
    EP: 139 The Empire Of The Gods with Timothy Alberino

    enNovember 23, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Ancient civilizations ruled by gods and their interconnected historyThe ancient world was ruled by gods, leading to interconnected civilizations with vast histories and shared knowledge, some of which have been discovered through archaeological findings and mythologies.

      The ancient Nephilim civilizations, as depicted in various mythologies and archaeological findings across the world, were part of a universal empire ruled by gods. These kingdoms, bound by a shared history and knowledge, went to war with each other under divine intervention. The watchers, once revered beings, were forced to witness their offspring's destruction. This vast, interconnected history, which surpasses the scope of any fantasy novel, is a testament to the empire of the gods. The discovery of large skeletons and artifacts from these civilizations, like those found at Tiwanaku, can be found worldwide. Despite the modern church's limited understanding of the supernatural, the backdrop of this Mount Hermon event is rich with meaning and implications. Tim, a speaker at Blurry Con, shares this intriguing perspective, inviting us to explore the depths of this ancient history with an open mind and a sense of adventure.

    • Comet Impact Hypothesis and Global CataclysmA comet impact around 12,000 years ago, according to the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis, caused a global cataclysm and drastic climate change, which could be linked to the biblical flood of Noah, although not widely accepted by the scientific community

      There's a hypothesis called the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis, which suggests a comet impact around 12,000 years ago caused a global cataclysm and drastic climate change, resulting in a sudden return to ice age conditions. This hypothesis, proposed by the Comet Research Group, is not widely accepted by the scientific community due to its catastrophic nature, which goes against the conventional geology's rejection of catastrophism. The speakers believes this event could be correlated with the biblical flood of Noah. Despite facing criticism, the evidence is mounting, making it an important topic to be aware of.

    • Megaliths built by advanced pre-Flood civilizationThe speaker proposes that megaliths like those in Baalbek, Sacsayhuaman, and China were constructed around 10,000 BC by a superior pre-Flood civilization, possibly aligning with celestial bodies due to a comet impact around 11,000 to 13,000 years ago.

      The speaker believes that the megaliths, particularly the large ones like those in Baalbek, Sacsayhuaman, and China, were constructed during the pre-Flood world, around 10,000 BC. He suggests that these structures were built by the advanced human civilization that existed before the flood, who were physically and intellectually superior to modern humans. The speaker also believes that comet impact around 11,000 to 13,000 years ago could have caused the Flood and that many megaliths align with celestial bodies, indicating their construction during that time. He also acknowledges the presence of giants and living gods in the antediluvian world but suggests that humans alone may have been capable of constructing these monuments.

    • Ancient Megaliths and the Sphinx: Celestial TimekeepersThe Sphinx and ancient megaliths suggest that civilizations aligned their structures with celestial bodies, potentially indicating a global flood around 10,000 BC, as evidenced by the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis.

      The Sphinx in Egypt, believed to be over 10,000 years old, shows signs of significant weathering from water. The Sphinx's disproportional head is believed to be a later addition, possibly recarved by a pharaoh to resemble himself. The original form may have been a lion pointing to the constellation Leo during the Vernal Equinox around 10,000 BC, serving as a time marker due to the precession of the equinoxes. Ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, aligned their monuments with celestial bodies and events, creating potential timestamps. Many impressive megaliths point to the same timeframe, suggesting they were built before the biblical flood, around 10,000 BC. The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis, which proposes a comet impact around this time, aligns with this theory. This catastrophic event would have occurred on a 1-2 mile thick ice sheet in North America, amplifying the devastation. The evidence from megaliths, ancient mythologies, and scientific theories all seem to indicate that the flood occurred much earlier than the conventional Christian view, around 10,000 BC.

    • Catastrophic Consequences of a Comet ImpactA comet impact would cause massive destruction, including catastrophic flooding, global tsunamis, earthquakes, wildfires, extreme volcanism, an 'impact winter,' and the extinction of most life on Earth.

      A comet impact on Earth, as described, would result in catastrophic consequences. The heat generated would be equivalent to the surface of the Sun, causing massive flooding, global tsunamis, earthquakes, wildfires, and extreme volcanism. The impact would also cause an "impact winter," darkening the sky and covering the Earth in darkness for months or years. This event would not only result in a great flood but also in a terrifying situation with black rain, acid rain, and the extinction of most life on Earth. The mythologies from various parts of the world suggest that such a cataclysmic event was remembered in their stories.

    • Ancient myths and religious texts describe cataclysmic eventsAncient texts describe natural disasters as divine judgments, possibly hinting at real cataclysms in history

      Ancient mythologies and religious texts from around the world, including the Bible, describe cataclysmic events such as floods, black rain, earthquakes, and volcanism. These events, believed to have occurred around 10000 BC, are interpreted by some as the "judgment of God" that brought an end to the "Empire of the Gods" and their Nephilim offspring. The story of Atlantis, as told by Plato, shares striking similarities with the Book of Enoch, suggesting a possible connection between the two narratives. In the Atlantis legend, Poseidon, a god, chose a human woman named Plato as his wife and had ten hybrid sons, who became the kings of Atlantis. Atlantis was therefore considered Poseidon's piece of the Empire of the Gods. The possibility that these ancient stories describe real cataclysmic events, rather than just myths, is an intriguing thought experiment.

    • Atlantis: An Aggressive Empire and Watchers' Power StruggleAtlantis and the Watchers sought dominion over Earth through power and conquest or knowledge and interbreeding.

      Atlantis, as described in Plato's legend, was not a peaceful utopia but an aggressive expansionist empire that conquered neighboring islands and held sway over three continents. This warrior culture was locked in a bloody war with the kingdom of Athens. Atlantis was destroyed around 9,600 BC, according to the Egyptians, which aligns with the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, a comet event believed to have caused widespread destruction. The watchers in the Book of Enoch came to Earth to usurp Adam's birthright by producing offspring who were both human and large enough to dominate. They made a legal transaction with Adam's offspring by offering them knowledge in exchange for their daughters' hands in marriage. The Atlantis legend and the story of the watchers share similarities, as both involve powerful entities seeking to claim dominion over the Earth.

    • The Watchers' Faustian Bargain with Human WomenAncient gods, known as the Watchers, married human women, breaking their oath and fathering giants, leading to the usurpation of Adam's dominion over Earth.

      In ancient times, members of an elder race, referred to as the Watchers, came to Earth and chose human women as their wives in a Faustian bargain. These beings, who looked like handsome men, were not grotesque creatures but gods. The women willingly married them in exchange for knowledge. However, the Watchers broke their oath and had children with their wives, leading to the birth of giants. Satan, who was not involved with the devil and his angels, may have tempted the Watchers to marry human women, knowing that their actions would bring swift retribution from heaven. The Watchers' empire lasted over a thousand years until humans began to petition God for redress of their crimes. This event, which occurred outside of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, was the most momentous thing to happen on Earth, as the Watchers usurped dominion from Adam through their hybrid sons. In the story of Atlantis, the gods divided the Earth among themselves and married human women to produce hybrid sons who became their empire's kings. The Watchers' actions led to the usurpation of Adam's birthright of dominion over the Earth.

    • Ancient texts describe Earth ruled by god-like beings with extraterrestrial knowledgeAncient texts depict Earth as home to powerful civilizations governed by god-like beings with advanced knowledge from extraterrestrial Watchers

      According to ancient texts like the Book of Enoch and Plato's tale of Atlantis, extraterrestrial beings called the Watchers came to Earth and governed it through their hybrid offspring. These Watchers had advanced technology and knowledge, which they shared with their human wives and sons, leading to the creation of powerful civilizations ruled by giant, god-like beings. The Watchers retained the most valuable knowledge for themselves and their families to maintain dominance and prevent being overthrown by the human race. This scenario, depicted in ancient texts, suggests an Earth populated by advanced civilizations ruled by god-like beings with extraterrestrial knowledge.

    • The Watchers' descent and the creation of a powerful empireThe Watchers' descent led to the creation of a powerful empire, shaping mythology and religion on Earth, but their lust for human women and consumption of Earth's resources eventually resulted in a cataclysm, marking the end of the golden age.

      The Watchers, beings from heaven, descended to Earth and engaged in a delicate negotiation with mankind. Their motivation was to create and rule on Earth, but they were also driven by lust for human women. This led to the creation of a powerful empire, which eventually resulted in the root of mythology and religion on Earth. However, the Watchers and their offspring, the Giants, began to consume Earth's resources and even devour mankind. The kingdom of heaven, represented by the armies of the kingdom, would have intervened if mankind had rejected the Watchers. The ultimate outcome was the cataclysm, which marked the end of the golden age and the beginning of the major religions on Earth. This epic story illustrates the delicate balance between mankind's authority and the divine realm's intervention.

    • Ancient deal between humans and gods leads to dominance hierarchyGod's kingdom is governed by laws, and humans suffer consequences for abdicating authority

      In this ancient mythological account, humans entered into a deal with watchers or gods, allowing them to teach humans advanced technology in exchange for human women and the birth of half-god, half-human offspring. This resulted in a dominance hierarchy with the giants at the top, ruling over human kingdoms. After a thousand years, humans cried out to God for redress of this situation, leading to the flood as a form of judgment. This story illustrates the concept of authority and the consequences of abdicating it. The kingdom of heaven is a kingdom of law and order, and God does not transgress his own laws. The people get what they deserve based on their governance, and God uses kingdoms for judgment.

    • Ancient myths as cautionary tales of forbidden knowledge and powerBeing aware of the potential dangers of seeking unlimited power and knowledge from divine beings can help prevent the downfall of societies and the enslavement of humanity.

      The ancient myths and legends, as depicted in the discussion about the Book of Enoch and the legend of Atlantis, serve as cautionary tales about the consequences of humans desiring forbidden knowledge and power. The story of the watchers and their offspring, the giants, illustrates this concept. Humans, in their hubris, made a Faustian bargain with these divine beings, leading to the downfall of the golden age and the beginning of a violent and oppressive era. The giants, who were the offspring of gods, became insatiable in their appetite for power and resources, leading to the enslavement and consumption of humans. This narrative can be linked to various mythologies from around the world, including the Indian epics, which suggest a nuclear incident in ancient times. The overarching theme is a reminder that humans should be wary of seeking unlimited power and knowledge, as it often comes with dire consequences.

    • Ancient texts depict a unified empire fractured by warAncient texts describe a cohesive empire of gods, demigods, and humans that was fractured by war, leading to the goal of re-establishing this unity as the Atlantean World Order

      The ancient texts from India, specifically the Ramayana and Mahabharata, depict a unified empire of gods, demigods, and humans, where the gods collectively governed various kingdoms on Earth. This universal civilization, which likely spoke the same language and used similar technological implements, was cohesive and united until it was fractured by war between the kingdoms. This concept of a unified empire is referred to as the Old World Order, and the goal today is to resurrect and re-establish it as the Atlantean World Order. However, unlike the Old World Order where gods produced hybrid offspring, it is believed that in the new world order, the dragon princess and the devil's angels will produce the hybrid offspring. The fracturing of this cohesive empire is seen in the story of Atlantis, which went to war with other empires and kingdoms, likely due to running out of resources. In the Book of Enoch, God causes war between the kingdoms as part of His judgment on the watchers, leading to the destruction of their beloved giant sons. This epic war between 200 kingdoms ruled by demigod giants would have been a significant event. Overall, the ancient texts depict a unified empire that was fractured by war, and the goal today is to re-establish this unity.

    • Ancient Nephilim Wars: World War 0Ancient Nephilim wars were not just human conflicts, but wars between Nephilim with advanced technologies, limited by watchers' ability to reproduce or create new technologies, leading to development of exotic weapons and flying machines, and had a massive death toll

      According to our discussion with Gary Wayne, there were ancient Nephilim wars, which could be referred to as World War 0. These were not just human conflicts, but wars between Nephilim with their advanced technologies. The watchers, who brought these advanced technologies with them, were limited in their ability to reproduce or create new technologies due to the lack of exotic materials on Earth. As a result, they could only create derivatives of their technology based on the available resources. This led to the development of various exotic weapons and flying machines among the Nephilim kingdoms. The wars between these kingdoms were incited by God and the watchers were forced to witness the destruction. Ancient texts like the Ramayana and Mahabharata describe these wars, but they likely involved advanced technological warfare rather than just physical combat as commonly imagined. These wars had a massive death toll and were a significant part of the judgment against the Nephilim.

    • Destructive war between Nephilim and humans, God's judgment through comet impactGod's judgment can come in unexpected forms, leading to the end of empires and civilizations, reminding us of our mortality and the inevitability of divine judgment.

      Around 10,000 BC, there was a destructive war between the Nephilim and human armies, followed by the judgment of God in the form of a comet breaking up in the atmosphere and causing a cataclysmic event known as the Younger Dryas impact. This event led to the end of various empires and the destruction of beloved offspring. God, through the intermediary of Enoch, delivered judgment to the watchers, who had petitioned for clemency. The watchers were given the terrible news that they would have no peace. It's unclear whether God predestined the comet's collision or directly caused it, but it seems that the elements of the earth itself took care of the judgment. This event is a reminder that every empire and civilization will eventually meet its end, and that even the mighty will be subject to God's judgment.

    • Ancient texts reveal belief in divine intervention for chosen lineagesAncient texts suggest God had a plan to preserve pure human stock, using symbols like the ram to emphasize divine intervention and timing of events.

      The ancient texts discuss the existence of advanced civilizations and divine intervention to protect certain lineages, such as the line of Seth, from the negative influences of fallen beings. These texts suggest that God had a plan in place to preserve the pure human stock and ensure the continuation of the line that would eventually lead to the birth of Jesus Christ. The use of symbols like the ram in the story of Abraham and Isaac further emphasizes the idea of divine intervention and the timing of events according to God's plan. Overall, these texts reveal a belief in a powerful and intelligent God who is involved in the world's events and acts to protect and preserve his chosen people.

    • The shift from gods governing to men governingIn ancient times, people believed gods ruled the world, but after a great flood, they realized it was men who governed instead.

      The ancient civilizations believed in a time, known as the golden age, when gods walked among men. These gods were seen as having direct influence and power over human affairs. However, after a great flood, the gods disappeared from the earth, and people built statues and temples in their honor. The ancient world longed for a return to this golden age, but in the post-flood era, it was clear that men were governing the earth, not gods or angels. The notion of gods or fallen angels governing the world does not align with the narrative and makes no logical sense. The Greek and Roman empires were not ruled by gods, but rather by their generals and emperors who claimed divine authority. The dynamic between the pre-flood and post-flood eras is crucial to understanding the shift in power and belief systems.

    • The devil's governance differs from the watchers' in the golden ageThe watchers governed directly through offspring, while the devil influences and operates by proxy, leading people into idolatry.

      The way the devil and his angels, or the "dragon princes," govern the earth today is different from how the watchers governed in the ancient "golden age." The watchers directly governed through their offspring, making a bargain with mankind and producing hybrids. In contrast, the devil governs through influencing men and operating by proxy. People still engage in idolatry, unwittingly authorizing their influence. The way the watchers operated will be repeated at the end of the age, but it's not currently happening. Throughout history, we can see that emperors and kings were not the offspring of gods, but mere men. However, there was a longing for divine rule, and some leaders claimed divinity. The devil filled the vacuum left by the destruction of the golden age and claimed authority through idolatry.

    • Ancient civilizations influenced by advanced beingsAdvanced beings may have influenced ancient civilizations, establishing empires and sharing advanced knowledge, as suggested by universal megalithic structures and fictional depictions like 'Stargate'.

      The ancient civilizations, as depicted in various mythologies and historical records, may have been influenced by advanced beings or demigods who possessed superior technology. These beings, often referred to as the Watchers or Nephilim in religious texts, established empires and ruled over human civilizations, which were generally at a Bronze Age level of development. The existence of universal megalithic structures across the globe suggests a shared history and advanced knowledge that extended beyond local civilizations. The movie "Stargate" provides a fictional representation of this concept, with humans encountering an advanced alien civilization that resembles an Egyptian bronze age society. Overall, this perspective sheds light on the possible origins of advanced knowledge and technology in ancient civilizations and the influence of extraterrestrial beings on human history.

    • Ancient Egyptians and their advanced rulerThe ancient Egyptians, under an advanced extraterrestrial ruler, had technology beyond their time, leading to questions about power and deception in history. Humans may misuse power and bring destruction, but could ascend to godlike status through future technologies.

      The ancient Egyptians, under the rule of an advanced extraterrestrial being, possessed high technology while their subjects remained in the Bronze Age. This ruler, who was worshiped as a god, used his advanced technology and agents to maintain control. This dynamic, reminiscent of biblical accounts of the "gods" interacting with humans, raises questions about the nature of power and deception. The speaker also touches upon the idea that humans, throughout history, have a tendency to misuse power and bring about destruction. He suggests that at the end of the age, the scenario may play out differently, with the potential for humans to ascend to godlike status through transhumanism and posthumanism. The speaker's conversation weaves together various ideas, from ancient civilizations to biblical narratives, to modern-day speculation about the future.

    • Retired Speaker Tim to Make Unique Appearance at Blurry ConRetired explorer Tim joins Blurry Con, contributing to the expansion of the 'blurry verse' and 'blurry empire' while having fun and exploring the unknown.

      The Blurry Con event is guaranteed to be an extraordinary spectacle, unlike any typical conference. The retired speaker, Tim, who has contributed significantly to the exploration of ancient worlds and creatures, will likely make a unique appearance at the event. The Blurry Con is expected to provide fun times and potentially reveal something new, as the organizers aim to expand the "blurry verse" and build their "blurry empire." Tim expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of the podcast and the upcoming event, emphasizing their shared goal of having fun and exploring the unknown.

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    contact: blurrycreaturespodcast@gmail.com


    Socials instagram.com/blurrycreatures facebook.com/blurrycreatures


    Music Kyle Monroe: tinytaperoom.com

    Aaron Green: https://www.instagram.com/aaronkgreen/

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    S01E06: Standing Stones
    Instead of chippin' away today, let's stack some stones! ;)
    What does the Iron Age in South Asia look like? What do we collectively know about the ancient cultures that built imposing monuments with big rocks and boulders? Let's journey into the iron age of South Asia, and the megalith culture of the subcontinent.  

    We are joined by Dr. Oishi Roy who studied the megalithic culture of the Vidarbha region in India, for her Ph.D. She studies the bygone era by adopting ethnoarchaeological methods. Listen to the episode as she brings the nuances of megalithic life in the past by interviewing modern communities that continue the iron-working traditions of the past. 

    Keep the conversation going, and send your comments and suggestions at chippinawayind@gmail.com

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    Archaeo News Podcast 257

    Archaeo News Podcast 255