
    Ep 467 Liberals are Descending into Madness on Immigration and the Budget

    enMay 25, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Denver's lenient criminal policies and immigration enforcementDenver's lenient criminal policies may release domestic abusers before the required year, potentially endangering the public. Importance of enforcing laws for citizen protection emphasized. Success of Dawn to Dusk energy product solving energy crashes for busy individuals.

      Liberal policies in Denver are prioritizing criminal leniency over immigration enforcement. Domestic abusers, who were previously required to serve more than a year in jail to avoid deportation, can now be released in less than a year. Dan Bongino expressed concern over the potential danger this poses to the public and emphasized the importance of enforcing laws to protect citizens. Additionally, Bongino highlighted the success of Brickhouse Nutrition's Dawn to Dusk energy product, which offers a 10-hour time-released energy capsule, solving the issue of energy crashes for busy individuals.

    • Democrats allow domestic abusers to avoid deportationDemocrats changed law to prevent deportation of illegal immigrants with domestic abuse records, putting victims at risk and wasting taxpayer money

      The Democrats have changed a law to prevent the deportation of illegal immigrants who have served more than a year in jail for domestic abuse. This action, according to the speaker, puts domestic abuse victims in danger and shows the Democrats' ideological depravity. The speaker argues that not only are they wasting taxpayers' money on programs that don't help, but they are also actively hurting people by allowing domestic abusers to avoid deportation. The speaker expresses concern for the safety of domestic abuse victims and warns that liberalism, as represented by the Democrats, is a cancer that not only fails to help but also harms people.

    • Liberal Prioritization of Domestic Violence Over Immigration EnforcementLiberals prioritize domestic violence victims' suffering over immigration policy enforcement, even allowing known MS-13 gang members into the country during the Obama administration, putting public safety at risk.

      The liberal party's extreme rage against Trump has led them to prioritize domestic violence victims' suffering over immigration policy enforcement and even allowed known MS-13 gang members into the country during the Obama administration. The liberal city's lawyers successfully argued for early release of a legal immigrant who had been arrested twice for armed robbery, leading to the murder of two doctors. Meanwhile, the Republican party, although fractured, is not condoning such actions, and only conservatives and libertarians are upholding principled values within it. The Obama administration knowingly admitted 16 MS-13 gang members into the country, putting the public in danger to avoid drawing attention to their unaccompanied minors program. These incidents underscore the dangerous state of the liberal party and the potential risks it poses to public safety.

    • Stay informed, value facts, and be aware of complexitiesThe importance of facts and staying informed cannot be overstated, especially in the unpredictable world of politics and international travel. Be cautious of one-sided media narratives and embrace critical thinking to avoid false narratives.

      The world of politics and international travel can be unpredictable and complex. The speaker emphasized the importance of facts and the dangers of one-sided media narratives. He shared personal experiences from his time working as a Secret Service agent, highlighting the unique challenges of providing security during foreign trips. Despite the potential obstacles, he emphasized the professionalism and effectiveness of foreign security services. Additionally, he warned against the spread of false narratives in the media and encouraged critical thinking. In essence, the speaker's message was to stay informed, value facts, and remain aware of the complexities of the world around us.

    • Government spending vs economic growthDespite common belief, gov't spending does not consistently lead to economic growth or productivity. Data from certain periods shows growth with below-avg deficits or zero deficits.

      Government spending does not lead to economic growth or productivity, as commonly believed. According to a Cato Institute piece by Allen Reynolds, data from years with heavy government deficits and decent economic growth contradicts this notion. From 1972 to 1981, for instance, nominal GDP grew rapidly despite below-average deficits. Similarly, from 1994 to 2001, nearly zero deficits coincided with relatively brisk economic growth. These findings challenge the liberal belief that government spending stimulates the economy, which is often based on faith rather than facts.

    • Highest cyclically adjusted deficits during Obama years resulted in record low growthDespite record high deficits during Obama years, nominal GDP growth was the lowest, challenging the notion of effective fiscal stimulus

      During the Obama years from 2009 to 2012, the cyclically adjusted deficits were the highest in recorded US history, averaging negative 8.1% of GDP, which were conventionally labeled as fiscal stimulus, but nominal GDP growth was a record low of just 2.4% of the year. The speaker expresses frustration with those who label this as effective stimulus despite the low growth. He also emphasizes the correlation between government spending, increased deficits, and low growth, and the opposite during periods of decreased deficits and high growth. The speaker brings up the ongoing argument about the Trump budget and criticizes media journalists for their lack of understanding of economics and their hyperbolic reactions. He questions why people aren't dying at the current spending level if the increased spending in the Trump budget will lead to deaths. The speaker's overall message is that the media's reaction to economic data is often sensationalized and lacks factual basis.

    • Media oversimplification of complex issuesCritically evaluate media narratives, as they can oversimplify complex issues like government spending, taxation, and their impact. Understanding nuances behind numbers is crucial.

      Media narratives can be misleading and often oversimplify complex issues. The discussion touched upon the topic of government spending, taxation, and the role of media in shaping public perception. The speaker expressed frustration with the media's portrayal of economic concepts, such as the relationship between government spending and inflation-adjusted budgets, or the impact of tax cuts on government revenue. He emphasized that these issues are not as clear-cut as often presented and encouraged listeners to critically evaluate media narratives. Another example given was the recent CBO estimate for the Obamacare replacement plan, where the media shifted the focus from Americans choosing not to buy insurance to Americans losing insurance. This highlights the importance of understanding the nuances behind the numbers and the potential consequences of oversimplifying complex issues.

    • Media misrepresenting facts about ObamacareThe media often misrepresents facts about political issues, such as Obamacare, leading to public misinformation and distrust towards the media

      The media often presents false narratives about political issues, such as the recent CBO report on Obamacare. Instead of reporting the full story, which included a $1.2 trillion reduction in government spending and lower premiums for most Americans, the media focused on the misleading statistic that 24 million people would "lose" insurance due to their own choices. This misrepresentation of facts not only misinforms the public but also perpetuates distrust towards the media. The speaker expressed frustration with this trend, noting that Republicans largely ignore the media while Democrats still take it seriously. Another concerning issue raised was the recent increase in average premiums in the Obamacare market by 105%, which was largely ignored by the media. Overall, the media's role in shaping public opinion through selective reporting is a significant concern.

    • Media's role in accurate information being underminedThe liberal media's suppression of conservative speech and promotion of misinformation threatens informed decision-making and the democratic process.

      The media's role in providing accurate information to the public is being undermined, leading to a population with a high volume of incorrect information. This issue is further compounded by the liberal movement's attempts to suppress conservative speech, associating it with violence to shut down opposing viewpoints. The consequences of this include misinformation on key issues, such as healthcare and abortion, which can significantly impact people's lives. It's crucial for a free country to have a free, open, and fair media to ensure informed decision-making. Instead, we're seeing a dangerous trend that threatens the democratic process.

    • Criticizing Harmful PoliciesBe aware of the impact of policies and speak out against those that cause harm, regardless of political affiliation. Engage in constructive dialogue and work towards finding solutions.

      It's important to address and criticize policies and actions that have negative consequences, regardless of their political affiliation. The speaker expresses strong feelings towards liberal policies, but the key takeaway is not about bashing a particular political ideology. Instead, it's about being aware of the impact of policies and speaking out against those that cause harm. The speaker uses a metaphor from "The Walking Dead" to emphasize the need to take action and "shut down" harmful policies every time they arise. It's essential to engage in constructive dialogue and work towards finding solutions to the challenges facing our world.

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