
    Enough Already! Can We Get A Straight Answer About This Swing State? (Ep 1415)

    enDecember 15, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Heroism in Dangerous SituationsReal heroes expand their actions in dangerous situations, like NYPD officers, and despite media declarations, Trump's accomplishments continue to be significant.

      Real heroism involves getting big instead of getting small during dangerous situations. Dan Bongino shared an example of heroes in the NYPD who acted bravely in the face of danger. Additionally, he discussed significant developments in the election, including a high error rate in vote processing and Trump's accomplishments despite media declarations of impossibility. The show was sponsored by ExpressVPN and Brick House Nutrition, and Dan shared his personal experience with chemo and his recommendation for Field of Greens by Brick House Nutrition to support a healthy immune system.

    • NYPD officers put lives on the line to protect civiliansCourageous officers risked their lives to save civilians, debunking calls for police defunding

      Real-life heroes, like the NYPD officers in the video, put their lives on the line to protect innocent civilians and neutralize threats, despite the danger. These officers engaged in a gunfight with an armed gunman, taking cover behind inadequate concealment and showing no regard for their own safety. Their quick actions saved lives and neutralized the threat, demonstrating true courage and selflessness. Politicians advocating for defunding the police based on this scenario are criticized for their seemingly irrational and indefensible stance. Smart people should question the credibility and intelligence of such politicians and disregard their messages.

    • Heroes and TrailblazersOrdinary people and unconventional politicians challenge expectations and make a significant impact, demonstrating courage and defying conventional structures.

      Ordinary people, like first responders, put their lives on the line every day for others, demonstrating true courage and making a significant impact. Meanwhile, politicians like Donald Trump have defied expectations and achieved the impossible, often in the face of skepticism and opposition from experts and the media. Trump's success can be attributed to his refusal to accept failure and his outsider status, which allows him to challenge conventional political structures. This dynamic could continue to influence future elections, with candidates who embody these traits gaining favor over traditional politicians.

    • Challenging the status quo without political favorsTrump's unconventional approach to politics, bypassing gatekeepers and acting on beliefs, enabled him to challenge the status quo and potentially bring change, similar to firefighters who survived by abandoning outdated traditions.

      The traditional path to the presidency involves climbing the political ladder by paying your dues through favors and endorsements. This system can make it difficult for politicians to maintain pure political thoughts and act in the best interests of their constituents, as they become entangled in a web of owed favors. Trump bucked this trend by running outside of the political infrastructure and not playing the favor game, allowing him to bypass gatekeepers and act on his own political beliefs, regardless of potential backlash. This unconventional approach has enabled him to challenge the status quo and potentially bring about change, much like the firefighters in the story who survived by abandoning the outdated tradition of holding onto their equipment.

    • Thinking outside the box leads to unexpected successesConsider unconventional solutions, even in uncertain times, for potential successes. Don't be overly negative or dismissive, engage in productive dialogue instead.

      Sometimes unconventional approaches can lead to unexpected successes. The speaker shares an example from his past where building a secure "box within a box" allowed for an event to go on safely in a potentially dangerous environment. Applying this concept to the current context, the speaker argues that President Trump's ambitious goal of delivering a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of 2020, despite skepticism from experts, can also be seen as an outside-the-box solution. The media's dismissal of this possibility is criticized for being overly negative and dismissive, rather than engaging in productive dialogue or acknowledging the potential benefits of such a development. Ultimately, the speaker encourages open-mindedness and a willingness to consider unconventional solutions, even in the face of skepticism or doubt.

    • Political figures may manipulate crises to maintain powerPoliticians can use fear tactics and manipulate info to stay in control during public health or economic crises. Question motives and seek multiple perspectives. Peace deals defy predictions, showing some issues can be addressed independently.

      Certain political figures, like Andrew Cuomo, may not want to relinquish control over public health crises or economic situations, even with the availability of vaccines. They may use fear tactics and manipulate information to maintain power. Another significant takeaway is that peace deals between Israel and other countries, once considered impossible, have been achieved under the Trump administration, defying experts' predictions. These developments challenge the notion that certain issues must be resolved before others can be addressed. It's essential to question the motives and biases of those presenting information and to consider multiple perspectives. Additionally, personal security remains crucial, and non-lethal self-defense devices like those offered by Taser can provide a sense of safety and peace of mind.

    • Underestimating Trump: The Impossible Becomes PossibleMedia pundits and experts have underestimated Trump's abilities, but his presidency continues to defy expectations, from election wins to economic performance. Stay open-minded to the unexpected.

      Media pundits and experts have a history of underestimating Donald Trump and declaring impossibilities that later prove to be true. From the 2016 election outcome to the economy, Trump has consistently defied expectations. For instance, the Washington Post declared his chances of winning in 2016 as approaching zero, while Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman predicted the markets would never recover. However, the markets not only recovered but performed better than during the Obama administration. The latest controversy surrounds allegations of vote changes in Antrim County, Michigan, which has been allowed for public scrutiny. This is just another example of how the impossible becomes possible in the context of Trump's presidency. It's essential to remain open-minded and not disregard the unexpected outcomes, as they can challenge our assumptions and provide valuable lessons.

    • Conflicting reports on causes of voting irregularities in Antrim County, MichiganPreliminary report suggests Dominion system caused ballot errors, but both Dominion and Michigan deny allegations; significant discrepancies in vote counts for Dems and GOP; establishing truth crucial for electoral process confidence

      There are conflicting reports regarding the causes of voting irregularities in Antrim County, Michigan, during the 2020 election. According to a preliminary report from Allied Security Operations Group, the Dominion voting system used in the county intentionally generated a high number of ballot errors, leading to bulk adjudication without oversight or transparency, potentially allowing for voter or election fraud. However, both Dominion and the state of Michigan have denied these allegations, attributing the errors to human mistake. The report also highlights significant discrepancies in vote counts for the Democratic and Republican candidates in Antrim County on election night. With such conflicting accounts, it is crucial to establish the truth behind these allegations to maintain confidence in the electoral process.

