
    The Latest DOJ Announcement Should Sound The Alarms (Ep 1684)

    enJanuary 14, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Criticism of President Biden's administrationSpeakers discussed Biden's low approval ratings, high inflation, Supreme Court challenges, and potential replacements, while praising a firearms company's products and customer service

      The discussion revolved around the perceived incompetence of President Joe Biden and the numerous challenges his administration is facing. The speakers highlighted issues such as high inflation, low approval ratings, and the Supreme Court striking down parts of his vaccine mandate. They also mentioned Senator Kirsten Cinema's filibuster support and Hillary Clinton's potential interest in replacing Biden. The conversation also touched on the Henry Repeating Arms company, known for producing high-quality firearms in the United States. The speakers praised the company's products and customer service, and encouraged listeners to check out their free catalog. Overall, the tone was critical of President Biden and expressed a sense of anticipation for potential changes in the political landscape.

    • A sudden shift in the political gameThe current political climate faces significant challenges, leading to a loss of momentum and public confidence. Recognizing this trend and considering potential internal changes is crucial to regaining public trust and momentum.

      The current political climate, as discussed, is facing significant challenges on multiple fronts, leading to a loss of momentum and public confidence. The White House is dealing with numerous issues, including blocked initiatives, diplomatic tensions, and a resurgent virus, which has resulted in a sense of desperation. This loss of momentum can be compared to a football game where a team appears to be winning but then experiences a sudden shift in the opposite direction. The consequences of this loss of momentum can be significant, as seen in past political history. It's important to recognize this trend and consider potential internal changes to regain public trust and momentum.

    • Growing concerns over Biden's desperate actionsDespite court losses and low approval ratings, some fear Biden may issue unconstitutional, unethical, and immoral executive orders to save his presidency.

      There are growing concerns about President Joe Biden's desperate actions as he faces numerous losses in the courts and declining approval ratings. Some believe he may issue unconstitutional, unethical, and immoral executive orders to save his presidency. The Supreme Court recently blocked Biden's vaccine mandate for large workplaces, causing issues for companies that had hoped for its upholding. Furthermore, there are fears that the Department of Justice may weaponize the January 6th community. White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain added to these concerns when he retweeted a suggestion that the vaccine mandate might be an unconstitutional workaround, which was later cited in the Supreme Court ruling against the mandate. These developments have raised concerns about the potential for increasingly deranged rhetoric and unethical actions from the president.

    • Legal challenges to vaccine mandates and filibuster rule standstillFederal vaccine mandates may face legal hurdles, and the filibuster rule remains a roadblock for Democratic voting rights legislation, adding to political tensions and uncertainty

      The vaccine mandates implemented as emergency workplace safety rules by the federal government, as retweeted by the White House Chief of Staff, may face legal challenges due to the potential for being a "workaround" of the law. The debate around changing the Senate's filibuster rule to pass legislation, including the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, has been hindered by the opposition of key Democratic senators, Kirsten Sinema and Joe Manchin, leaving the Democrats short of the required votes. The political landscape is becoming increasingly polarized, with concerns that the Democratic response to challenges may lead to further government control and division. These developments, along with rising inflation and low approval ratings for President Biden, have contributed to a sense of unease and uncertainty in the political sphere.

    • Data security and consumer risk, political polling and voter rightsThe Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill may compromise data security, Biden's approval rating among Hispanic voters drops, and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act sparks concerns over election hijacking and voter fraud.

      While protecting data security is crucial in today's world of increasing cyber attacks, the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill, if passed, could put consumers' data at greater risk by shifting billions in spending to less secure payment networks. Meanwhile, in politics, a new poll reveals that Joe Biden's approval rating among Hispanic voters has dropped below that of white voters, which could have significant implications for the Democratic Party's long-term electoral strategy. Additionally, the Biden administration is pushing for the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which would limit voter ID requirements and reinstate preclearance, sparking concerns about potential election hijacking and voter fraud. These developments underscore the importance of staying informed and engaged in political and technological issues that impact our daily lives.

    • Biden's push for voting rights bill in response to Georgia lawBiden's administration is advocating for the John Lewis Voting Rights Act in response to new voting legislation in Georgia, but is quiet on stricter voting laws in Democratic states like New Jersey and Delaware, raising concerns about potential drastic measures to expand voting access.

      The Biden administration's push for the John Lewis Voting Rights Act was prompted by the new state voting legislation in Georgia, which tightened up elections and focused on election integrity. However, when asked about why Biden hasn't addressed voting laws in Democratic states like New Jersey and Delaware, which have stricter voting laws, the response was that the DNC typically handles election implementation, and Biden's stance on expanding access to voting is well-known. Despite this, early voting expansion is not happening in these states. With the Biden administration facing a series of challenges, including inflation, low approval ratings, and the failure of his voting rights bill, there are growing concerns that desperation may lead them to take drastic measures, potentially redefining domestic terrorism to target citizens' rights. This is a serious concern and warrants close attention.

    • Senator Hirono Presses DOJ on Definition of Domestic TerrorismSenator Hirono questioned DOJ's Matthew Olsen about the new domestic terrorism unit, pushing for a narrow definition focusing on U.S. government influence and law violation, while expressing concern about potential misuse of power and civil liberties erosion.

