
    Ep. 1233 - They’re Not The “Resistance,” They’re The Powerful

    enApril 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • New unrest in Minneapolis and controversial police encounter lead to controversy over Corporate America and mediaA controversial police encounter in Virginia results in an officer's termination, while Corporate America and media face criticism for excessive fees and biased coverage. An affordable cell phone plan alternative offers savings for families.

      There have been new incidents of unrest in Minneapolis, and a controversial police encounter in Virginia has led to an officer's termination. Corporate America and the media continue to be topics of controversy, with some criticizing excessive fees and biased coverage, respectively. Meanwhile, a cell phone company, PureTalk USA, is offering an alternative to expensive cell phone plans with unlimited talk, text, and 6 gigs of data for $30 a month. The average family could save over $800 a year by making the switch. The Windsor, Virginia police department has fired an officer, Joe Gutierrez, after an investigation determined his actions during a traffic stop with a black army medic were not consistent with department policy. The medic, Caron Nazario, has accused the officers of using excessive force and violating his constitutional rights. Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia has initiated an independent investigation into the incident.

    • Police Treatment of Black Man Sparks Outrage and LawsuitAn incident of police mistreatment of a black man wearing army uniform led to public outrage, a lawsuit, and protests. Details like air fresheners should not overshadow the core issue of police violence.

      The treatment of Nazario by the police, who sprayed him with pepper spray while he was wearing his army uniform, has led to public outrage and accusations of systemic racism. The incident occurred during a traffic stop where Nazario claimed he was waiting for temporary license plates. The officer involved has been fired, and a lawsuit is pending. Meanwhile, another case of a black man being shot by police in Minneapolis has sparked protests and looting. The media's focus on specific details of police encounters can lead to mischaracterizations of the events. For instance, in the past, details like Skittles or cigarillos have been exaggerated, but they do not define the heart of the case. In the current situation, an air freshener was the detail that gained attention. The looting of a local Walmart during protests is not an effective response to police violence. It is crucial to wait for all the facts to emerge before jumping to conclusions.

    • Protests and looting after tragic encounter with policeAvoid jumping to conclusions and waiting for full details before reacting to tragic encounters between civilians and law enforcement, as incomplete reports can lead to unnecessary violence and unrest.

      Looting and violent protests are not appropriate responses to tragic encounters between civilians and law enforcement. A recent tragic encounter in Minnesota involving the shooting of a 20-year-old man named Dante Wright led to widespread looting and unrest in the community. The details of the incident are still emerging, but it appears that Wright had an outstanding warrant and resisted arrest before the shooting occurred. The investigation is ongoing, and there is video evidence from body cameras and dashcams. It's important to wait for the full details before jumping to conclusions, as incomplete reports can lead to unnecessary violence and unrest. Unfortunately, there have been too many instances of this in the past. It's also important to recognize that those who pose as the resistance but are actually the dominant voices in society can use this narrative to quash dissent and maintain their power.

    • Corporations as an Extension of Democratic Party PowerThe Democratic Party now views corporations as an extension of their power, shifting from criticism to control. Major corporations have aligned with the party, responding to controversial voting bills and perceived leftward shift, potentially impacting customers and employees.

      The relationship between corporations and the Democratic Party has shifted dramatically, with corporations now seen as an extension of the Democratic Party's power. This was once a topic of criticism, with the Democratic Party advocating for corporations to have no voice in politics. However, the left has now adopted a different approach, seeking to control the means of distribution of institutional power. Major corporations have responded by taking action against controversial state voting bills and aligning themselves with the Democratic Party, believing that the country is moving leftward and that there will be no backlash. This trend is concerning as it could lead to a hijacking of corporate America on behalf of the radical left and potentially impact customers and employees. Additionally, during this time, it's recommended to shop online for auto parts from companies like Rockauto.com, which offers the lowest prices and a large selection, rather than going to a local store and dealing with potential inconvenience and upcharges.

    • Corporations Shifting from Political Donations to Voter TargetingCorporations are using their power to influence political outcomes by punishing voters based on their beliefs, creating a dangerous political climate. Consumers must be aware and protect their rights.

      Corporations are now not only making political decisions by giving or withholding money from politicians, but they are also targeting voters directly through boycotts and other forms of bullying. This shift from corporate political decisions to targeting voters is a new and dangerous development in American politics. These corporations, which are powerful and wealthy, are using their institutional power to influence political outcomes by punishing voters based on their political beliefs. This is a departure from the free market exchange and has the potential to create a dangerous political climate. It is important for individuals and consumers to be aware of this trend and to fight back if they feel their consumer rights are being infringed upon. Ultimately, it is crucial for the democratic process to be protected from corporate interference, and for voters to have the freedom to make their own political choices without fear of retaliation from corporations.

    • Corporations and Politics: States May Regulate Based on Political OrientationStates may regulate businesses based on political orientation due to ongoing debates around discrimination laws and corporate involvement in politics, potentially leading to businesses leaving the state and a breakdown in the country.

      The ongoing debate around discrimination laws and corporate involvement in politics could lead to more states regulating businesses based on political orientation. The Washington Post reported that a meeting between corporate executives and politicians discussed this possibility, with some red states considering such measures to prevent corporations from influencing their constituencies. This comes after several corporations, including Delta, American, and Starbucks, spoke out against controversial voting measures in Georgia. However, this trend could result in businesses leaving the state rather than consumers, potentially leading to a breakdown in the country. It's important to note that both parties are reacting to each other, with some Republicans warning corporations to stay out of politics, and corporations responding to perceived discriminatory laws. This issue is complex, as corporations are increasingly involved in political debates, and their actions can have significant consequences.

    • Corporations in the Political ArenaCorporations are increasingly influencing politics, leading to public and political backlash. Consider consumer sentiment before aligning with progressive values.

      Corporations are increasingly being pulled into the political arena, whether they like it or not. This was highlighted during a recent call where corporate leaders discussed their concerns over voting restrictions. Some argue that these corporations are being blackmailed by the left and are afraid of losing investments if they don't align with progressive values. However, others see this as a defiance of the notion that businesses should stay out of politics. Regardless of the motivation, the result is that corporations are becoming more overtly political actors, and they will be treated as such by the public and by politicians. This trend can have consequences, as seen in the Republican Party's experience of losing power over the past 30 years due to its close ties to corporate America. Ultimately, it's important for corporations to consider the potential backlash from consumers who may not appreciate being told what to think or believe by big businesses.

    • Corporations suppressing free speechCorporations like Twitter, YouTube, and BLM are limiting free speech and suppressing alternative viewpoints, raising concerns about transparency and open debate.

      Corporations, including social media platforms, are wielding their power to suppress information and limit free speech that goes against their preferred narratives. This was evident in the case of Jason Whitlock being banned from Twitter for sharing a story about a Black Lives Matter founder buying a house in a predominantly white area. Similarly, YouTube removed a COVID roundtable discussion featuring scientists who expressed opinions that contradicted the platform's stance on the pandemic. The opaque finances of organizations like Black Lives Matter raise questions about the distribution of funds, and the targeting of individuals and organizations for expressing dissenting views is a concerning trend. The suppression of alternative viewpoints limits open debate and hampers informed decision-making on issues that affect everyone. The power of corporations in the digital sphere needs to be addressed to ensure a level playing field for diverse perspectives.

    • Social media platforms promote false information but silence debatesProtect yourself from false info and attacks, use non-lethal self-defense devices, and stay informed through trusted sources and thoughtful discussions.

      Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become the primary organizing mechanisms for various discussions, including controversial topics that go against the narrative promoted by corporate America. These platforms have not been shut down despite promoting false information, while debates on debatable issues are being silenced. It's crucial to protect oneself and one's family, and Taser's non-lethal self-defense devices are recommended for this purpose. Meanwhile, the media is pushing "panic porn" by denying the effectiveness of vaccines and spreading fear, while reasonable conversations among scientists are being pulled down from platforms like YouTube. It's essential to be informed and defend ourselves against false information and attacks. Additionally, Candace Owens' show, "Candace," is a must-listen for thoughtful discussions and debates on various topics.

    • Media misrepresenting airplane role in COVID-19 spread and vaccine effectivenessDespite media claims, there's little evidence linking airplanes to COVID-19 spread and vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe illness and death, even if not 100% protective against infection.

      There is a lack of evidence supporting the claim that airplanes were a significant driver of COVID-19 transmission, and the effectiveness of vaccines is being misrepresented in media coverage. The vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe illness and death, even if they are not 100% effective in preventing infection. Additionally, media outlets like CNN have been spreading misinformation, such as claiming that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are only 90% protective against COVID-19, rather than 90% effective in preventing infection. This misinformation can contribute to unnecessary fear and anxiety among vaccinated individuals. It's important to be informed and to fact-check information from various sources to avoid being misled by sensational headlines and inaccurate reporting.

    • Pfizer vaccine effective against South African variant despite mild casesThe Pfizer vaccine remains highly effective against severe illness and death from all COVID-19 strains, including the South African variant, despite some vaccinated individuals experiencing mild cases or infections with other strains. No reported deaths among vaccinated individuals infected with the South African strain.

      The Pfizer vaccine is still highly effective against all COVID-19 strains, including the South African variant, despite a small number of vaccinated individuals being infected with it. However, some individuals, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have continued to express caution due to the possibility of contracting mild cases or other strains. The media and certain individuals have used this data to spread panic, but the overall effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against severe illness and death remains high. Additionally, there have been no reported deaths among the small group of vaccinated individuals infected with the South African strain. The goal of spreading fear and limiting individual freedoms seems to be an overreach, and the situation should be viewed in context rather than with unnecessary alarm.

    • Corporate Crackdowns on Free Speech and Individual AutonomyStay vigilant and critical of corporate media and institutions, prioritize individual freedoms and self-determination.

      There is a growing concern over corporate crackdowns on free speech and individual autonomy, as seen in the case of a reporter's email alleging parties at a private residence and the publication of confidential information. This issue is not limited to the media, as corporate leaders and institutions are also shaping opinions from above. In response, it is crucial to build our own institutions and fight back against the prevailing institutions. Meanwhile, figures like Brian Stelter and Joy Reid hold contradictory stances on vaccines and public life, highlighting the confusion and inconsistency in the current discourse. Ultimately, it is essential to remain vigilant and critical of the information we receive from corporate media and institutions, and to prioritize individual freedoms and self-determination.

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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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    Exciting news - Ben Shapiro’s new book is now available for presale! Order your copy today: https://utm.io/uwno

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