
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring AI's Influence in Various IndustriesGoogle's AI integration boosts earnings, AI chatbots in schools spark controversy, YouTube develops AI song generation tool

      AI is increasingly being integrated into various industries and aspects of life, from search engines and advertising to education and entertainment. During this episode of the Everyday AI Show, we explored several AI-related news stories. Google's strong earnings despite competition and investments in AI demonstrate its continued relevance in the search market. A prep school in England appointed AI chatbots to serve as staff members, sparking controversy over the role of AI and racial implications. YouTube is developing an AI tool that would allow users to generate songs with their favorite musicians, but negotiations with music labels have stalled. These stories showcase the growing influence of AI and its potential applications, as well as the challenges and ethical considerations that come with it. If you're interested in learning more about AI and how to use it in your daily life, be sure to subscribe to the Everyday AI newsletter and join the livestream podcast.

    • Brainstorming a Consumer Product using AIA community came together to generate ideas for a consumer product using AI tools, selecting a few ideas for branding, marketing, and competition analysis.

      A group of individuals came together during a live show to brainstorm and create ideas for a consumer product, with the intention of building a brand and marketing strategy around it using AI tools. The community, which is part of Everyday AI, contributed suggestions for potential products, ranging from a phone case sweatshirt to a Yeti-style mug, and even a Star Trek tri-coater device. The host, Jordan, selected a few ideas and planned to create a brand identity, identify competitors, and potential customers using ChatGPT. They also aimed to generate basic marketing language, create a logo, and potentially develop a website and video assets in a following episode. The goal was to demonstrate the capabilities of generative AI in creating a product from scratch.

    • Exploring ideas and branding a new product using AI toolsThe team is using AI technology and research to ideate and brand a new product, emphasizing the importance of research and human touch in the process.

      The team is planning to create and brand a new product, specifically a Yeti-style mug, using AI technology and research. During the discussion, they explored ideas, considered improvements, and began the process of generating potential brand names and identities using ChatGPT and its plugins. The team emphasized the importance of research and ideation in the product development process and demonstrated the power of AI tools in conducting research and generating ideas efficiently. They also mentioned the need for a human touch and the importance of priming and polishing prompts for optimal results. Overall, the team is leveraging technology to streamline their ideation and branding process for their new product.

    • Using ChatGPT and plugins for efficient brand creation and researchChatGPT plugins offer flexibility and enhanced research capabilities, allowing for efficient brand creation and information extraction.

      During this live discussion, the speaker shared insights on creating a new brand using ChatGPT and the importance of using strategic and flexible plugins to enhance research capabilities. The speaker, who is known for using multiple Internet-connected chat GPT plugins, explained why he prefers the browser app plugin for its flexibility in opening end queries, visiting web pages, and reading PDFs. He also mentioned having redundancy with another plugin called VoxScript, which can summarize YouTube videos but cannot read PDFs. The speaker emphasized the power of using these plugins within ChatGPT to conduct extensive research and extract essential details efficiently. The discussion also included suggestions for the design of a Yeti-style mug, such as making it short and stout with a large bottom and ensuring it's spill-proof. Overall, the conversation highlighted the potential of using advanced technology and strategic plugins to streamline brand creation and research processes.

    • Considering Factors in Creating a Brand: Size, Functionality, Eco-friendliness, and Competitor ResearchResearch size, functionality, eco-friendliness, and competitors when creating a brand. Use tools like ChatGPT and prime, prompt, and polish techniques for effective communication.

      When creating a brand, it's essential to consider various factors such as size, functionality, and eco-friendliness. For instance, Brian mentioned that the travel mug should fit in cars and work bags, be spill-proof, and not too heavy. Additionally, he suggested that the brand should be eco-friendly, although it shouldn't be the primary focus. Another crucial aspect is researching competitors and unique selling propositions (USPs) to differentiate the brand. Brian advised using a browser app plugin to research other brands in the same space and learning from their features and offerings. Furthermore, the importance of priming, prompting, and polishing in using ChatGPT effectively was emphasized. The Everyday AI host, Jordan, shared his experience of taking the Prime Prompt Polishing (PPP) course to improve his ChatGPT interaction results. Lastly, during the brand name brainstorming session, the group discussed five potential brand names with an eco-friendly focus. However, Brian requested five more suggestions with less emphasis on the eco aspect. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of thorough research, considering various factors, and effective communication with AI tools like ChatGPT.