      During a Senate hearing, Senator Maisie Hirono questioned the head of the National Security Division at the DOJ, Jeffrey Rosen's successor Matthew Olsen, about the new domestic terrorism unit. They discussed the events of January 6, 2021, and Olsen confirmed that the events were being investigated as acts of domestic terrorism. However, Hirono used this opportunity to push the definition of domestic terrorism to include only acts intended to influence the U.S. government that violate U.S. law. The speaker criticized Olsen for not investigating violent protests during the George Floyd protests and the attack on the White House, which also fit the definition of domestic terrorism. The speaker expressed concern about the potential misuse of power and the erosion of civil liberties under the Biden administration.

    • Shift in focus from international to domestic terrorismThe current administration is prioritizing the investigation of domestic violent extremists, driven by ideologies and personal grievances, which could lead to civil liberties infringements and increased government control, and may be a PR campaign and money-making opportunity for law enforcement agencies.

      The current administration is focusing more on the threat of domestic terrorism than international terrorism, leading to increased resources being allocated to investigate domestic violent extremists. This shift in priority, according to the speaker, is driven by a mix of ideologies and personal grievances, with individuals motivated by racial animus and anti-government ideologies being a significant concern. The speaker argues that this is dangerous as it could lead to an assault on civil liberties and freedom, and could be used as a pretext for increased government control. Additionally, the speaker suggests that this focus on domestic terrorism is a PR campaign and a money-making opportunity for the FBI, as it allows them to reallocate funds away from investigating foreign terrorism and financial crimes.

    • Growing concerns over censorship and suppression of free speechUnder President Biden, there are concerns over government and tech companies restricting access to platforms for certain individuals, raising questions about civil liberties and media accountability. Despite record tax collections, the country still faces massive debts, emphasizing the need for a nuanced conversation on spending and fiscal responsibility.

      The political climate has shifted significantly in recent years, with President Trump being seen as an empowering figure for extremist groups and online spaces becoming increasingly violent and chaotic. Now, under President Biden, there are growing concerns over censorship and suppression of free speech, with the government and tech companies working together to label certain individuals as domestic terrorists and restrict their access to platforms. This raises serious questions about the erosion of civil liberties and the role of the media in holding those in power accountable. Additionally, despite record tax collections, the country is still facing massive debts, highlighting the need for a more nuanced conversation around spending and fiscal responsibility.

    • Democrats' disregard for individual rights and growing authoritarian tendenciesThe Democrats' disregard for individual rights and their willingness to use force and coercion against those who disagree with them is a cause for concern. A significant number of Democrats support fines, prison time, and even taking children away from unvaccinated parents.

      According to the discussion, there is a growing concern about the desperation and tyrannical tendencies of the Democratic party. The Democrats' disregard for individual rights and their willingness to use force and coercion against those who disagree with them is a cause for worry. The demoralization of the American population, as mentioned by a KGB defector, has made people immune to facts and more susceptible to authoritarian rule. A poll mentioned in the discussion shows that a significant number of Democrats support fines, prison time, and even taking children away from unvaccinated parents. The left's stance on vaccines and their disregard for the consequences of their policies, such as the loss of hospital beds, further highlights their disregard for individual rights and their willingness to punish those who disagree with them.

    • Political Debates and App ChangesDan Bongino emphasizes truthful information while critics accuse him of fear-mongering. Google Podcasts app is shutting down, urging listeners to switch to other platforms. Democrats aim to change Senate filibuster rules for legislative power shift.

      The ongoing political discourse involves intense debates between those who believe in exposing the truth and those who see it as causing fear. Dan Bongino, for instance, emphasizes the importance of sharing truthful information, even if it makes some people uncomfortable. Meanwhile, critics accuse him of trafficking in fear. In other news, the Google Podcasts app is going away this spring, and listeners are encouraged to switch to other platforms like Spotify, Amazon Music, or TuneIn. Regarding the filibuster, the Senate rules require 60 votes for non-reconciliation bills, but Democrats aim to change it to 50. This could lead to a power shift between parties, allowing them to pass legislation with fewer votes. A listener asked Dan about James O'Keefe and the Ashley Biden diary controversy, which will be addressed in an upcoming interview. Lastly, a recovering drug addict asked about the potential impact of their past addiction on their political career. Dan expressed support for the individual's decision to run for office and acknowledged the sensitivity of the topic.

    • Using past experiences as learning opportunitiesBeing open and honest about past challenges can turn into a strength rather than a weakness. Embrace transparency and use experiences as opportunities to grow.

      Honesty and authenticity can be powerful assets in overcoming potential challenges, especially during political campaigns. A candidate named Byron Donaldson, who ran for Congress, used his past arrest as an opportunity to be open and honest with voters in an ad. Instead of being negatively impacted, he turned it into a strength and outshined his competition. For those looking to enter politics or start a business, it's essential to embrace transparency and use past experiences as learning opportunities. Additionally, having a presence on various platforms, including social media, can help reach a wider audience. Dan, a podcast host, shared that his show, which focuses on economics, takes around four hours to produce each day. He also addressed concerns about potential changes to his Saturday lineup on Fox News. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of authenticity, transparency, and hard work in various aspects of life.

    • A foundation of dedication, belief, and commitmentStarting a podcast requires dedication, belief in each other, and a commitment to delivering high-quality content, even when facing financial struggles.

      The success of their podcast was built on a strong foundation of dedication, belief in each other, and a commitment to delivering high-quality content. At the beginning, they worked for free and even faced financial struggles, but they never wavered in their determination to create the best possible show. Joe, one of the co-hosts, even turned down offers of payment early on because he believed in their vision. It took months before they started earning any income, but they remained steadfast in their efforts. This journey was an eye-opening experience, full of challenges but also rewarding in ways that went beyond monetary compensation. The podcast's success is a testament to their hard work, belief in each other, and their unwavering commitment to their craft.

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