
    Ep. 1123 - The Experts Demand That We Trust Them And Pay For Their Student Loans

    enMarch 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Overeducated Elite's Misplaced Authority and Importance of Informed DecisionsThe Overeducated Elite can't dictate our thoughts, and blindly trusting experts can lead to calamities. Ensure accurate and reliable information, use common sense, and create a will for future security.

      The Overeducated Elite class, who claim to be the experts and gatekeepers of knowledge, believe they have the right to dictate what we can and cannot think, while also expecting us to pay for their student loans. Meanwhile, they have led us into numerous calamities by pushing their agendas as facts. Trusting experts blindly without questioning information can be detrimental. It's crucial to be informed, use common sense, and make decisions based on accurate and reliable sources. Additionally, creating a will is an essential step to ensure the proper distribution of belongings and care for loved ones after one's passing. Don't wait until it's too late; take control of your future today. Use the discount code at epicwill.com/walsh to save on creating your will with Epic Will.

    • The Misguided Reliance on Academic Credentials for ExpertiseValuable insights and perspectives can come from individuals without formal education, and the elites' reliance on credentials as the sole determinant of credibility is limiting and misguided.

      The reliance on academic credentials as the sole determinant of credibility and expertise is misguided and limiting. The speaker in this text, Matt Walsh, argues that many experts and elites, particularly those on the left, use their credentials as a shield to discredit and silence those without degrees or certificates. However, Walsh points out that many working-class individuals, who are often dismissed by the elites, contribute significantly to society and should not be disregarded based on their lack of formal education. Walsh also emphasizes that the elites themselves are not infallible and have been wrong about various issues, yet they continue to assert their authority and silence opposing views. Ultimately, the text encourages a more nuanced and inclusive approach to evaluating expertise and credibility, recognizing that valuable insights and perspectives can come from individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences.

    • The elitist perspective on college degrees is flawedThe speaker challenges the elitist view that college degrees are necessary for success and valuable ideas, arguing that many successful individuals lack degrees and that the academic hierarchy fails to defend its ideas with evidence.

      The elitist perspective of looking down on individuals without college degrees and dismissing their ideas is unwarranted and unjustified. The speaker argues that many people without degrees have achieved financial success and possess valuable skills, while those with degrees struggle to defend their ideas with evidence. The speaker also criticizes the academic hierarchy for failing to provide persuasive arguments and for trying to shield their ideas from scrutiny. Furthermore, the speaker points out the hypocrisy of graduate degree holders, such as Randi Weingarten, who demand debt forgiveness for students while being part of the system that created the student debt crisis. In essence, the speaker is advocating for a shift in power dynamics, where ideas are evaluated based on their merit rather than the credentials of their proponents.

    • Student Loan Forgiveness: An Upper Class Welfare Scheme?Experts pushing for student loan forgiveness are criticized for their hypocrisy and the financial burden of credentialism, making it an upper class welfare scheme. Consider cost-effective alternatives for communication needs and celebrate the ban on child medical transitions in Mississippi.

      The push for student loan forgiveness by experts and educated individuals raises questions about credentialism and the financial burden it creates. The experts, who often look down on others and claim superiority through their degrees, want the public to pay for their education. This hypocrisy, as the speaker argues, makes student loan forgiveness an upper class welfare scheme. The speaker suggests that if experts want their loans forgiven, they should lose their titles and degrees as a form of reparation. The speaker also encourages people to consider cost-effective alternatives for their communication needs, such as PureTalk, which can save families over $900 a year. Additionally, the speaker celebrates the recent passing of a law banning the medical transition of children in Mississippi and expresses disappointment that leftist journalists didn't challenge him during the event.

    • Governor's Press Conference on Trans Healthcare Ban: Journalist's Question About Suicide RatesThe Governor signed a bill banning gender-affirming healthcare for trans youth, and a journalist asked about potential suicide risks. The Governor expressed his transphobic views, but the journalist did not challenge him, sparking criticism from both sides.

      During a press conference where Governor Tate Reeves signed a bill banning gender-affirming healthcare for trans youth, a journalist named Kobe Vance asked a question about the potential increase in suicide rates among trans youth. The speaker, who identifies as transphobic, extensively answered the question, expressing his belief that affirming a child's belief they're in the wrong body could increase despair and suicidality. Despite the speaker's lengthy response, Vance did not challenge him and instead tweeted about the interaction. The speaker criticized Vance for not pushing back and claimed that he is often labeled as an unqualified bigot, but never given the opportunity to prove otherwise.

    • Refusing to acknowledge mistakes and blaming external factorsIndividuals in power should engage in open dialogue and accountability, rather than blaming external factors for their failures.

      Some individuals hold untenable positions and refuse to engage in meaningful discourse, instead choosing to dodge scrutiny and blame external factors. This behavior is not only frustrating but also concerning when these individuals hold significant power and contribute to societal issues. For instance, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who faced criticism for her handling of crime and pandemic recovery, lost her reelection bid. Despite her mistakes, she attributed her loss to sexism and racism rather than acknowledging her failures. This pattern of behavior is not unique to Lightfoot and highlights the importance of accountability and open dialogue in addressing societal challenges.

    • Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Believes Unfair Treatment Due to Race and GenderFormer Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot claims unfair treatment due to being a black woman in politics, but her complaints are often personal in nature. President Biden faced criticism for mumbling during a speech, but upon closer listening, his words were understandable, although some found his comment about angels being nurses confusing.

      Lori Lightfoot, the former mayor of Chicago, believes she has faced unfair treatment due to being a black woman in politics. She compared her experience to that of her male and white predecessors, stating that women and people of color are held to a different standard. Lightfoot also noted the prevalence of media coverage celebrating black women and people from marginalized groups. However, she was defeated by another black man, Brandon Johnson, in the mayoral elections. Despite this, she is expected to continue claiming discrimination, as her complaints are often personal in nature. In a separate event, President Biden was criticized for mumbling incoherently during a speech, but upon closer listening, his words could be deciphered. The more disturbing part of the speech was when Biden made a seemingly off-topic comment about angels being nurses, which some found confusing. Despite the criticism, it's important to remember that decipherable word salad is still word salad and can be misunderstood at first glance.

    • The importance of empathy and human touch in unexpected placesEmpathy and human touch can make a significant difference in someone's recovery process. It's crucial to respect people's identities and use the language they prefer, even in controversial cases.

      Human connection and understanding can be found in unexpected places, even in the most challenging situations. The nurse Pearl Nelson's actions towards the patient demonstrate the importance of empathy and human touch, which can make a significant difference in someone's recovery process. However, the discussion also highlighted the complexity of understanding people's identities and motivations, which can sometimes be indecipherable. Another takeaway is the importance of accurate reporting and respecting people's identities. In the Fox News article, the use of female pronouns to refer to James Tubbs, who identifies as Hannah Tubbs, raises questions about the ethics of reporting and the potential impact on public perception. It's crucial to respect people's identities and use the language they prefer, even in controversial cases. The intersection of these two topics highlights the complexities of human behavior and the importance of empathy, understanding, and accurate reporting.

    • Reporting on Transgender Issues: Honesty and RespectBe honest and respectful when reporting on transgender issues, avoiding harmful distinctions and perpetuating stereotypes. Consider the impact of our actions on others when allowing pets in public places.

      The distinction between "pretend" and "actual" transgender individuals is a false one, as there is no such thing as an "actual" trans person who transcends the gender binary. Fox News, despite reporting on cases of individuals identifying as transgender while allegedly gaming the system, still respects their chosen pronouns. This inconsistency raises questions about the honesty and value of such reporting. Additionally, there is a growing trend of allowing pets in public places, which can create inconvenience and disrespect for others. Ultimately, it's important to consider the impact of our actions and decisions on those around us. In the case of reporting on transgender issues, it's crucial to be honest and avoid perpetuating harmful distinctions. And when it comes to pets in public places, it's essential to consider the needs and comfort of others, as well as the potential impact on the overall environment.

    • Discussing appropriate places for young children and respecting individuals' needsUnderstand and accommodate the needs of individuals in society, respect service animals, and consider quiet places for young children.

      There are appropriate and inappropriate places for bringing young children, such as movie theaters and nice restaurants, where quiet and focus are required. The discussion also touched upon the importance of respecting service animals and the challenges faced by people with disabilities due to misuse of the system. Furthermore, the group shared their thoughts on the ongoing impact of the documentary "What is a Woman?" and the surprising persistence of American Idol on television. The group also found humor in an unexpected moment during their recording session. Despite the various topics discussed, they emphasized the importance of understanding and accommodating the needs of different individuals in society.

    • Katy Perry's Self-Centered Response to Contestant's TraumaBe mindful and considerate when responding to others' traumas. Prioritize empathy and support rather than making it about oneself.

      Katy Perry's response during an American Idol audition to a contestant who survived a mass shooting demonstrated a high level of narcissism. Instead of offering comfort and empathy, Perry turned the attention to herself, using the traumatic experience as a platform for her own emotional performance. She also expressed her belief that the country's failure to pass enough gun control laws was the root cause of the shooting. While her intention was to address the issue, her actions created an awkward and uncomfortable situation for the contestant and the judges. The incident highlights the importance of being mindful and considerate when responding to others' traumas, especially in public settings. It's crucial to prioritize empathy and support rather than making the situation about oneself.

    • Acknowledging the complexity of human natureTo prevent school shootings, it's crucial to address the root causes of harmful choices, including individual moral failures, parenting issues, and cultural factors contributing to meaninglessness, empathy deficits, and lack of purpose.

      Understanding the complexity of human nature involves acknowledging that people will make choices that cause harm, and it's essential to address the root causes of these actions, rather than solely focusing on symptoms like school shootings. These causes include individual moral failures, as well as parenting and cultural issues that contribute to a sense of meaninglessness, empathy deficits, and lack of purpose in people's lives. Overlooking these underlying factors and focusing solely on debates over gun control is another failure that perpetuates the issue. Therefore, addressing the moral, parenting, and cultural failures is crucial to prevent or minimize such tragic events. Katy Perry's call for simplistic solutions, such as blaming the country or focusing solely on gun control, can be detrimental to addressing the root causes effectively.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TOMORROW NIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, we've heard about Disney's not-so-secret gay agenda. Now, thanks to James O'Keefe, we know more about their not-so-secret anti-white agenda. Also, MSNBC talking heads do their best to explain why classrooms should have pride flags but shouldn't have the Ten Commandments. Their argument is more revealing than they wanted it to be. And, can racism cause cancer? That was the premise of an episode of an NBC medical drama. It was not satire. Not intentionally, anyway.




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    Good Ranchers - Get $100 off PLUS FREE smoked brats for a year with promo code WALSH: https://www.goodranchers.com


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    “I'm here to serve and not be served. So my idea of abundance is making money to give away. I'm happy where I am.”


    “I think in general, it's just that there's always hope. There's going to be trials. Learn to embrace those trials.”


    Adversities Craig had to overcome:

    · Being adopted at birth

    · Having an alcoholic mother

    · Losing both parents

    · Getting through divorce

    · Health struggles

    Abundance Craig created:

    · Knowing your passion and doing it

    · The passing of his parents made him even stronger

    · Following your calling and passion despite of and in spite of life adversities


    Craig Thayer's Book "Saved"

    Writing and sharing one's life story can provide inspiration and support for others experiencing similar challenges, creating a sense of connection and understanding among individuals. Autobiographical works, such as memoirs, can serve as motivation for those navigating their own life journey. In the podcast, Craig Thayer discusses his book, "Saved," which delves into his life, including his upbringing, medical career, and the various adversities he overcame. By sharing his story, Thayer aims to inspire those who may be experiencing similar struggles and encourage them to remain steadfast in their pursuit of purpose and true connections.

    Books and Resources

    SAVED: One Trauma Surgeon's True Accounts of the Miracles in His Life

    Connect with Craig Thayer:

    WEBSITE: https://www.craigthayer.net/

    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-thayer-b178b472/

    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/tank.thayer

    INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tankthayer/

    LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/craigthayer?fbclid=IwAR1uFgVuvaB9T_n6wH1Ah0XccggRR77Fh2pjZmkC-WPk-s5Iu0IH9jCyodY

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    Unlock the secrets to a transformative life with “From Adversity to Abundance: Inspiring stories of Mental, Physical and Financial Transformation”. Buy your copy now and embark on a journey from challenges to triumphs!

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    YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/@FromAdversity2AbundancePodcast


    Connect with Jamie

    BOOK: From Adversity to Abundance: Inspiring Stories of Mental, Physical, and Financial Transformation

    LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamie-bateman-5359a811/

    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/batemanjames