
    Ep. 1451 - Jussie Smollett To Be Imprisoned With His Attacker

    enMarch 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

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      It's crucial to protect your online data, as hackers can easily gain access to sensitive information on unencrypted networks. ExpressVPN provides an encrypted tunnel to safeguard your information, making it virtually impossible for hackers to breach. Meanwhile, Jussie Smollett, who falsely reported a hate crime, was sentenced to jail time, facing the prospect of sharing a cell with his attackers. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of truth and the potential consequences of deceit. ExpressVPN is an easy and effective solution to secure your online data, ensuring your personal information remains private and secure.

    • Jussie Smollett case: Incentives to falsely claim hate crimesThe Jussie Smollett case revealed the potential rewards for falsely claiming hate crimes, including attention, support, and potential financial gain, which can perpetuate a harmful narrative and undermine trust in the justice system

      The Jussie Smollett case highlights the incentive structure in society that rewards falsely claiming hate crimes. Smollett, who was sentenced to jail time and a fine after being found guilty of staging a hate crime against himself, could have potentially gotten away with it if he hadn't made some crucial mistakes. The attention and support he received from the Democratic Party and other public figures before the truth came out showed that there's a narrative in America that victimizes black people regardless of their wealth or prominence. This narrative, if played into, can lead to fame, money, and power. The underlying issue of incentivizing false hate crime claims is a deeper problem that needs to be addressed. Smollett's time in jail is an important step in deterring such actions, but the root cause of this malady remains.

    • Jussie Smollett case highlights complex racial dynamics and potential consequences of falsely claiming hate crimesThe Jussie Smollett case underscores the intricate racial landscape in the US and the potential repercussions of fabricating hate crimes, while international tensions between Russia and Ukraine escalate, potentially leading to human rights violations and a need for negotiation

      Jussie Smollett's case serves as a reminder of the complex racial dynamics in the United States and the potential consequences of individuals falsely claiming hate crimes. While Smollett's attorneys argued for leniency based on his community service and lack of criminal history, the judge saw his actions as a display of arrogance and narcissism. The underlying racial tensions in the country were also highlighted, with Black Lives Matter writing a letter on Smollett's behalf. Meanwhile, in international news, Russia's attacks on Ukraine aim to seize key port cities, but Moscow's military resources are not limitless, and they may need to negotiate if they cannot achieve a victory. The consequences of war, including human rights violations, are escalating as both sides believe raw power is the only solution.

    • Ukraine Conflict: Devastating Situation for Civilians, Diplomatic Efforts Fail to Bring CeasefireThe ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict has led to a devastating humanitarian crisis, with civilians suffering daily bombardment, and diplomatic efforts failing to bring a ceasefire or protect civilians. The situation in Mariupol is especially dire, with over 2.5 million refugees inside and outside of Ukraine.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine between Russia and Ukraine has resulted in a devastating situation, with civilians bearing the brunt of the violence. Diplomatic efforts, including a meeting between Russian and Ukrainian foreign ministers in Antalya, Turkey, have failed to bring about a ceasefire or protect civilians. The situation in Mariupol is particularly dire, with the city experiencing daily bombardment, leaving it without food, clean water, or electricity. The humanitarian crisis is massive, with over 2.5 million refugees inside and outside of Ukraine. The war has entered its third week, and there is no clear end in sight, with both sides suffering significant losses. The Biden administration and its allies have imposed sanctions on Russia, but Putin has only escalated his military offensive. The endgame is uncertain, and the situation is complicated, requiring a complex solution that addresses Putin's actions, Ukraine's recovery, and the humanitarian crisis. The current US strategy of imposing economic costs on Russia and supporting Ukraine militarily has limitations, and more significant military engagement may be necessary to bring about a resolution.

    • Ukraine-Russia Conflict: The Complex ImplicationsThe Ukraine-Russia conflict has significant implications for both parties and the Western world. Negotiations for peace may be necessary, but Putin may not make concessions when negotiating with parties other than the West. Europe's dependence on Russian oil and gas adds pressure to negotiate, but the West must avoid giving Putin a perception of weakness.

