
    EP: 103 UFO In The Stripmall with Tim Alberino

    enMay 03, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Celebrating 100 episodes with Tim at the Birthright ConferenceThe Blurry Creatures podcast reached a milestone of 100 episodes, and Tim is participating in the Birthright Conference, where they'll interview him live, give away tickets, and engage with attendees.

      The Blurry Creatures podcast reached a milestone of 100 episodes and brought Tim back for a spontaneous conversation. This week is special for Tim as the conference season resumes, and he's participating in the Birthright Conference in Nashville. The duo will be interviewing Tim live to start the conference and giving away 5 pairs of tickets to members. They plan to hang out with attendees, have merchandise available, and even announce a members-only chat. The podcast relies on its members' support, which allows them to invest time and energy into producing high-quality episodes. The community has grown, with over 120 members joining the last member's chat, and they plan to discuss hair tips and podcast insights during the upcoming chat. The mullet hairstyle is making a comeback in Nashville, Tennessee.

    • Podcast gives away conference tickets to members and explores unexplained phenomena with open mindsThe Blurry Creatures podcast values its community, offers exclusive conference tickets, and maintains an open-minded approach to unexplained phenomena.

      The Blurry Creatures podcast, hosted by Nate and Tim, appreciates its community of members and encourages listeners to become a part of it. They are excited to give away tickets to the Birthright Conference for members only. Tim, a frequent guest, shared his experiences with UFOs and unexplained phenomena, emphasizing the importance of keeping an open mind about the supernatural. Nate reflected on a conversation with a potential TV producer who criticized him for being too serious, acknowledging that while he may come across as serious when discussing weighty topics, he agrees with the assessment. Overall, the podcast values community, encourages open-mindedness, and delves into intriguing topics with a serious yet engaging tone.

    • The Power of Humor in Serious DiscussionsMaintaining a balance between serious discussions and having a good sense of humor can lead to more engaging and memorable conversations.

      The importance of a good sense of humor was emphasized during a conversation between Tim and Luke, the hosts of a show on EPOC TV. Tim shared a story about receiving criticism from a woman, which reminded him of a strict English nanny character. Luke and Tim often discuss weighty topics, but they also enjoy trying to make Tim laugh. Tim shared an intriguing UFO encounter that occurred when he was living in Ohio, before moving to Montana. He and his brother-in-law would frequently discuss UFOs and related topics, focusing on potential technologies and power sources. One day, while training in his brother-in-law's basement, they decided to go to a GNC store in Brook Park, Ohio. During this drive, Tim had a close encounter with a UFO. The detailed account of the location and time is given to provide credibility to the story. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of maintaining a balance between serious discussions and having a good sense of humor.

    • Encounter with an Unidentified ObjectWitnesses saw a silent, diamond-shaped object hovering above a store on a winter night, leaving them curious and unable to explain the experience

      On a cold and windy winter night, probably in February, the witness and their brother-in-law encountered an unexplained object hovering above a store in a strip mall. They initially believed it to be a large helicopter due to its bright lights and size, but when they parked in the nearly empty parking lot and rolled down their windows to listen for the telltale sound, they realized it was not a helicopter at all. The object, which was about the size of a Chinook or Blackhawk helicopter but had a diamond shape and angular body, glided silently over their car. The encounter left them both curious and flabbergasted, as they had never experienced anything like it before. Despite the wind and their initial assumption, they could not hear any noise coming from the object. The encounter remains unexplained and has left the witness with a lasting memory of an unusual and inexplicable event.

    • Unidentified diamond-shaped object with no markings, no conventional propulsion, and defied wind in mall parking lotAn unmarked, diamond-shaped object with no conventional propulsion hovered silently in a mall parking lot, defying wind and resembling a hybrid craft with reverse engineered alien technology.

      The witness described an unidentified, diamond-shaped object with angular body armor, no markings, and no conventional propulsion or exhaust. It hovered silently above their car in a mall parking lot, defying the wind. The object was reminiscent of the F117 Nighthawk but had rounded wing stubs and was completely unconventional in terms of technology. The witness had a feeling of being drawn to the encounter and believed it was a hybrid craft, possibly reverse engineered alien technology. The lack of noise, conventional propellers, and the defiance of wind distinguish this object from conventional aircraft or military technology.

    • Encounter with a UFO in a familiar parking lotA local witness, after growing up in the area and living in Peru for a decade, had an unexplained encounter with a UFO in a familiar parking lot. They were left speechless and unsure of what they had experienced, but did not feel threatened and wrote about it in their book years later.

      The witness, who had grown up in the area but had lived in Peru for a decade before returning, had an unexplained encounter with a UFO in a familiar parking lot. During the encounter, which lasted several minutes, they were both left in a daze and attempted to take a picture with a smartphone, but the UFO disappeared before they could do so. The witness and their brother-in-law were left speechless and unsure of what they had experienced. The incident was reported in local news the next day, and two years later, the witness wrote about it in their book. Despite the bizarre experience, the witness did not feel threatened and instead felt as if they were meant to see the UFO.

    • UFO sighting in Brook Park resembles account in 'Hunt for the Skinwalker'The author's UFO encounter shares striking similarities with an account in 'Hunt for the Skinwalker', increasing the credibility of both experiences.

      The author's experience with a UFO sighting in Brook Park was eerily similar to an account in the book "Hunt for the Skinwalker" by George Knapp and Colm Keller. The description of the UFO in the book matched what the author had written in his own manuscript. The author was surprised and excited to find this connection while reading the book during a break from writing. The author also mentioned that the book, which tells of unexplained phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, is phenomenal and written by reputable journalists. The similarities between the two accounts add credibility to the author's own experience and the UFO sighting described in the book.

    • Encounter with an Unidentified Aerial CraftA speaker shares their encounter with an unusual craft, which they believe strengthens the reality of such phenomena. The craft had an angular body with a matte finish and was able to detect human intentions, possibly military technology.

      The speaker had an encounter with an unidentified aerial craft and shared the story with a researcher, who was intrigued and added it to his catalog. The speaker was amazed to find a similar description of the craft in a book. The speaker believes that these experiences can solidify the reality of these phenomena in one's mind. The craft was described as having an angular body with grayish-black or grayish-green matte finish. The speaker speculates that it might have been military technology due to its ability to detect human intentions. The speaker emphasizes that they were not abducted during the encounter. This experience inspired the speaker to devote their life to researching and exposing these phenomena. The speaker mentions that they have seen connections between their experience and those of other researchers, such as LA Marzulli and Tom Horn.

    • Observation of a hybrid alien craft with safety concernsWitnessed a craft with advanced technology, possible alien origin, causing safety concerns due to radiation and time dilation, but interior safe due to gravity distortion bubble.

      The witness described observing a hybrid craft with both conventional and unconventional components, possibly of alien origin, emitting a halo of light due to its matter-antimatter reactor. This craft was reportedly hovering over a strip mall in Brook Park, Ohio, with its lights on, which raised questions about its purpose and function. The witness also discussed the safety concerns of being near these crafts, citing instances of radiation burns and time dilation experienced by pilots in proximity to them. Despite these risks, the interior of the alien crafts is reportedly a safe area due to a gravity distortion bubble, allowing occupants to remain unaffected by external atmospheric conditions. The technology behind these crafts is based on Einsteinian physics, and the fabric of space-time is not empty as once believed. The witness referenced Bob Lazar's work and theories, emphasizing the potential connection between this technology and biblical texts. Overall, the discussion revolved around the mysterious nature of these crafts, their potential origins, and the implications of their presence and technology for human understanding.

    • The interconnectedness of space and time and its impact on UFOsCertain UFOs can manipulate spacetime, causing distortions in both space and time, leading to time dilation and invisible movements.

      Space and time are interconnected, and distortions in one can lead to distortions in the other. This concept, known as spacetime, is demonstrated through the ability of certain craft to move seamlessly through water and air without significant disturbance. Time dilation, a result of this spacetime distortion, can cause small differences in time measurement depending on proximity to the distortion. These craft, which can be found worldwide, have been observed for centuries, with some people believing there may be connections between their presence and megalithic sites. When fully energized, these craft can be invisible to the naked eye. The speaker's personal experiences with UFOs began with casual observation, but later evolved to include encounters with the grays and abduction phenomena. The Amazon region is particularly known for high UFO activity, leading to speculation about potential underground bases.

    • UFOs in the Amazon: Invisible with Gravity WavesUFOs in the Amazon are believed to use gravity waves to become invisible, but they can still be seen with a halo of light when not fully energized or at night. Some people speculate they're responsible for military abductions, but their true nature and purpose remain unknown.

      There are numerous reports of UFO activity in the Amazon, with some suggesting that these craft use space-time distortion to become invisible when fully energized. This phenomenon is believed to be due to the craft producing gravity waves, which bend light around them, making them appear to disappear. However, when not fully energized or at night, these craft can be seen moving erratically through the sky with a bright halo of light. Some people have speculated that these craft could be responsible for alleged military abductions, particularly in isolated areas, but the true nature and purpose of these encounters remain a mystery. It's important to note that the Grays, a commonly reported type of alien, do not need people to be isolated to abduct them, and they return their abductees to the point of abduction. The disappearance of some people in isolated areas may not be related to alien activity at all.

    • Unexplained phenomena and quartz connectionSome theories suggest unexplained phenomena like UFOs and Bigfoot are linked to quartz or energy sources, but the exact nature of this connection remains unknown

      There are various unexplained phenomena, such as UFO sightings and encounters with creatures like Bigfoot, that continue to intrigue people. Some theories suggest that these phenomena might be connected, with quartz or energy sources potentially playing a role. For instance, some believe that UFOs use quartz for energy or that Bigfoot has been seen near UFOs. The discussion also touched upon the discovery of megaliths covered in quartz, which may have had a technological application in the past. However, the exact nature of these connections and applications remains a mystery.

    • Skepticism and Belief in Quartz and UFOsThe speaker acknowledges potential tech value of quartz but is skeptical of some beliefs and experiences, comparing belief to number of teeth.

      While some beliefs and practices, such as Nate's wearing of quartz necklaces and the use of crystals, may seem frivolous or lacking in depth to some, there may be a deeper technological application for them. The speaker acknowledges the potential value of quartz in technological applications, comparing it to rare earth minerals used in computer chips. However, the speaker also expresses skepticism towards some beliefs and experiences, such as the Travis Walton UFO encounter, and finds it difficult to believe in sensationalized accounts without solid evidence. The speaker's perspective is that the degree of belief is linked to the number of teeth one has, with fewer teeth making it harder to believe people. The conversation also touches on various topics including the Pukashells brand, the eighties, and UFOs.

    • Kick off the Birthright Conference with a Blurry event and unique experiencesThe Birthright Conference in Nashville offers a Blurry event, 6 hours of content, opportunities to meet speakers, and a special event with wine. Pre-order the video rental at a discounted price for those unable to attend.

      The Birthright Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, is an exciting event with special giveaways and unique experiences. The conference starts on Friday at 2 p.m. with a Blurry event, which is a live podcast-like situation with the hosts and other guests. The main conference follows on Saturday, with a full schedule and a smaller, more intimate venue for Friday. The conference offers over 6 hours of content, which will be available for rental on Vimeo for an extended period. The speakers and interesting people will be present at the event, and there will be a special event with wine involved. For those who cannot attend, there's an option to pre-order the video on demand rental of the conference at a discounted price. The hosts are looking forward to the conference and are excited to meet their members in person.

    • Appreciation for the Podcast and ConferenceSpeakers value the community, fun, and unique experiences of the podcast and conference, including Bigfoot memes and eighties themes.

      The speakers on this podcast are enthusiastic supporters of the show and appreciate the memes, particularly the Bigfoot and eighties themes. They look forward to attending the conference and hope for unique experiences, such as a DeLorean and a Bigfoot suit. The speakers also value the sense of community and fun that the podcast and conference provide. They encourage listeners to keep believing in Bigfoot and to join in the meme culture. The eighties theme and music are also cherished aspects of the show. Overall, the speakers express their gratitude for the podcast and their eagerness to be a part of the community.

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    Follow ‘I Need My Space’ on Social Media:

    Twitter: @INeedMySpacePod

    Instagram: @INeedMySpacePod

    FB Group:  I Need My Space Pod

    To continue the conversation from this episode, use the hashtag #INeedMySpace.

    Listen to ‘The Habitat’ on Gimlet: http://www.gimletmedia.com/the-habitat

    And on Apple: https://apple.co/2NJIy08

    Follow Lynn on Twitter: @LynnRLevy

    About Inverse:

    Inverse sparks curiosity about the future. We explore the science of anything, innovations that shape tomorrow and ideas that stretch our minds. Our goal is to motivate the next generation to build a better world.


    ‘I Need My Space’ is an Inverse production hosted by Steve Ward, produced by Sam Riddell, and executive produced by Hannah Margaret Allen and Weston Green. This episode was also produced and hosted by Moiya McTier. Our intro and outro music was created by Andrew Olivares.

    Steve: @stevejohnhenryw

    Moiya: @GoAstroMo

    Andrew: https://soundcloud.com/andrewo

    Other Topics Discussed Include: Gimlet, ‘The Habitat’, Lynn Levy, HI-SEAS, Hawaii, and NASA

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