
    Ep. 1110 - Remember Who Becomes President If Trump Loses

    enOctober 07, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Media focus on Trump overshadows Biden-Harris agendaThe media's focus on Trump's actions has led to a lack of scrutiny on Biden-Harris's radical agenda, making it crucial for individuals to stay informed and diversify investments.

      The media's relentless focus on Donald Trump has led to a lack of scrutiny on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, despite their radical agenda. Trump's actions, such as threatening to declassify documents and derailing stimulus talks, have dominated headlines, overshadowing the potential dangers of a Biden-Harris administration. The stock market's volatility adds to the uncertainty, making it crucial for individuals to diversify their investments. Mike Pence, during the debate, has the opportunity to put the Biden-Harris agenda front and center and highlight the potential risks it poses to the country. Ignoring this side of the ticket could have significant consequences if Trump were to lose the election.

    • Consequences of a Biden presidency with a Democratic SenateA Biden presidency with a Democratic Senate could lead to radical changes, including the end of minority rights, increased federal control, and media/bureaucracy empowerment.

      The upcoming election goes beyond a simple choice between Trump and Biden. If Democrats win, there are concerns about potential radical changes, including the end of minority rights in the Senate, increased federal control, and the empowerment of the media and bureaucracy. Many Democratic candidates are avoiding tough questions, and the media's overwhelmingly negative coverage of Trump isn't helping clarify the situation. The polls currently show a significant lead for Biden, and a potential Democratic Senate could have major implications for a Biden presidency. Voters should consider the consequences of their vote beyond the next 10 seconds and understand that a Biden presidency with a Democratic Senate would look much different than one with a Republican Senate.

    • Impact of Senate Races on Power BalanceRepublicans risk losing Senate majority, impacting Biden's agenda; media's role and anti-democratic forces also discussed

      The outcome of several closely contested Senate races, including in Arizona, South Carolina, and Colorado, could significantly impact the balance of power in the Senate. The Republican Party needs to hold at least five seats to maintain their majority, but current polling suggests they could lose as many as five of the eight most contested races. If the Democrats win the presidency and hold the Senate, Vice President Kamala Harris would be the tie-breaking vote, giving them control. The discussion also highlighted concerns about the media's role in the election and its potential impact on American life, with the speakers expressing concern about the leftward shift of the media and the strengthening of anti-democratic forces. Additionally, the conversation touched on specific races, such as the North Carolina Senate race between Tom Tillis and Cal Cunningham, where a developing sex scandal could play a decisive role. Overall, the speakers emphasized the importance of understanding the broader implications of the election beyond just the personalities of the candidates.

    • Double standards in politics and media towards women in powerFormer congresswoman Katie Hill's sexual relationships led to different career outcomes based on gender, while media and Hollywood's handling of her situation has been criticized for perpetuating a victim narrative.

      Double standards exist in politics and media, particularly when it comes to the treatment of women in power. Katie Hill, a former congresswoman, was involved in sexual relationships with both a male and a female staffer. If she had been a man, her career would have likely ended. However, she is now set to have a movie made about her and will executive produce it. This contrasts with the lack of opportunities for a Republican male congressperson in similar circumstances. Additionally, the media and Hollywood's handling of the situation and Hill's memoir have been criticized for perpetuating a victim narrative and ignoring the harm she caused to her staff. In the political sphere, there are ongoing debates about the upcoming presidential debates and the potential risks of in-person interactions due to COVID-19. Joe Biden has suggested that debates may not be necessary if Trump is still infected, but the rules and protocols for the debates are still uncertain.

    • Virtual presidential debates due to coronavirus risks and media biasThe first black woman on a presidential ticket, Kamala Harris, faces media bias but focuses on her qualifications and historic position as a benefit

      The ongoing risks of the coronavirus and the media's attempts to declare winners before debates have led to calls for virtual presidential debates. Trump's campaign against the media and the Democrats adds to the heavy burden for him. In other news, doing business during these times can be made easier with services like Stamps.com, which offers postage and shipping services from the comfort of your home or office. Regarding the Harris-Pence debate coverage by The New York Times, the takeaway is that Kamala Harris' being the first black woman on a presidential ticket is not a challenge but a unique benefit. The media's coverage, as shown in the example from The New York Times, can be biased and lack nuance. Harris' team is aware of the challenges but focuses on the benefits of her historic position. However, it's important to remember that her talent and qualifications for the role should be the primary focus.

    • Media portrayal of Kamala Harris as a radical leftistDespite her left-leaning policies, Kamala Harris faces media labeling as a radical leftist, which some see as beneficial in silencing critics. The media's coverage of women in politics and the impact on public perception is a recurring theme.

      Kamala Harris faces unique challenges as a black woman in politics, with conservative media outlets labeling her as a radical leftist despite her left-leaning policies. This labeling is seen as a benefit by some, as it maligns those who criticize her as bigots. The media's portrayal of Harris and the double standard faced by women in politics will likely be a theme in her debate with Mike Pence. The debate itself will feature plexiglass barriers due to COVID-19 concerns, with Harris's campaign expressing comfort with the precautions. The debate's outcome is expected to be framed through a sexist lens by the media, regardless of the actual content of the exchange. The media's coverage of Harris and previous figures like Hillary Clinton highlights the challenges faced by women in politics and the impact of media narratives on public perception.

    • Vice Presidential Debate: Substance and Safety ConcernsThe upcoming VP debate between Harris and Pence offers more substance but safety concerns remain. Harris's debate skills face scrutiny, while a Harris presidency adds significance. Amidst fear and uncertainty, gun sales surge, with Bravo Company Manufacturing advocating for self-defense rights.

      The upcoming vice presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence is expected to provide more substantive discussion compared to some previous debates. However, concerns over COVID-19 safety measures, such as the use of plexiglass barriers and testing protocols, remain. Harris's past performance in debates has been criticized, and there is speculation about her ability to back up her allegations. Meanwhile, the potential for a Harris presidency, given Joe Biden's age, adds significance to the debate. Additionally, the current climate of fear and uncertainty has led to increased gun sales, as people seek to protect themselves and their communities. Bravo Company Manufacturing, a gun manufacturing company, supports the right to self-defense.

    • BCM's rifle production vs Kamala Harris's presidencyBCM prioritizes life-saving rifle production with rigorous standards, while Kamala Harris's presidency remains uncertain and potentially dishonest, requiring closer scrutiny.

      Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM) approaches rifle production with a life-saving perspective, while Kamala Harris's potential presidency remains uncertain and potentially dishonest. BCM ensures every component of their rifles is hand-assembled and tested to the highest standards in Hartland, Wisconsin. Kamala Harris, on the other hand, is an opportunistic politician known for her flexibility on issues and potential dishonesty. She has taken every position possible and can be subtle in her lies. If elected, she could be pragmatic like Bill Clinton or radical and vicious, depending on her interpretation of the political climate. The media's treatment of dishonesty differs between Trump and Harris; Trump's hyperbolic statements are often taken literally, while Harris's subtle lies require closer scrutiny. Ultimately, the choice between a BCM rifle and a Kamala Harris presidency comes down to values and priorities.

    • Kamala Harris' inconsistent stances during the 2020 Democratic primary debatesDespite accusations against Joe Biden, Harris' inconsistent stance raises questions about her honesty and true beliefs on these issues

      During the 2020 Democratic primary debates, Kamala Harris made accusations against her running mate Joe Biden, calling him a racist and a rapist. However, she later backed off these accusations. Harris also previously suggested that Biden was not fit to be in the race due to allegations of inappropriate behavior towards women, but then changed her stance. These inconsistencies raise questions about Harris' honesty and her true stance on these issues. Additionally, Harris has been evasive when asked about the cost of policies like Medicare for all and the Green New Deal, avoiding giving clear answers. This pattern of inconsistency and lack of transparency is concerning and should be addressed during the vice presidential debate.

    • Democratic nominees evasive on key policy issuesBiden and Harris have been criticized for focusing on opponents instead of providing clear answers on the Green New Deal, expanding the Supreme Court, and Medicare for all. Concerns about 'deep state' return and selective condemnation of violence add to the lack of transparency.

      During the recent discussion, it was highlighted that both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been evasive on key policy issues such as the Green New Deal, expanding the Supreme Court, and Medicare for all. They have been focusing on criticizing their opponents instead of providing clear answers to important questions. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential return of members of the "deep state" to positions of power if they were to gain the presidency. Furthermore, Biden's condemnation of "extremist groups" has been criticized for being selective and not addressing the violence and destruction caused by groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Overall, there is a lack of transparency and clear policy positions from the Democratic nominees, which raises questions about their ability to effectively address the challenges facing the country.

    • Upgrade your home with new window treatmentsInvesting in new window coverings from blinds.com enhances home's look, guarantees perfect fit, and allows control over light entry.

      Upgrading your window coverings can significantly improve the look and feel of your home. The speaker emphasized the importance of investing in new window treatments from blinds.com, which offers a wide range of options and guarantees a perfect fit. The process is simple with easy online ordering and free shipping. This small change can make a big difference in the way light enters your home and transform the overall atmosphere. Additionally, the speaker criticized Joe Biden for trying to distance himself from his past as vice president under Barack Obama, while also condemning extremism only when it doesn't support him. The upcoming vice presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris was promoted, encouraging listeners to join The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh for a live reaction.

    • Political discourse at town hall features accusations and counter-accusationsBiden and Harris emphasized their stance against authoritarian regimes and commitment to American values. Biden contrasted his record of taking on dictators with Trump's cozy relationships. Domestic issues like policing and extremist groups were also addressed.

      The political discourse during the town hall event featured accusations and counter-accusations regarding the political leanings of Democratic nominees Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The Trump campaign has been targeting Cuban American and Venezuelan voters in South Florida with messages claiming a vote for Biden and Harris is a vote for the radical left, socialism, and even communism. However, Biden and Harris have emphasized their stance against authoritarian regimes and their commitment to upholding American values. During the town hall, Biden addressed concerns about his past foreign policy actions, specifically regarding Cuba and Russia. He emphasized his record of taking on dictators and standing up to them, contrasting it with Trump's cozy relationships with leaders like Putin. Biden and Harris also addressed domestic issues, such as policing and extremist groups. Biden decried extremist groups, but did not mention Antifa by name, and emphasized the need for law enforcement to address the issue. Harris, on the other hand, acknowledged the systemic racism within the policing system. Overall, the event highlighted the stark differences between the two parties and their visions for America. It is essential for voters to critically evaluate the information presented by both sides and make an informed decision based on their values and beliefs.

    • Brennan briefed Obama on Clinton's plan to link Trump to RussiaFormer CIA director John Brennan shared with President Obama allegations against Trump involving Russia, which were part of a plan by Hillary Clinton to distract from her email scandal. These allegations were not assessed as Russian disinformation, and if true, suggest political motivations behind the Russia investigation.

      Former CIA director John Brennan briefed President Obama in real-time about allegations against Donald Trump involving Russia, which were later used to justify investigations. Declassified documents reveal that Brennan's handwritten notes indicate Hillary Clinton's plan to tie Trump to Russia as a means of distracting from her email scandal. These allegations were not assessed as Russian disinformation by the intelligence community, and Brennan believed they met the threshold to be orally briefed to the president. The documents have been sought for oversight purposes but were withheld for political reasons. If these reports are true, it suggests that the FBI and CIA knew the Trump-Russia collusion allegations were a political dirty trick and chose to use their intelligence services on behalf of Hillary Clinton. This is a significant development in the ongoing discussion surrounding the origins of the Russia investigation.

    • Potential impact of declassified documents on the presidential raceDeclassification of Russia hoax and Hillary Clinton email documents could change the course of the presidential race, but the media's focus on Trump's actions and potential return of the Obama team could have negative consequences for America's unity and reconciliation.

      The recent authorization of declassification of documents related to the Russia hoax and Hillary Clinton email scandal by Donald Trump could potentially change the course of the presidential race if it reveals involvement of the intelligence apparatus in these alleged dirty tricks. However, the media's focus on Trump's actions and the potential return of the Obama team to power, which includes deeply political figures like Michelle Obama, is a concerning prospect given the divisive nature of Barack Obama's presidency and his efforts to fundamentally shift American politics. If Trump wants to win, he needs to avoid making mistakes and focus on changing the narrative to appeal to a broader voter base. The potential return of the Obama team could have disastrous consequences for America's unity and reconciliation.

    • Trump diverts frustration towards enemies, hides failuresTrump's strategy to label critics as racist and end COVID-19 stimulus negotiations unexpectedly could harm his election chances, as it distracts from his own mistakes and hinders relief efforts for Americans.

      President Trump and his allies are trying to divert public frustration towards perceived enemies, while hiding their own failures. This strategy, which includes labeling critics as racist, could lead to detrimental consequences if Trump loses the election. Yesterday, Trump made a significant mistake by abruptly ending COVID-19 stimulus negotiations, which could have been a powerful campaign talking point against Democrats. This unforced error led to a stock market dip and showed poor political judgment just weeks before the election. It's crucial for Trump to refocus his strategy and capitalize on the Democrats' obstruction of relief efforts for American families and small businesses.

    • Political leaders' delay in agreeing on new COVID-19 relief package causes frustrationPolitical leaders need to prioritize and work together to provide necessary funding and support for Americans during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

      The delay in agreeing on a new COVID-19 relief package after the election is a mistake. As the speaker mentioned, bipartisan efforts in March resulted in nearly $3 trillion in funding to address the crisis, which supported millions of jobs through programs like the Paycheck Protection Program. However, negotiations have stalled, with some leaders, like Nancy Pelosi, expressing concern over the White House's approach and President Trump's condition. Meanwhile, the NYPD, under the leadership of Bill de Blasio, faced criticism for breaking up a Sukkot celebration while seemingly allowing larger crowds during Black Lives Matter protests. The inconsistency in enforcement and communication has caused frustration within the affected communities and local officials. To effectively combat the crisis, it's crucial for political leaders to work together and prioritize the health and safety of all Americans.

    • Perceived Double Standards in COVID-19 RestrictionsGrowing frustration over inconsistent COVID-19 restrictions and public health messaging towards different communities, calls for a single standard of responsibility and caution.

      There is growing concern and frustration over perceived double standards in COVID-19 restrictions and public health messaging, particularly as it relates to different communities and causes. The speaker expresses disappointment in what they perceive as unfair targeting and rhetoric towards certain groups, while others are allowed to gather and protest without consequence. They also criticize the inconsistent messaging from political leaders, who they believe are promoting fear and panic about the virus in some cases, but ignoring it in others. Ultimately, they call for a single standard of responsibility and caution in regards to the virus, regardless of one's beliefs or affiliations.

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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    We all make goals—or, at least most of us do—but what happens when we decide to scratch a goal off the list without ever completing it? Whether because we're simply not interested in having a particular experience anymore, our passions have led us in another direction, or we have (sob!) "aged out" of the possibility of achieving a dream, it's ok to change our minds. What we are determined to do when we're 14 (or 40) might not be what we were meant to do. This week we talk about how revising and changing our goals is a better strategy than sticking to something we may have outgrown.

    **This episode was sponsored by Clyde Hill Publishing—partner and publisher for founders, innovators, thinkers, and tinkerers. Their newest release is Facing Death: Finding Dignity, Hope, and Healing at the End by former guest Jim DeMaine. You can purchase the book on Amazon, IndieBound, Bookshop.org, or at your favorite local bookstore.**


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    NEW TO THE SHOW? Don't be afraid to start with Episode 1: OUTSET

    BOOK: Want to read Tiffany's book, Midnight in the Piazza? Learn more here or order on Amazon.

    TOUR ROME: If you're traveling to Rome, don't miss the chance to tour the city with Tiffany as your guide! 

    "99 days to the election (with Mehdi Hasan)."

    "99 days to the election (with Mehdi Hasan)."

    The Intercept’s Mehdi Hasan joins to discuss the state of the presidential campaign now that we’re less than 100 days out, how COVID reached deep into the White House and forced major changes to Trump’s campaign, the latest with COVID relief in Congress, how Trump’s message went from calling Biden soft on China to member of Antifa, and how the media can learn from the mistakes of 2016. Then Jon F. interviews Mother Jones' Ari Berman about voting during the pandemic.

    Make sure you're registered, request an absentee ballot, and get involved at votesaveamerica.com/everylastvote.

    Common Sense in the Age of COVID | 06.29.20

    Common Sense in the Age of COVID | 06.29.20

    This week we examine claims against the accuracy of former U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton's new book, and the ongoing struggle communities are facing in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

    What are the real "nightmare scenarios" that could occur this November with the U.S. election? We've had a number of issues on our mind recently, ranging from why we haven't made Election Day a federal holiday, to the ongoing debate over mail-in voting in 2020, with rising concerns about the second-wave of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Meanwhile, many of us stepped outside over the weekend to see that there was a fine coating of Sahara dust around our homes, but that's not all that was red in recent days: Former U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton's new book has drawn criticism from the left and the right for what many consider to be inaccuracies it may portray. Then shifting gears, we turn our attention to the ongoing struggle many communities face in light of the COVID-19 threat, with states like Texas and California closing many businesses that had only recently managed to reopen. We are a long way from being free of the problems presented by COVID-19, and now is more important than any time to be maintaining safe and healthy practices.

    Finally, with many of the positive social changes that are being fought for in our communities right now, are there moments where we should recognize where efforts pushing for change might go "too far"? We hear from our friends in the community known as the "Intellectual Dark Web" and get their take on these, and other issues this week on Middle Theory.

    Coronavirus Charities: If you are able, please consider supporting the following charities that are offering relief for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic:


    A special thank you to those who donated to the podcast this week:

    • Scott Dais 
    • Sean O’ Neil
    • Connie Fletcher
    • Jill Ellis
    • Jennie Vongvith
    • Brett Giles
    • Brian Davis
    • Mark Hankins II
    • Jamie Craven

    If you like Middle Theory and want to help support the show, you can donate to the program here:



    We also offer SUBSCRIPTION accounts for those who would like to make recurring monthly payments to Middle Theory. If you would prefer to SUBSCRIBE to the program, click here to visit our DONATES page, and scroll down below the primary DONATE button. 


    ELECTION UPDATE: The Week’s Election Day ‘Nightmare’ Scenarios

    Biden campaign targeting Trump evangelical voters in bid for November surprise

    Biden’s best vice-president pick is obvious

    CHIP LAW: Michigan Is Trying To Make It Illegal For Companies To Put Microchips In Their Employees

    ACCURACIES: Bolton grilled on Fox News about accuracy of his book 

    A COVID STORY: Hypervigilant mom followed every guideline. She still caught virus

    WHO: Pandemic 'not even close to being over'

    ICU beds in Houston filled with young


    To send us feedback, you can email us here. Also, follow Middle Theory on Twitter too... this is highly recommended, and may even be vital for some of you. Finally, as mentioned earlier, some may be further compelled to donate to the program, which helps keep ads for survival gear, water filters, male enhancement supplements, and do-it-yourself earthworm farming kits off the program.

    Panic is Breaking Out on the Left and with the Media (Ep 1130)

    Panic is Breaking Out on the Left and with the Media  (Ep 1130)
    In this episode, I address the much anticipated release of the FISA abuse report by the Inspector General and what is likely inside of it. I also address hilarious video of NBC’s Chuck Todd getting humiliated in an interview with Ted Cruz.   News Picks:Law enforcement are still searching for unaccounted Saudi nationals following the Pensacola shooting.   Friday’s incredible jobs report is a disaster for the doom and gloom Democrats.    Flashback: Obama says elections aren’t rigged!   The Democrats are ignoring this article exposing their collusion with Ukrainians in the 2016 election.   Will the IG report being released today tell the whole story?    These polls are a disaster for the Democrats.   One in five federal judges has been picked by President Trump.   Here’s the truth about the Trump administration’s food stamp reform.   Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices