
    Ep. 1214 - Biden Takes A Very Slow, Dishonest Victory Lap

    enMarch 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • President Biden's first prime time address and media responseMedia contrasted Biden's inspiring, empathetic speech to Trump's past attempts to pull out of a tailspin. Pentagon attacked Tucker Carlson, and Amazon banned books contradicting LGBTQ+ agenda. Ben Shapiro advised listeners to save on cell phone bills with PureTalk.

      During his first prime time address as President, Joe Biden claimed victory against COVID-19 while signing a $1.9 trillion relief bill. However, the media's response was vastly different than when former President Trump gave similar speeches. While Trump's speeches were framed as attempts to pull out of a tailspin, Biden's was seen as inspiring and empathetic. Meanwhile, the Pentagon attacked Tucker Carlson, and Amazon banned books contradicting the LGBTQ+ agenda. Despite the various news, Ben Shapiro encouraged listeners to save money on their cell phone bills by switching to PureTalk, which offers unlimited talk, text, and 6 gigs of data for $30 a month, with no extra charges for going over the data limit.

    • Criticizing President Biden's inaccuracies in his prime time addressEffective handling of the virus and truthful messaging from leaders are crucial for public trust and returning to normalcy.

      During President Biden's prime time address, he spoke about finding normalcy and the importance of defeating the virus to return to our lives. However, the speaker criticized the President for inaccuracies in his speech, such as claiming he created the vaccine and ended COVID-19, when in fact, the virus was already spreading widely by the time he took office. The speaker also pointed out that states like Florida had opened up last summer without federal intervention and had better economic performance. Despite the criticism, the speaker acknowledged the complexity of the situation and the need to defeat the virus to return to normalcy. However, the President's speech was seen as lacking coherence and filled with untruths. In essence, the only way to truly return to normalcy is to address the virus effectively, but the truthfulness and accuracy of the messaging from our leaders are crucial for public trust and understanding.

    • Biden Overstates Role in Elderly Vaccination RolloutDespite Biden's claims, state governors primarily handled the successful elderly vaccination rollout, which was already in progress before his presidency.

      President Joe Biden is taking undue credit for the successful vaccination rollout, particularly for the elderly, which is primarily the responsibility of various state governors. The increase in vaccination rates for older adults was already underway before Biden took office and was not solely due to his actions. The CDC initially recommended vaccine distribution based on equity rather than age, which was contrary to an age-based approach. States that prioritized elderly populations did so despite federal recommendations. Biden has obtained a large surplus of vaccines, but the distribution is being handled locally and state-based. His recent announcement that all adults will be eligible for the vaccine by May 1st does not change the fact that the vaccination process is already underway and will continue regardless of his edict.

    • President Biden's COVID-19 Vaccine Announcement Faces CriticismCritics accused Biden of taking credit for vaccine progress and passing a $2 trillion bill, while some argued that his May 1st vaccine eligibility announcement was not new.

      During a recent address, President Biden announced that all adults in the U.S. would be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine by May 1st. Some critics argue that this was not a new development, as many adults were already receiving the vaccine. They also accused Biden of taking credit for things beyond his control, such as the sun rising in the east or schools reopening. Additionally, they claimed that the American Rescue Plan, which was passed to provide COVID-19 relief, was actually a $2 trillion boondoggle designed to pay off political allies and set up entitlement programs. The criticism also included accusations of gaslighting and reversing trajectory on certain issues. Despite these criticisms, Biden remains determined to vaccinate the population and reopen schools safely.

    • Political figures and scientific evidence on COVID-19 are not alignedDespite calls to trust Fauci and Biden, their statements contradict emerging scientific data. Seek reliable sources for info and make informed decisions.

      There is a disconnect between what political figures like Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci are saying about COVID-19 and the scientific evidence. While Biden urges Americans to listen to Fauci and follow scientific guidance, Fauci's own statements about the vaccines and safety measures contradict emerging scientific data. Meanwhile, the media continues to promote Democratic leaders and their policies, despite concerns about their long-term implications for the economy and individual freedoms. For example, the recent COVID-19 relief bill has been criticized for creating permanent welfare programs and disincentivizing work and family formation. Instead of relying solely on political figures and the media for information, it's important to seek out reliable scientific sources and make informed decisions based on facts. In the meantime, consider upgrading your home with new window coverings from Blinds.com for a fresh look and feel.

    • Trusting one's own judgment amidst conflicting messagesDespite expert reassurances and available vaccines, some individuals may need personal permission to make decisions. Political figures setting unrealistic expectations can create confusion. Trust your own judgment and rely on reliable sources for guidance. Financial responsibility, like debt consolidation, leads to greater stability.

      Despite reassurances from trusted voices like Dr. Fauci and the availability of safe vaccines, some individuals may still feel the need for external permission to make personal decisions, even if those decisions are based on scientific knowledge and personal risk assessment. Furthermore, political figures like Joe Biden setting unrealistic expectations and downplaying scientific recommendations can create confusion and frustration. It's essential to trust one's own judgment and make informed decisions based on reliable sources, rather than relying solely on external figures for guidance. Additionally, financial responsibility, such as paying off high-interest credit card debt with a consolidation loan, can lead to greater financial stability and peace of mind.

    • Individuals' Power in the Pandemic: Decisions and Personal ResponsibilityIndividuals have the power to make decisions impacting their lives, demonstrated through policies and vaccine development during the pandemic. Trust in personal responsibility over government restrictions.

      Individuals have the power to make decisions that impact their lives, as demonstrated during the pandemic through state and local policies and the rapid development of vaccines by big pharma. Meanwhile, the government's role was primarily in providing financial incentives. LightStream offers a loan solution for those looking to consolidate debt and save money, with approval rates ranging from 5.95% to 19.99% APR, and a special discount for listeners at lightstream.com/shapiro. Despite Joe Biden's suggestion that small gatherings might be possible by July 4th, the CDC currently allows fully vaccinated individuals to interact with small groups without masks or distancing, and the speaker argues that these restrictions are too restrictive. Ultimately, trust in individual decision-making and personal responsibility, rather than the government, has been a valuable lesson throughout the pandemic.

    • Navigating the Complexities of the Pandemic and its Economic ImpactPoliticians debate the timeline for returning to normal life amid ongoing COVID-19 threats and relief bill spending.

      Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing threats of lockdowns from President Joe Biden, progress is being made with the distribution of vaccines and a return to normal life is on the horizon. However, some politicians, such as Chuck Schumer, are using the COVID-19 relief bill as a justification for a return to normalcy, while others, like Ezekiel Emanuel, are suggesting a longer timeline. Critics argue that the relief bill is not geared towards what America needs, but rather what the Democrats need in terms of continued spending. The ongoing debate highlights the complexities and nuances of navigating the pandemic and its economic impact.

    • A new economic paradigm: Increased government intervention and redistributionExperts and policymakers advocate for more gov't spending to address income inequality, child poverty, and economic precarity, redistributing massive amounts of money through checks and faith in public spending habits, despite potential risks of unsustainable debt levels.

      The pandemic has led to a significant shift in economic thinking, with experts and policymakers advocating for increased government intervention and spending to address issues of income inequality, child poverty, and economic precarity. This shift, as described by New York Times columnist David Brooks, represents a new paradigm in which the role of government is being redefined and massive amounts of money are being redistributed through checks and faith in the public's spending habits. While some argue that this approach carries risks, including the potential for unsustainable debt levels, others believe it is necessary to tackle pressing economic issues. The debate continues as policymakers consider additional spending packages.

    • Debate over $350 billion in state, local funding and potential government interference in mediaThe ongoing debate involves concerns over excessive funding for state, local governments and potential threats to democratic institutions, while some argue it's necessary. The Biden administration may pack the FEC and there are concerns about government interference in media.

      The ongoing debate surrounds the size of a recently approved bill, with concerns about the excessive $350 billion allocated to state, local, and tribal governments despite their recent tax revenue recovery. However, there are arguments for borrowing large sums of money. Despite the potential risks and unprecedented nature of the debt, some believe it's necessary. The Washington Post expresses concerns, but the media's support for the administration may influence public perception. The Biden administration is also reportedly considering packing the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to enforce campaign finance rules more aggressively, potentially undermining Republican representation. This move, seen as a response to the influence of new media on elections, could further polarize the political landscape. Additionally, the Pentagon's recent comments on a Fox News show, targeting a commentator, raises concerns about government interference in media. Overall, the discussions revolve around the implications of large-scale spending, potential threats to democratic institutions, and the role of media in shaping public opinion.

    • Challenging stereotypes and advocating for changeBoth Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson use their platforms to share diverse perspectives, sparking debates and emphasizing the importance of open dialogue in public discourse, while acknowledging the military's primary strength lies in its ability to function effectively.

      Candace Owens, a prominent figure known for her outspoken opinions and bestselling author, uses her platform to challenge stereotypes and advocate for change. Meanwhile, Tucker Carlson faced backlash from the Pentagon for commenting on military uniforms for pregnant women, sparking a debate on the role of diversity in military strength. Despite the controversy, both figures continue to share their perspectives, highlighting the importance of open dialogue and diverse voices in public discourse. It's crucial to remember that the military's primary strength lies in its ability to function effectively, with individuals meeting necessary standards, rather than relying solely on diversity as a defining factor.

    • Military Effectiveness vs. DiversityPrioritizing diversity over military effectiveness in the armed forces could be detrimental. Balance is needed to maintain military strength and individual freedoms.

      While diversity is a strength in various aspects of society, prioritizing it above military effectiveness in the armed forces is not relevant and could be detrimental. The military's primary role is to defend the country, and social engineering should not be its main focus. The ongoing debate between Tucker Carlson and the Pentagon regarding military diversity is an example of this issue. Meanwhile, there is a growing trend of using power to silence political opponents, whether it's the government, media, or corporations. In the case of Amazon, banning books that discuss LGBTQ+ identities as mental disorders raises concerns about censorship and freedom of speech. It's essential to maintain a balance between promoting diversity and upholding military effectiveness and individual freedoms.

    • Amazon removes book on transgender issues, raising concerns for intellectual freedomAmazon's decision to remove a book on transgender issues sets a concerning precedent, potentially leading to the banning of books with differing viewpoints on other controversial topics, and raises questions about the company's commitment to intellectual freedom and diverse perspectives.

      Amazon has recently removed a book titled "When Harry Became Sally" from its platform due to its content regarding transgender issues. The book, written by Ryan Anderson, was not banned for labeling gender dysphoria as a mental disorder, as it is recognized as such in medical communities. Instead, Amazon is limiting the marketplace of ideas by suppressing debate about the best ways to treat individuals with gender dysphoria. This decision sets a concerning precedent, as it is not scientifically settled material and could potentially lead to the banning of books with differing viewpoints on other controversial topics, such as climate change or systemic racism. Furthermore, Amazon's promotion of films like "The Matrix," directed by transgender individuals who were men when they made the film, demonstrates their open support for transgender politics and the redefinition of gender and biological facts. This raises questions about Amazon's commitment to upholding diverse perspectives and intellectual freedom.

    • Self-identification and historical recordsHistorical records can be altered by self-identification, leading to implications in various fields. Nuanced conversations and understanding are essential to avoid jumping to conclusions and punishing individuals for unpopular opinions, while upholding academic freedom.

      The ongoing debate around identity and history, as well as the push for diversity and inclusion, can lead to controversial conversations and actions. In the first part of the discussion, it was pointed out that an individual's self-identification can change historical records, leading to significant implications in various fields, such as sports and literature. However, this concept was then linked to the ongoing debate around systemic racism and the role of institutions, like Amazon and universities, in enforcing certain viewpoints. The example of Georgetown Law and the termination of a professor for expressing concerns about student performance, which was misconstrued as racist, highlights the sensitivity and potential consequences of such discussions. The incident underscores the need for nuanced conversations and a better understanding of the underlying issues, rather than jumping to conclusions and punishing individuals for holding unpopular opinions. This situation also emphasizes the importance of academic freedom and the potential chilling effect on intellectual discourse when institutions prioritize avoiding liability over fostering an open and inclusive environment.

    • Georgetown Law Professor's Apology for Perceived Biased Grading Sparks ControversyA professor's apology for perceived biased grading towards black students sparked controversy, with some accusing her of intentional discrimination and others defending her. The incident highlights the ongoing debate about academic standards, grading, and perceived bias in education.

      The conversation between a professor and a student at Georgetown Law School, which was recorded and later shared online, sparked controversy over perceived biased grading towards black students. The professor, Marjorie Sellers, apologized for her remarks, stating that she wished she could have graded black students better, but acknowledged that they were not performing as well. However, her apology led to backlash, with some accusing her of intentionally grading down black students. Others defended her, arguing that her comments were taken out of context and that she had expressed sympathy towards black students. The incident highlights the ongoing debate about academic standards, grading, and perceived bias in education. It also underscores the potential consequences of public apologies, particularly in the current climate of heightened sensitivity and quick condemnation. The incident also extends beyond the United States, with reports of similar controversies and cancel culture incidents happening internationally.

    • Controversies over representation and cultural sensitivity in translation and sportsTwo recent instances highlight the importance of cultural sensitivity and representation in translation and sports: a Catalan translator was deemed unsuitable due to being a man, older, and not an activist or black, and an NBA player used a racial slur during a video game stream, resulting in consequences.

      The issues of representation and cultural sensitivity continue to be contentious topics, as seen in two recent instances: the removal of a Catalan translator for not fitting the desired profile to translate a poem by a black author, and the use of a racial slur by an NBA player during a video game stream. The Catalan translator, Victor O'Bjell, was informed he was not suitable for the job due to being a man, older, and not an activist or black. This incident follows another controversy in Europe where a white person was chosen to translate Amanda Gorman's work. In the NBA, Myers Leonard faced backlash for using a racial slur during a video game stream, unaware of its meaning. Both situations resulted in apologies and consequences, with Leonard receiving a $50,000 fine and a suspension. These incidents underscore the importance of understanding and promoting diversity and the potential consequences of ignorance and insensitivity.

    • NBA's inconsistent handling of anti-Semitic comments raises bias concernsThe NBA's inconsistent application of fines and suspensions for anti-Semitic comments has fueled accusations of bias within the league, particularly regarding its stance on political and social issues.

      The NBA's handling of recent incidents involving anti-Semitic comments has raised questions about bias in the league's application of its standards of justice. Myers Leonard, a white player, was fined $50,000 and suspended for a week after using an anti-Semitic slur, while players like LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, J.R. Smith, and Kevin Durant, who have expressed sympathy for or defended individuals with anti-Semitic views, have faced no consequences. This inconsistency has fueled accusations of bias within the NBA, particularly regarding its stance on political and social issues. While the league has previously faced criticism for undercutting the Hong Kong freedom movement in the name of making money in China, the lack of punishment for players who have made or defended anti-Semitic statements adds to these concerns. Ultimately, the NBA's handling of these incidents raises questions about the league's commitment to principles and its potential biases.

    • Find joy and connection through humorDespite challenges, find joy and connection by tuning into The Andrew Klavan Show for levity and entertainment

      Despite the challenges and uncertainties of the world, there's still room for humor and enjoyment. Andrew Klavan encourages listeners to tune in to his show as a way to find levity and connection during uncertain times. While some may view the state of the world with fear and despair, Klavan invites us to join him in laughing through it all. This perspective not only helps to lighten the mood but also reminds us of the importance of finding joy and connection in the face of adversity. So, if you're looking for a way to stay informed and entertained while navigating the complexities of the world, consider tuning in to The Andrew Klavan Show.

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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Exposing Pfizer’s PR Firm, Jason Jones on Tulsi Gabbard’s Departure From the DNC - A Neighbor's Choice

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    Check out Paul Thacker's Substack here.
    Check out the Jason Jones Show here.
    Visit A Neighbor's Choice website at aneighborschoice.com

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    Visit A Neighbor's Choice website at aneighborschoice.com

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    Visit A Neighbor's Choice at aneighborschoice.com

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    Follow Per Bylund on Twitter.
    Visit A Neighbor's Choice at aneighborschoice.com

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    ToreSays is Back! You Cannot Detox Spike Protein - School Shootings, Bad Teachers, Free Julian Assange

    ToreSays is Back! You Cannot Detox Spike Protein - School Shootings, Bad Teachers, Free Julian Assange

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