
    Ep. 1524 - The Culture War Is In Full Swing, And Democrats Are Losing

    enJune 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Immigration crisis overshadows Roe versus Wade in 2022 electionsThe immigration crisis at the border, with its human rights implications, may have a greater impact on the 2022 elections than the overturning of Roe versus Wade.

      While the overturning of Roe versus Wade dominates the news cycle, other issues such as the immigration crisis at the border are more likely to impact the 2022 elections. A tragic human tragedy unfolded in San Antonio when 46 people were found dead in a tractor-trailer with no air conditioning or water. The media and public focus on Roe versus Wade may overlook pressing issues like the immigration crisis and its human rights consequences. Instead of paying high cell phone bills for unused data, listeners are encouraged to switch to PureTalk for affordable plans.

    • Border crisis and economic instability continue to challenge the USThe tragic deaths of migrants and economic instability due to high inflation require comprehensive solutions, with critics arguing the current administration's response lacks substance.

      The tragic deaths of 46 migrants in a tractor-trailer in Texas due to extreme heat is a result of a failure in border security and policy. Meanwhile, the US economy continues to grapple with high inflation, which the Federal Reserve is attempting to address through interest rate hikes, but economic experts argue that long-term fiscal reform is necessary to address the root cause. The situation at the border, coupled with economic instability, will likely remain significant political issues. Additionally, energy production remains a challenge, with gas prices remaining high, and calls for increased production in the US being met with limitations from other countries. Overall, both the border crisis and economic instability require comprehensive solutions, and the current administration's response has been criticized for lacking substance.

    • Macron Criticizes EU Green Energy Policies, Warns of Oil Production ChallengesMacron raises concerns over EU's green energy policies, oil production capacity of Saudi Arabia and UAE, while Yellen acknowledges inflation mistakes and supply chain challenges. Abortion may not be a major federal election issue due to federalism and lack of Congress powers, while culture wars and social policy image could influence voter perception.

      The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has criticized the green energy policies adopted by the EU, including the US, at the request of Greta Thunberg. Macron expressed his concerns about the capacity of Saudi Arabia and the UAE to increase oil production to meet Biden's demands. Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen acknowledged her mistake in predicting inflation and the challenges posed by energy and food price hikes and supply bottlenecks. Despite these economic challenges, the media is focusing on abortion as a potential key issue in upcoming elections, but federalism and the lack of delegated powers for Congress to regulate abortion may limit its impact as a federal election issue. Instead, the culture wars and the image of the two parties on social policy may play a more significant role in shaping public perception.

    • Cultural Conflict and Popular Figures in the USThe cultural divide in the US has intensified, leading to the rise of controversial figures like Trump and DeSantis, and shaping Americans' perceptions of their country. Consider investing in an all-form sofa for a customizable and convenient furniture solution.

      The cultural divide in the United States has grown significantly, leading to intense culture wars. The Democratic Party's embrace of controversial positions on issues like abortion and LGBTQ education has pushed many Americans to the right, making figures like Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis popular. This cultural conflict matters not just for policy, but for Americans' perception of what they want their country to be. Meanwhile, on a more practical note, consider investing in an all-form sofa from Helix for a customizable and convenient furniture solution. The ease of customization, affordable pricing, and risk-free trial period make it a worthwhile investment. To explore your options, visit allform.com/ben and enjoy a 20% discount for listeners.

    • Suburban swing voters shifting to Republican PartyDissatisfaction with Democratic Party's stance on social issues and perceived overreach leading suburban swing voters to switch to Republican Party, potentially making it hard for Democrats to win future elections

      The political landscape is shifting, with tens of thousands of suburban swing voters who previously supported the Democratic Party now switching to the Republican Party. This trend, which is playing out in various regions across the country, is particularly noticeable in suburban areas. The reasons for this shift are multifaceted and include dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party's stance on social issues and perceived overreach on issues like abortion and democracy. The Republican Party's success in attracting these voters could make it difficult for the Democratic Party to win future elections. Additionally, the celebrity class and media's support for progressive policies may be out of touch with the broader population, further widening the divide between the two parties.

    • Republican Party sees over a million new votersThe Democratic Party's stance on issues like abortion and unwillingness to engage in dialogue is driving away voters, contributing to the Republican Party's resurgence.

      The Republican Party has seen a significant shift in voter affiliation over the past year, with over a million people switching to the GOP compared to around 630,000 who became Democrats. This trend was particularly noticeable in medium-sized cities like Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Raleigh, North Carolina, Augusta, Georgia, and Des Moines, Iowa. The reasons for this shift are complex, but some observers attribute it to growing dissatisfaction with Democratic policies and messaging. For instance, the Democratic Party's stance on abortion, which has become increasingly radical and celebratory, is seen by many voters as out of touch with their values. The party's embrace of extreme positions on issues like this, along with its perceived unwillingness to engage in meaningful dialogue with those who hold different views, is driving away voters and fueling the GOP's resurgence. Overall, the data suggests that the Democratic Party faces a significant challenge in winning back these voters and maintaining its electoral dominance.

    • Political Divide: Analysts vs. AmericansThe political divide between Democrats and Republicans is perceived differently by analysts and Americans, with Americans having a more casual view of party beliefs, and recent Democratic Party stances on 'bad behavior' and sin not resonating well.

      The political divide between Democrats and Republicans is seen through vastly different lenses by the average American and political analysts. While political analysts focus on the intricacies of legislation and court decisions, most Americans have a more casual view of party beliefs. The Democratic Party's recent shift towards endorsing and celebrating "bad behavior" and sin is not resonating well with the majority of Americans. This cultural difference was highlighted in a discussion about the Democratic Party's stance on abortion and its underlying moral message. Additionally, a pitch for Alto Crypto IRA was included, emphasizing its ease of use and tax advantages for investing in cryptocurrency. Overall, the takeaway is that there is a significant disconnect between the political world's obsession with details and the average American's casual view of party beliefs, and this disconnect can lead to misunderstandings and cultural clashes.

    • Democrats prioritize individual sexual fulfillment over responsibilityThe Democratic party and some influential figures argue that sexual freedom is an absolute right, disregarding potential consequences and traditional values

      According to the discussion, the Democratic party and certain influential figures like Kamala Harris and Howard Stern, prioritize individual sexual fulfillment above all else, even if it comes at the expense of responsibility and potential consequences like having a child. They argue that anything that impedes this desire for sexual freedom is an "active bad," and that any imposition on this, including for the sake of saving a life or taking care of children, is irrelevant. This perspective, which emphasizes the separation of sex from procreation, is seen as a winning moral framework by the left, despite its disregard for traditional values and potential negative consequences. Howard Stern, who was once considered a sexist for his treatment of women, is now celebrated as a moral voice on the left due to his pro-abortion stance. This moral worldview, which values subjective sexual pleasure above all else, is deeply embedded in the media and is a key aspect of the Democratic party's platform.

    • Impact of Supreme Court's Decision on Gen Z's Sexual Decisions and AttitudesThe Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has led to fear, anxiety, and potential changes in sexual decisions and attitudes among Gen Z, particularly regarding avoiding men and focusing on female partners, due to concerns over unwanted pregnancies and lack of options.

      The Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has significantly impacted the sexual decisions and attitudes of young people, particularly those in Gen Z. Fear of unwanted pregnancies and lack of options have led some women to consider avoiding men and focusing on female partners. Young people's nightmares of an uncertain future have become a reality, as they grapple with the potential consequences of this decision. The openness and acceptance of hookup culture among Gen Z may be changing as members of this generation become more politically active and aware of the potential risks. The fear and anxiety surrounding the decision have led to a range of emotions, from anger and disgust to dread, and have highlighted the importance of reproductive rights to this generation. Ultimately, the decision has brought about a renewed focus on individual choices and the potential long-term implications of those choices in a rapidly changing world.

    • The complex relationship between sex, responsibility, and human fulfillmentThe argument for abortion as a form of human freedom contradicts historical and biological reality, leading to mental health issues, relationship instability, and demographic decline. A nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between biology, psychology, and societal norms is needed.

      The debate surrounding abortion rights and the perception of sexual freedom raises complex questions about the relationship between sex, responsibility, and human fulfillment. The argument that abortion is an inherent good and a form of human freedom, as advocated by some on the left, contradicts the historical and biological reality of sex leading to childbearing. This shift in perspective, coupled with the increasing normalization of casual sex, has contributed to rising mental health issues, relationship instability, and demographic decline. The concern is that extreme laws restricting access to contraception and abortion could further limit individual freedoms and potentially lead to unintended consequences. Ultimately, the conversation around these issues requires a nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between biology, psychology, and societal norms.

    • Discussions on women's safety, abortion, and financial decisionsConsidering women's safety and sexual freedom, abortion is argued to be safer than giving birth, but sterilization may not be well-received. Amidst rising costs, refinancing mortgages is crucial. Stand up for rights during debates on controversial figures and make informed decisions.

      According to a doctor's argument on CNN, abortion is safer for women than giving birth, leading to the idea that sterilization could be the best way to ensure women's safety. However, this argument, which also emphasizes the importance of sexual freedom and fluidity, may not be well-received in mainstream America. Meanwhile, the cost of everything, including debt, is rising, making it a crucial time to consider refinancing mortgages. At The Daily Wire's Backstage Live event on June 29th, attendees can expect a historic night filled with energy and like-minded individuals. Controversial figures like Doctor Fauci continue to be subjects of debate, and individuals are encouraged to stand up for their rights when faced with restrictions. Overall, these discussions highlight the importance of making informed decisions, whether it's about one's health or financial situation.

    • Daily Wire Team Discussing Latest Developments, Appreciates Members' SupportThe Daily Wire team, including Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, and Andrew Clavin, will be discussing political and cultural issues on their livestream, appreciating their members' support, and sharing updates on recent Supreme Court decision Kennedy v. Bremerton School District and its potential impact on religious expression in public life.

      The Daily Wire team, including Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, and Andrew Clavin, will be discussing political and cultural issues on their livestream tomorrow at 8 PM Eastern. They appreciate their members' support, which allows them to operate independently without outside investors. A recent Supreme Court decision, Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, ruled in favor of a coach who was fired for praying on the football field after games. This decision, written by Justice Gorsuch, may set a precedent for religious expression in public life, and the Daily Wire team will share more about this and other announcements on the livestream. The team encourages listeners to join them and stay informed about the latest developments in the cultural and political landscape.

    • Debate over the Role of Institutions and Individual Freedom in ReligionThe First Amendment's Establishment and Free Exercise clauses continue to spark debate over the balance between religious freedom and the separation of church and state. Some argue for the importance of institutions, while others prioritize individual freedoms.

      The interpretation of the First Amendment's Establishment and Free Exercise clauses has been a subject of ongoing debate. While some argue that preventing the government from establishing a religion guarantees religious freedom, others believe that any public expression of religion could be considered coercion and a violation of the establishment clause. Sonia Sotomayor, in her dissent, expresses concern that the court's decision on religious freedom in public spaces weakens the separation of church and state and could potentially limit individual freedoms. The underlying tension lies in the contrasting beliefs about the role of institutions and the impact they have on individuals. Some argue that institutions, including religious practices, contribute to societal good, while others believe that dismantling them is necessary for true individual freedom. This debate highlights the importance of understanding the complexities of constitutional law and the ongoing role it plays in shaping our society.

    • Democrats push for expanded abortion access using sick days and federal landsDemocrats propose using sick days and federal lands to subsidize abortions, going against the Hyde Amendment and sparking debate on the issue

      The Democratic Party is advocating for expanded access to abortion using various means, including using sick days and federal lands. Joe Biden is allowing federal employees to use sick days for abortion-related travel, effectively subsidizing abortions with taxpayer dollars. Elizabeth Warren suggests setting up abortion clinics in national parks, and Kamala Harris is discussing sending travel vouchers for abortions. These proposals go against the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the federal government from spending taxpayer dollars on abortions. The Democratic Party's focus on expanding abortion access, even at the expense of long-standing bipartisan policy, highlights the ongoing debate and polarization on this issue in the United States.

    • Impact of Decision on Women's Access to Resources and Abortion ServicesSpeakers express concern over potential disparities in women's access to resources and abortion services, exploring options to mitigate these issues through federal funding for transportation and assistance.

      The discussion revolves around the potential impact of a decision on women's access to resources and abortion services, particularly for those without financial means. The speakers express concern over potential disparities and are exploring options to mitigate these issues, including the use of federal taxpayer dollars for transportation and other assistance. The conversation also touches on the ongoing debate over abortion rights and the potential for legislative changes, with mentions of the Women's Health Protection Act and the filibuster. The tone is passionate and opinionated, with strong stances taken on both sides. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complex and contentious nature of the abortion issue and the ongoing efforts to shape policy and access to services.

    • Perception of candidates and parties matter in voting decisionsDemocrats may lose support with radical stance on social issues, need to focus on rational legislation.

      People's voting decisions are not solely based on specific policies like abortion legislation. Instead, they are influenced by their overall perception of the candidates and parties. The Democratic Party's radical stance on social issues, such as abortion and redefining gender, may not be widely shared among Americans, and could potentially harm their credibility and support. The Biden administration's proposed changes to title 9, which could legally erase women, contradicts their claims of protecting women's rights. The focus on culture wars and social issues, which was once thought to be a winning strategy for both parties, may no longer be effective. The language used in these debates should be focused on rational and reasonable legislation, rather than promoting specific lifestyles. The Democratic Party should consider moving away from this radical stance if they wish to retain credibility and support from the majority of Americans.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    U.S. GDP Report’s Inflation Data Makes It Harder for Fed to Cut Rates

    U.S. GDP Report’s Inflation Data Makes It Harder for Fed to Cut Rates
    P.M. Edition for April 25. Gross domestic product expanded at a 1.6% seasonally- and inflation-adjusted annual rate in the first quarter. The Commerce Department’s report also suggests inflation was firmer than expected in March. Markets reporter David Uberti has more. And hearing a last-ditch appeal from Donald Trump, the Supreme Court appeared open to granting some level of immunity to protect former presidents from prosecution. Jess Bravin reports. Plus, Scott Patterson discusses the federal effort to speed up big power-grid infrastructure projects. Pierre Bienaimé hosts. Listening on Google Podcasts? Here's our guide for switching to a different podcast player. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    “Gaslighting gas prices” (with Elizabeth Warren!)

    “Gaslighting gas prices” (with Elizabeth Warren!)

    President Biden hits the road to go on offense against rising prices and falling poll numbers, Senator Elizabeth Warren joins to talk about passing the Build Back Better plan, and Elijah Cone offers up the week’s worst punditry in another round of Take Appreciator.

    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, please visit crooked.com/podsaveamerica

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    “Free Steve Bannon!”

    “Free Steve Bannon!”

    Steve Bannon surrenders to the feds while Donald Trump admits yet again an attempted coup, former Obama economic advisor Austan Goolsbee joins to discuss inflation and the economy, and the DC gossip machine trains its focus on the relationship between Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and what it all means for 2024.

    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, please visit crooked.com/podsaveamerica

    For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.