
    Ep. 1137 - The Wonderfully Self-Flattering World Of Barack Obama

    enNovember 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • The 2020 election and concerns over mail-in votingThe 2020 election has been contentious, with allegations of voter fraud and irregularities, particularly in mail-in balloting. HR management solution Bambi offers can help businesses save money and manage HR issues effectively for just $99 a month.

      The 2020 election continues to be a contentious issue, with President Trump refusing to concede and allegations of voter fraud and irregularities. The mail-in balloting system, which saw a significant increase in use due to the COVID-19 pandemic, has raised concerns due to potential issues such as outdated voter rolls and ballot harvesting. These concerns have led to lawsuits and calls for electoral reform to ensure the integrity of future elections. Additionally, the HR management solution Bambi offers can help businesses save money and manage HR issues effectively. For just $99 a month, businesses can get a dedicated HR manager, customized policies, and compliance assistance. This can help turn HR from a liability into a strength, allowing business owners to focus on growing their businesses.

    • Michigan Election: Human Error Led to 6000 Vote Shift, Legal Process OngoingDespite allegations of errors and potential voter fraud in Michigan, a human error resulted in 6000 votes being shifted, but fact and rumor must be separated, and proving voter fraud is a high legal bar.

      While there have been allegations of errors and potential voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election, particularly in Michigan, the legal process is ongoing and it's important to distinguish fact from rumor. Republican lawmakers in Michigan have called for a full audit of the election results due to serious allegations of errors and voter fraud. However, not all allegations equate to significant voter fraud that could change the outcome of the election. For instance, in Michigan, there was an incident of human error that led to 6,000 votes being accidentally shifted from the Trump campaign to the Biden campaign. This was corrected due to verification processes. It's crucial to remember that proving voter fraud is a high legal bar, and the Trump team faces a difficult legal road to hoe in attempting to prove widespread voter fraud in multiple states. A Pennsylvania judge also recently ruled that ballots lacking proper ID verification, which were accepted after an extended deadline due to the Secretary of State's extension, will not be counted. This highlights the ongoing legal process and the importance of separating fact from rumor.

    • Legal challenges to election results not as significant as portrayedDespite media hype, Pennsylvania ruling impacts few ballots, media declarations don't obligate concessions, and companies like Black Rifle Coffee support frontline workers

      The ongoing legal challenges to the 2020 presidential election results in several battleground states are not as significant as the media and some political figures are making it out to be. The ruling in Pennsylvania regarding mail-in ballots with missing ID only applies to a small number of ballots received between November 10th and 12th. The media's rush to declare the election results and the subsequent hysteria are not based on any real evidence of wrongdoing or a coup, but rather an attempt to defend their actions during Trump's presidency and maintain a narrative. It's important to remember that the media's projections and declarations do not legally obligate a candidate to concede, and the transition process will continue regardless. Additionally, companies like Black Rifle Coffee are making a difference by supporting those who serve on the front lines.

    • Ongoing debates over US election resultsWhile some argue for voter fraud concerns and democracy protection, others accuse them of spreading conspiracy theories. Both sides should focus on common ground and democratic institutions, not divisive rhetoric.

      There are ongoing debates about the legitimacy of the 2020 US Presidential election results, with some Democrats expressing concerns about voter fraud and the threat to democracy, while others, including Governor Stacey Abrams of Georgia, believe Joe Biden's win is insurmountable. Meanwhile, some Republicans, like Chuck Schumer, have accused them of undermining democracy and spreading conspiracy theories. Barack Obama's memoirs and calls to get rid of the electoral college have also been brought up in the context of these discussions. Despite the heated rhetoric, it's important to remember that the electoral college is likely to vote in favor of Biden, and the country will need to move on from the election once that happens. Instead of focusing on the election, both parties should work together to address pressing issues like COVID-19 relief. It's crucial for all parties to prioritize finding common ground and strengthening democratic institutions rather than engaging in divisive rhetoric.

    • Discussing Biden's election plans and COVID-19 responseDon Lemon supports Biden's efforts to expand federal power in election districting and eliminate the Electoral College, while criticizing Trump and the GOP. Both parties lack effective COVID-19 solutions.

      During a discussion on CNN, Don Lemon expressed his support for Joe Biden's efforts to expand the power of the federal government in election districting and the elimination of the Electoral College. Biden's popularity and record-breaking vote count were highlighted, while criticism of Trump and the GOP was implied. Democrats, according to Lemon, champion democracy and care about COVID-19, while Republicans allegedly do not. However, it was pointed out that both parties lack effective solutions to the ongoing pandemic. A financial advice segment followed, encouraging listeners to refinance high-interest credit card debts with LightStream loans. The discussion also touched on the importance of protecting vulnerable populations from COVID-19. Ultimately, the conversation reflected the ongoing political divide and the use of rhetoric to shape public opinion.

    • Political Divide Over COVID-119 Safety MeasuresDespite agreement on wearing masks, social distancing, and avoiding crowded areas, there's a political divide over safety measures with Republicans advocating for caution and individual responsibility and Democrats criticizing them for not taking the situation seriously enough. Both sides call for economic measures to support those affected.

      While there is consensus among political figures, including Anthony Fauci, that full-scale lockdowns are not a practical or desirable solution to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there is a significant political divide over the implementation of safety measures. Republicans are advocating for caution and individual responsibility, while Democrats are criticizing Republicans for not taking the situation seriously enough. However, both sides agree on the importance of wearing masks, social distancing, and avoiding crowded areas. Additionally, there is a call for economic measures to support those affected by the pandemic. A service like myphoto.com, which makes it easy to create personalized photo products, can be a welcome distraction and a thoughtful holiday gift during these challenging times.

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      Photo.com offers a convenient and affordable way to order beautiful acrylic frames for your photos. The process is quick and easy, with frames arriving in just a few days. The company, founded by honorable people, also offers a promo code (Ben 25) for a 25% discount, making it an excellent option for holiday gifts. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, there is a perceived gap between Democrats and Republicans regarding COVID-19 safety measures. Democrats have been criticized for advocating for lockdowns and strict measures, while Republicans have pushed for more relaxed guidelines. However, both sides agree on the importance of caution during the pandemic. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, a member of the Trump administration, has encouraged people to reduce gathering sizes and increase ventilation. Despite this, Democrats have faced criticism for seemingly selectively applying lockdown measures, with some mayors, like Lori Lightfoot of Chicago, calling for stricter measures while others have not. The Biden administration has not yet committed to a national lockdown, with Biden's spokeswoman refusing to answer the question. The focus instead is on encouraging mask-wearing and other measures to control the spread of the virus.

    • Political figures' inconsistent application of COVID-19 restrictionsThe inconsistent application of COVID-19 restrictions by political figures can undermine public trust in science and government guidance, leading to confusion and a lack of credibility for important messages.

      The inconsistency and selective application of COVID-19 restrictions by political figures, as seen in the actions of the Queen of Science and Bill de Blasio, can undermine public trust in science and government guidance. The Queen of Science's behavior at a rally contrasted sharply with her recent advocacy for science, while Bill de Blasio's statements about COVID-19 restrictions lacked logical consistency. These instances highlight the importance of consistent and evidence-based decision-making in maintaining public trust and ensuring effective public health responses. The politicization of science and public health guidelines can lead to confusion and undermine the credibility of important messages.

    • Importance of Consistency and Caution in Uncertain TimesMaintain caution and listen to consistent voices during uncertain times, whether in politics or home security. Radicals have become mainstream in politics, and cyber thieves pose a threat to home equity. Protect yourself with services like Home Title Lock.

      Consistency and caution are key in uncertain times, whether it's in political viewpoints or home security. The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to those who have been consistent in their stance on large gatherings during the pandemic and maintaining caution. In the political arena, the speaker argues that the radicals, who were once considered the fringe of the Democratic Party, have now become the mainstream. This shift is attributed to Barack Obama's influence and his image as a radical posing as a moderate. In the realm of home security, the speaker warns of the threat of cyber thieves targeting home titles and stealing equity, emphasizing the need for protection services like Home Title Lock. Lastly, the speaker discusses the Democrats' unexpected losses in the 2020 elections and the internal reckoning within the party, noting that moderate Democrats suffered losses due to their association with the radicals.

    • Internal Tensions in the Democratic Party between Moderates and ProgressivesDemocratic Party faces internal strife between moderate and progressive wings, with moderate Democrats struggling to appeal to voters in deeply red states due to association with progressive figures and policies.

      The Democratic Party is facing internal tensions between its more moderate and progressive wings, with figures like Joe Manchin representing the former and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez leading the latter. This tension was highlighted during the 2022 elections, where Republicans made gains by capitalizing on anti-socialist sentiment. Despite Democratic leaders' attempts to distance themselves from socialist policies, their association with progressive figures like AOC and the Squad makes this difficult. The ideological divide within the party was further underscored by the contrasting political styles and ideologies of Barack Obama and current Democratic politicians. Obama, who was able to appeal to both moderate and progressive voters during his presidency, is now seen as representing a different era of Democratic politics. The current Democratic Party, led by figures like AOC, is seen as more radical and socialist, making it challenging for moderate Democrats like Manchin to survive in deeply red states.

    • Media manipulation and narratives during electionsThe media's premature declaration and focus on new administrations, while demonizing opposition, highlights the need for alternative sources of information. The Daily Wire aims to challenge legacy media with exclusive content.

      The current state of politics and media, as discussed in the podcast, raises concerns about the manipulation and narratives being pushed, particularly during election periods. The media's premature declaration of the election results and their subsequent shift in focus towards flattering the new administration, while demonizing the opposition, highlights the need for alternative sources of information. The Daily Wire, with its plans to expand and offer exclusive content, aims to challenge the dominance of legacy media. Additionally, the discussion highlighted Barack Obama's role in shaping the Democratic Party, with his actions and beliefs leading it towards a more radical direction. Obama's memoirs have made this clear, and his self-aggrandizing nature, as shown in the book, further underscores this point. Overall, the podcast emphasizes the importance of being informed and aware of the potential biases and narratives being presented by the media.

    • Obama's Disappointment with America and Its PeopleObama's memoir portrays him as disappointed with American people and democracy due to his desire for radical change. He sees those who don't support his agenda as racist, sexist, bigoted, or homophobic and criticizes the founding fathers for inconsistencies regarding equality.

      Barack Obama's third memoir, which is longer than the five books of Moses in the original Hebrew, portrays him as disappointed in the American people and American democracy due to his desire for radical change. According to excerpts from the memoir, Obama believes that those who don't support his agenda are racist, sexist, bigoted, or homophobic. He sees the current political crisis as a fundamental contest between opposing visions of America and its ideals. Those who don't believe in his radical policy prescriptions are accused of preserving freedom and equality for a privileged few. The founding fathers are also criticized for their inconsistencies regarding equality. The media, including the New York Times and The Atlantic, have praised Obama's writing style, but some critics argue that his memoirs lack substance and are more about blaming others for the country's divisions. Obama's memoirs reflect a deep-seated belief that those who disagree with him are not living up to American ideals, and that only by embracing his radical agenda can the country truly match its ideals to reality.

    • Obama's Critique of America's Founding IdealsObama has criticized America's history of racism, sexism, and exploitation, suggesting these issues are deeply ingrained, contributing to polarization.

      Barack Obama, during his presidency and in his post-presidency, has expressed doubts about America's founding ideals and has been accused of promoting a radical, divisive agenda. He has criticized the nation's history of racism, sexism, bigotry, and exploitation, and has suggested that these issues are deeply ingrained in American society. Some argue that Obama's rhetoric, which can be confrontational and critical, has contributed to the polarization of the country. Despite these criticisms, Obama continues to believe in the possibility of America and strives to lead the country towards a more equitable future. However, his views have been a source of controversy and have fueled debates about the nature of American society and its founding principles.

    • The 1960s social and political movements' evolutionThe belief in government's ability to solve all economic issues and the notion that all institutions were inherently racist faced challenges in the 1970s and 1990s, leading to a shift towards individual responsibility and limited government.

      The social and political movements of the 1960s, which aimed to address government's role in society and fight racism, evolved significantly over time. The belief that government could solve all economic issues and the notion that all institutions were inherently racist both faced challenges in the subsequent decades. The economic stagnation of the 1970s led to the fall of the idea that government could fix all problems, while the shift in the definition of racism and the focus on equality of outcome resulted in unintended consequences, such as wider gaps and crime problems. By the early 1990s, both narratives had largely fallen apart, and the principles of treating individuals as economic and personal entities, rather than groups, became central in American politics. These principles, emphasizing individual responsibility and limited government, continued to shape the political landscape, as seen in Barack Obama's 2008 campaign.

    • Obama's memoir portrays opposition to his agenda as rooted in racismObama's divisive rhetoric towards opponents could limit Biden's ability to unite the Democratic Party

      Barack Obama's presidency was built on the narratives of government as the solution to all problems and America's inherent racism. He campaigned as a unity candidate, tying these narratives together and creating a coalition to win the 2008 and 2012 elections. However, Obama's memoir suggests that anyone opposing his agenda was not rejecting the notion of government as the solution but was instead motivated by racism or hatred towards him and the black community. This divisive rhetoric may have contributed to the shift in voter support in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania during the 2016 election. Obama's belief that opposition to his agenda was rooted in racism continued throughout his presidency, with him labeling opponents as racist or stupid. This perspective, as presented in his memoir, could limit Biden's ability to reach out to those who did not support Obama's agenda and may complicate efforts to unite the Democratic Party.

    • Democratic Party's ideology rooted in socialism and intersectionalityThe Democratic Party's current ideology is a blend of socialistic and intersectional beliefs, deeply rooted and not disappearing, emphasizing private property's moral significance as a fundamental aspect of human identity and freedom.

      The Democratic Party's current ideology is a fusion of socialistic and intersectional beliefs, which was catalyzed during Barack Obama's presidency. This ideology is deeply rooted and will not disappear, making it a significant aspect of the Democratic Party moving forward. Additionally, the concept of private property is essential and inherent to human nature, as recognized in both the Old and New Testaments. Property ownership is not a social construct but a way for individuals to claim their place in the world and extend themselves beyond their physical selves. The moral significance of property ownership is often overlooked in political discussions, but it is a fundamental aspect of human identity and freedom.

    • Abraham's purchase of a burial site sets a precedent for property ownershipRecognizing and respecting individual property claims leads to a more peaceful and orderly society

      That property claims matter and have historical significance. This was exemplified in the Torah portion, HaYasara, where Abraham made the first territorial claim for the Jewish people in the land of Israel through purchasing a burial site. Although Ephron, the owner of the land, offered it to Abraham for free, Abraham insisted on paying for it to establish clear ownership. This act of consensual exchange of property is important as it clarifies boundaries between individuals and prevents potential points of contention. The idea that good property ownership makes for a better society is a timeless concept, as emphasized by Robert Frost's phrase "good fences make good neighbors." By acknowledging and respecting individual property claims, we create a more polite, freer, and peaceful society.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    "99 days to the election (with Mehdi Hasan)."

    "99 days to the election (with Mehdi Hasan)."

    The Intercept’s Mehdi Hasan joins to discuss the state of the presidential campaign now that we’re less than 100 days out, how COVID reached deep into the White House and forced major changes to Trump’s campaign, the latest with COVID relief in Congress, how Trump’s message went from calling Biden soft on China to member of Antifa, and how the media can learn from the mistakes of 2016. Then Jon F. interviews Mother Jones' Ari Berman about voting during the pandemic.

    Make sure you're registered, request an absentee ballot, and get involved at votesaveamerica.com/everylastvote.

    When Republicans?

    When Republicans?


    When Republicans? When will you stand up and fight for us. This is the time where you are supposed to do your job. I want you to see that the Republicans are responsible for the country being under the control of Biden. You cannot ignore what they are not doing. It's obvious that the Republicans are working together with the Democrats to intentionally destroy the United States. This should not be.

    Podcast intro and outro from Jeremy Marsan and link to https://jeremymarsan.com/.  476070__jjmarsan__hello-user-bright-cheery-intro-music; Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)

    117592__soundmary__aplause-short-burst & 472688__silverillusionist__fire-burst

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    Join Christopher and Kathryn Gore as they share the latest news on Current Events!

    Elon Musk and Twitter, BLM Exposed, Transgender Identity, Smyrna Clayton School District, Biden Taxes, Texas National Guardsman (Security Guard who drowned rescuing drug dealers, Living in the Last Days.

    Podcast intro and outro from Jeremy Marsan and link to https://jeremymarsan.com/. 476070__jjmarsan__hello-user-bright-cheery-intro-music; Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)

    117592__soundmary__aplause-short-burst & 472688__silverillusionist__fire-burst