    • Exploring Travel Mug Market Trends and Competitors with ChatGPTChatGPT helped Stable SIP identify 2023 travel mug trends and customer expectations, enabling effective competition analysis and unique selling proposition development.

      Using ChatGPT effectively for business research and development can save time and resources by providing up-to-date industry trends, competitors, and unique selling propositions. During this discussion, we focused on creating a competitive analysis for a new imaginary brand, Stable SIP, in the travel mug niche. By using specific and clear commands, we were able to have ChatGPT research the latest travel mug trends from 2023 and identify customer expectations and top competitors. With this information, Stable SIP was able to start developing its unique selling propositions and stand out from competitors. This demonstrates the power of ChatGPT in assisting with market research and product development, allowing businesses to make informed decisions and stay competitive in their industries.

    • Identifying consumer trends for Stable Sip using ChatGPTChatGPT can provide valuable insights into consumer behavior, demographics, and trends in the travel mug category for 2023, helping inform product marketing and development for Stable Sip.

      ChatGPT, an advanced AI model, can be used for market research and identifying consumer trends. During a live demonstration, the model was instructed to help research potential clients or customers for a product called Stable SIP, a travel mug with advanced spill tech and a wide-based design. The model was asked to identify consumer behavior trends and target demographics in the travel mug category for 2023. It provided insights such as shifts in consumer behavior, growth in the travel and tourism sector, and changes in priorities within the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry. These findings can be used to inform product marketing and development for Stable SIP. The demonstration showcased the model's ability to process and provide valuable information in real-time, making it a useful tool for market research and trend analysis.

    • Identified Digital Nomads and Remote Workers as Ideal Target Demographic for Stable SIPFocused on digital nomads and remote workers based on USPs and market research, creating targeted marketing messages

      During our market research, we identified digital nomads and remote workers as our ideal target demographic for our new coffee brand, Stable SIP. This demographic aligns well with our unique selling propositions (USPs) of stability and portability. We made this decision based on insights from wellness-oriented coffee menus, trending ecommerce products, and the five specific target demographics provided: eco-conscious commuters, outdoor enthusiasts, office professionals, health and wellness advocates, and digital nomads. The benefits of focusing on this demographic include saving time in research and creating marketing materials that appeal to them. Some potential marketing messages for Stable SIP include "Steady on the Move" and "Your Desk Anywhere." These messages emphasize the stability and portability of the product, making it ideal for digital nomads and remote workers.

    • Collaborating with ChatGPT for branding and marketingProviding continuous feedback and collaboration can lead to successful and creative outcomes when working with AI models like ChatGPT. Remember, they start with zero knowledge and rely on human guidance to learn and grow.

      When interacting with ChatGPT or any similar AI model, it's essential to provide continuous feedback and guidance. This helps the model understand your preferences and improve its responses accordingly. The conversation in the text showcases this process as the team provides feedback on different options generated by the model and asks for more suggestions. They also discuss the importance of staying within the token limit and using prime prompt polish to ensure the model remains focused on the task. Moreover, the team's approach demonstrates the power of collaboration and creativity when working with AI. By combining their ideas and expertise, they were able to build a brand, StableSip, and create marketing language for a travel coffee mug targeted at digital entrepreneurs. This process involved identifying competitors and potential customers, and even exploring the use of DALL-E for logo and image creation within ChatGPT. In summary, the key takeaway is that providing continuous feedback and collaboration can lead to successful and creative outcomes when working with AI models like ChatGPT. It's important to remember that these models start with zero knowledge and rely on human guidance to learn and grow.

    • Maximizing ChatGPT for Business: Internet, Plug-ins, and Memory TokensTo enhance your ChatGPT experience for business, ensure a stable internet connection, install necessary plug-ins, and utilize memory tokens for efficient interaction.