      The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia is a complex situation with significant implications for both Ukraine and the Western world. The Biden administration's stance is that Russia will ultimately suffer a strategic defeat, but there are concerns that the West may not have the luxury of waiting for this to happen. Negotiations for peace may be necessary to limit the violence, but there is a risk that Russia may not make concessions when negotiating with parties other than the West. The West's position is that the longer the conflict continues, the worse it is for Russia, but the longer it goes on, the worse it is for NATO. Europe's dependence on Russian oil and gas adds to the pressure to negotiate, and the incentive structure for Ukraine is to make concessions to Putin to end the conflict. The EU's hesitance to open membership negotiations with Ukraine while the conflict is ongoing further complicates the situation. Ultimately, the question is whether Ukraine will continue to resist Russian aggression indefinitely or negotiate an exit strategy. The West must carefully consider its approach to avoid giving Putin the perception of weakness, while also avoiding unnecessary violence and potential long-term consequences.

    • EU's commitment to Ukraine's accession and lack of military support may lead to deal with RussiaDespite EU's long-term commitment to Ukraine's accession, lack of significant military support may push Ukraine towards a deal with Russia, potentially resulting in loss of territory. Businesses must prioritize efficiency and effectiveness, especially during global chaos.

      The EU's long-term commitment to Ukraine's accession and the West's reluctance to provide significant military support to Ukraine may be pushing the country towards a deal with Russia, where Ukraine formally identifies as nonaligned with the West and Russia carves off large swaths of Ukrainian territory. The only major obstacle to this deal is Putin's desire for more concessions. The Biden administration's decision to prevent Poland from sending jets to Ukraine, despite Ukraine's request, highlights the lack of Western support for Ukraine and may be seen as a sign of weakness by Putin. This situation underscores the importance for businesses to prioritize efficiency and effectiveness, particularly during times of global chaos. ZipRecruiter, with its AI technology that constantly learns and improves, is an excellent tool for finding and hiring the best employees, ensuring that businesses remain lean and competitive.

    • Vice President Harris' Performance Criticized for Lack of Knowledge on UkraineCritics question Harris' ability to lead amidst complex geopolitical situation in Ukraine, with Putin seeking to either kill or align Zelensky with China.

      Vice President Kamala Harris' performance during a recent press conference regarding Ukraine was criticized for her apparent lack of knowledge and confusion. Her response to a question about Ukrainian refugees went viral, prompting concerns about her ability to lead. The geopolitical situation in Ukraine is complex and the stakes are high, with the West providing military aid but not allowing Ukraine to join NATO or the EU. Putin's calculation is that if he pulls out, it would be an abject loss, but if he stays in and continues to escalate, he may wear down Ukraine's resolve and achieve some of his strategic objectives without changing the administration in Ukraine. The strategic game is for Putin to either kill Zelensky or get him to align Ukraine more closely with China and accept that the West doesn't care about them. The situation requires a clear and competent leader to navigate the complex geopolitical landscape.

    • Russia and Ukraine's conflicting interests in peace talks and potential asset sales to ChinaDiplomatic efforts continue for peace between Russia and Ukraine, but Putin's ultimate decision-making power and skepticism towards Russia's diplomatic overtures complicate negotiations. The West struggles to create effective incentives to change Putin's behavior, and concerns over potential use of chemical or biological weapons add complexity.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine may lead Ukraine to seek relief from sanctions in order to reach a peace deal, which aligns with Russia's interest in preventing the sale of its assets to China at bargain prices. Diplomatic efforts are underway, but there is still a significant divide between the two parties. Russia has shown signs of shifting tactics, potentially seeking to achieve some of its goals through negotiations rather than military force. However, the ultimate decision-making power remains with Putin, and there is skepticism regarding the sincerity of Russia's diplomatic overtures. The West is facing challenges in creating effective incentives to change Putin's behavior, as his actions suggest he is pushing for his goals despite international opposition. Additionally, there are concerns that Russia could use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, further complicating the situation.

    • Russian Disinformation Claims of US Bioweapons in Ukraine DebunkedDespite Russian claims, there's no credible evidence of US developing offensive bioweapons in Ukraine. Nunn-Lugar Act misrepresented by Russia.

      There is no credible evidence to support the claim that the United States is developing biological or chemical weapons in Ukraine for offensive use. This claim, which has gained traction in certain online circles, is being fueled by Russian disinformation. The Nunn-Lugar Act, which led to US involvement in securing and demilitarizing Soviet-era bio labs in Ukraine, is being distorted by Russia. The US embassy in Ukraine has issued statements debunking these claims, and even the UK prime minister Boris Johnson has weighed in, stating that there is no evidence of offensive bioweapons development in Ukraine. Amidst the chaos and policy uncertainties of the current geopolitical climate, it's crucial to separate fact from fiction and rely on credible sources of information. If you're looking to invest in yourself during these uncertain times, consider exploring educational opportunities like Grand Canyon University, which offers affordable, high-quality education both online and on campus.

    • Daily Wire's Entertainment and Thought-Provoking ContentThe Daily Wire offers a variety of woke-free entertainment and thought-provoking content, including movies, documentaries, original shows, investigative journalism, and engaging interviews.

      The Daily Wire is providing a wide range of woke-free entertainment and thought-provoking content for audiences, including movies, documentaries, original shows, and investigative journalism. Their latest offerings, such as "The Hyperions" and "Shut In," have received positive reviews, and upcoming projects include a summer blockbuster starring Gina Carano. The platform also features engaging interviews, like the upcoming Bill Maher Sunday Special. Despite the current political climate, Daily Wire encourages conversations that go beyond politics and aims to bring people together. However, economic issues, such as the rising inflation rates, remain a significant concern. Despite the ongoing spending and supply chain crisis, there seems to be a lack of willingness or ability from both parties to address the issue seriously.

    • New Spending Bill Allocates Funding for Ukraine, Domestic Spending, and InfrastructureThe omnibus spending bill includes substantial funding for Ukraine and infrastructure, while increasing domestic spending and providing retirement gifts for retiring politicians. Despite concerns about inflation and a potential recession, plans for another COVID spending bill are underway.

      The recently passed omnibus spending bill includes significant funding for humanitarian and military assistance for Ukraine, but very little for the southern border. Meanwhile, there is a large increase in domestic spending, including for the IRS and climate initiatives. The bill also includes funding for infrastructure projects and retirement gifts for retiring politicians. Despite concerns about inflation and the possibility of a recession, there are plans for another COVID spending bill. The administration maintains that inflation is temporary, but some experts disagree and believe it may be caused by more than just the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Overall, the bill reflects a significant increase in spending across various areas, raising concerns about the long-term implications for the economy.

    • Economic Impacts of Global ChangesThe transition to renewable energy and reducing dependence on fossil fuels is important but will take significant effort and time, while the loss of American hegemony and shift towards autarky could lead to inflation and supply chain issues, making products more expensive.

      The ongoing international changes, particularly the breakup of globalization and the dependence on fossil fuels, will have significant economic impacts. The loss of American hegemony and the shift towards autarky could lead to inflation and supply chain issues, making products more expensive. The push towards renewable energy and reducing carbon emissions is important, but the current measures have not been effective in reducing dependence on fossil fuels, and the transition will take years. The current energy crisis, as seen in the Ukraine situation, highlights the dilemma of balancing climate change with energy security and affordability. The world remains heavily dependent on fossil fuels, and the transition to cleaner sources will require significant effort and time.

    • Energy Crisis: Balancing Environmental Goals and Production NeedsGovernments grapple with increasing energy production to ease crisis while prioritizing environmental goals. High oil prices could drive green energy revolution. External factors add to energy shortage and price hikes. Biden admin's stance on energy production unclear, leaving industry feeling neglected.

      The current energy crisis and high oil prices are causing governments to reconsider their energy production strategies, with some focusing on increasing production to alleviate near-term shocks while others prioritize environmental goals. However, these goals aren't necessarily at odds, as some officials believe the high prices could drive the green energy revolution. Meanwhile, external factors such as the pandemic recovery and geopolitical tensions are also contributing to the energy shortage and price increases. Despite this, the Biden administration's stance on energy production is unclear and has left many in the oil industry feeling neglected and frustrated, as they call for less regulation and more permits to increase production. Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, has maintained that oil companies have what they need and that high gas prices will be temporary, but many executives disagree and are calling for more action from the administration. Overall, the energy crisis is a complex issue with various contributing factors and conflicting priorities.

    • Impact of Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Global Oil MarketsThe Russia-Ukraine conflict is causing market instability and rising gas prices due to Russia's role as a major oil producer. The US response and potential end of free trade are adding to the complexity of the situation, with potential long-term economic implications.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is significantly impacting global oil markets and contributing to rising gas prices. Russia is one of the world's largest oil producers, and its invasion of Ukraine has caused market instability. However, the United States' dependence on Russian oil is a complex issue, with some arguing that the Biden administration's response to the conflict has been inconsistent. Additionally, the administration's push for electric vehicles raises questions about the president's personal use of fossil fuel vehicles. The larger issue at play is the potential end of the free trade vision that has guided American policy for nearly 30 years, as nations and companies shift away from trading with adversaries and focus on more like-minded partners. This could have long-term economic implications. The administration's messaging on the issue has been confusing, with the president expressing both a desire to minimize the impact of Putin's price hike and acknowledging that he has limited ability to do so at the moment. Overall, the situation highlights the complex interplay between geopolitics, energy markets, and economic policy.

    • Russia-Ukraine conflict disrupts global trade and causes inflationThe Russia-Ukraine conflict is causing inflation through disrupted global trade and rising energy and food prices. Protectionist measures and the unraveling of the global trading system may lead to more expensive goods and services in the future. Investing in precious metals like gold can provide a hedge against inflation.

      The current geopolitical situation, specifically the Russia-Ukraine conflict, is leading to increased inflation and potential economic instability. This instability is due in part to the disruption of global trade caused by sanctions against Russia, which is a major producer of commodities like oil, natural gas, and wheat. The result is rising energy costs and food prices, leading to higher inflation. Additionally, the actions of the US and Western European allies, such as expelling Russian banks from international financial networks and pushing for Russia's suspension from the WTO, are contributing to the unraveling of the global trading system as we know it. This trend towards protectionism and the creation of spheres of influence is expected to make life worse for people and lead to more expensive goods and services in the long term. Amidst this global chaos, investing in precious metals like gold can provide a hedge against inflation and economic instability.

    • Central banks questioning US dollar's global reserve statusAmid inflation and political instability, central banks are reducing dollar holdings and increasing gold purchases as a safe haven

      The global reserve status of the US dollar is being questioned due to inflation and political instability, leading central banks to consider diversifying their reserves away from dollars and towards gold. The US freezing Russian assets has raised concerns that the US government could unilaterally freeze assets of any nation, making dollar holdings less attractive. Central banks are already reducing their dollar holdings and increasing their gold purchases as a safe haven against inflation and currency decline. The president of the National Bank of Poland summarized this well, stating that gold is not linked to any nation's economy and can withstand financial market unrest. Central banks and individuals are turning to gold as a hedge against the uncertain global economic landscape. If you're concerned about the US dollar and want to explore diversifying into precious metals, consider reaching out to Birch Gold for more information.

    • Join Drew every Friday for an exciting showTune in to Drew's show every Friday for a fun and entertaining experience on dailywire.com

      Drew (Andrew Clavin) invites listeners to tune in to his show every Friday at 7 PM EST, 6 PM CST on dailywire.com for an exciting evening. The Ben Shapiro Show and The Andrew Klavan Show are Daily Wire productions available on various podcast platforms. The shows are produced by a team including Elliot Feld, Jeremy Boring, Mathis Glover, Pawel Waidowski, Bradford Carrington, Adam Syovitz, Mike Coromina, Fabiola Cristina, and Jessica Krant. Despite the challenges some people face with the state of the republic, Drew encourages listeners to join him for a fun and entertaining experience on his show.

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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    E71: Russia/Ukraine deep dive: escalation, risk factors, financial fallout, exit ramps and more
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    0:50 Escalating tensions over Russia/Ukraine; nuclear scare; evolving forms of warfare

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    1:05:22 Market impact, increased volatility, thinking in decades, managing risk

    1:19:22 Car T-cell therapy breakthroughs and approvals; CRISPR patent controversy; Sacks makes a final point

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    Secretary of State Antony Blinken

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken
    Secretary of State Antony Blinken takes some time out from his busy schedule to tell panelists Dulcé Sloan, Eugene Cordaro, and Tom Bodett about his musical alter ego, ABlinken, and to answer three questions about Matthew Mcconaughey.

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    Wall Street suffers its worst day since June 2020. U.S. markets broadly sell off amid inflation and growth fears, sparked by a major earnings miss from retailer Target. Asian markets follow suit with tech stocks slumping in Hong Kong while miners and energy companies plunging on the ASX. We hear from U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen who says that energy sanctions are key to hampering Russian aggression in Ukraine. And global debt balloons to more than $300tn in Q1, raising fears of corporate defaults as interest rates continue on an upward trajectory.

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    Episode 270: Ukraine and Russia ModState Podcast Episode 270

    Episode 270: Ukraine and Russia ModState Podcast Episode 270

    Welcome back to the ModState Podcast. As always wherever you are listening we appreciate you.

    On this episode the ongoing conflict in Ukraine dominates the discussion. John and Nate discuss the geopolitical perspective, potential outcomes and how this is different from other conflicts as the world has a front row seat with social media. Towards the end of the episode the focus turns to the domestic climate in America including topics like inflation. 

    As always leave a comment on Podomatic or leave us a message at ModState@ModState.com.