    • Government multipliers and identity theftGovernment multipliers are a flawed argument for government spending, and during the holiday season, protect yourself from identity theft by monitoring your finances and using services like Life Lock

      The argument of government multipliers for government spending is a fraud. When government spends money, it doesn't create more value but rather divides it by taking it from taxpayers first. The theory, originated by John Maynard Keynes, suggests that government spending multiplies and creates more value in the economy, but it is based on flawed assumptions and is not supported by facts. Be cautious of this argument as it may be used as an excuse to expand government control and increase taxes. Additionally, during the holiday season, it's crucial to protect yourself from identity theft. Monitor your credit and bank statements, check your credit score, limit new retail credit cards, and consider freezing your credit if needed. Identity theft can be a disaster, and Life Lock can help detect and alert you of potential threats, making you feel safer during this season. Save up to 25% off your first year by visiting lifelock.com/Bongino.

    • Government efforts for equality lead to unequal situationsGovernment attempts to create equality through force and confiscation of wealth result in unequal power dynamics and a lack of value creation.

      Government efforts to create equality through force and confiscation of personal wealth ultimately result in treating people unequally. Milton Friedman, a renowned economist, argued that a society focused on liberty will not achieve perfect equality but will come closer to it than any other system. However, pursuing equality through the government necessitates some people having the right to take from others, leading to a situation where A and B decide what C does for D, often taking a commission for themselves. This is an inherently unequal situation. Furthermore, the government does not create value or net worth but instead destroys it by deciding what people do for one another through force. This perspective challenges the common belief that government spending can make poor people richer and improve the economy. Instead, it highlights the importance of individual freedom and the dangers of government overreach.

    • Impact of Biased Media on Understanding Current EventsBe cautious and critical of media sources, as biased or inaccurate information can lead to ignorance on crucial matters. Seek out credible sources to ensure informed decision-making.

      The information we consume from the media can significantly impact our understanding of current events and issues. The speaker emphasized that many individuals, particularly those on the liberal side, may be unknowingly exposed to biased or inaccurate information, leading to ignorance on crucial matters. He used examples such as the Hunter Biden scandal and the treatment of figures like Brett Kavanaugh to illustrate this point. The speaker also criticized media outlets like USA Today for their inconsistent handling of allegations against politicians based on their political affiliations. Ultimately, the speaker urged listeners to be cautious and critical of the information they consume and to seek out credible sources to ensure they are making informed decisions.

    • Double standard in reporting sexual harassation allegationsMedia outlets should provide evidence and specific details when reporting sexual harassation allegations, regardless of political affiliation. Consistency in title usage based on qualifications is also important.

      The standard for reporting allegations of sexual harassment varies greatly depending on the political affiliation of those involved. During a discussion on the radio, it was pointed out that USA Today has not yet provided evidence or specific details regarding allegations of sexual harassment against Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo. However, during the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, USA Today reported the allegations without any evidence to back them up. The speaker criticized this double standard and called for fairness and evidence in reporting all sexual harassment allegations. Additionally, there is a debate about the use of the title "Doctor" for individuals with education degrees. In this discussion, the speaker mentioned an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal that suggested Jill Biden, who has an education degree, should not be referred to as "Doctor." The speaker also mentioned that Sebastian Gorka, who has a PhD, has asked to be referred to as "Doctor Gorka." However, some on the left have criticized this usage of the title for those without medical degrees. The speaker poked fun at this inconsistency and called for a consistent application of titles based on qualifications.

    • Media's inconsistent use of 'doctor' titleMedia's inconsistent use of 'doctor' title politically weaponized against conservatives, with Dr. Jill Biden referred to as 'doctor' more often than Dr. Ben Carson

      The use of the title "doctor" by the media is not consistent and seems to be politically motivated. According to a 2015 article in the New York Times, the media referred to Dr. Jill Biden, who has an education degree, as "doctor" nearly half the time, while referring to Dr. Ben Carson, a renowned neurosurgeon, only 8.9% of the time. This inconsistency highlights the hypocrisy and weaponization of language by the media against conservatives. It's important to remember that these inconsistencies are not based on logic or rules but are used as a tool to attack and undermine those with opposing viewpoints. Another significant development is the resignation of Attorney General Bill Barr. While it's too early to pass judgment on his tenure, it's important to wait for more information before forming an opinion. The letter he wrote in resignation was laudatory about President Trump, and Barr's contributions to the Trump administration remain to be seen.

    • Uncertainty Surrounds Trump-Barr Parting and Durham InvestigationDespite media tensions, Trump and Barr parted ways amicably. The Durham investigation's outcome remains uncertain, with potential arrests or a Biden special counsel. Stay vigilant and open-minded.

      Despite media portrayals of tension between President Trump and Attorney General Barr, their parting was complimentary, suggesting there may be information the public doesn't yet know about their relationship or Barr's actions. Another key point is the uncertainty surrounding the Durham investigation and potential outcomes, including the possibility of arrests or a Hunter Biden special counsel appointment. It's crucial to remain vigilant and open-minded about these developments, as they could significantly impact the legacy of the current administration. Additionally, it's important to recognize the media's tendency to be wrong about predictions and their potential attempts to downplay or gaslight the public regarding accomplishments under the Trump administration, such as the economy and vaccines. Stay tuned for more insights and updates.

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    Transcript for this week’s episode.


    Eric’s Twitter: @EricMLeeper

    Eric’s UVA profile

    Eric’s Mercatus profile


    David Beckworth’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth

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