      To effectively utilize ChatGPT for business, remember the importance of an internet connection, the use of specific plug-ins, and the implementation of memory tokens. These three elements will significantly enhance your experience and productivity when working with ChatGPT. During the discussion, there were mentions of various numbers, including 2, 4, and 10. The group seemed to be deciding between these options, with the majority favoring "every journey, 0 spills" (option 2). This phrase will be used moving forward for a marketing angle related to Stable SIP. Additionally, there was a mention of a Chrome extension for counting tokens within ChatGPT. For those interested, a video on this topic will be shared later. The group also discussed the use of DALL E 3, which is now available inside ChatGPT but requires starting a new chat for access. They plan to create a logo for Stable SIP using this tool, and have copied essential information from their previous chat to ensure it's accessible in the new one. The discussion also included a reminder to check out their top 10 tech podcast on Spotify and watch the video for further details. Despite the lengthy conversation, the group is excited about the potential of ChatGPT and the opportunities it presents for business growth.

    • AI image generator Golly creates logos with ongoing processing abilitiesGolly, an AI image generator, stands out with its ability to create logos without explicit instructions and refine them through natural language processing, emphasizing the potential of AI in generating creative content and fostering a supportive community in the AI space, despite minor grammatical errors in communication platforms like ChatGPT.

      Golly, an AI image generator, operates differently than others. It can generate logos even without explicit instructions, but its ongoing processing abilities allow for refinement through natural language processing. This sets it apart from other AI image generators, especially when it comes to creating logos with specific features. The conversation also highlighted the importance of community building in the AI space, where learning and sharing knowledge is prioritized over sales pitches. Additionally, it was discussed that while proper grammar is important for clear communication, basic errors do not significantly impact the functionality of ChatGPT. Overall, the conversation emphasized the potential and capabilities of AI in generating creative content and fostering a supportive community.

    • Advanced image generation with conversational interactionDALL E 3 and Chat GPT offer advanced image generation capabilities, understanding and building on simple prompts to provide multiple variations for specific needs, generating accurate text for logos, and creating images based on basic language for a more efficient and enjoyable design process.

      DALL E 3 and Chat GPT offer more than just basic image generation. They can understand and build on simple prompts, providing multiple variations that can be further modified to fit specific needs. This level of interaction and creativity sets them apart from other AI image generators, making the design process more efficient and engaging. Moreover, these tools can generate accurate text for logos, which is a significant improvement as most AI image generators struggle with text. This feature allows for more precise branding and design, ensuring a professional and polished final product. Additionally, DALL E 3 and Chat GPT can create images based on basic language, making it possible to have a conversation with a logo designer and receive multiple design options without having to use specific prompt language. This flexibility and creativity make the design process more efficient and enjoyable. Overall, DALL E 3 and Chat GPT offer a unique combination of advanced image generation capabilities and conversational interaction, making them valuable tools for designers and creatives looking to streamline their design process and explore new design possibilities.

    • Exploring Branding and Marketing with ChatGPTChatGPT can generate logo options, conduct research, and develop unique selling propositions, saving time and resources in branding and marketing processes.

      ChatGPT, an AI language model, can be used as a powerful tool for branding and marketing. In this episode, the team used ChatGPT to generate new logo options, browse the internet for research, and develop a unique selling proposition (USP) for an imaginary brand. Although not all the generated logos were perfect, they managed to create several options that the team liked. One of the logos, "stable sip," which was a cup outline with the words "stable sip" blended together, was chosen by the team due to its unique design and the fact that it included all the desired words. The team also discovered that using an Internet-connected plugin with ChatGPT significantly enhanced its capabilities, allowing for efficient market research and trend analysis. Overall, this episode demonstrated how AI can be a valuable asset in the branding and marketing process, saving time and resources while generating creative and effective solutions.

    • Stay Informed and Engaged with Everyday AIInteract, tag, comment, share, and subscribe to stay updated on AI developments, spread awareness, and contribute to the ongoing conversation. Sign up for a free daily newsletter to never miss out.

      Engaging with everyday AI is essential for staying informed and involved in the rapidly advancing world of artificial intelligence. The episode encouraged listeners to interact by tagging, commenting, sharing, and subscribing. These actions help spread awareness and contribute to the ongoing conversation. Signing up for the free daily newsletter ensures that you'll never miss out on the latest AI developments. By actively participating and staying informed, we can break barriers and push the boundaries of what's possible. Don't miss out on the excitement – join the everyday AI community today!

