
    Ep. 1371 - Biden's Stinking It Up... But So Are Republicans.

    enNovember 08, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden Faces Challenges at Home and AbroadThe Biden administration is dealing with numerous issues including vaccine mandate legal challenges, international criticism, domestic mocking, and foreign policy concerns, leading to growing unease among the American public.

      The Biden administration is facing numerous challenges both at home and abroad. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals put a hold on Biden's vaccine mandate, and the president himself made headlines for an embarrassing incident at the COP 26 summit. Meanwhile, Republicans are mocking Biden for his perceived lack of leadership, and the administration's foreign policy efforts have been criticized as weak. Additionally, the USS Navy is commissioning a ship named after a controversial gay rights activist while China continues to develop its nuclear weapons arsenal. The American people are growing increasingly unhappy with the Biden administration, and the president's inability to make significant progress on key issues is raising concerns about his fitness for office.

    • Biden's Angry and Inconsistent Response to IssuesDespite challenges with immigration and supply chain, Biden's response has been marked by anger and defensiveness, rather than addressing root causes.

      President Joe Biden's handling of various issues, including immigration and the supply chain crisis, has been marked by anger and inconsistency. This was evident when Biden snapped at reporters for accurately reporting on potential payments to migrant families and for raising concerns about supply chain challenges. Despite these challenges, Biden's response has been one of indignation and defensiveness rather than addressing the root causes of the issues. Additionally, the media has begun to turn on Biden, highlighting the impact of the supply chain crisis on ordinary families during the holiday season. Despite efforts to present Biden as empathetic and compassionate, his history of reacting angrily to criticism and making inappropriate comments towards individuals remains a concern. For those looking to better understand the world and form their own conclusions, the Jordan Harbinger Show is a recommended podcast that offers insightful conversations with various guests.

    • Criticism of Biden's Supply Chain CommunicationJoe Biden's communication about the supply chain issue has been unclear, leading to confusion and blame towards the media and public, while his vaccine mandate may negatively impact employment.

      According to the speaker, Joe Biden's handling of the supply chain issue and his communication about it to the public has been lacking. The speaker criticizes Biden for not being able to explain the issue clearly and instead blaming the media and the American people for their lack of understanding. The speaker also mentions Biden's push for a vaccine mandate and its potential impact on employment, which the speaker believes is adding to the economic challenges. The speaker recommends listening to the Jordan Harbinger show for more insights and perspectives.

    • Challenges for Biden's Agenda: Vaccine Mandates and Build Back BetterHalf of Americans dislike vaccine mandates, raising constitutional concerns. Build Back Better faces opposition from key senators and criticism over cost and incentives.

      The popularity of vaccine mandates and President Biden's Build Back Better legislation are facing significant challenges. According to the discussion, half of Americans dislike vaccine mandates, and there are concerns about their constitutionality. Additionally, there is no clear evidence that they make a significant difference in large-scale terms. Regarding Build Back Better, Manchin and Sinema, two key Democratic senators, have expressed no interest in passing the bill as it currently stands. The bill's cost and incentive structure have been criticized, and Republicans have mocked Pelosi's attempts to bring it to a vote. Overall, these issues present significant challenges for Biden's agenda and may impact his approval ratings.

    • President Biden's Middle Class Comments Spark DebateDespite Biden's assertion that the middle class built the country, wealth is generated through building and providing goods/services. Biden's push for increased gov spending faces resistance, while hiring top talent remains a challenge with ZipRecruiter's 'Invite to Apply' feature.

      During a recent speech, President Joe Biden faced criticism for his comments about wealth and the building of the country. While Biden asserted that the middle class built the country, many pointed out that wealth is generated through building and providing goods and services. Additionally, there is no fixed class of "middle class" individuals, as people's income levels change throughout their lives. Biden's push for increased government spending to spur growth has faced resistance, with even members of his own party struggling to come to an agreement. Meanwhile, in the business world, hiring top talent can be a challenge. ZipRecruiter offers a solution with its "Invite to Apply" feature, which helps employers quickly find and invite the best candidates for their open roles. This results in an average of 2.5 times more applicants and a faster hiring process.

    • Challenges for Biden's Build Back Better AgendaDespite efforts to pass Biden's Build Back Better agenda, the Democrats face significant challenges, including low approval ratings, criticism of policies, and lack of Republican support. The party's focus on urban areas and neglect of rural communities is contributing to losses and voter backlash.

      The Build Back Better agenda of President Joe Biden is facing significant challenges, particularly in getting Republican votes. The recent elections have shown that the Democratic Party's focus on urban areas and neglect of rural communities has led to losses in those areas. Joe Biden's approval rating is low, and his policies are being criticized as failures. The Democrats are facing backlash from voters who feel ignored and unheard. The lack of Republican support for the Build Back Better agenda, along with opposition from Democratic senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, is making it difficult for Biden to pass his legislation. The ongoing failures of the Democratic Party to connect with rural and non-college educated white voters is a major concern for the party, as these groups are increasingly turning to the Republicans.

    • Political standoff over infrastructure legislationDespite deep divisions, both Democrats and Republicans made questionable moves, resulting in a stalemate. Democrats linked infrastructure bills to their social spending package, but progressive Democrats caved. Republicans passed a massive public works bill, potentially weakening Biden's position.

      The ongoing political standoff between Democrats and Republicans over infrastructure legislation has resulted in a stalemate, with both sides making questionable moves. Democrats, led by President Joe Biden, attempted to link the passage of bipartisan infrastructure bills to the approval of their larger social spending package, Build Back Better. However, this strategy backfired when progressive Democrats, led by Pramila Jayapal, caved and agreed to vote for the infrastructure bill without the assurance of a Build Back Better vote. Meanwhile, Republicans, despite being advised to let Democrats flounder, passed a massive public works bill, potentially weakening Biden's negotiating position. This back-and-forth underscores the deep divisions within both parties and the challenges they face in getting crucial legislation passed. On a lighter note, securing your home during the holiday season is essential. Ring Alarm offers a powerful, affordable, and easy-to-install whole home security system that protects against intruders, as well as potential floods, freezes, and fires. With professional monitoring and a user-friendly app, you can keep track of your property even when you're away. For the best deals of the year on Ring Alarm, visit ring.com/forward/ben. Make your home a priority this holiday season and ensure peace of mind.

    • Unexpected support from Republicans stalls Democrats on infrastructure billDespite opposition from their own party members, Democrats secured a win on the infrastructure bill due to unexpected GOP support, but it came at a cost for Republicans and raised questions about party unity.

      The recent infrastructure bill vote in the House and Senate resulted in a stalemate for the Democrats due to the opposition from some of their own members, known as the squad, and the unexpected support from 13 Republicans. This unexpected support handed the Democrats a win, despite their lack of votes within their own party. However, from a Republican perspective, this vote was seen as a betrayal and a disgrace, as it went against the party's stance on spending and debt. The Republicans who voted in favor of the bill may face primary challenges for their actions. Additionally, President Biden's economic agenda and international competitiveness received a bipartisan achievement with the bill's passage, but the cost of this achievement may be high for the Republicans involved. Overall, the infrastructure vote highlighted the challenges of party unity and the potential consequences of crossing party lines.

    • Democrats Face Challenges Passing Infrastructure BillDespite initial plans, Democrats faced unexpected alliances and stalemates, ultimately passing the infrastructure bill with help from 13 House Republicans, securing a bipartisan victory for Biden.

      The recent infrastructure bill passing in the House was a complicated process for Democrats, with their thin majority causing delays and unexpected alliances. Despite the initial plan to pass the infrastructure bill after other priorities, progressive and centrist Democrats had different ideas, leading to a stalemate. In the end, 13 House Republicans helped Pelosi pass the bill, allowing Biden to claim a bipartisan victory and mock Trump. However, the infrastructure bill is seen as a big spending bill that may not benefit most Americans, and some view it as a political move rather than a genuine need. The bill includes significant funding for roads, bridges, and public transit, but a large portion goes to rail maintenance and Amtrak, which may not be a priority for all Americans. Biden and his cabinet officials plan to tour the country to promote the bill's benefits.

    • New Infrastructure Law: $227B for Highways, EV Charging, Broadband, and MoreThe Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act allocates $227B for various infrastructure projects, including highways, EV charging stations, broadband, and power grid updates, funded through repurposed COVID-19 relief, delays, and expected revenue.

      The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law by President Joe Biden, includes $11 billion for highway and pedestrian safety, $15 billion for electric vehicle charging stations and infrastructure, $7.5 billion for zero-emission or low-emission buses and ferries, $42 billion for ports and airports, $65 billion for broadband infrastructure, and $73 billion to update and expand the power grid. The legislation will be funded through repurposed COVID-19 relief funds, delays in Medicare rebate rules, unused unemployment insurance supplemental funds, and expected revenue from cryptocurrency information reporting requirements and economic growth. The bill is expected to widen the federal budget deficit by approximately $256 billion over 10 years. The legislation also includes provisions for human infrastructure in the Build Back Better plan. Republicans criticized the bill as unnecessary spending, while some argue that the infrastructure improvements are long overdue. The legislation passed despite this criticism, allowing Biden to claim a victory. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the high cost of gas in blue states and encouraged listeners to use the GetUpside app to save money on gas. The Daily Wire also recently filed a lawsuit against the federal government in response to increasing authoritarianism.

    • Legal Challenges to Biden's Vaccine Mandate for EmployersThe Biden administration's employer vaccine mandate faces legal challenges due to lack of authority and failure to follow proper rule-making process, and companies that don't comply could face fines.

      The Biden administration's employer mandate for COVID-19 vaccines is facing legal challenges due to lack of constitutional and statutory authority, and the administration's failure to follow the normal process for issuing rules without public comments. The mandate is also being criticized as not an emergency temporary standard since it was announced and does not take effect immediately. Companies that do not comply could face significant fines. The Daily Wire is encouraging its supporters to join them in opposing the mandate, which they view as an unconstitutional infringement on individual rights. Republicans are also facing criticism from the left for what some see as inconsistent stances on issues like race and education. For example, Joy Reid has criticized Winsome Sears, the new lieutenant governor of Virginia, for being used as a "get out of racism free card" by Republicans. Meanwhile, efforts to address disparities in math education in California have sparked controversy and debate. Overall, these issues highlight the ongoing political and cultural debates in the US.

    • Understanding Meritocracy as SkillzocracyAcknowledge individual differences and natural abilities, celebrating skills and hard work in a system that rewards high levels of competence, leading to positive externalities and societal progress.

      Meritocracy, often referred to as a system where moral merits like hard work and grit are rewarded, should instead be understood as a skillzocracy – a system that rewards high levels of skills. This system has positive externalities as people's skills benefit others through free market trades and consensual exchanges. Rejecting the idea of naturally gifted children and denying the existence of inborn intelligence can hinder the skillsocracy and result in systems with no good externalities, such as ethnocracies or victimocracies. It's essential to acknowledge and celebrate individual differences and the role of genetics in shaping skills and intelligence. California's guidelines, which aimed to promote high-level math courses for all students regardless of their skill levels, could potentially hinder the skillsocracy by ignoring individual differences and natural abilities.

    • The purpose and role of math educationCritics worry that recent proposals could limit opportunities for high-performing students, undermine meritocracy, and prioritize equal results over individual ability in math education.

      The debate over math education in California and other places is not just about teaching methods, but also about the fundamental purpose of education and the role of individual effort and achievement. Critics argue that recent proposals could limit opportunities for high-performing students and undermine the importance of a skills-based society. The speaker, Ben Shapiro, expresses concern that these trends could lead to a dangerous substitution of meritocracy with an ideology that prioritizes equal results over individual ability. The issue has become politically charged, with education policy and testing becoming entangled in partisan debates. Ultimately, the question of what math is for and who it's for remains a contentious issue, with strong opinions on both sides.

    • Federal Court Halts Biden's Employer Vaccine Mandate, Infrastructure Bill Passes, and Potential Electoral Red WaveA federal court halted Biden's employer vaccine mandate, the infrastructure bill passed, and there are signs of a potential electoral red wave.

      The federal court put a hold on President Biden's employer vaccine mandate, marking a significant setback for the administration's efforts to boost COVID-19 vaccinations. Meanwhile, after months of deliberation, the infrastructure bill finally passed, bringing much-needed funding for infrastructure projects across the country. Additionally, there are signs of a potential electoral red wave, with recent elections showing Republican gains in key races. Stay informed with Morning Wire for the latest developments on these and other important stories.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

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    While Democrats push ahead with climate-focused legislation, what's the Conservative answer to fixing the environment? We get the latest on policy with Utah Republican Rep. John Curtis.

    With Democrats whipping votes to pass Mr. Biden's ambitious spending plan, what parts are critical for Americans, including the environment? Rep. Ro Khanna of California joins us for a look at the latest out of Capitol Hill.

    CBS's Ed O'Keefe has a preview of the Virginia governor’s race, the biggest political contest on Election Day. Can Terry McAuliffe win again by nationalizing the race? Or will Glenn Youngkin’s hyperlocal focus on education succeed?

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    They’re Coming For Your Kids Too (Ep 1645)

    They’re Coming For Your Kids Too (Ep 1645)
    The vaccine mandate tyrants are about to make a move on your kids. In this episode I address the controversy along with the explosive developments in the Kyle Rittenhouse case.  News Picks: CNN host is humiliated on her own show. The anti-science vaccine mandate could decimate the trucking industry.  Inflation is running wild.  Here’s a list of the worst states for taxes.  Are you ready to pay sky-high taxes? This is Biden’s most radical nominee yet.  Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices