
    Podcast Summary

    • Encounters with Supernatural Entities: A Complex RealityPeople report encounters with various supernatural entities, involving abductions, trafficking, or collaboration. These experiences have profound implications for humanity's history and present reality, emphasizing the importance of broadening our perspective on the supernatural.

      There are people around the world reporting encounters with various supernatural entities, including reptilians, and these experiences often involve abductions, trafficking, or even collaboration in places like Antarctica. These encounters, which span different dimensions and planes of existence, have significant implications for humanity's history and present reality. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of broadening one's perspective on the supernatural and acknowledging the complexity of these phenomena. Additionally, the speaker has had a profound impact on others who have shared their own experiences of abductions and trauma, providing a platform for them to share their stories. The speaker's work includes prayer resources and research into the root races behind the Illuminati bloodlines, which they believe is a significant factor in understanding these experiences. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of exploring the unknown and the complexity of the supernatural experiences that some people encounter.

    • Satanic Ritual Abuse and Reptilian EncountersSome individuals report interconnected experiences of Satanic Ritual Abuse and encounters with reptilian entities, which can occur separately or together. These experiences can have profound impacts on individuals' lives.

      Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and encounters with extraterrestrial beings, specifically reptilians, are interconnected experiences for some individuals. These experiences can occur separately or in conjunction with each other. SRA can serve as a foundation for otherworldly encounters, or they can be distinct events. Reptilians, as described by some, are entities that can take over a human host and govern their consciousness. They are reportedly involved in various activities around the world, including deep underground military bases and cities, and even in Antarctica. The Dracos are mentioned as a separate group of reptilians that do not shape-shift and have a disdain for humans. These entities have been a topic of fascination and conspiracy theories for years, with some prominent figures being accused of being reptilian in nature. While the validity of these claims is subjective, it's essential to recognize that these experiences can significantly impact individuals' lives.

    • Understanding and Addressing Non-Human Entities Influencing Human BehaviorThe speaker's work sheds light on the existence of non-human entities influencing human behavior through repressed memories and trauma, and the importance of addressing the root causes to achieve freedom and understanding.

      The speaker's work involves helping people deal with repressed memories and trauma, some of which are linked to the presence of non-human entities, such as reptilians, within their bodies. These entities are believed to be anchored through genetic code and can influence the individuals' behavior and identity. The speaker's experience led her to develop a prayer to help free people from reptilian genetics, which has since been effective in delivering people from various entities, not just reptilians. The speaker's perspective challenges traditional beliefs about the significance of rh negative blood and highlights the complexity of the issue, involving various races and entities. Overall, the speaker's work emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the root causes of trauma and the role of non-human entities in shaping human experiences.

    • Reptilians: Hidden Influence and ControlBelief systems describe Reptilians as influencing humans through dormant DNA, shape-shifting control, or underground bases.

      Reptilians, as described in certain belief systems, come in different forms and levels of influence on humans. The first category is dormant, where the reptilian nature lies hidden in a person's DNA, making them more susceptible to attacks. The second category is active shape shifters, where the reptilian consciousness takes control of a human body, often through a takeover in the womb. The third category is the Draco reptilians, which remain in their reptile form and inhabit underground military bases. The reptilian phenomenon is more complex than the demonic, as it involves a genetic sharing of consciousness and potential governing control over a human body throughout their life. It's important to note that these beliefs are not scientifically proven and should be approached with a critical and open-minded perspective.

    • Origins of reported Draco reptilians and their connection to the heartExploring the origins of reported Draco reptilians reveals their interconnection with the heart, emphasizing the importance of healing emotional wounds and reprogramming the subconscious with positive beliefs.

      The origins and differences between reported Draco reptilians can be traced back to various star systems, including Alpha Draconis, Sirius b, Orion, and Zeta Reticuli. However, understanding their origin goes beyond just space stuff as it intertwines with biblical narratives, such as the Nakash in the garden. The subconscious, often referred to as the heart in the Bible, plays a significant role in our lives, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and decisions. It's a battleground for the spirit world, and when we carry hurt and unhealed wounds in our hearts, our lives can be affected negatively. In deprogramming work, the subconscious is recognized as the territory where alternate personalities reside, and these inner worlds include various landscapes, such as cities, dungeons, and laboratories. The spirit world merges with the internal world, making it crucial to heal the heart and reprogram it with positive beliefs.

    • Exploring the complexities of the subconscious realm and its inhabitantsEngaging with entities in the subconscious realm during therapeutic sessions can provide valuable insights into personal issues and offer answers to specific questions. The origins and agendas of these entities remain unclear, but understanding their influence can help navigate complex issues.

      The subconscious realm of our hearts is a complex and multifaceted domain where various entities, including God, angels, demons, and other beings, exist and interact. These entities hold different levels of power and influence, and they may influence our lives in various ways. The speaker shared personal experiences of engaging with these entities during therapeutic sessions, where they were able to gain insights into clients' issues and receive answers to specific questions. The origins of these entities remain unclear, but it's possible that they were created by God or existed before the creation of the world. Some entities, such as the reptilians, may have specific agendas and work together in a coordinated way to influence humanity, while others may operate independently. Overall, understanding the subconscious realm and its inhabitants can provide valuable insights into our lives and help us navigate complex issues.