    Recent Episodes from Everyday AI Podcast – An AI and ChatGPT Podcast

    EP 284: Building A Human-Led, AI-Enhanced Justice System

    EP 284: Building A Human-Led, AI-Enhanced Justice System

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    When we talk about AI, it's always about efficiency, more tasks, more growth. But when it comes to the legal system, can AI help law firms with impact and not just efficiency? Evyatar Ben Artzi, CEO and Co-Founder of Darrow,  joins us to discuss how AI can enhance the legal landscape.

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    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan and Evyatar questions on AI in the justice system

    Related Episode: Ep 140: How AI Will Transform The Business of Law

    Upcoming Episodes: Check out the upcoming Everyday AI Livestream lineup
    Website: YourEverydayAI.com
    Email The Show: info@youreverydayai.com
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    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. Use of generative AI in the legal system
    2. Use of LLMs in the legal system
    3. AI's impact on efficiency in the legal industry

    01:20 Daily AI news
    04:35 About Evyatar and Darrow
    06:16 Challenges accessing information for lawyers
    09:27 AI efficiency movement is responsible for workload.
    10:24 AI revolutionizing legal world for success.
    16:51 Efficiency affects law firm's ability to bill.
    21:30 Improving mental health in legal profession with agility.
    26:55 Loss of online communities raises concerns about memory.
    27:58 Law firms pursuing right to be remembered.

    Generative AI, Legal System, Impact, Efficiency, AI News, Perplexity AI, Ultra Accelerator Link, NVIDIA, Apple, OpenAI, Siri, GPT Technology, Evyatar Ben Artzi, Darrow, Justice Intelligence Platform, Case Analysis, Herbicides, Pesticides, Cancer Rates, Large Language Models, ChatGPT, Right to be Remembered, Internet Deletion Practices, Fortune 500 Companies, Legal Industry, Billable Hours, Strategic Thinking, Legal Development, Mental Health, Multiverse in Law.

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

    EP 283: WWT's Jim Kavanaugh GenAI Roadmap for Business Success

    EP 283: WWT's Jim Kavanaugh GenAI Roadmap for Business Success

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    Businesses are working out how to use GenAI in the best way. One company that's acing it? World Wide Technology. WWT's CEO, Jim Kavanaugh, is sharing their plan for implementing GenAI into business smoothly.

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    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan and Jim questions on GenAI

    Related Episodes:
    Ep 197: 5 Simple Steps to Start Using GenAI at Your Business Today
    Ep 146: IBM Leader Talks Infusing GenAI in Enterprise Workflows for Big Wins

    Upcoming Episodes: Check out the upcoming Everyday AI Livestream lineup
    Website: YourEverydayAI.com
    Email The Show: info@youreverydayai.com
    Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. Impact of Generative AI
    2. Role of GenAI in World Wide Technology
    3. AI Adoption for Business Leaders
    4. Large Language Models and AI Impact
    5. Challenges in the Generative AI Space
    6. Organization Culture and AI Implementation

    01:30 About WWT and Jim Kavanaugh
    06:59 Connecting with users for effective AI.
    10:06 Advantage of working with NVIDIA for digital transformation.
    13:10 Discussing techniques and client example.
    18:35 CEOs implementing AI, seeking solutions.
    20:46 Creating awareness, training, and leveraging technology efficiently.
    25:27 AI increasingly important, impacts all industries' outcomes.
    27:18 Use secure, personalized language models for efficiency.
    32:32 Streamlining data access for engineers and sales.
    35:42 CEOs need to prioritize technology and innovation.
    37:02 NVIDIA is the game-changing leader.

    generative AI, challenges of AI implementation, Jim Kavanaugh, CEO, Worldwide Technology, digital transformation, value-added reseller, professional services, comprehensive solution, AI strategies, NVIDIA, OpenAI's ChatGPT, large language models, GenAI, Advanced Technology Center, data aggregation, real-time data access, intelligent prompts, business leaders, AI technologies, data science, Jensen and NVIDIA, multimodal languages, AI-first organization, financial performance, go-to-market strategies, software development efficiency, RFP process

