
    Ep. 1073 - A Kamala Through The Eye Of A Needle

    enAugust 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Media's Changing Perception of Kamala HarrisDespite past criticisms, media now presents Kamala Harris positively, reflecting political needs. Biden's unconventional introduction added to media frenzy, highlighting their ability to adapt narratives quickly.

      The media's perception of Kamala Harris has drastically changed since she was announced as Joe Biden's vice presidential pick. Previously criticized for her radicalism and chaotic campaign, the media is now presenting her in a positive light, despite her past actions and words. Meanwhile, Joe Biden's introduction of Harris was described as spontaneous, with him wearing a mask, holding a note card, and using a cell phone upside down. The media's ability to quickly change their narrative based on political needs was also highlighted. Additionally, Ben Shapiro encouraged listeners to invest in precious metals due to the current uncertainty and economic instability.

    • Joyful and spontaneous announcement of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mateKamala Harris's enthusiasm and readiness to work were evident in her spontaneous speech on criminal justice reform. Biden introduced her as a historic pick who checks intersectional boxes, and the campaign has already begun to use her identity as a shield against criticism.

      The announcement of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mate was a joyful and spontaneous moment, despite some logistical challenges. The event was run in an unconventional way, with a small crowd gathered outside an empty gym in Wilmington, Delaware. Harris's enthusiasm and readiness to work were evident, and she delivered a brief stump speech on criminal justice reform. Biden introduced Harris as a historic pick who checks intersectional boxes, and the campaign has already begun to use her identity as a shield against criticism. Despite some delays and logistical issues, the event was seen as a successful and meaningful moment for the Biden campaign.

    • Media's Response to Attacks on Kamala HarrisThe media is accused of labeling criticism of Kamala Harris as sexist and racist, while being too lenient with her lies. The Biden-Harris ticket's communication strategy leverages the media's role as a powerful tool in shaping public opinion.

      The discussion revolves around the introduction of Kamala Harris as Joe Biden's running mate and the media's response to attacks against her. The speaker expresses their belief that any criticism of Harris is labeled as sexist and racist by the media, who are seen as an effective communications tool for the Democratic party. Biden's mispronunciation of Harris' name during his speech was seized upon as evidence of his supposed racism. The speaker also criticizes Harris for lying and accuses the media of being too lenient with her. Overall, the conversation highlights the intense political polarization and the role of the media in shaping public discourse.

    • Misleading statements by Kamala Harris during DNC speechKamala Harris made inaccurate comparisons and statements during her DNC speech, comparing COVID-19 to Ebola and blaming Trump for the economy's downturn, which were not fact-checked by the media, raising concerns about the credibility of political discourse.

      During the Democratic National Convention, Kamala Harris made some inaccurate comparisons and statements during her acceptance speech. She compared the severity and transmissibility of COVID-19 to Ebola, which are vastly different diseases. Harris also claimed that Donald Trump was responsible for the American economy's downturn and the resulting unemployment, despite inheriting a strong economy from the Obama administration. These statements were not fact-checked by the media, and Harris's comparison of COVID-19 to Ebola was particularly misleading, as the two diseases have distinct differences in transmission and fatality rates. The media's lack of fact-checking and their seemingly biased coverage of the event raised concerns about the credibility of political discourse.

    • Federal Government's $7-$8 Trillion Response to Economic Uncertainty and COVID-19The federal government spent $7-$8 trillion in response to economic uncertainty and the COVID-19 pandemic, with Kamala Harris defending these actions and being rebranded as a moderate in the media.

      During the past 6 months, the federal government, through the actions of both the Federal Reserve and Congress, has spent approximately $7 to $8 trillion in response to economic uncertainty and the COVID-19 pandemic. Kamala Harris, a prominent Democratic figure, has defended these actions while criticizing the economic situation before the pandemic. The media has been extensively covering Harris's statements and defending her against criticisms of her authenticity and radical political stance, rebranding her as a moderate. Small businesses, meanwhile, are advised to cut costs and save time by using services like Stamps.com for their postage needs. Despite the economic uncertainty, Stamps.com offers discounts on USPS and UPS shipping rates.

    • The Political Positioning of Vice President Kamala Harris: Moderate or Extreme?The political labeling of Vice President Kamala Harris is subjective and debated among pundits, highlighting the importance of evaluating politicians based on objective data like voting records.

      There is a significant disagreement among pundits about the political positioning of Vice President Kamala Harris. While some, like George Stephanopoulos, describe her as a moderate from the middle of the Democratic Party, others, such as Chris Wallace and MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson, view her as a liberal or even an authoritarian leftist. The debate over Harris's political stance highlights the subjective nature of political labeling and the importance of considering objective data, such as voting records, when evaluating politicians. Another point of discussion was the issue of censorship on social media sites and the potential for users to take control of their data instead of relying on content moderators. The debate underscores the ongoing tension between the desire for free speech and the need for moderation to maintain a healthy and inclusive online community. Ultimately, it is essential to approach political discussions with a critical and informed perspective, considering multiple viewpoints and sources of information.

    • Protecting Privacy with ExpressVPN amidst Political AttacksUse ExpressVPN to secure your online activity and shield it from being traced and sold. Be aware of attempts to silence criticism by labeling it as racist or sexist, and evaluate situations fairly.

      Social media sites make money by tracking and selling your personal data, but you can protect your privacy using a VPN like ExpressVPN. Meanwhile, in politics, attacks on Kamala Harris are being framed as racist and sexist, and any criticism of her is being recast as evidence of underlying hatred towards women of color. ExpressVPN can help shield your online activity from being traced and sold, ensuring your data remains secure. Kamala Harris' appointment as Vice President has been met with widespread excitement, with journalists praising her authenticity and joy. However, any criticism of her is being labeled as racist and sexist, even if the criticism is unrelated to her gender or race. This tactic is being used to silence criticism and frame opponents as bigots. Donald Trump, who has a history of using the term "nasty" to describe women, is also being labeled as a racist and sexist for his past criticisms of women of color. It's important to recognize that not all criticism is motivated by racism or sexism, and it's crucial to evaluate each situation on its merits. ExpressVPN can help protect your online privacy, and you can sign up for an extra 3 months of service for free by visiting expressvpn.com/ben.

    • Media Perceives Trump's Label of Harris as SexistDespite Trump's use of 'nasty' being factual, media interprets it as sexist due to heightened sensitivity towards gender-related language and political climate.

      The discussion revolves around how President Trump has labeled Senator Kamala Harris as "nasty," and the media's interpretation of this label as sexist. Jennifer Palmieri, a former communications director for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, stated that the Biden campaign and Harris are prepared to face sexist attacks from Trump. The New York Times reported that Trump has categorized women into two groups: suburban housewives and nasty women. However, this is not an accurate representation of Trump's views on women, as he holds various inappropriate opinions about them. The label "nasty" is not inherently sexist, as Trump uses it for both men and women. The media's perception of the word as sexist is a result of the high levels of gaslighting and the automatic transformation of any criticism of Harris into a racist or sexist term. Trump's use of the word "nasty" to describe Harris during her questioning of Brett Kavanaugh and her debate performance against Joe Biden are factually accurate. The media's interpretation of this label as sexist is a result of the current political climate and the heightened sensitivity towards gender-related language.

    • President Trump's use of 'nasty' against women of colorTrump's use of 'nasty' against women, particularly women of color, is a deliberate attempt to dismiss and demean them, setting a harmful tone for how they are judged in society.

      President Trump's use of the word "nasty" to describe women, particularly women of color, goes beyond a simple insult and can be seen as a deliberate attempt to dismiss and demean them. This is not a new phenomenon, but it resonates differently when used against women due to societal expectations of perfection for females. Trump's use of the word during his campaign against Hillary Clinton was more frequent, but his attacks against Kamala Harris, the first female vice presidential nominee, were significant as they set the tone for how she would be judged. Experts argue that this kind of language is a form of coded language that puts women in an unacceptable position in society. The double standard of judging women by different standards than men is still prevalent, as evidenced by the media's reaction to a song that discussed women's bodies in a vulgar way, which was considered bad taste and an attack on women, while perfection is expected of women in all aspects of their lives.

    • Double standard in political language towards womenLanguage used towards women in politics can have different implications due to societal expectations of femininity and likability. Criticism towards women can be perceived as more negative and damaging than towards men.

      The use of certain words, such as "nasty" or "mean," can have different meanings and implications when directed at men versus women in political discourse. Cory Booker's use of the word "nasty" towards Kamala Harris during a Senate hearing was criticized as sexist by some, including Valerie Jarrett, a senior advisor to former President Obama and a board member of Time's Up. The implication being that the word holds more weight and negativity when used against women, who are often held to a higher standard of likability than men in politics. This double standard was highlighted in the discussion. Additionally, the media's portrayal of comments made by President Trump were also criticized for being misrepresentative. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of understanding the nuances of language and how it can be used to shape perceptions and opinions.

    • Media's Overwhelmingly Positive Reaction to Kamala Harris's NominationThe media's response to Kamala Harris's vice presidential nomination has been predominantly positive, with individuals expressing support and even personal connections. Trump's attacks on Harris and Biden have had varying success, while media focus on housing policies attempts to divert attention.

      The media's reaction to Kamala Harris's vice presidential nomination has been overwhelmingly positive, with many individuals expressing their support and even personal connections to her. Some have gone as far as describing her as a relative or sharing sexualized images. Meanwhile, President Trump's attempts to attack Harris and Biden have been mixed, with his focus on Biden's supposed socialism not resonating as effectively as going after Harris directly for her progressive policies. The media has also tried to divert attention from this by focusing on Trump's comments about suburban housing policies. Ultimately, the election will likely come down to how each candidate's messaging resonates with voters, and the role of the media in shaping the narrative will be a significant factor.

    • Factors driving suburban migration not solely based on racePresident Trump's intentions for suburbs were to make them desirable for all residents, not just those of a certain race or ethnicity, despite media portrayals to the contrary.

      The historical trend of people moving from low-income areas to suburbs is driven by factors such as better public schools and lower crime rates, not solely based on race. President Trump's recent comments about expanding opportunities in suburbs were misconstrued as racist by some media outlets, but his intentions were to ensure that suburban areas remain desirable and aspirational for all residents, regardless of race or ethnicity. The media's portrayal of Trump's comments as racist and sexist is a recurring tactic, and it's essential to critically evaluate media sources and their motivations. The suburbs are home to a significant minority population, and policies that artificially place low-income housing in suburbs can negatively impact the quality of life for existing residents.

    • The Spread of Misinformation: Portland Bible Burning IncidentMisinformation, even if rooted in truth, can have serious consequences if not fact-checked or contextualized properly. The Portland Bible burning incident is a recent example, where a few protesters' actions were exaggerated, leading to widespread false claims and Russian disinformation during the 2020 presidential campaign.

      The spread of misinformation, even if rooted in truth, can have serious consequences when it is not fact-checked or contextualized properly. The Portland Bible burning incident serves as a recent example of this, where a few protesters' actions were blown out of proportion, leading to widespread false claims. This incident originated from a Russian news agency and quickly went viral among Republicans, painting all Black Lives Matter protesters as Bible burners. However, the truth was far more mundane, with only a few protesters burning a Bible for kindling to start a larger fire that included an American flag. Despite the truth, the incident has become a major talking point and a piece of Russian disinformation during the 2020 presidential campaign. This highlights the importance of fact-checking and contextualizing information before sharing it, especially during politically charged times.

    • NYT report on Russian efforts to influence US electionMedia outlets must thoroughly investigate and provide accurate context to avoid misleading the public and creating sensational narratives during sensitive political times.

      The New York Times report on Russian efforts to influence the US election by denigrating Democratic nominee Joe Biden through information laundering involves a story about a Bible being used as kindling at a protest. However, the context and investigation behind the incident were not thoroughly explored in the report. The video of the incident came from a Russian news source, but the crowd's reaction was not discernibly negative towards the Bible being burned. The New York Times' coverage was criticized for potentially misleading the public and creating a sensational narrative without proper investigation. The incident was later amplified on social media, leading to further coverage and attention on the issue of Russian interference. The takeaway is that it's important for media outlets to thoroughly investigate and provide accurate context in their reporting, especially during sensitive political times.

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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Ep. 801 - The Media Spins Its Most Absurd False Narrative Yet

    Ep. 801 - The Media Spins Its Most Absurd False Narrative Yet

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the media specializes in spinning false narratives. But the narrative they’ve concocted about border patrol agents on horseback whipping and lassoing Haitian immigrants is perhaps the most absurd yet. We’ll discuss today. Also, speaking of those illegals, shouldn’t we be treating the immigrant invasion as a biological terror threat, given that none of them are masked or vaccinated? We treat unvaccinated American citizens that way, after all. Plus, Australia descends further and further into fascism. Is it a preview of things to come in this country? And Facebook conducts its own research and discovers that social media is deeply harmful to kids. It then did the responsible and ethical thing and immediately swept those findings under the rug. We’ll talk about all of that and more today on the Matt Walsh Show. 

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    President Trump Drops a Bombshell (Ep 1528)

    President Trump Drops a Bombshell (Ep 1528)
    Liberals don’t know much. And what they “know” is mostly wrong. They’re living in an alternate reality. In this episode, I discuss the latest troubling news story about policing and COVID and why liberals are confused.  News Picks: Minneapolis Mayor just finding out that defunding the police may cause a spike in crime.  Debunking the myth that crime is exploding in liberal cities because of the lockdowns. Media hacks are stealth editing their coronavirus origins articles to cover their tracks. Project Veritas releases explosive new documents showing Fakebook manipulating their algorithm.  The NY Times eats crow on their nonsense coronavirus origin “journalism.”  Media finally admits Ron DeSantis is the COVID response winner.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices