
    Ep. 1086 - Biden’s Anti-Violence Malarkey

    enSeptember 01, 2020
    What was Biden's response to recent unrest in American cities?
    How did the media react to Biden's statement on violence?
    Who rejected Trump's federal aid offer during the unrest?
    What accusations did Biden make against Trump during the campaign?
    How does the COVID-19 death toll compare to police violence deaths?

    • Biden's vague denouncement of violence celebrated by media despite failing to specifically condemn radical groupsMedia praised Biden's vague statement on violence, failing to hold him accountable for not specifically condemning radical groups causing unrest

      During the recent unrest in American cities, Joe Biden's denouncement of violence was insufficient as he failed to specifically condemn the movements causing the violence, such as Black Lives Matter or Antifa. Biden's vague statement was celebrated by the media, who have set a low standard for him. Trump, on the other hand, has offered federal aid to quell the unrest but has been rejected by Democrats. Trump has also spoken out against violence and looting. The media's treatment of Biden's statement as unifying is reminiscent of their treatment of Barack Obama, who made divisive statements but was praised for bringing the country together due to his ability to speak vaguely. Biden, like Obama, appears to be a front man for radical groups, and a statement of moral courage would be for him to explicitly condemn the radical groups causing the violence.

    • Acknowledging the presence of rioters and looters in the Black Lives Matter movement is moral courage, but Biden's speech lacked this.Critics argue Biden should've named Antifa and BLM in his speech, but he focused on right-wing militias instead, making it difficult for Democrats to use Trump's character as an election issue.

      During a recent discussion, it was pointed out that moral courage would be acknowledging the existence of rioters and looters in the Black Lives Matter movement. This was exemplified in President Trump's response to Charlottesville. However, Joe Biden's speech did not mention Black Lives Matter or Antifa, instead focusing on right-wing militias. Critics argue that silence is violence and it's important to name the groups causing violence. The media's role in filling the gap between what Biden said and what he should have said was also criticized. Despite Biden's suggestion that Trump is rooting for riots, it's important to note that these cities experiencing unrest are not typically Trump strongholds, and the rioters and looters do not act at his behest. The Democrats' attempt to make the election a referendum on Trump's character becomes challenging when they downplay the role of Antifa in the ongoing unrest.

    • Senate hearing: Democrats downplay Antifa while Biden criticizes Trump and policeBiden criticized Trump during a Senate hearing, blaming him for city violence and excessive police force. However, Biden oversimplified complex cases involving Jacob Blake and George Floyd, and failed to specify which 'extremists and opportunists' he was referring to.

      During a Senate hearing, Democrats downplayed the existence of Antifa while Joe Biden blamed President Trump for city violence and excessive police force. Biden's speech aimed to unify the country but started by criticizing the police, citing cases like Jacob Blake and George Floyd. However, the circumstances surrounding these incidents are more complex than Biden presented. For instance, Blake had an open warrant for sexual assault and domestic abuse, and Floyd had a significant amount of fentanyl in his system. Biden also mentioned "violence of extremists and opportunists," but he didn't specify who these groups were. Overall, the discussion highlighted the polarized views on law enforcement and social unrest in America.

    • Joe Biden condemns rioting, looting, and setting fires as not forms of protestBiden criticizes leniency towards violent protesters and condemns specific acts of violence, but his stance has been inconsistent and media scrutiny is lacking. Trump faces similar accusations.

      During a recent speech, Joe Biden condemned violence and lawlessness, specifically rioting, looting, and setting fires, emphasizing that they are not forms of protest. He also criticized the leniency shown by Democratic DAs towards those involved in such activities. However, it's important to note that Biden's previous stance on this issue was less clear-cut, with members of his campaign and party previously downplaying or excusing violent protests. Additionally, the media has been criticized for not holding Biden accountable for his inconsistent messaging on the issue. Meanwhile, Trump has been accused of not strongly condemning all forms of violence and instead focusing on specific groups. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and nuances surrounding the issue of protesting and violence in the context of political and social unrest.

    • Joe Biden's campaign speech: Ending unrest or continuing it?Biden implied Trump's reelection could prolong unrest, but his past as VP raises questions. He urged listeners to secure their online data using PC Matic.

      During a campaign speech, Joe Biden implied that if Donald Trump is reelected, the unrest and violence in the country will continue. Biden suggested that he, as a potential president, could magically end these issues. However, the validity of this claim is questionable as rioting and looting occurred during Biden's tenure as vice president. Another important point from the speech was the emphasis on protecting online data. Biden encouraged listeners to use PC Matic, a next-generation antivirus, to secure their information from potential threats. Despite Biden's accusations against Trump, he did not explicitly call out rioters and looters associated with his own political agenda to cease their actions. This omission raised concerns about the authenticity of his call for peace and unity.

    • Joe Biden accused Donald Trump of not addressing crises during 2020 campaign, but falsely blamed white nationalists for riots and looting.During the 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden accused Donald Trump of not addressing various crises, but falsely blamed white nationalists for riots and looting, which were actually caused by his own supporters.

      During the 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden accused Donald Trump of not addressing various crises in the United States, including COVID-19, economic devastation, unwarranted police violence, and a reckoning on race. However, Biden also falsely blamed white nationalists for the violence and looting occurring in major cities, despite the fact that most rioters were supporters of his own party. Biden portrayed himself as a moderate and a "soft face" for the radicals behind him, while his running mate, Kamala Harris, had previously called for the release of rioters and looters from prison. It's important to note that the people causing the unrest were not Trump supporters, but rather Biden voters. Despite the chaos, Biden promised to keep America safe from COVID-19, crime, and four more years of Trump. The use of mail-in voting during the election led to a recommendation of using Stamps.com instead of heading to the post office.

    • Biden's Speech Focused on Trump's Response to City ViolenceBiden argued Trump exploits city violence for political gain, oversimplifying complex issues and ignoring local governance, implying Trump should pledge fealty to BLM to stop violence.

      Stamps.com offers significant benefits for mailing and shipping, including on-demand postage, discounted rates, and convenience. Biden's argument during his speech focused on Trump's response to the ongoing violence in certain cities, suggesting that Trump is exploiting the situation for political gain. However, the argument that "this is Donald Trump's America" is problematic as it oversimplifies complex issues and ignores the role of local governance. Instead, Biden's stance implies that if Trump surrenders to the demands of groups like BLM, the violence would cease. This approach has been used for generations, and it's a dangerous game of political manipulation. The underlying message is that Biden believes Trump should pledge fealty to BLM to stop the violence. Despite Trump's efforts towards criminal justice reform and pardons, Biden's argument is centered on the idea that Trump's refusal to acknowledge the racial justice problem in America fuels the violence. Ultimately, this debate highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of complex issues and the dangers of using violence as a political tool.

    • Biden's Approach to Black Lives MatterJoe Biden's promise to cater to BLM demands may not reduce racial unrest, as seen during Obama's and his own tenures. Downplaying police danger and focusing on COVID is perceived as insincere.

      According to the speaker, Joe Biden is promising to fuel the Black Lives Matter movement and cater to their demands in order to reduce racial unrest in America. He believes that by repeating their slogans and acknowledging the existence of systemic racism, the violence and rioting will cease. However, the speaker argues that this approach did not work during the presidencies of Barack Obama or Joe Biden himself, and that the characterization of rioters as people fighting for racial justice is misleading. Furthermore, Biden's downplaying of the danger to police officers and suggesting that COVID is the greater threat to law enforcement is seen as insincere and dishonest by the speaker.

    • President Biden's conflicting statements on fracking during racial unity speechDespite the focus on racial unity and ending violence, the number of COVID-19 deaths far surpasses police violence deaths in the U.S., and hiring processes remain challenging. Biden's conflicting statements on fracking during a racial unity speech add to the complexity.

      During a speech about racial unity and ending violence, President Joe Biden made conflicting statements about fracking while struggling to communicate effectively. Meanwhile, the number of lives lost to COVID-19 surpasses the number of lives lost to police violence in the U.S. by a significant margin. This information raises questions about the current focus on racial reckoning and the prioritization of certain issues over others. Additionally, the hiring process can be challenging, with large numbers of resumes and the need to find the best candidates. ZipRecruiter can help streamline the hiring process by sending job postings to multiple sites and using matching technology to find qualified candidates.

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      ZipRecruiter is an effective hiring tool for employers, with 80% of those who use it finding a quality candidate within the first day. The speaker also mentioned an unusual workplace situation and suggested that ZipRecruiter would be a good resource for hiring someone new. Additionally, the Daily Wire podcast is now available on Apple TV and Roku, offering a new upgraded viewing experience for members. President Trump has responded to the ongoing unrest in cities by labeling Black Lives Matter as a Marxist organization, a claim that has been denied by some in the media. However, Trump clarified that he was referring to the organization itself, not every individual who supports it. The speaker emphasized that fact-checking is important in understanding the situation accurately.

    • Trump Criticizes Biden's Handling of Unrest and Rittenhouse CasePolitical figures should avoid commenting on ongoing investigations to maintain impartiality and prevent fueling divisive narratives.

      During a recent discussion, it was noted that major cities with Black Lives Matter associations have been experiencing unrest, and former President Trump criticized President Biden for not condemning violence and rioting strongly enough. Trump accused Biden of blaming the police more than the rioters and blamed Biden's inability to speak with racial agitators for the unrest. The media then pressed Trump for his opinion on the Kyle Rittenhouse case, which is under investigation. Trump, despite being advised not to, expressed his view that it looked like self-defense. The takeaway is that political figures should be cautious about commenting on ongoing investigations to maintain the appearance of impartiality and avoid fueling divisive narratives.

    • President Trump's inconsistent handling of Jacob Blake shooting situationTrump's inconsistent actions and insensitive words during the Blake shooting situation left many confused and questioning his intentions

      President Trump's handling of the Jacob Blake shooting situation has been inconsistent and potentially misleading. Trump acknowledged the terrible nature of the shooting, but then attempted to make excuses for not meeting with Blake's family, despite their attorney's involvement being common practice in such situations. Trump also compared the officer's actions to missing a putt, which was seen as an insensitive comparison. The president's actions and words have left many confused and questioning his true intentions. It's important for political leaders to be clear and consistent in their messaging, especially during times of crisis.

    • People can make mistakes under pressure, including law enforcement officersLeaders should promote peace and understanding to de-escalate tensions during protests, acknowledging that people on all sides can make mistakes and act impulsively.

      People, including law enforcement officers, can experience pressure and make mistakes under intense circumstances. During a discussion about protests and violence, it was noted that some people choke under pressure and make poor decisions. Trump was criticized for defending his supporters who used paintballs and mace against violent protesters, but it was also acknowledged that he has urged his supporters not to act as law enforcement. Meanwhile, Trump is planning to visit Kenosha, Wisconsin to thank law enforcement for their efforts, despite opposition from local Democratic officials. The discussion also highlighted the ongoing violence and vandalism at protests in cities like Portland and Los Angeles. It's important to remember that people on all sides of these issues can make mistakes and act impulsively, and it's crucial for leaders to de-escalate tensions and promote peace and understanding.

    • Protests and unrest in American cities concern Biden campaignViolent protests in cities like Oakland and LA over racial inequality and police brutality could shift polls towards Trump, causing concern for Biden campaign

      The ongoing protests and unrest in major American cities, fueled by tensions over racial inequality and police brutality, are causing concern for the Biden campaign. Protests and violence have broken out in cities like Oakland and Los Angeles, following incidents of police shootings. The Biden campaign is reportedly worried that these events could shift the polls in favor of President Trump, who has been campaigning on a law and order message. Some incidents, such as the shooting of a black man by LA sheriff's deputies, have been met with protests from groups like Black Lives Matter, which have mostly remained peaceful but have led to some instances of violence and property damage. The Biden campaign is also facing criticism from figures like Tariq Nasheed, who have spread misinformation about the incidents and the identities of those involved. Overall, the unrest and the response to it are adding complexity to an already contentious presidential race.

    • Media Frames and Interprets Events Differently Based on Political AffiliationsPolitical affiliations influence how media frames and interprets events, with some making bizarre claims and others offering alternative explanations. It's crucial to consider multiple perspectives, fact-check, and maintain a nuanced understanding of complex issues.

      During a discussion about Joe Biden's recent speech and the ongoing unrest in Kenosha, it was criticized that he did not mention Antifa specifically. Daniel Dale, a fact-checker from CNN, suggested Antifa is a loose collection of antifascists, while Angela Rye claimed outside agitators were causing the violence. Biden, however, issued a broad condemnation of violence, rioting, and looting. CNN's April Ryan accused President Trump of instigating a race war. These statements show a divide in how the media frames and interprets events based on political affiliations, with some making bizarre claims and others offering alternative explanations. It is essential to consider multiple perspectives, but it is equally important to fact-check and maintain a nuanced understanding of complex issues.

    • Media Narrative of Trump Instigating Race War UnfoundedThe media narrative of President Trump instigating a race war is not based on factual evidence, but rather a false narrative pushed by the Washington Post's Dana Milbank and the Biden campaign.

      The ongoing narrative about President Trump trying to instigate a race war is not based on factual evidence. Instead, it's a media narrative pushed by the Washington Post's Dana Milbank and the Biden campaign. Milbank's claims that Trump supporters are provoking racial justice demonstrators and taking over major cities with violence are not accurate representations of what's happening. In Portland, for instance, it's mostly white people fighting each other, not black lives matter protests. Trump's supporters, who he calls great patriots, are exercising their free speech rights by driving through cities with American flags. The media and the Biden campaign are closely aligned, and it's important to be aware of this when consuming media coverage. The McCloskey family, who defended themselves against protesters, is an example of this. Trump's stance on the far-right militia member who allegedly killed two protesters in Wisconsin is also not evidence of him stoking a racial war. The media's narrative is a false one, and it's crucial to seek out the truth beyond these misleading narratives.

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