-scenes moments from the making of the movie. Don’t miss this heartening conversation about family and faith on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 30, 2024

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    We review the first—and likely only—debate between President Biden and former President Trump.


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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Watch the exclusive Daily Wire Backstage: Presidential Debate post-show as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing dissect Trump's landslide victory and Biden's catastrophic performance that sent the Democratic Party into full-blown panic. Our all-star panel delivers the unvarnished truth about this debate's seismic impact on America's future. Don't miss this no-holds-barred analysis of a night that may have already decided the 2024 election.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    The polls show Donald Trump beginning to pull away as the Biden team struggles for an answer; will World War III break out if Biden begins to collapse?; and the Supreme Court proves it isn’t a conservative policy think tank.


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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Episode 128:  #SurvivorStories Series with Ashleigh Rae on Your Voice and Accountability in Recovering from Sexual Violence

    **Note:  We refer to Ashleigh as "Alyssa" because we recorded this interview prior to the lifting of her gag order.  Ashleigh is now not legally prohibited from speaking publicly about her experience.**

    On this #SurvivorStories series episode, our guest is Ashleigh Rae, a survivor of sexual violence, childhood rape and sexual assault by multiple offenders. She took her case to court and won not once, but twice. We speak with Ashleigh today about her experience as a survivor of sexual violence, how it is different from other forms of abuse, how her trauma has impacted her, what accountability looks like, and what role forgiveness, community, and feminism plays in her healing and recovery journey. Throughout our conversation, we ask Ashleigh to share #abusertactics, #signsofabuse, and #upstandertips.

    During our conversation, Ashleigh and I referenced the following resources and topics:


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    Episode 2 - Recognizing our Responsibilities

    Episode 2 - Recognizing our Responsibilities
    There comes a time in our life, when it is crucial, that we begin to take responsibility for how we are being and how we are contributing to our world. Every time we open our mouths to talk we must choose to be mindful of all that we say. That vibration that we are emanating is powerful and can be the difference between joy and pain. Let’s be responsible and watch how we, one by one, can change the world. What do we have to lose? Nothing! Oooodles of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 5 - A Direct Correlation

    Episode 5 - A Direct Correlation
    There is no doubt that I am affected by all that I see and I hear. And mostly that is good. However, if I don’t pay attention, I can easily cause myself bodily harm. There is a direct correlation. If I allow negative world happenings to infiltrate my being, without my placing a protective shield around me, I soon become aware of bodily discomfort or even depression. I witness others in my life, also, who, when they are relating a negative occurrence, they have witnessed, or are a part of, I see how quickly they retake that anger and their body contorts; they reveal to me , in that moment, precisely how they are affected; once again a direct correlation. This doesn’t mean that I should remain ignorant of all that is going on in my world. This simply means that I must always be aware of how those events are affecting me . I must protect myself and be pro-active in my personal care. Oooooodles of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahri.best

    Episode 3 - Try Saying that to this Mirror

    Episode 3 - Try Saying that to this Mirror
    Would you ever feel good about saying unkind things to someone? Would you tell them that they have no chance? So – why would you ever talk that way to yourself? Don’t wait! Pick up a mirror and take time to look into your own eyes and just soak in that being you are. Don’t say a word; just keep looking right into those eyes which are the gateway to your own soul; you may find you are wondering who is this? That’s because this is all new to you. Take a deep breath and speak to those eyes you are staring into and tell them something good. It is time to be good to you. This is only the beginning of a wonderful new relationship that needs to take place right now! Ooooodles of Love, Mahri http://mahribest.com Friend Me on FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/mahribest

    Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: The Solution to Cancel Culture Is Forgiveness, and Faith Above Politics

    Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: The Solution to Cancel Culture Is Forgiveness, and Faith Above Politics

    There is an ongoing modern trend of cancel culture, where anyone who violates established narratives or interests is attacked relentlessly with a goal of destroying their careers and damaging their reputations. Among the celebrities who have been targeted by cancel culture is Phil Robertson of reality TV series “Duck Dynasty.” In his new book, “Uncanceled: Finding Meaning and Peace in a Culture of Accusations, Shame, and Condemnation,” he presents a different approach on how to deal with the hostile social climate that cancel culture represents—based in forgiveness, and placing faith above politics.

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