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

    EP 282: AI’s Role in Scam Detection and Prevention

    EP 282: AI’s Role in Scam Detection and Prevention

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    If you think you know scammers, just wait.
    ↳ Voice cloning will fool the best of us.
    ↳ Deepfakes are getting sophisticated.
    ↳ Once-scammy emails now sound real.
    How can AI help? In a lot of ways. Yuri Dvoinos, Chief Innovation Officer at Aura, joins us to discuss AI's role in scam detection and prevention.
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    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan and Yuri questions on AI and scam detection

    Related Episodes: Ep 182: AI Efficiencies in Cyber – A Double-Edged Sword
    Ep 202: The Holy Grail of AI Mass Adoption – Governance

    Upcoming Episodes: Check out the upcoming Everyday AI Livestream lineup
    Website: YourEverydayAI.com
    Email The Show: info@youreverydayai.com
    Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. Sophistication of AI in Scams
    2. Countermeasures to Combat AI Scams
    3. Deepfakes and Their Increasing Prevalence

    01:20 Daily AI news
    04:45 About Yuri and Aura
    07:32 Growing impact of impersonation and trust hacking.
    12:35 Consumer app with state-of-the-art protection.
    13:48 New technology scans emails to protect users.
    19:36 Need for awareness of sophisticated multi-platform scams.
    20:33 Be cautious of potential multichannel scams
    26:44 Scams are getting sophisticated, AI may worsen.
    30:05 Different organizations need varying levels of security.
    31:25 Deepfakes raise concerns about truth and trust.
    34:47 It's hard to detect scam communication online.

    AI Scams, Jordan Wilson, Yuri Dvoinos, Deepfakes, AI Technology, Verification System, Online Interactions, Cyberattacks, Business Security, Scam Detection, Communication Channel Verification, Language Models, AI impersonation, Small Business Scams, Scammer Automation, Aura, Message Protection Technology, Call Analysis, Email Scanning, Voice Synthesizer Technology, Multichannel Scams, 2FA, Cybersecurity Training, Digital Trust, Cybersecurity, Sophisticated Corporate Scams, OpenAI, NVIDIA, Aura Cybersecurity Company, Online Safety.

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

    EP 281: Elon Musk says AI will make jobs 'optional' – Crazy or correct?

    EP 281: Elon Musk says AI will make jobs 'optional' – Crazy or correct?

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    Will AI make jobs... optional? Elon Musk seems to think so. His comments struck a chord with some. And rightfully so. As polarizing as Elon Musk can be, does he have a point? Let's break it down.
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    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan questions on AI and jobs

    Related Episodes: Ep 258: Will AI Take Our Jobs? Our answer might surprise you.
    Ep 222: The Dispersion of AI Jobs Across the U.S. – Why it matters

    Upcoming Episodes: Check out the upcoming Everyday AI Livestream lineup
    Website: YourEverydayAI.com
    Email The Show: info@youreverydayai.com
    Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. Elon Musk's statement and its implications
    2. Future of work with AI advancements
    3. AI's impact on human purpose and employment
    4. Job displacement and AI investment over human employment

    01:40 Daily AI news
    07:47 Exploring the implications of generative AI.
    10:45 Concerns about AI impact on future jobs
    13:20 Elon Musk's track record: genius or random?
    17:57 Twitter's value drops 72% to $12.5B.
    22:34 Elon Musk predicts 80% chance of job automation.
    25:54 AI advancements may require universal basic income.
    29:03 AI systems rapidly advancing, surpassing previous capabilities.
    32:11 Bill Gates worries about AGI's misuse.
    35:04 AI advancements foreshadowing future efficiency and capabilities.
    39:42 Ultra-wealthy and disconnected elite shaping AI future.
    43:32 AI will dominate future work, requiring adaptation.
    46:19 US government may not understand future of work.

    Elon Musk, AI, XAI, funding, chatbot, Grok, OpenAI, legal battle, Apple, Siri, integration, core apps, model, capabilities, safety, speculation, future, work, Tesla, market cap, value, investor sentiment, vision, promises, performance, Viva Tech, conference, robots, job market, society, purpose.

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

    EP 280: GenAI for Business - A 5-Step Beginner's Guide

    EP 280: GenAI for Business - A 5-Step Beginner's Guide

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    Everyone is trying to wrap their heads around how to get GenAI into their business. We've had chats with over 120 experts and leaders from around the globe, including big companies, startups, and entrepreneurs. We're here to give you the lowdown on how you can start using GenAI in your business today.

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    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan questions on AI

    Related Episodes:Ep 189: The One Biggest ROI of GenAI
    Ep 238: WWT’s Jim Kavanaugh Gives GenAI Blueprint for Businesses

    Upcoming Episodes: Check out the upcoming Everyday AI Livestream lineup
    Website: YourEverydayAI.com
    Email The Show: info@youreverydayai.com
    Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. AI in Business
    2. Implementing AI
    3. AI Guidelines and Guardrails
    4. Practical Application of AI

    02:00 Daily AI news
    06:20 Experienced in growing companies of all sizes
    11:45 AI not fully implemented yet
    19:13 Generative AI changing workforce dynamics, impact discussion.
    21:32 Rapidly adapt to online business, seek guidance.
    31:19 AI guardrails and guidelines
    34:25 Companies overcomplicating generative AI, driven by peer pressure.
    37:45 Focus on measurable impact in AI projects.
    45:17 Leverage vendors and experts for AI education.
    51:48 AI may replace jobs - plan for future.
    54:48 Ethical AI implementation involves human and AI cooperation.
    01:00:42 Culmination of extensive work to simplify generative AI.

    AI training, Employee education, Generative AI tools, Communication skills, Job displacement, AI implementation, Business ethics, AI in business, Guidelines for AI, Data Privacy, AI statistics, Transparency in AI, Bottom-up approach,  AI impact on work, Everyday AI Show

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

    EP 279: Google’s New AI Updates from I/O: the good, the bad, and the WTF

    EP 279: Google’s New AI Updates from I/O: the good, the bad, and the WTF

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    Did Google say 'AI' too many times at their I/O conference? But real talk – it's hard to make sense of all of Google's announcements. With so many new products, updated functionality, and new LLM capabilities, how can you make sense of it all?  Oh.... that's what we're for.

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    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan questions on Google AI

    Related Episode:  Ep 204: Google Gemini Advanced – 7 things you need to know

    Upcoming Episodes: Check out the upcoming Everyday AI Livestream lineup
    Website: YourEverydayAI.com
    Email The Show: info@youreverydayai.com
    Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. Google's Updates and Announcements
    2. Google AI Evaluations
    3. Concerns Over Google's AI Development and Marketing

    01:30 Daily AI news
    05:30 What was announced at Google's I/O
    09:31 Microsoft and Google introduce AI for teams.
    12:38 AI features not available for paid accounts.
    16:12 Doubt Google's claims about their Gemini model.
    19:26 Speaker live-drew with Pixel phone, discussed code.
    22:24 Exciting city scene, impressive Vio and Astra.
    24:44 Gems and GPTs changing interactions with language models.
    29:26 Accessing advanced features requires technical know-how.
    33:45 Concerns about availability and timing of Google's features.
    36:14 Google CEO makes joke about overusing buzzwords.
    41:06 Google Gems: A needed improvement for Google Gemini.
    41:50 GPT 4 ranks 4th behind Windows Copilot.

    Google IO conference, AI updates, NVIDIA revenue growth, Meta acquisition, Adapt AI startup, OpenAI deal, News Corp, Project Astra, Gemini AI agent, Gemini 1.5 pro, Ask photos powered by Gemini, Gemini Nano, Android 15, GEMS, Google AI teammate, Microsoft team copilot, Google Workspace, Google search, Veo, Imagine 3, Lyria, Google's AI music generator, Wyclef Jean, Large language models, GPT 4.0, Google Gemini, AI marketing tactics, Deceptive marketing, Discoverability issues, Branding issues.

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

    EP 278: Microsoft Build AI Recap - 5 things you need to know

    EP 278: Microsoft Build AI Recap - 5 things you need to know

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    To end a week-ish full of AI happenings, Microsoft has thrown all kinds of monkey wrenches into the GenAI race. What did they announce at their Microsoft Build conference? And how might it impact you? Our last takeaway may surprise you.

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    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan questions on Microsoft AI

    Upcoming Episodes: Check out the upcoming Everyday AI Livestream lineup
    Website: YourEverydayAI.com
    Email The Show: info@youreverydayai.com
    Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. Microsoft Build Conference Key AI Features
    2. Microsoft Copilot Updates
    3. On-device AI and its future

    01:50 Startup Humane seeks sale amid product criticism.
    09:00 Using Copilot increases latency and potential errors.
    11:15 Copilot changing work with edge AI technology.
    13:51 Cloud may be more secure than personal devices.
    19:26 Recall technology may change required worker skills.
    20:24 Semantic search understands context, improving productivity.
    28:41 Impressive integration of GPT-4 in Copilot demo.
    31:41 New Copilot technology changes how we work.
    36:13 Customize and deploy AI agent to automate tasks.
    38:08 Uncertainty ahead for enterprise companies, especially Apple.
    46:09 Recap of 5 key announcements from build conference.

    Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, Copilot stack, personal Copilot, team's Copilot, Copilot agents, Copilot Studio, Apple ecosystem, enterprise companies, Microsoft Teams, OpenAI, Jordan Wilson, Microsoft Build Conference, edge AI, Copilot Plus PC, recall feature, gpt4o capabilities, iPhone users, AI technology, data privacy and security, GPT 4 o desktop app, AI systems, recall, mainstream AI agents, Humane AI, Scarlett Johansson, ChatGPT, Anthropic Claude, COPilot Studio Agent, Microsoft product.

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

    EP 277: How Nonprofits Can Benefit From Responsible AI

    EP 277: How Nonprofits Can Benefit From Responsible AI

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    Generative AI offers significant benefits to nonprofits. What obstacles do they encounter, and how can they utilize this innovative technology while safeguarding donor information and upholding trust with stakeholders? Nathan Chappell, Chief AI Officer at DonorSearch AI, joins us to explore the responsible use of AI in the nonprofit sector.

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    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan and Nathan questions on AI and nonprofits

    Related Episodes:
    Ep 105: AI in Fundraising – Building Trust with Stakeholders
    Ep 148: Safer AI – Why we all need ethical AI tools we can trust

    Upcoming Episodes: Check out the upcoming Everyday AI Livestream lineup
    Website: YourEverydayAI.com
    Email The Show: info@youreverydayai.com
    Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn

    01:50 About Nathan and DonorSearch AI
    05:52 Decreased charity giving, AI aids nonprofit efficiency.
    09:39 AI enhances nonprofit efficiency, prioritizes human connections.
    13:35 Nonprofits need to embrace AI for advancement.
    16:22 Use AI to create engagement stories, scalable.
    18:59 Internet equalized access to computing power.
    25:02 Nonprofits rely on trust, need responsible AI.
    29:52 Ensuring trust and accountability in generative AI.
    33:35 AI is about people leveling up work.
    34:16 Daily exposure to new tech terms essential.

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. Impact of Generative AI for Nonprofits
    2. Digital Divide in Nonprofit Sector
    3. Role of Trust in Nonprofits and responsible AI usage
    4. Traditional Fundraising vs. generative AI
    5. Future of AI in Nonprofits

    Nonprofits, generative AI, ethical use of AI, Jordan Wilson, Nathan Chappell, DonorSearch AI, algorithm, gratitude, machine learning, digital divide, AI employment impact, inequality, LinkedIn growth, Taplio, trust, Fundraising AI, responsible AI, AI explainability, AI accountability, AI transparency, future of nonprofits, AI adaptation, predictive AI, personalization, data for donors, generosity indicator, precision and personalization, AI efficiency, human-to-human interaction, AI tools.

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

    EP 276: AI News That Matters - May 20th, 2024

    EP 276: AI News That Matters - May 20th, 2024

    Send Everyday AI and Jordan a text message

    OpenAI and Reddit’s data partnership, will Google’s AI plays help them catch ChatGPT, and what’s next for Microsoft?  Here's this week's AI News That Matters!

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    More on this Episode: Episode Page
    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan questions on AI

    Upcoming Episodes: Check out the upcoming Everyday AI Livestream lineup
    Website: YourEverydayAI.com
    Email The Show: info@youreverydayai.com
    Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. Key Partnerships and Deals in AI
    2. Google's New AI Developments
    3. Microsoft's Upcoming Developer Conference
    4. Apple's Future AI Implementation

    02:00 Reddit partners with OpenAI for AI training, content.
    04:28 Large companies lack transparency in model training.
    06:58 Reddit becoming preferred search over Google, value in partnerships.
    12:08 OpenAI announced GPT 4 o and new feature.
    14:48 Google announced live smart assistance, leveraging AI.
    18:19 Customize data/files, tap into APIs, virtual teammate.
    21:06 Impressed by Google's new products and features.
    26:33 Apple to use OpenAI for generative AI.
    29:08 Speculation around AI safety, resignation raises questions.
    32:22 Concerns about OpenAI employees leaving is significant.
    34:20 Google and Microsoft announce AI developments, drama at OpenAI.

    Jan Leakey, smarter than human machines, Reddit, OpenAI, data deal, model training, Google, AI project Astra, Microsoft's Build developer conference, AI developments, Apple partnership, safety concerns, everydayai.com, Ask Photos, Gemini Nano, Android 15, AI powered search, Gemini AI assistant, Google AI teammate, Microsoft developer conference, Copilot AI, AI PCs, Intel, Qualcomm, AMD, Seattle, Jordan Wilson, personal data, Reddit partnership, Google IO conference.

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

    EP 275: Be prepared to ChatGPT your competition before they ChatGPT you

    EP 275: Be prepared to ChatGPT your competition before they ChatGPT you

    Send Everyday AI and Jordan a text message

    If you're not gonna use AI, your competition is. And they might crush you. Or, they might ChatGPT you. Barak Turovsky, VP of AI at Cisco, gives us the best ways to think about Generative AI and how to implement it. 

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    More on this Episode: Episode Page
    Join the discussion: Ask Jordan and Barak questions on ChatGPT

    Related Episodes: Ep 197: 5 Simple Steps to Start Using GenAI at Your Business Today
    Ep 246: No that’s not how ChatGPT works. A guide on who to trust around LLMs

    Upcoming Episodes: Check out the upcoming Everyday AI Livestream lineup
    Website: YourEverydayAI.com
    Email The Show: info@youreverydayai.com
    Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn

    Topics Covered in This Episode:
    1. Large Language Models (LLMs) and Business Competitiveness
    2. Understanding LLMs for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses
    3. Use Cases and Misconceptions of AI
    4. Data Security and Privacy

    01:35 About Barak and Cisco
    05:44 AI innovation concentrated in big tech companies.
    07:14 Large language models can revolutionize customer interactions.
    12:01 ChatGPT fluency doesn't guarantee accurate information.
    13:41 Considering use cases over two dimensions
    18:16 OLM is good fit for specific industries.
    21:17 Emphasizing the importance of large language models.
    23:20 Maintaining control over unique AI model elements.
    28:50 Questioning the data use in large models.
    31:27 Barak discusses leveraging AI for various use cases.
    33:50 Industry leader shared great insights on AI.

    AI, Large Language Models, Jordan Wilson, Barak Turovsky, Cisco, Google Translate, Transformer Technology, Generative AI, Democratization of Access, Customer Satisfaction, Business Productivity, Business Disruption, Internet Search, Sales Decks, Scalable Businesses, Fluency-Accuracy Misconception, AI Use Cases, Data Privacy, Data Security, Model Distillation, Domain-Specific AI Models, Small AI Models, Gargantuan AI Models, Data Leverage, AI for Enterprises, Data Selling, Entertainment Use Case, Business Growth, Professional Upskilling, AI Newsletter.

    Get more out of ChatGPT by learning our PPP method in this live, interactive and free training! Sign up now: https://youreverydayai.com/ppp-registration/

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    LinkedIn  | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube  | Twitter | Acquisition 

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    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Stanford eCorner content is produced by the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. At STVP, we empower aspiring entrepreneurs to become global citizens who create and scale responsible innovations.


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