    • Entities like Dracos have unique characteristicsEntities such as Dracos exist, have distinct classes, dislike humans but need them, and can activate human genetic code under certain circumstances, leading to extreme behavior.

      The world we live in may be more complicated and filled with entities, like reptilians, than we realize. These entities, such as the Dracos, have distinct classes and characteristics. One of these characteristics is that they hate humans but seem to need them. The Dracos also have a unique smell, which is often described as cat pee. When a person carries reptilian genetic code, it can be activated under certain circumstances, leading to extreme acts of violence and aggressive behavior. Accepting these realities can be a challenging process, but it's essential for understanding the scope of the challenges humanity faces. The men in black movie analogy can help illustrate the gradual acceptance of these truths.

    • Personal stories of people transforming into monstrous beings under the influence of alcoholConsider the possibility of beings and entities from other places influencing human behavior and conflict

      The speaker in this conversation shares personal experiences and stories about individuals who allegedly transform into monstrous beings when under the influence of alcohol, often accompanied by physical abuse. This trend, according to the speaker, can be linked to a reptilian nature and reproduction process. The speaker acknowledges that these concepts may be difficult for Christians to accept, as they often view the world and human beings as the center of their spiritual universe. However, the speaker encourages listeners to consider the possibility of beings and entities coming from other places, as some stories suggest. To help understand this concept, the speaker references Genesis 1 and the role of Jesus as the creator of the universe, emphasizing that the Hebrew language and its letters carry significant meaning and can reveal deeper truths. The speaker encourages listeners to explore these ideas further and to consider the possibility of a cosmic nature to the human conflict.

    • Understanding God's plan through the Hebrew alphabet and Jesus' roleJesus anchors heavens to earth, man's role determines earth and heavens' fate, redemption comes through Jesus' sacrifice, entities opposed to God's plan disrupt redemption, compared to parasites trying to infiltrate humans

      According to this discussion, the concept of language, specifically the Hebrew alphabet and its connection to Jesus, plays a significant role in understanding God's plan for the earth and the heavens. Jesus is depicted as the one who anchors the heavens to the earth in the beginning, and later, man is responsible for the destiny of the earth and, consequently, the heavens. However, man's failure to fulfill his role leads to the earth and heavens falling into a cosmic mess. Redemption comes through Jesus, who nails mankind's destiny to the cross, allowing for the earth and heavens to be redeemed. Entities not of human origin, who are opposed to God's plan, attempt to subvert mankind and disrupt this redemption process. These entities can be compared to parasites, trying to infiltrate and coexist with humans without their knowledge. Overall, this discussion presents a cosmic view of God's plan, highlighting the interconnectedness of mankind, the earth, and the heavens.

    • Encounters with otherworldly beingsDespite the fear and trauma, remember God is bigger and provides insights into the unknown

      Encounters with otherworldly beings, such as the Reptilians, can be terrifying and traumatic. These entities, often associated with government projects and deep underground military bases, are reportedly mean and nasty, capable of experimentation and even regeneration of bodies. However, despite the fear and trauma, it's important to remember that our faith and understanding of existence goes beyond these inconvenient truths. We serve a God who is bigger and stronger than any entity, and these encounters can provide fascinating insights into the unknown. It's a reminder that we live in a world where the unexplained and the extraordinary are part of the human experience, and it's essential to approach these stories with an open mind and a strong faith.

    • Exploring the Belief in Reptilian Beings and Their Influence on Human SocietyThe speaker believes in the existence of reptilian beings and their influence on human society through certain bloodlines and governing councils. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the concept of essence to combat their influence and offers advanced prayer resources to help individuals deal with these entities.

      The speaker in this podcast discusses his belief in the existence of reptilian beings and their influence on human society through certain bloodlines and governing councils. He offers prayer resources to help individuals gain freedom from these influences. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the concept of essence, which he believes is essential to combating the influence of these entities. Despite the seemingly bizarre nature of the topic, the speaker claims that many people are interested in this information and have reported significant progress in their personal lives through his prayer resources. The speaker also mentions that the Illuminati are not just surnames but refer to specific bloodlines and that the true markers of these bloodlines extend beyond just blood to include DNA, RNA, and essence. The speaker has created advanced prayer resources to help individuals deal with these entities and their influences.

    • The 13 root races and their influence on Illuminati bloodlinesAncient entities like the Pleiadians and elves have manipulated human genetics for centuries, resulting in some individuals carrying non-human ancestry and explaining why certain people are targeted and why there's an increasing connection to off-world groups.

      The essence of individuals can be hijacked from a pre-existent state, thousands of years ago, and this understanding has led to the discovery of the 13 root races that have influenced the Illuminati bloodlines. These entities, including the Pleiadians and elves, have manipulated human genetics for centuries, with some individuals carrying non-human ancestry. This revelation sheds light on why certain people are targeted and why there is an increasing connection to off-world groups. Humanity's understanding of its origins and the true nature of intelligence beyond apes is being challenged, opening up a vast can of worms.

    • Mythological and historical groups intersected with humans, bringing non-human geneticsMythology and history suggest that entities like the Pleiadians, elves, and druids interacted with humans, introducing non-human genetics during ancient times, possibly explaining unexplained phenomena and conspiracy theories

      The discussion revolves around the idea that various mythological and historical groups, such as the Pleiadians, elves, and druids, have intersected with human history in significant ways. These groups are believed to have brought non-human genetics into the human lineage, particularly during the Genesis 6 time frame. The speakers suggest that this convergence may explain various conspiracy theories and the presence of "smoking guns" in religious texts. They also question whether biblical writers had access to unique sources of knowledge about these entities. Additionally, they raise the possibility that history has been rewritten and that megalithic structures and evidence of giants exist around the world, hinting at hidden truths.

    • Questioning Dominant Narratives and Seeking Alternative PerspectivesExplore unconventional theories about history, challenge dominant narratives, and consider alternative perspectives to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the world.

      The world's history may not be as accurately portrayed as we have been led to believe, and there may be evidence of alternative narratives that have been suppressed or ignored. This discussion touched upon various topics, including the existence of pyramids in China and the ancient knowledge of astrology. The speakers also explored the idea of entities, such as the reptilians, infiltrating places of power and manipulating history. They suggested that these entities may be trying to prevent their own demise and the fulfillment of prophecies by drawing out the game or removing humanity. Ultimately, the speakers emphasized the importance of questioning the dominant narratives and seeking out alternative perspectives.

    • Angels working against God's plan for humanityAngels aim to destroy humanity, change it through transhumanism, install an antichrist, build a beast system, mind control individuals, and cause God's plan to fail. People are waking up, getting free, and rendering judgments against these entities, leading to massive hits from God's armies.

      A group of beings, referred to as the angelic race, have been working against humanity and God's plan. Their ultimate goals include destroying humanity, changing it through transhumanism and posthumanism, installing an antichrist, building a beast system, mind controlling individuals, and causing God's plan for man to fail. They aim to hold creation in bondage and have engineered counterfeit timelines to bring their plans into manifestation. This is the inverse of Adam's mandate to subdue the earth, and they have been successful in subduing mankind throughout history. However, the speaker is encouraged by the fact that this generation is waking up to this reality and refusing to be subdued. People are getting free from the bloodline iniquities and the finished work of Jesus Christ is cleansing them. This freedom is rendering judgments against these entity groups and opening them up to massive hits from the armies of God.

    • Great Awakening: Restoring Opportunity, Wealth, Success, Hope, Peace, and JoyBelieving Jesus is big enough to solve all our problems leads to experiencing His full power and victory in our lives during the Great Awakening

      We are living in a generation where people are waking up to the reality of spiritual warfare and the power of God to deliver them from generational iniquities and the effects of the devil's theft. This awakening is leading to a restoration of opportunity, wealth, success, hope, peace, and joy. We are part of this operation called the great awakening, and it's encouraging to see the hope and victory that comes from acknowledging the existence of spiritual beings and forces, even the seemingly bizarre or fantastical ones. Our faith can encompass all of this, and the size of Jesus is a crucial consideration. If we believe that Jesus is big enough to solve all our problems, not just cover our sins, then we can experience the full extent of His power and victory in our lives.

    • Understanding God's Power through FaithFaith in God's abilities and exploring His story deepens our encounter with His power, leading to redemptive experiences in our lives.

      Our perception of God's power in our lives is directly linked to our faith and belief in His abilities. According to the speaker, faith is a matter of the heart, and our ability to encounter the power of God is determined by our agreement that He is capable of solving even the biggest cosmic problems. The speaker encourages listeners to expand their understanding of God by exploring the complexities of His story and the entities that try to infiltrate humanity. They can connect with the speaker's ministry at bride movement.com, where they will find resources, prayer materials, and information about the local church in Katy, Texas. Through faith and exploration, we can encounter the power of God on a deeper level and experience His redemptive work in our lives.

    • Resources for spiritual growth and healingTeam Bride Movement offers personalized prayer resources, trained coaches, a complex healing program, and free coaching scholarships for spiritual growth and healing

      Danielle Strickland and her team at Bride Movement offer various resources for spiritual growth and healing, both locally and globally. They have a deliverance portal with personalized prayer resources and trained coaches for those in need. Additionally, they have a program called Overcomer Accelerated for those dealing with complex healing journeys, especially those who have experienced satanic ritual abuse or government projects. The team believes in the power of community and understanding for effective healing. They also provide free coaching scholarships for those who cannot afford it. These resources have led to thousands of testimonies of deliverance and healing all over the world.

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