
    Ep. 1325 - The Biden Doctrine: Tyranny Abroad, Tyranny At Home

    enAugust 24, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden shifts focus from Afghanistan to COVID-19Despite rising COVID-19 cases and deaths, Biden prioritizes the issue over Afghanistan crisis, downplays situation, and criticizes opposition. Data brokers collect and sell personal data without consent, putting privacy at risk.

      President Joe Biden is trying to divert public attention from the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan by focusing on COVID-19. The administration has downplayed the situation in Afghanistan and Biden himself has fallen asleep during press conferences about the issue. Meanwhile, the daily case and death counts from COVID-19 in the United States continue to rise. Biden's approach to combating the disease involves increasingly restrictive measures, and he has suggested that those who oppose his plans want Americans to die. At the same time, hundreds of data brokers are collecting and selling personal data without consent, including IP addresses that can uniquely identify individuals. ExpressVPN can help protect privacy by masking IP addresses and providing random, shared IP addresses to users. The Biden administration's handling of both the COVID-19 situation and the crisis in Afghanistan raises concerns about transparency and prioritization of issues.

    • FDA's Full Approval of Pfizer Vaccine: What It MeansThe FDA's full approval of the Pfizer vaccine doesn't significantly change its use, but it may encourage mandates. Focus on encouraging vaccination for those at risk, and understand that breakthrough infections can occur but are usually mild.

      The FDA's full approval of the Pfizer vaccine is not a significant change from the emergency authorization it had already received, and the delay in approval may have hindered vaccine distribution. The approval serves as an excuse for some to call for mandates, but once vaccinated, individuals are generally protected against severe COVID-19 symptoms, including the Delta variant. The focus should be on encouraging vaccination rather than mandating it for those who are already vaccinated. The approval does not change the fact that breakthrough infections can occur, but the resulting symptoms are typically mild and not a cause for public health concern. The ultimate goal should be to prioritize vaccination for those most at risk and educate the public on the benefits and safety of the vaccines.

    • FDA approval used to justify vaccine mandatesDespite the availability of vaccines, some argue for mandates, but individual health decisions and risk assessment should be respected, and limiting principles for mandates are unclear.

      The recent FDA approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for full use in the US is being used as a justification for vaccine mandates, despite the availability of the vaccine to all adults and the fact that even vaccinated individuals can still transmit COVID-19. The mandates are being framed as necessary to prevent hospitalization and death, but in a free society, individuals should have the right to make their own health decisions and assume their own risk levels. The left has been making this argument for a long time, but now that the vaccine is widely available, there is no clear limiting principle for when or if these mandates will end. Additionally, the evidence for booster shots is still limited, and organizations like the WHO do not currently recommend them.

    • Effectiveness of masks in preventing COVID-19 spread variesN95/KN90 masks offer best protection, surgical masks only 10% effective in lab tests, real-life situations may reduce effectiveness, importance of following public health guidelines and staying informed.

      The effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of COVID-19 varies greatly depending on the type. While N95 or KN90 masks offer the best protection against aerosol droplets, surgical masks, which are commonly used due to comfort, have been shown to be only 10% effective according to a study from the University of Waterloo. The study was conducted by mechanically shooting the virus at the masks, but in real-life situations, masks get wet and are often not a perfect fit, which can increase the number of aerosol droplets escaping. Despite this, it's still beneficial to wear any mask, but understanding the differences in effectiveness can help inform public health recommendations. The WHO and CDC have emphasized the importance of wearing masks in indoor public settings, even for vaccinated individuals, due to the high transmissibility of the Delta variant. The debate around mask types and their effectiveness highlights the importance of continuing to follow public health guidelines and staying informed about the latest scientific research.

    • New findings challenge mask effectiveness, but experts emphasize importance of vaccination and ventilationRecent research suggests similar protection from HEPA filters and modest ventilation rates as N95 masks, while experts encourage vaccination and accurate information for the public.

      The debate around masks and ventilation continues, with recent findings suggesting that even modest ventilation rates and HEPA filters provide similar protection as N95 masks. However, some experts like Dr. Michael Osterholm have criticized the effectiveness of cloth masks, while others like Dr. Anthony Fauci emphasize the importance of vaccination and caution for those who cannot get vaccinated. The scientific process involves responding to new data, and while antibody levels may wane, t cell immunity remains crucial for long-term protection. The focus should be on encouraging vaccination and providing accurate information to the public, rather than perpetuating fear and uncertainty.

    • Politics driving COVID-19 safety measures for childrenDespite conflicting evidence, political wins drive some COVID-19 safety measures for children, like masking and boosters. Prioritize children's safety by ensuring vaccinations for those around them, wearing masks outside home, focusing on individual health, and considering the uncertain evidence for masking in schools.

      The debate around COVID-19 safety measures for children, such as masking and boosters, is politically driven rather than based on solid scientific evidence. Contrary to the narrative that boosters or natural immunity are undermining the effectiveness of vaccines, children have historically received boosters and natural immunity may even be superior in certain cases. The need for political wins seems to be driving some recommendations, such as President Biden's call for masking kids, despite a lack of data supporting its effectiveness. Parents can prioritize their children's safety by ensuring those around them are vaccinated and having their children wear masks when they leave home. The importance of individual health, such as getting enough sleep, should not be overlooked, and addressing magnesium deficiencies can help improve sleep quality. The evidence for masking kids in schools is uncertain, and countries like the UK, Ireland, and others have successfully managed COVID-19 without mandating masks for young students. The CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics have issued conflicting guidance on the issue, further emphasizing the need for clear, evidence-based recommendations.

    • Studies on COVID-19 in schools manipulated for certain findingsRecent research on COVID-19 in schools with and without mitigation measures has been biased, with studies favoring masking and vaccine mandates being published over those showing no difference. The push for these measures raises concerns about individual freedoms and effective strategies for managing the pandemic.

      Recent studies on COVID-19 incidents in schools with and without mitigation measures, such as masking, have been manipulated to favor certain findings. For instance, a study that found no difference between masked and unmasked schools regarding COVID-19 incidents was buried instead of being published. Additionally, the push for masking children and vaccine mandates, especially from figures like Joe Biden, is questionable given the lack of significant difference in COVID-19 cases between vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Furthermore, reaching herd immunity based on vaccination percentages seems to be an ineffective strategy against the Delta variant. The authoritarian approach of mandating vaccines or masking for employees, as advocated by Biden, raises concerns about individual freedoms. The ongoing COVID-19 situation in countries like Israel, which reached high vaccination rates but still experienced surges, further emphasizes the need for a balanced approach to managing the pandemic.

    • COVID-19 Situation in the South Has Peaked According to SpeakerSpeaker argues that declining case numbers, expansion rate below 1, and individual risk tolerance indicate that the COVID-19 situation in the South has peaked, despite ongoing new infections and hospitalizations. He criticizes media for ignoring weather and living conditions' role in virus spread.

      The speaker believes that the COVID-19 situation in the South has peaked, despite ongoing new infections and hospitalizations. He cites evidence such as declining case numbers and a rate of expansion below 1 in most southern states. However, he also acknowledges that the South's high temperatures and crowded living conditions have contributed to the recent spike in cases. The speaker argues that people have different tolerances for risk and that living a normal life post-vaccination carries more risk from car accidents than from COVID-19. He challenges those who prioritize safety over freedom to consider how much risk they are willing to accept in order to live normally. The speaker also criticizes the media for perpetuating COVID panic and ignoring the role of weather and living conditions in the spread of the virus.

    • Australia's strict COVID-19 lockdowns and the debate on personal freedom versus public healthAustralia's strict COVID-19 measures include fines for being outside without a reasonable excuse and outlawing protests, with only about 25% of adults vaccinated. Doctors leaving their jobs to encourage vaccinations were misrepresented, raising questions about personal freedom and public health.

      The debate around personal freedom versus public health during a crisis can lead to extreme measures. Australia's strict COVID-19 lockdowns, which include outlawing protests and fining citizens for being outside without a reasonable excuse, are a stark example. With only about 25% of adults vaccinated and experiencing an explosion in COVID-19 cases, the Australian government is cracking down hard. However, the portrayal of doctors leaving their jobs to refuse treating unvaccinated patients by MSNBC was misleading. In reality, they were encouraging vaccinations. The question remains, how much freedom are we willing to give up to prevent small numbers of death, and how much pressure can we apply to the unvaccinated to protect their own lives? These are complex issues that require careful consideration and balanced solutions.

    • The politicization of healthcare and vaccinationsDoctors treat all patients, regardless of vaccination status. A privatized healthcare system means individuals are responsible for medical bills, including vaccinations. The politicization of health guidelines and mandates distracts from critical issues and promotes personal responsibility and individual health choices.

      The politicization of healthcare, particularly regarding vaccinations, is a concerning development. Despite some voices on the left suggesting that unvaccinated individuals don't deserve medical care, doctors continue to treat everyone regardless of their health choices. It's essential to recognize that a privatized healthcare system means individuals are responsible for their medical bills, including vaccinations. However, the real issue is the politicization of health guidelines and mandates, which can distract from other critical issues, such as the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan. Ultimately, it's crucial to focus on promoting personal responsibility and individual health choices while maintaining an unbiased approach to healthcare.

    • Challenges in Afghanistan Evacuation ProcessThe Afghanistan evacuation process is complex and uncertain, with significant challenges including security concerns and a large number of Americans still needing to be evacuated. Stay informed through reliable sources like Daily Wire.

      The situation in Afghanistan is chaotic and the evacuation process is facing significant challenges. Daily Wire is offering a Reader's Pass, which includes access to the Morning Wire newsletter and more, for just $4 a month, making it an ideal time to stay informed. Meanwhile, the Sweet Baby Gang is in search of an anthem, and this could be your chance to impress Matt Walsh. Submissions end tomorrow, August 25th, so act fast. On a more serious note, the evacuation deadline is unlikely to be met, according to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff. He expressed concerns over the security of the airport and the large number of Americans still needing to be evacuated. Schiff's admission contradicts Joe Biden's earlier claims and highlights the ongoing challenges in Afghanistan. Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, faced criticism for her response to the stranded Americans, as she attempted to play semantic games over the definition of "stranded." The situation underscores the complexity and urgency of the evacuation process. In summary, the situation in Afghanistan remains uncertain, and the challenges facing the evacuation process are significant. Staying informed through reliable sources like Daily Wire is crucial during these uncertain times.

    • Confusion over number of Americans in Kabul and evacuation deadlinesThousands of Americans, including military and civilians, are reportedly still in Afghanistan amidst ongoing evacuation efforts. The U.S. government's lack of transparency regarding the number of Americans evacuated and the firm Taliban deadline for withdrawal has fueled criticism and concern.

      There is ongoing confusion regarding the number of Americans still in Kabul, Afghanistan, and the U.S. government's ability to evacuate them before the August 31st deadline set by the Taliban. Despite Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, denying that any Americans are currently "stranded" in Afghanistan, there are reports of U.S. citizens fearing for their safety and unable to leave. The U.S. government has been unable to provide a clear answer on how many Americans have been evacuated, with estimates ranging from several thousand to 42,000, which includes both military and civilian personnel. The Taliban has set a firm deadline for the U.S. withdrawal and has warned of consequences for those who remain beyond it. The lack of transparency from the U.S. government regarding the number of Americans still in need of evacuation has fueled criticism and concern.

    • U.S. faces deadline to evacuate citizens from AfghanistanPresident Biden must decide whether to extend the evacuation deadline or leave Americans behind, as military safety cannot be guaranteed after August 31st.

      Time is running out for the U.S. to evacuate its citizens from Afghanistan, as the Taliban has set a deadline of August 31st. President Biden now faces a critical decision: extend the deadline or risk leaving Americans behind. The military has warned that after this date, they may not be able to ensure the safety of those remaining. Meanwhile, in other news, schools are implementing transgender policies, doctors in Florida protested against unvaccinated patients, the government concluded an investigation into the shooting of Ashley Babbitt without revealing who pulled the trigger, and a bizarre trend of people injuring themselves while attempting to climb milk crates has gone viral. Lastly, a new social movement called "lying flat" encourages people to simply lie down and do nothing. These are just some of the topics discussed on recent episodes of The Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh Shows.

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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

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    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

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    Ep. 1986 - Inside The Biden Plan To STEAL Democracy

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    Ep. 1985 - Did Biden FREEZE Again?!

    Ep. 1985 - Did Biden FREEZE Again?!

    Republicans have now reversed a massive voter trend heading into 2024; Trump prepares for his debate with Biden; and the media try to turn the age issue against Donald Trump.


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    Stamps.com - Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at https://www.stamps.com/shapiro. Thanks to Stamps.com for sponsoring the show!


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    Can America Be Saved? | Dan Bongino

    Can America Be Saved? | Dan Bongino

    We are excited to welcome Dan Bongino back to The Sunday Special this week. Bongino’s broadcasts at The Dan Bongino Show are characterized by his profound patriotism and a relentless pursuit of truth. In today’s episode, we forecast the 2024 election, discuss Trump’s unique political strengths, and potential presidential debate strategies for each candidate. We also weigh the merits of populist economics and the Right’s recent bifurcation on foreign policy. Tune in for another fantastic conversation on this episode of The Sunday Special.


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    ExpressVPN - Get 3 Months FREE of ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/BEN


    Birch Gold - Text "BEN" to 989898 for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    The Wellness Company - Exclusive Discount for my Listeners. Use promo code BEN at http://www.UrgentCareKit.com/BEN

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 16, 2024

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    We’re proud to announce that DailyWire+ is partnering with Angel Studios on their latest film, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot. The movie is the true story of how Donna and Reverend Martin inspired and supported 22 families from a rural Black church in Texas to adopt 77 of the most at-risk kids from the foster system. This film is the beginning of a determined fight for kids. In America, there are over 100,000 children who need a home, and that is unacceptable. Join the fight for kids today. Get showtimes to see Sound of Hope in theaters starting July 4th at http://angel.com/ben.

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 15, 2024

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    Patreon: patreon.com/fucking_podcast

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    It started with a mock “slave trade” and a school resolution against racism. Now a war over critical race theory is tearing this small town apart. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/mock-slave-trade-critical-race-theory/2021/07/23/b4372c36-e9a8-11eb-ba5d-55d3b5ffcaf1_story.html

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    Episode 264: Nate's Thoughts Bonus Episode: ModState Podcast Episode 264

    Episode 264: Nate's Thoughts Bonus Episode: ModState Podcast Episode 264

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast! 

    As John and his family race from the largest storm since 1850, Nate sites down on a lovely Denver Sunday to discuss his thoughts. 

    On this episode Nate begins with the developing tragedy across the US as Covid-19 cases spike. At what point did we lose the idea of Freedom with responsibility to Freedom without responsibility. Has the forest been lost from the trees?

    Nate finishes the episode discussion the fall of Afghanistan the death of American Service members. 

    As always thank you for tuning into ModState. Please leave your comments at ModState@ModState.com or wherever you leave your comments. Stay Safe!