
    Ep. 1117 - The Woke Speech Police Are Now Rewriting Books By Dead Children's Authors

    enFebruary 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Cancel culture rewrites children's literatureCancel culture is evolving to rewrite the works of beloved children's authors, like Roald Dahl, to remove offensive language, raising concerns about cultural heritage and artistic expression.

      Cancel culture continues to evolve and expand, even posthumously, as demonstrated by publishing companies' efforts to rewrite the works of beloved children's authors like Roald Dahl. This trend, which was previously seen as an absurd example of censorship with the case of Dr. Seuss, has now taken a step further with the actual rewriting of Dahl's books to remove language deemed offensive by modern sensibilities. This raises concerns about the erasure of cultural heritage and the potential impact on artistic expression and creativity. Additionally, the US economy is facing significant financial challenges, and it's crucial for individuals to consider diversifying their investments, including precious metals, to protect their savings. The Matt Walsh Show continues to address these and other pressing issues.

    • Roald Dahl's Classic Children's Literature: To Edit or Not to Edit?The debate continues on whether to edit classic children's literature for inclusivity or preserve the original intent and artistic vision. Controversial changes, such as removing 'formidable' female descriptions and replacing 'men' with 'people', spark discussions on gender neutrality, representation, and artistic freedom.

      There is an ongoing debate about the editing and reinterpretation of classic children's literature to make it more inclusive and politically correct. In the case of Roald Dahl's works, certain editions have been altered to remove offensive language and stereotypes, but some argue that these changes go too far and undermine the original intent and artistic vision of the author. The removal of references to female characters as "formidable" and the replacement of "men" with "people" in certain instances have sparked controversy, as some see it as an erasure of biological sex and a step towards a more gender-neutral society. However, others argue that these changes are necessary to combat harmful stereotypes and promote greater representation and inclusion. Ultimately, the issue raises important questions about the role of sensitivity readers and publishers in shaping the literary canon and the potential consequences of reinterpreting classic works for contemporary audiences.

    • Censorship and Rewriting LiteratureRespecting original works and preserving literature's full enrichment is crucial. Be prepared for unexpected shortages and rising costs, and use affordable services for essential needs. Be wary of overly sanitized media, as it may lack depth and challenge for children.

      The push for censorship and rewriting of literature, even with good intentions, can have detrimental effects. It's important to respect the original work of authors and preserve the full enrichment and education that comes from reading great literature, even if it may be upsetting or conflict with our beliefs. Meanwhile, in the real world, we also need to be prepared for unexpected shortages and rising costs, as seen in the grocery store example. A solution is to use services like Jace Medical for affordable access to necessary medications. Lastly, a subtle but significant change in children's media is the shift from vividly drawn cartoons with physical world challenges to more sanitized, politically correct content. This change, while seemingly minor, can contribute to making children's media, and by extension, the next generation, bland and boring.

    • Contrast between past and present children's mediaClassic children's media introduced kids to real-life challenges, while modern media sanitizes and simplifies problems, removing frustration and failure.

      Children's media from the past introduced kids to the realities of the physical world, including frustration and failure, through cartoons and books, while modern children's media is sanitized, bland, and devoid of such challenges. The example given was the contrast between classic cartoons, where characters briefly defy physics before facing consequences, and modern cartoons, where problems are magically solved without any frustration or failure. Similarly, Roald Dahl books are being rewritten to remove any potentially upsetting or frustrating elements. Meanwhile, political news, such as Joe Biden's trip to Ukraine, is often exaggerated and sensationalized, making it less impressive in reality.

    • US President Biden's visit to Ukraine during an air raid sirenBiden's visit to Ukraine during an air raid siren symbolized US commitment to Ukraine as a key ally and demonstrated bravery, boosting morale for NATO and Western allies.

      President Biden's visit to Ukraine during an air raid siren was a significant moment in US-Ukraine relations, drawing comparisons to historical meetings between world leaders during times of conflict. Despite no US military presence on the ground, Biden's visit underscores the US's commitment to Ukraine as a key ally in the region. The visit was seen as courageous by some, particularly in contrast to former President Trump's handling of international crises. However, some argue that the significance of the conflict to Americans is limited, as it is largely a scuffle between Russia and Ukraine. Regardless, Biden's visit to Kyiv was a powerful symbol of US support for democracy and a rallying point for NATO and Western allies. The media response was overwhelmingly positive, with many praising Biden's bravery and the images of him and Ukrainian leaders walking together.

    • U.S. Involvement in Ukraine: Relevance and ImportanceCritics argue that U.S. focus on Ukraine comes at the expense of domestic issues, question Ukrainian government's democratic values, and suggest a 'national divorce' to address domestic divisions, highlighting the need for a thoughtful foreign policy debate.

      The ongoing discourse surrounding U.S. involvement in the Ukraine conflict, particularly the recent visit by President Biden, raises questions about the relevance and importance of this issue to the American people. Critics argue that the focus on Ukraine comes at the expense of addressing pressing issues at home, such as infrastructure and border security. They also point out that the Ukrainian government is not a model of freedom and democracy, and that there are numerous other conflicts and human rights violations occurring around the world. Some, like Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, have even suggested the idea of a "national divorce" to address perceived political and cultural divisions within the U.S. Overall, the debate underscores the need for a nuanced and informed discussion about foreign policy priorities and the role of the U.S. in global affairs.

    • The Idea of a National Divorce is ImpracticalA national divorce is an unfeasible solution due to the lack of clear geographical dividing lines and the complexities of dividing states and territories. Instead, focusing on finding common ground and bridging the divide may be a more effective strategy.

      Despite the deep and unbridgeable ideological divide in the United States, a national divorce is an unfeasible solution due to the lack of clear geographical dividing lines between the two sides. The idea of a national divorce, while understandable given the current state of American politics, is not practical due to the complexities of dividing states and territories. The speaker acknowledges the need for a conversation about what binds America together as a people, but suggests that a more feasible strategy may be to focus on finding common ground and bridging the divide rather than separating completely. The idea of a national divorce may be a provocative one, but it is ultimately an impractical solution to the complex issues facing American society.

    • Economy, Inflation, and Crime are Top Concerns for Republican Voters in 2024Republican voters prioritize economy, inflation, and crime over education issues in the 2024 presidential race, but education remains important and should be addressed with care, avoiding authoritarian or big government approaches.

      While education issues, including parental rights and what is being taught in schools, are important to many Americans, particularly parents, they may not be the most pressing concerns for voters in the 2024 presidential race. According to Larry Hogan, former Maryland governor, the economy, inflation, and crime are more significant concerns for the Republican base. However, education remains an important topic that needs to be addressed. The debate around education policies and parental rights should be handled with care, avoiding authoritarian or big government approaches. The label of small government conservatism is often used by established Republicans, but in reality, they tend to expand the size of government rather than shrink it. Ultimately, voters are concerned about their children's education and future, and candidates should acknowledge and address these concerns while being mindful of the importance of individual freedoms and limited government.

    • The Role of Government in Education: Blurred LinesCriticizing government-run schools doesn't equate to supporting big government, and personal actions don't always require a good idea to be taken.

      The distinction between small and big government can become blurred when it comes to the role of government in education. The speaker argues that those who criticize or scrutinize government-run schools are labeled as proponents of big government, even though they may advocate for the dismantling of the public school system due to its size and control over education. Meanwhile, the speaker shares a personal story about taking unnecessary risks and engaging in dangerous activities, emphasizing that people don't always need to think something is a good idea to do it, and sometimes the bad idea is what makes it appealing. In essence, the conversation highlights the complexity of understanding the role of government and personal responsibility, and the importance of clear communication and perspective.

    • The Dangers of Over-Relying on TechnologyHumanity may be lost as society becomes increasingly dependent on technology, and those in power should be held accountable for their actions to preserve essential human qualities and historical facts.

      While there are valid concerns about the advancement of AI and robots, the real danger may be humans losing their humanity and becoming overly reliant on technology. The speaker expresses concern over society's increasing dependence on technology and the potential loss of essential human qualities. Another topic discussed was the idea that people, especially those in positions of power, can have a significant impact on others and should be held accountable for their actions. The speaker also criticized the erasure of history and the rewriting of facts by certain groups. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of technology, accountability, and the importance of preserving history.

    • Controversial Comments About Transgender Content CreatorThe use of harsh language towards transgender individuals sparks intense backlash, but some argue that factually accurate comments, even if unproductive, should be allowed.

      The discussion revolves around a commentator's honest but controversial remarks about Dylan Mulvaney, a content creator who identifies as transgender. The commentator's comments sparked intense backlash from various individuals, with many labeling her mean and cruel. The commentator's critics argue that her remarks were unnecessarily harsh and hurtful, while the commentator defends her stance by stating that her comments were factually accurate but not productive in changing minds or winning hearts. The debate highlights the divide on the appropriate language to use when discussing transgender issues and the potential consequences of using harsh language.

    • Emphasizing the importance of truth in the culture warSpeaking truthfully rallies people to our side and emboldens them to speak up, the goal is to defeat and humiliate the opposition, not to persuade them.

      During a discussion with various individuals, it was emphasized that speaking the truth, no matter how harsh or uncomfortable, is necessary in the culture war. The truth is the reality, and it's important not to conceal it or hide from it. The primary objective is not to convince the other side, but to defeat and humiliate those who advocate for the abuse of children, attack truth, and erode the foundations of human civilization. This strategy not only rallies people to our side but also emboldens them to speak up and speak truthfully. Preaching to one's own audience is a good thing and can help demoralize the opposition. The criticism that the rhetoric is not persuasive to the other side is misguided, as the goal is not to reach an understanding or compromise, but to defeat the enemy.

    • Using a bold tone to challenge cultural oppositionBeing overly accommodating may not be effective in changing cultural narratives. A bold, unwavering tone that paints opposition as repulsive and insane may be more successful, but honesty and truth are crucial.

      Being overly accommodating and nice in the face of opposition, particularly on cultural issues, may not be effective in winning hearts and minds or changing the cultural narrative. Instead, an unwavering and bold tone that paints the opposition as repulsive and insane may be more successful in gaining traction and influencing cultural norms. However, it is important to note that this approach should be used honestly and with truth, as the opposition may use dishonest tactics to make the truth seem insane. The speaker expresses anger towards the opposition due to the negative impact they have had on society and the potential harm they could cause to future generations. The use of tone and language is crucial in shaping cultural discourse, and the tone that ultimately wins the day is often more important than the substance of the argument itself.

    • Protecting Children from Harmful InfluencesSpeaker expresses anger towards Dylan Mulvaney and related movements, feeling strongly protective of children and justifying use of strong language to protect them, criticizing those who prioritize niceness over standing against perceived threats, encouraging listeners to join community for further discussion.

      The speaker's anger towards Dylan Mulvaney and related movements stems from their perceived threat to children's wellbeing. The speaker feels strongly protective of their own children and believes that others should share their level of concern. The speaker justifies their use of strong language as a response to this perceived threat, implying that they are willing to go to great lengths to protect their children. The speaker criticizes those who prioritize being nice over taking a stand against what they see as harmful influences. The speaker concludes by encouraging listeners to join their community for further discussion.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

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    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

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    Two years as a Peace Corps volunteer in Turkey and then 3 more years with the Peace Corps in Iran prepared him for several years more years as a Foreign Service Officer in both of those countries, and he witnessed the Turkish-Cypriot War, the rise of ethnic hostility in Turkey, the heavy hand of Hafez Al -Assad’s police during an assignment to Syria, and then the frenzy and violence of events as Iran fell into revolution. He was taken to prison twice in Iran, once in Tabriz in 1979 because he had remained behind as the only U.S. official in western Iran in an effort (ultimately successful) to help 4 Americans and 4 other westerners escape from the Tabriz prison. That was followed by a return to Iranian prison later that same year in the better-known 444 days of the Hostage Crisis. Both were harsh experiences.

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    Stay tuned for our next episode and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter which you can do by visiting our website genzglobalaffairs.com. Questions, comments, feedback, or requests for future episodes and topics? Send us an email at genzglobalaffairs@gmail.com. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter!