
    Podcast Summary

    • From skeptic to believer: A personal journey into the world of cryptidsPersonal experiences and open-mindedness play crucial roles in understanding the unexplained.

      Our guest's personal experiences and evolving beliefs have shaped their perspective on the existence of cryptids like Bigfoot and Mothman. Starting as a skeptic, our guest's encounter in Oklahoma led them to believe in the reality of these creatures and sparked their interest in creating films about such topics through their independent production company, Small Town Monsters. The journey from skepticism to belief and the resulting passion for exploring the unknown is a common thread among those drawn to the study of the unexplained. The importance of personal experiences and open-mindedness in understanding the world around us is a powerful reminder from our conversation today.

    • From mild interest to full-time pursuitPassion and perseverance can lead to unexpected opportunities, even amidst financial uncertainty.

      Passion and perseverance can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker started with a mild interest in a subject, which grew into a full-time pursuit after long hours of data entry and podcast listening at work. This led to researching Bigfoot cases, writing a book, and eventually producing movies. The journey was not stable or easy, with constant financial uncertainty, but the speaker's dedication and hard work allowed them to keep going and eventually find success. The experience is reminiscent of the indie music model, where artists constantly create and release new work while living hand to mouth until they find a breakthrough.

    • Creating your own content can lead to unexpected successStaying true to your vision and creating your own content can lead to financial stability and the ability to pursue your passion full-time

      Creating your own content and building a brand can lead to significant success, even if it doesn't come overnight. The speaker in this conversation is a production company owner who has chosen to focus on creating their own movies, rather than taking on commercial work or working for other companies. They shared a story about how their film "Mothman" from 2017 was a turning point for their business. The film's success allowed them to make enough money to support their family and focus on filmmaking full-time. It may not have been a huge financial windfall, but it was enough to keep their independent business going. The experience of watching their film climb the charts on Amazon was surreal and inspiring, and it showed them that their hard work was paying off. The lesson here is that staying true to your vision and creating your own content can lead to unexpected success and the ability to pursue your passion full-time.

    • Considering cost-effective travel alternatives and the allure of unexplained phenomenaExploring RVs as a more affordable travel option and the intrigue of Mothman's conflicting descriptions can lead to significant financial savings and personal fascination.

      Saving money on travel and finding cost-effective alternatives can lead to significant financial savings, especially for those in the entertainment industry. The speaker shared their experience of considering RVs as a more affordable alternative to tour buses. They also emphasized the importance of organic growth and the unpredictability of success, using the example of Amazon and the mysterious Mothman. The speaker also highlighted the intriguing nature of Mothman, a creature with conflicting descriptions and characteristics. They shared stories of witnesses reporting Mothman's ability to fly without flapping wings, its legs bending inward when it walked, and an unpleasant sulfur smell. Despite the inconsistencies, the speaker found the stories fascinating and shared their connection to the subject, having watched a documentary about Mothman in the past. Overall, the conversation touched on the themes of financial savvy, unpredictable success, and the allure of unexplained phenomena.

    • Mothman legends include various unexplained phenomenaThe Mothman legend in West Virginia encompasses more than just sightings of a creature, with reports of humanoid beings with wings, giant birds, and men with red eyes and wings. The challenging terrain and possible government experiments are potential explanations, but no definitive evidence exists.

      The Mothman legend in West Virginia during the 1960s encompasses various unexplained phenomena, not just sightings of the Mothman creature. Witnesses reported encountering humanoid beings with wings, giant birds, and even men with red eyes and wings. The area's challenging terrain might have contributed to the condensing of these diverse experiences under the Mothman label. Furthermore, the possibility of government experiments or other unknown factors cannot be ruled out. The ancient burial mounds in the region have been suggested as potential sources of local legends, but historically, there is no solid evidence to support this claim. While some believe these stories might be linked to satanic activity, there is no definitive proof to support this theory, historically or presently.

    • Tales of the Supernatural in West Virginia and OhioLocal legends of satanic activity and the Mothman in West Virginia and Ohio have become significant parts of the local culture and tourism, boosting the economy and keeping the stories alive

      The states of West Virginia and Ohio, particularly the areas surrounding Point Pleasant and Wheeling, have a rich history of unexplained phenomena and local legends, including stories of satanic activity and the Mothman. These stories have become a significant part of the local culture and tourism, with many towns embracing their supernatural past. The Mothman, a creature reportedly seen in the area during the 1960s, has become a major tourist attraction and has helped revitalize the economy of Point Pleasant. The presence of these legends and their impact on local communities seems to have grown over time, with many towns having their own unique stories. While some of these legends may be rooted in truth, it's unclear how much of it is organized or orchestrated, and much of it may be the result of bored children or local folklore. Regardless, these stories continue to captivate and intrigue people, drawing them back to these areas and keeping the legends alive.

    • The Mothman legend's enduring mysteryThe Mothman legend, originating from West Virginia, persists due to its connection to disasters and human culture, despite a lack of definitive evidence.

      The Mothman legend, which originated from sightings in West Virginia between the late 1960s and present day, has persisted due to its connection to disasters throughout history and human culture. Despite a lack of definitive evidence like photos or videos, stories of the winged creature have spread, influencing mythology and even inspiring movies. The legend has expanded beyond its original location, with alleged sightings reported in various places, including urban areas. The Mothman's elusive nature and association with disasters have kept the legend alive and intriguing for generations.

    • The Mothman: A West Virginia LegendThe Mothman, a legendary creature reportedly sighted in West Virginia in the late 1960s, remains a mystery with various theories suggesting it could be a mutated creature, a conjured entity, or even a large bird. Its legend continues to captivate people, inspiring exploration and skepticism alike.

      The Mothman, a legendary creature reportedly sighted in West Virginia between 1966 and 1967, remains a mystery with various theories suggesting it could be a mutated creature, a conjured entity, or even a large bird. Some reports describe it as demonic or supernatural in nature. The sightings range from people encountering it while driving to claims of it appearing in their homes. Theories about its origin include toxic waste contamination and demonic conjuring. The Mothman's legend has continued to captivate people, leading some to explore the subject more deeply, while others remain skeptical or even fearful of its potential influence. Some researchers approach the subject objectively, documenting stories and investigating reported sightings, while others prefer to keep a safe distance. Overall, the Mothman's story highlights the enduring human fascination with the unknown and unexplained.

    • Approaching Unexplained Phenomena with an Open MindListen to witnesses directly, approach each case with skepticism, separate fact from fiction, and maintain a critical yet open-minded perspective.

      When investigating unexplained phenomena, it's crucial to approach each case with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism. The witnesses' accounts should be heard directly and not just based on secondhand information or legends. Some stories may challenge our beliefs, while others may turn out to be hoaxes or misidentifications. It's essential to trust our instincts and be aware of the potential dangers or complexities of certain topics. For instance, while some phenomena, like Bigfoot, may be explainable, others, like encounters with supernatural beings or UFOs, require a more cautious approach. Ultimately, it's important to separate fact from fiction and approach each case with a critical yet open-minded perspective.

    • Separating truth from lies in paranormal experiencesDocumenting stories for audiences to decide, focusing on biological plausibility, and considering interconnected phenomena

      It's challenging to distinguish truth from lies when it comes to paranormal experiences, as people can be convincing liars and some witnesses might have genuine beliefs or mental conditions. The filmmaker shares that he has only identified two instances of outright lying in the thousands of stories he's encountered. Instead of trying to convince skeptics, his goal is to document these stories and let audiences decide for themselves whether they believe in the paranormal or not. The filmmaker also believes that many paranormal phenomena may be interconnected, but the difference between believable and less believable stories lies in the witness experiences and the biological reality of the creatures described. For instance, Bigfoot stories seem more credible due to their biological plausibility, while dogman stories might be spiritual or supernatural in nature.

    • Mothman: An Old Tale with a New Name?The Mothman legend, a creature reportedly sighted in West Virginia, might be an old tale with new evidence and connections to other mythological creatures, according to theories and research.

      The Mothman legend, a creature reportedly sighted in West Virginia, may not be as new or unique as it seems. According to the discussion, there are theories suggesting that Mothman could be an ancient entity or even connected to other mythological creatures. Some reports include encounters with spirits or otherworldly beings, adding to the speculation. The filmmaker behind the Mothman Legacy series, Seth Breedlove, shares his thoughts on the possibility of these creatures being more than just folklore, and how they might have evolved over time. He also mentions the connection between the Mothman stories and other myths, such as the banshee, which predates disaster and has similarities to the Mothman description. Overall, the discussion sheds light on the idea that the Mothman legend might be an old tale with a new name, and that there might be more to these stories than meets the eye.

    • Folklore and history shape our perception of unexplained phenomenaExploring the history and context behind unexplained phenomena can provide valuable insights, as local folklore and history can influence how we perceive these events.

      Cultural folklore and history can influence the way we perceive and interpret unexplained phenomena. The discussion revolved around the Mothman legend in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and how the appearance of a winged creature with red eyes wasn't as strange to the local population, many of whom were descendants of Scotch Irish immigrants, given their rich folklore of winged creatures and dark figures that heralded disaster. The speakers also touched upon the topic of giants and their existence, suggesting that exploring the history and origins of such creatures could lead to interesting discoveries. They emphasized the importance of delving deeper into the history and context surrounding unexplained phenomena, as opposed to just focusing on the phenomena themselves. Additionally, they noted that certain areas seem to have a higher concentration of paranormal activity, possibly due to being confluences or portals of some kind.

    • Hotspots for Unusual Phenomena: Thin PlacesAncient belief identifies certain locations as 'thin places', where multiple types of unexplained phenomena, like UFOs, Mothman sightings, Men in Black, and ghosts, coexist. These areas may be portals or spiritual doors.

      Certain locations, like Point Pleasant in West Virginia, are considered hotspots for unusual and unexplained phenomena. These areas, often referred to as "thin places" in ancient Celtic belief, seem to have a veil between dimensions where multiple types of phenomena, such as UFOs, Mothman sightings, Men in Black, and even ghosts, coexist. Theories suggest that these places may be portals or spiritual doors. Examples of such areas include Skinwalker Ranch, Bridgewater Triangle, and Chestnut Ridge. The unexplained occurrences in these locations have fascinated people for centuries, and further investigation into their nature remains an intriguing mystery.

    • Documenting overlooked storiesCreating content with a clear purpose, such as documenting overlooked stories, invites wider audience engagement and encourages individual interpretation.

      The mission of creating content, be it music or films, requires a clear sense of purpose. The speaker, who grew up surrounded by history and historical stories, aims to capture and document often overlooked or forgotten stories. Their goal is to invite a wider audience to engage with these facts and draw their own conclusions, providing a space for learning without being pushed towards a predetermined narrative. This approach to content creation is particularly relevant in today's media landscape, where objectivity and allowing room for individual interpretation are becoming increasingly rare. By focusing on documenting history and providing factual information, the speaker aims to create a gateway for those interested in various topics, from small-town monster stories to lesser-known regions. Overall, the importance of maintaining a clear mission statement and allowing for individual interpretation is essential for creating engaging and thought-provoking content.

    • Do we want Bigfoot mysteries solved or unsolved?The debate over Bigfoot's existence raises questions about the importance of discovery versus respecting diverse perspectives and potential dangers to both humans and creatures.

      The fascination with fringe information, such as the existence of Bigfoot, raises an intriguing question: do we want these mysteries to be solved or remain unsolved? For the filmmaker and Bigfoot enthusiast, there is a desire for discovery due to potential dangers to both the creatures and humans, particularly concerning habitat destruction and conservation. However, there are also skeptics who believe that claims of Bigfoot violence or kidnapping are exaggerated or fabricated. Native American folklore adds another layer to the debate, with stories of Bigfoot-like creatures taking children. Ultimately, the exploration of Bigfoot and other fringe topics highlights the importance of critical thinking and respect for diverse perspectives.

    • Exploring the unknown while preserving realityFilmmaker Seth Breedlove emphasizes the importance of balancing the appeal of the unknown with reality in his work, including upcoming projects like 'The Market of Bell' and expanding his Small Town Monster Squad YouTube channel, while his dream project is a departure from the paranormal, focusing on growing up in a small Midwestern town in the 1980s.

      While there may be a fascination with the unknown and the dangerous, it's important to maintain a sense of reality and mystery. Filmmaker Seth Breedlove, known for his work on Bigfoot and other paranormal topics, expresses this sentiment. He acknowledges the appeal of violence and danger, but also emphasizes the importance of preserving the unknown. Breedlove's upcoming projects include "The Market of Bell," a docudrama that combines horror and documentary elements, and the expansion of their Small Town Monster Squad YouTube channel. His ultimate dream project, however, is a departure from the paranormal - a movie about growing up in a small Midwestern town in the 1980s. Despite the allure of the supernatural, Breedlove reminds us that there's value in exploring the ordinary and the everyday.

    • Exploring the Mothman Legend with Small Town MonstersSmall Town Monsters shares captivating stories about cryptids and folklore creatures, encouraging listeners to check out their movies on various platforms or support them with purchases. They welcome Bigfoot and cryptid-related stories and invite listeners to join them on their journey to explore the unknown.

      The Small Town Monsters production team, specifically Seth Breedlove, shares intriguing and captivating stories about various cryptids and folklore creatures. During their conversation on the podcast, they discussed the Mothman legend and how it has impacted people in various ways. The team encourages viewers to check out their movies, which are available on multiple platforms, including Tubi TV, Amazon Prime, and their own website, smalltownmonsters.com. If you're interested in supporting their work, you can purchase DVDs, Blu-rays, or digital copies directly from their site. The team also welcomes any Bigfoot or cryptid-related stories and encourages listeners to share their experiences or knowledge. The Small Town Monsters team is passionate about their work and invites listeners to join them on their journey to explore the unknown.

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    Recommended Reading: 

    Lyle Blackburn: Sinister Swamp: https://amzn.to/3g0Va0A 

    Stanton Friedman- Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-Up of a UFO https://amzn.to/38GkCqd 

    Shannon Legro -Beyond the Fray: Bigfoot: https://amzn.to/395obok 

    Ramdas - The One Eyed Turtle by Robert Goerman:  https://amzn.to/2DY5civ

    John A. Keel: The Man, The Myths, and the Ongoing Mysteries: https://amzn.to/2LHbd7X  

    Brown Mountain Lights: History, Human Nature, and Science Explain an Appalachian Mystery  https://amzn.to/2TJ2oyR 

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    SMALL News

    1. Asteroid heading our way on Election Day, according to CNN:
      1. Asteroid heading our way right before Election Day
      2. The chance of it hitting us is just 0.41%, according to data shared with CNN.
    2. Oumuamua isn’t hydrogen and ice as previously believed: Interstellar Object Oumuamua Isn't Made of Hydrogen Ice, Study Says | Astronomy

    Kelly Hopkinsville Goblins-



     Small Bi-Pedal Creature spotted in Athens, Ohio: https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/athens-county-sheriffs-office-investigates-call-involving-creature/?fbclid=IwAR3gCscWehvyRGmDaxvH-gyu9PWKd92lSwBaAzVpIX8qJV7qXNAyOQsxtBE 

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    Again, that's  http://www.audibletrial.com/cheapgeek   for your free audiobook.

    Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena https://amzn.to/2Yn7L8K 

    Enjoy this with your free trial:  “Through the Brown Mountain Lights” by Christy Tillery French  https://amzn.to/2MfRZZh  


    This Patron supported episode is brought to you by Dav, Adam, James, Bobby, John, and John! 

    We really appreciate their Patronage!

    Upcoming Events: Everything’s Cancelled-

    What to watch:


    • Currently Free for Amazon Prime


    Seth Breedlove Small Town Monsters https://amzn.to/2yemd8x  



    Recommended Reading: 

    Lyle Blackburn: Sinister Swamp: https://amzn.to/3g0Va0A 

    Stanton Friedman- Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-Up of a UFO https://amzn.to/38GkCqd 

    Shannon Legro -Beyond the Fray: Bigfoot: https://amzn.to/395obok 

    Ramdas - The One Eyed Turtle by Robert Goerman:  https://amzn.to/2DY5civ

    John A. Keel: The Man, The Myths, and the Ongoing Mysteries: https://amzn.to/2LHbd7X  

    Brown Mountain Lights: History, Human Nature, and Science Explain an Appalachian Mystery  https://amzn.to/2TJ2oyR 

    Get Something From Amazon Prime!


    Cool Stuff on Amazon -Squatch Metalworks Microsquatch Keychain:  https://amzn.to/2Mzc7Ek 

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    121: Sasquatch, Spirits and Psychos

    121: Sasquatch, Spirits and Psychos

    For episode 121 we have Josh coming on to share when he came across a bigfoot as a teenager and at first glance he thought it was a gorilla. He then shares how he experienced some paranormal activity including a time when he experienced a ghostly entity go right through his body!

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    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw

    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOADhttps://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    RELOADED | 97: Bigfoot Staring Back At Me

    RELOADED | 97: Bigfoot Staring Back At Me
    In Episode 97, we bring on guests David and Kim to their individual stories. First, David recounts how one night, while practicing his music up in the mountains, he looked into the rearview mirror of his SUV and saw a face he will never forget - the face of a bigfoot! David also shares a few paranormal experiences that left a deep impression on him. Following David’s interview, guest Kim joins us all the way from Belgium to share his own paranormal experiences, from seeing shadow figures to dating a white witch!

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    Alcoa, TN 37701

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    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel