
    Ep. 1213 - President Houseplant’s Big Blowout Bonanza

    enMarch 11, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Promising vaccine results bring hope for normalcyVaccines show 94-97% effectiveness in preventing COVID-19, infection rates are low, and life is expected to return to normal despite ongoing crisis and government efforts to prolong it. Investing in gold is also a smart move due to unprecedented spending and potential dollar devaluation.

      Despite the ongoing crisis at the border and the largest spending bill in American history, there is hope for a return to normalcy as the vaccine rollout continues to show promising results. Pfizer's real-world data from Israel suggests their vaccine is 94% effective in preventing asymptomatic infections and 97% effective in preventing symptomatic disease, severe critical disease, and death. With infection rates at an all-time low and vaccines being distributed at a rapid pace, it's clear that we are nearing the end of the pandemic. The government's efforts to prolong the crisis for political gain notwithstanding, the data indicates that life will soon return to normal. Additionally, investing in gold as a hedge against inflation and uncertainty in the market is a wise move, especially given the unprecedented spending and potential devaluation of the dollar.

    • Misinterpreted CDC guidelines prolonging the pandemic crisisVaccinated individuals can resume normal activities, while unvaccinated individuals should continue precautions. The pandemic is effectively over for the vaccinated, but not for the unvaccinated.

      Once you've been vaccinated against COVID-19, you can resume many normal activities without the need for masks or social distancing, according to the speaker. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines suggesting otherwise are being misrepresented, and the speaker argues that these guidelines are being used as an excuse for prolonging the crisis and pushing for societal change. The speaker believes that vaccinated individuals are statistically very unlikely to contract or transmit the virus, and that the pandemic is effectively over for them. However, the speaker also acknowledges that unvaccinated individuals remain at risk and should take necessary precautions to protect themselves. The speaker criticizes political figures and institutions for continuing to present the pandemic as a crisis and using it as an opportunity to implement radical changes.

    • Speaker is optimistic about economic recovery despite ongoing restrictionsDespite ongoing government spending and restrictions, the speaker believes the economy is on the path to recovery as the COVID-19 crisis subsides, criticizing political figures for using the crisis as an excuse for unrelated economic changes.

      The speaker believes the COVID-19 crisis is waning and the economy is on the path to recovery, despite ongoing government spending and restrictions. He argues that the economic downturn was caused artificially by the virus and shutdowns, and once the virus subsides, businesses will bounce back. He criticizes political figures like President Biden and Dr. Fauci for using the crisis as an excuse to implement changes to the economy that were not related to the pandemic. The speaker also promotes wireless earbuds from Raycon as a way to disconnect from the news and relax.

    • CDC's Overly Restrictive and Inconsistent GuidelinesDespite vaccines making individuals 'bulletproof' after a month, CDC guidelines are slow to reflect this reality, still advising against air travel and limiting interactions to small, private settings, while an unpublished study shows vaccines reduce transmission by 89-94% and prevent hospitalization and death almost entirely.

      Despite the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, the CDC's guidelines have been overly restrictive and inconsistent. Doctor Marty Makari, a frequent guest on the program from Johns Hopkins University, wrote in The Wall Street Journal that after a month, vaccinated individuals are essentially bulletproof. However, the CDC's guidelines have been slow to reflect this reality. For instance, they still advise against air travel for vaccinated individuals, despite evidence that it's safe. The guidelines also only allow vaccinated people to meet with low-risk, unvaccinated individuals in small private settings. Meanwhile, an unpublished study shows that vaccination reduces transmission by 89-94% and prevents hospitalization and death almost entirely. The CDC acknowledges that the risks of infection in vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated, but it's time to allow vaccinated individuals to restore their relationships and rebuild their lives. The Democrats' ongoing use of the pandemic as an excuse to pass unnecessary spending bills, which primarily benefit union pension funds, states, and localities, should also be noted.

    • Criticisms of the $1.9 Trillion COVID-Relief BillThe $1.9 trillion COVID-relief bill faced criticisms for its massive spending, party-line passing, and long-term consequences like national debt, despite its COVID-19 relief being only 10% of the total amount.

      The recent $1.9 trillion COVID-relief bill passed in the US is being criticized for its massive spending, despite the pandemic situation improving. Nancy Pelosi calls it the most consequential legislation, but critics argue it was passed along party lines and encourages people not to return to work. The bill's incentives for unemployment and low infection rates have led to concerns about long-term consequences, including the ballooning national debt. The actual COVID-19 relief amount is only 10%, while a significant portion goes to teachers' unions and infrastructure projects. Critics argue that the bill doesn't address the root causes of poverty and instead sends checks, which has not been an effective solution in the past. The total national debt is now over $27.9 trillion, with each household owing over $215,000, and the spending pattern is unsustainable.

    • Pandemic relief bill: Unintended consequences and political spendingThe pandemic relief bill expands welfare programs, potentially disincentivizing work and marriage, and includes large sums for specific interests, raising concerns about long-term economic impact

      The pandemic relief bill significantly expands welfare programs, which could have unintended consequences such as disincentivizing work and marriage. The bill also includes large sums of money going to specific interests and political allies, rather than directly addressing the economic needs caused by the pandemic. While some argue that the stimulus checks and other provisions are necessary, critics claim that the bill is a giant boondoggle and that the money would be better spent on creating new products and services to stimulate the economy. Ultimately, the debate around the bill is not just about the current crisis, but also about what comes next and the potential long-term impact on the economy and society.

    • Boll and Branch's superior bed sheets vs. COVID-related spending debateBoll and Branch's organic cotton sheets provide a superior experience, while the COVID-related spending bill sparks debate over necessity and potential long-term economic consequences, with concerns of inflation and instability.

      The quality of bed sheets matters, and Boll and Branch's organic, ethically-produced 100% cotton sheets offer a superior experience. Meanwhile, the ongoing debate about the recent massive COVID-related bill centers around its necessity and potential long-term economic consequences. Mitch McConnell argues that the economy will recover regardless, and the spending could harm the country's future. Some predict that this spending spree may lead to inflation and economic instability, which could take a few years to fully materialize. Despite the challenges, there is hope for a healthier and more hopeful future as we navigate the pandemic. Remember, the best sheets can make a difference in your daily life, and you can experience the best with Boll and Branch, using promo code shapiro for a 15% discount.

    • Concerns over long-term costs of economic stimulus packageCritics warn massive spending could lead to inflation, devalue savings, and disproportionately affect lower-income individuals. The Fed downplays concerns, but many monitor situation closely as Democrats push for relief through $1400 checks and accelerated vaccine distribution.

      While President Biden and Democrats are promising relief and aid to Americans through the passage of a large economic stimulus package, there are concerns about the potential long-term costs, particularly in the form of inflation. Critics argue that the massive spending could lead to an overheated economy and devalue savings, disproportionately affecting lower-income individuals. The Federal Reserve has downplayed these concerns, but many are keeping a close eye on the situation as the legislation moves forward. Additionally, there are concerns about the President's ability to effectively communicate and lead, with some questioning his control over his own administration. Despite these concerns, Democrats are pushing forward with the package, promising quick relief in the form of $1400 checks and accelerated vaccine distribution.

    • Economic Challenges, HR Solutions, New Book, and a New ShowEconomic instability may increase borrowing costs and inflation, affecting sectors like housing. HR management solutions like Bambi can help small businesses focus on core operations. Andrew Clayman's new book is out, and Candace Owens' new show premieres soon.

      The economic situation, as discussed by Diamond, could lead to significant increases in borrowing costs and inflation over the next 5 to 10 years. This could negatively impact various sectors, including the housing market. Additionally, the ongoing COVID-19 relief efforts, according to the speaker, are not just about relief but about restructuring the American economy. Meanwhile, for small businesses, HR issues can be a significant burden. Bambi, a dedicated HR management solution, offers a more affordable alternative, allowing businesses to focus on their core operations. In the world of entertainment, Andrew Clayman's latest book, The Emperor's Sword, is a must-read for fans of the Another Kingdom series. Lastly, Candace Owens' new show, "Candace," is set to premiere on March 19th, promising to challenge stereotypes and provoke thoughtful discussions.

    • Crisis at the Border vs. COVID-19 Relief: Which is the Real Crisis?The ongoing COVID-19 relief bill is not a sustainable solution for poverty alleviation, and the crisis at the US-Mexico border, caused by the administration's policies, is a real crisis that requires attention.

      The ongoing COVID-19 relief bill, while popular due to the free money distribution, is not a sustainable solution for poverty alleviation. Democrats are trying to shift the narrative towards poverty relief, but Americans understand that this approach does not effectively solve the issue. The economic downturn caused by the pandemic is artificial and will eventually end, but the consequences of the current policies may lead to an actual crisis. Meanwhile, there is a crisis at the US-Mexico border, with record numbers of unaccompanied migrant teens and children being held in detention centers, which the Biden administration is not addressing effectively. The situation at the border is a crisis created by the administration's policies, and it's important to distinguish between the manufactured and real crises.

    • Biden Administration Denies Crisis at U.S.-Mexico BorderThe Biden administration denies the existence of a crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, despite evidence to the contrary, and the New York Times defends certain individuals in the media industry while neglecting others.

      ...despite the increasing crisis situation at the U.S.-Mexico border, the Biden administration continues to deny the existence of a crisis, attributing it to hope for a more humane policy and the release of people into the interior. The administration's stance contrasts with the acknowledgement of the crisis by various media outlets and the significant increase in border encounters. The situation has arisen due to the Biden administration's policy decisions, yet they persist in their denial. Meanwhile, the New York Times has taken a stance on defending certain individuals, while failing to support others in the media industry.

    • Media figures attacking critics while claiming to uphold free speechMedia figures attack those who disagree, rallying around them instead of defending free speech for all, demonstrating a disregard for openness and individual rights.

      There is a growing trend of journalists and media figures attacking individuals who criticize them, while claiming to uphold the principles of free speech and individual rights. Taylor Lorenz of The New York Times and Marlowe Stern of The Daily Beast were called out for their behavior towards those who disagree with them, and the media's response was to rally around them, rather than defending the freedom of speech for all. This double standard was also seen in the case of Piers Morgan, who lost his job in the UK for expressing his opinion about Meghan Markle. The media's actions demonstrate a lack of care for openness and individual rights, and instead prioritize defending their own.

    • Media bias and race: A contentious issueThe Meghan Markle interview and Piers Morgan's reaction sparked a heated debate about media bias and racism, resulting in criticism of the Society of Editors and the resignation of its head.

      The debate surrounding Meghan Markle's interview with Oprah Winfrey and the subsequent backlash against Piers Morgan for expressing his opinion on the matter has highlighted the increasingly polarized and divisive nature of discussions around race and media bias. The Society of Editors in the UK, which represents senior members of the UK media, faced criticism and backlash for a statement defending the industry against accusations of racism. This led to the resignation of the organization's head, Ian Murray. The incident underscores the intensity of the ongoing debate around media representation of people of color and the consequences of expressing opinions that are perceived as defending or denying systemic racism. The incident also highlights the power of public opinion and the potential for career consequences for those who take unpopular stances on these issues.

    • Wokeness Taking Over Institutions, Dismissing Dissenting VoicesWokeness, an ideology separating people based on race and suppressing dissent, has infiltrated major institutions, causing billions in damages and promoting racial injustice studies, while dismissing opposing perspectives.

      The institutions in our society are being taken over by the ideology of wokeness, which seeks to separate people based on race and use institutional power to suppress dissenting voices. This was highlighted in CNN's Don Lemon's response to Senator Tim Scott's criticism of woke supremacy. Lemon, who is known for his journalistic prowess, dismissed Scott's perspective and accused him of being a white supremacist. However, it is the woke supremacists who have caused significant damage to the United States, including billions of dollars in property damage during protests last year. Moreover, they have infiltrated major institutions in American society, such as California's high school education system, where they are pushing for mandatory racial injustice studies. Both white supremacy and woke supremacy are harmful ideologies, but it is the latter that currently holds tremendous influential sway and power.

    • California's Ethnic Studies Curriculum: A Contentious IssueThe ethnic studies curriculum in California is a contentious issue, with some advocating for its importance in promoting social justice and centering marginalized voices, while others criticize it for lack of coherence and perceived indoctrination. The debate continues, with local decisions on implementation.

      The ethnic studies curriculum in California has become a contentious issue, with some viewing it as an important step towards promoting social justice and centering marginalized voices, while others see it as an overly politicized and ideologically driven attempt to indoctrinate students. The LA Times editorial board criticized the curriculum for its perceived lack of coherence and its emphasis on white subjugation of non-white people. Ethnic studies activists, on the other hand, are frustrated that the curriculum has been watered down and want more state control over its implementation. The debate is far from over, with local school boards and individual classrooms set to decide the issue at the local level. Some critics argue that ethnic studies is not a traditional school subject but a movement and philosophy, and those who disagree may face backlash. The passing of the curriculum is seen as a victory for the ethnic studies movement, but it may not put an end to the conflict in California.

    • Debates and Tensions in Contemporary SocietyPush for fairness and equality vs. self-governance and community empowerment; ongoing dialogue and understanding essential for navigating complexities of modern life

      The political and social landscape continues to be shaped by diverse perspectives and actions. On one hand, there's a push for stricter laws, such as bans on men in women's sports and restrictive abortion legislation. On the other hand, there's a growing trend towards inclusivity and challenging traditional norms, like the emergence of autonomous zones and companies removing the term "normal" from their advertising. These contrasting movements highlight the ongoing debates and tensions in contemporary society. For instance, the new poll indicating majority approval for laws banning men from women's sports reflects a push for fairness and equality, while the establishment of an autonomous zone in Minneapolis represents a call for self-governance and community empowerment. Similarly, the decision by Dove to stop using the term "normal" in their advertising is an attempt to promote inclusivity, while concerns about stay-at-home moms setting a bad example for their children reflects a more traditional perspective. Ultimately, these developments underscore the importance of ongoing dialogue and understanding as we navigate the complexities of modern life.

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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Spotlight: Democrats’ Proposed Tax Hike Is Reckless And Not The Solution To Inflation

    Spotlight: Democrats’ Proposed Tax Hike Is Reckless And Not The Solution To Inflation

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has unveiled his solution to help fight inflation: significant tax increases. Steve Forbes on why the Democrats’ proposed tax hike is reckless and is not the answer to inflation.

    Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

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    Enough Already! Can We Get A Straight Answer About This Swing State? (Ep 1415)

    Enough Already! Can We Get A Straight Answer About This Swing State? (Ep 1415)
    In this episode, I discuss the stunning allegations about Election Day troubles in this key swing state, as revealed in a new court finding. I also discuss the latest in a long list of examples of Trump defying media expectations.  News Picks: Auditors find an astonishing 68 percent error rate in the election.  Wisconsin Supreme Court says election officials were wrong, ballots may not be counted.  Some electors in contested states casted votes for Trump. The ridiculous media meltdown over the Jill Biden incident.   Media zero tries to take a cheap shot at Trump’s economic record, and quickly gets shredded.  The media is already busy crediting Biden for Trump’s accomplishments.  Bill Barr is out at DOJ. The media owes Dr. Gorka an apology.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 1069 - The Swedish Chef vs. Chewbacca

    Ep. 1069 - The Swedish Chef vs. Chewbacca

    Trump and Biden gaffe all over each other as the polls tighten; Michelle Obama says the quiet part out loud; and we explore why some Leftists are now claiming 2+2=5.

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