
    Podcast Summary

    • The disconnect between Americans and their governmentThe growing power of the federal government has led to fewer Americans feeling proud to be American, highlighting the need to focus on shared values and ideals.

      Despite the United States being a union of separate states with diverse policies, the lack of unity at the national level and the growing power of the federal government has led to a disconnect between citizens and the government, resulting in fewer Americans feeling proud to be American. The celebration of Independence Day, which signifies the shared values and ideals of Americans, has become more challenging as the federal government's reach extends into every aspect of life. The Gallup poll showing a decrease in American pride is a reflection of this disconnect. It's essential to remember that the United States was founded on the idea of separate states coming together, but the growing power of the federal government has made unity a challenge. Instead of focusing on our differences, we should celebrate the core ideas that unite us as Americans. Additionally, saving money on expenses like cell phone bills is a practical way to take control of personal finances, as highlighted by Ben Shapiro's endorsement of PureTalk.

    • The unity of the US is under threatThe Founding Fathers' vision for the US is being challenged, leading to increasing disunity and conflict, evident in various issues including mass shootings, media coverage, and differing lifestyles and values among states.

      The unity of the United States, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, is being challenged as the federal government gains more power and there is less tolerance for differing lifestyles and values among states. The common vision for the country, as outlined in the Declaration of Independence, is being attacked, leading to increasing disunity and conflict. This is evident in various issues, including mass shootings, where instead of coming together to mourn and find solutions, there is immediate blame-shifting and division. The media's coverage of such events also highlights this issue, as some incidents receive extensive coverage while others are overlooked. Ultimately, the common principles that once held the country together are fraying, leaving us with little in common beyond our need for a good night's sleep.

    • Polarization and Its Impact on SocietyDespite societal divisions, the speaker highlights the importance of timeless values in rebuilding trust and unity, while acknowledging the challenges of political polarization and its effects on various aspects of American life.

      American life has become increasingly polarized along political lines, affecting various aspects of society from shopping to mass shootings. The speaker emphasizes the customizable and risk-free sofa purchasing experience from Allform, but acknowledges the unease some may feel about buying without trying in-store. The Associated Press article discusses the impact of mass shootings and political divisions in the US, highlighting the erosion of common interests and unity. The speaker counters with reasons to celebrate the United States, such as its power, economic influence, and historical significance. However, the Associated Press seems to view these reasons as insufficient, focusing instead on domestic problems and distrust between neighbors due to differing beliefs. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of timeless values, such as equality before law and Judeo-Christian tradition, as a means to rebuild trust and unity.

    • American Pride: A Partisan DivideOnly 38% of Americans are extremely proud to be American, with a significant divide between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats value change, while Republicans value the country's founding principles.

      The United States is experiencing a deep divide in national pride and belief in its fundamental principles. According to polling data, only 38% of Americans are extremely proud to be American, the lowest in Gallup's trend since 2001. This divide is particularly pronounced between Democrats and Republicans, with 26% of Democrats and 58% of Republicans expressing extreme pride in the country. This partisan split reflects differing beliefs about the inherent goodness of the United States and its history. Democrats believe that America is only worth being proud of when undergoing fundamental change, while Republicans believe in the country's founding principles and history. This split goes beyond surface-level issues and reflects deeper values, making it a significant challenge for national unity.

    • Pride divide between college graduates and non-grads, deeper ideological riftsThe consensus about what makes America great has broken down since around 2010, necessitating a focus on shared values and the founding principles of the US Constitution.

      There is a significant pride divide between college graduates and non-college graduates in the United States, with the latter group expressing greater pride in their American identity. This divide reflects deeper ideological rifts in the country. Despite this, there seems to be a lack of bipartisan dialogue addressing the unifying principles of America and its flaws. The consensus about what makes America great appears to have broken down since around 2010. Joe Biden's call for unity is admirable but needs a clear explanation of what exactly we hold in common as Americans. This unity cannot be platitudinous, and we have a document that outlines these principles – the United States Constitution. It's essential to reflect on its founding principles and work towards a more united country based on shared values.

    • The Meaning and Application of Founding PrinciplesThe founding principles of equality, unalienable rights, and the right to alter or abolish destructive forms of government have shaped American society, but their interpretation and application remain a source of controversy and debate.

      The principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence, such as equality, unalienable rights, and the right to alter or abolish destructive forms of government, are the common values that have shaped American society throughout history. However, the way these principles are interpreted and applied can be a source of controversy and division. Some argue that we should celebrate and learn from the founding fathers and their values, while others believe that these principles have been used to justify harmful policies and should be reevaluated. Ultimately, it's important to recognize that the meaning and application of these principles have evolved over time and continue to be a subject of ongoing debate. The challenge is to find a way to honor and learn from the past while also addressing the present and future needs and values of society.

    • A growing divide in society leading to disunity and chaosFocusing on small improvements in one's own life can offer a sense of agency and control amidst larger societal challenges

      According to the speaker, there is a growing divide in the country over fundamental principles, leading to a sense of disunity and chaos. This divide is evident in various aspects of society, including sports and entertainment. The left's emphasis on controlling individual freedoms has led to a loss of common ground, leaving many feeling disconnected and disillusioned. However, the speaker offers a simple solution to improve one's immediate environment: upgrading window coverings from blinds.com. This small change can make a home look better and feel lighter, providing a sense of control and improvement amidst the larger societal challenges. The takeaway is that while larger societal issues may seem overwhelming, focusing on small improvements in one's own life can offer a sense of agency and control.

    • Deep divisions on fundamental principles in the USThe US is experiencing deep divisions on fundamental principles, with the left advocating for regulation and inclusivity, and the right emphasizing individual liberties, leading to conflicts between states and ongoing debates.

      The United States is experiencing deep divisions on fundamental principles, with the left and right having contrasting visions of freedom. This is evident in debates over issues like speech, religion, and gender identity. The left advocates for regulation and inclusivity, while the right emphasizes individual liberties. These differences have led to conflicts between states, such as California and Florida, over issues like education and voting laws. The founding fathers also grappled with significant disagreements, including the debate over slavery. However, they shared a vision of expanding freedom and human rights over time. Today, these principles are being reinterpreted, leading to ongoing debates and conflicts.

    • California vs Florida: Diverging Views on Individual Rights and FreedomPolitical leaders in California and Florida hold contrasting views on individual rights and freedoms, leading to debates over the role of the federal government and the potential disintegration of the US into a confederation of states.

      The vision of freedom and individual rights as understood by political leaders like Gavin Newsom in California and Ron DeSantis in Florida differs significantly. While Newsom emphasizes individual freedoms such as abortion and same-sex marriage, DeSantis prioritizes parental rights and limiting certain topics for young children in schools. These contrasting views have led to debates over the role of the federal government and the potential disintegration of the United States into a loose confederation of states with varying policies. The ongoing disagreements over fundamental values and freedoms highlight the increasing divide between different regions and political ideologies in the country.

    • Polarized Perspectives on Values and FreedomsThe current political climate has led to deep divisions, with contrasting perspectives on issues like abortion and individual freedoms, making it crucial to find common ground and engage in constructive dialogue to bridge the divide.

      The current political climate in the United States has led to a deep divide between different groups, with fundamental differences in values and visions for the future. The discussion highlights the contrasting perspectives of Samantha Bee and Mark Hamill on issues such as abortion and individual freedoms. While Bee sees these issues as core freedoms, Hamill and others view them as morally questionable. The polarized views have led to a contentious environment where even acts of kindness, like offering to adopt children, can be perceived negatively. This deep conflict of visions underscores the importance of finding common ground and engaging in constructive dialogue to bridge the divide and move towards a more united and harmonious society.

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      In today's challenging economic climate and supply chain crisis, it's more important than ever to save money on auto parts. Rockauto.com, an online family business serving customers for 20 years, offers competitive prices on parts for various makes and models, making it a convenient and cost-effective alternative to traditional chain stores or new car dealerships. The user-friendly website allows quick and easy navigation to find the specific parts needed for your vehicle, with a vast catalog of options from 100 manufacturers. Plus, the Daily Wire's expansion of its streaming service, Daily Wire Plus, offers an abundance of content from various creators, including Jordan Peterson, who recently faced censorship on Twitter for stating facts. By joining Daily Wire Plus, you not only gain access to all the content but also contribute to creating more of it. The company's cash flow-driven business model allows it to focus on producing content that resonates with its audience without being influenced by external pressures. So, consider joining Daily Wire Plus to support independent voices and save on auto parts.

    • Focusing on shared agreement amid societal divisionInstead of politicizing mass shootings, prioritize humanity and avoid glorifying perpetrators to prevent further violence.

      The current state of societal division has transformed every issue into a polarized debate, even in cases of apparent unity, such as the grief over mass shootings. Instead of focusing on the shared agreement that evil actions are unacceptable, the media and public discourse often prioritize the political context, leading to selective coverage and the potential glorification of perpetrators. This not only obscures the underlying issues but also risks inspiring further violence. It's crucial to recognize the humanity and insanity of mass shooters, rather than using their actions to fuel political agendas. The media has a role in this, as they can choose to report responsibly and avoid giving perpetrators the attention they seek.

    • Focusing on blame and division following a tragedy hinders progressInstead of pointing fingers, prioritize addressing mental health and preventing future incidents.

      The focus on blame and division following a tragic event, such as a mass shooting, can hinder productive conversation and solutions. The discussion surrounding a recent shooting incident involved debates over the perpetrator's political affiliations, with some blaming former presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump. However, it was clear that the individual was mentally ill, with numerous red flags that were overlooked. Instead of pointing fingers, there should have been a greater emphasis on addressing mental health and preventing future incidents. The political rhetoric and blame game only serve to further divide the nation and distract from the real issues at hand. Ultimately, it is crucial to recognize that individuals with mental health issues are not defined by their political beliefs and that addressing the root causes of their instability should be the priority.

    • Addressing the urgency of gun violence in AmericaThe urgent need for bipartisan compromise on gun safety and common sense reforms to address the root causes of gun violence in America, while acknowledging the complexities of the issue and the importance of a nuanced and thoughtful approach.

      The discussion highlights the urgency of addressing gun violence in America, particularly in the context of mass shootings. The speaker expresses frustration that such incidents have become a weekly tradition, despite heavy gun control laws in places like Illinois and Chicago. The need for action is emphasized, with calls for bipartisan compromise on gun safety and common sense reforms. However, the conversation also touches upon the complexities of the issue, including the role of the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment. The speaker acknowledges that this is a contentious issue, but emphasizes the importance of finding common ground and addressing the root causes of gun violence. The discussion also touches upon the impact of race on how certain incidents are perceived and reported in the media. Overall, the conversation underscores the need for a nuanced and thoughtful approach to addressing gun violence in America.

    • Protests and Curfew After Unarmed Man Shot by PoliceAn unarmed man was shot by police in Akron, leading to protests and a curfew. Controversy surrounds the use of force, with some questioning systemic racism and lack of trust between police and communities of color.

      The shooting of an unarmed man, Jalen Walker, by Akron police officers led to protests and a curfew in Akron on July 4th. According to reports, Walker was initially stopped for a traffic violation, but he fled and was later seen shooting from his car. Officers pursued him on foot, and after a taser failed to subdue him, eight officers fired dozens of shots in about 8 seconds. Walker was later found to be unarmed, but a gun and loaded magazine were found in his car, along with a spent shell casing near the scene of the initial gunshot. The use of force by the officers has sparked controversy, with some questioning whether it was necessary given that Walker was unarmed. The deeper issue, some argue, is systemic American racism and a lack of trust between law enforcement and communities of color. The shooting and its aftermath highlight the complex and often contentious relationship between police and the public, and the need for ongoing dialogue and reform.

    • The 2012 Election and America's Turning PointThe 2012 election highlighted deep racial divisions and the nation's refusal to address pressing issues like climate change, illegal immigration, and the national debt. Leadership from past figures may help, but Biden's inability to break through denial, deceit, and distrust worsens the situation, with Trump's presence exacerbating underlying issues.

      The 2012 election marked a significant turning point in American history, as Barack Obama polarized the country along racial lines to secure reelection. Mitt Romney's surface-level approach to politics and the nation's denial of pressing issues, such as climate change, illegal immigration, and the national debt, are contributing to the republic's troubles. Mitt Romney believes that leadership from figures like Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Lech Walesa, Martin Luther King Jr., and Volodymyr Zelensky can help us confront these challenges, but President Joe Biden, a genuinely good man, has yet to break through the national denial, deceit, and distrust. Trump's presence may worsen the situation, but the root cause of America's sickness goes deeper than him.

    • The future of American unity and leadership is uncertainThe country's founding principles and the role of government are being questioned, leading to a deeply divided political climate. The future of the United States as a united country depends on answering the ideological question of whether the body politic is a good thing.

      The current political climate in the United States is deeply divided, with fundamental questions being raised about the country's founding principles and the role of government. Mitt Romney, in his recent column, called for unity and leadership, but the centralizing principles around which the nation should gather are unclear. The polarization goes beyond specific issues like abortion and gun control, and touches on the very vision of what the country is and whether its founding ideas are still valid. The ideological question of whether the body politic that includes all of these things is a good thing is open, and until it is answered, America will continue to fray. The only way to celebrate July 4th is if we believe in the principles upon which the country was founded. The future of the United States as a united country hangs in the balance.

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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    Bishop WC Martin is an American pastor, author, adoption advocate, and the inspiration for the upcoming Angel Studios film, The Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, releasing in partnership with DailyWire+. As the pastor of Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Possum Trot, Texas, Bishop Martin and his wife Donna adopted 4 children and persuaded their entire community to do the same. Ultimately, 77 children were adopted into 22 loving families in their small Texas town. In today’s episode, Bishop Martin and I discuss the problems within the current foster care system and the role of the church in successful adoption stories. Bishop Martin also shares personal anecdotes about raising his adopted children and a few behind-the-scenes moments from the making of the movie. Don’t miss this heartening conversation about family and faith on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 30, 2024

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    We review the first—and likely only—debate between President Biden and former President Trump.


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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    The polls show Donald Trump beginning to pull away as the Biden team struggles for an answer; will World War III break out if Biden begins to collapse?; and the Supreme Court proves it isn’t a conservative policy think tank.


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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

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    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    David Azerrad is an Assistant Professor and Research Fellow at Hillsdale College’s Van Andel Graduate School of Government in Washington, D.C. His research and writing focus on classical liberalism, conservative political thought, and identity politics. Listeners can learn more about David on his LinkedIn @DavidAzerrad  


    Hillsdale College | Washington D.C Campus

    The Federalist  

    Go to www.mypillow.com and use promo code KATHY for extra savings! Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show

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    • [1:30] David’s brief background and expertise

    • [2:30] Discussion on the younger generation's political despair 

    • [7:00] Challenges faced by public figures in the political arena

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    • [20:30] Exploring the limits of tolerance in a democratic society

    • [21:45] “I think we're more attached to comfort than we are to liberty.”

    • [28:00] Go to www.mypillow.com and use promo code KATHY for extra savings! 

    • [33:00] Dangers of pacifying the American people 

    • [40:00] Reflections on the erosion of fundamental rights during COVID 

    • [43:00] “Hope is despair overcome.” 

    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Remember to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.


    1/18/23 Counter Points: Davos Summit/GOP Dreams Social Security Cuts/Republican Candidate Arrested for Hiring Assassins/Joe Rogan on Biden Docs/MTG vs Lauren Boebert/Alexander Hamilton on Debt Ceiling/American Pessimism/Clinton Email Hacker Interview

    1/18/23 Counter Points: Davos Summit/GOP Dreams Social Security Cuts/Republican Candidate Arrested for Hiring Assassins/Joe Rogan on Biden Docs/MTG vs Lauren Boebert/Alexander Hamilton on Debt Ceiling/American Pessimism/Clinton Email Hacker Interview

    Ryan and Emily discuss the Davos Summit and what the speakers and guests have to say about their version of the future, GOP attacking retirement age and Social Security, a failed Republican candidate Solomon Pena arrested for potentially hiring shooters to attack Democratic opposition candidates, Joe Rogan speaks on Joe Biden's classified documents disaster, Poland's Prime Minister warns of WW3 if Ukraine loses, a bathroom fight between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert shows divisions, Ryan reviews the words of Alexander Hamilton in regards to the Debt Ceiling, Emily discusses her thoughts on American Pessimism, and an interview with Sam Biddle from The Intercept on Guccifer a hacker incarcerated for years for an email hacking spree against America’s elite.

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    #5 – Gun Violence, Part 2

    #5 – Gun Violence, Part 2
    This Part Two of our gun violence investigations. We speak with two veteran educators; one is a high school teacher and the other an elementary school principal. We further dive into this topic by interviewing two police officers offer their opinions regarding arming our teachers on school campuses. In this episode you will also hear from a YouTube employee express how she felt when she learned her friends were under attack.

    #204 — A Conversation with Jonathan Haidt

    #204 — A Conversation with Jonathan Haidt

    Sam Harris speaks with Jonathan Haidt about the maintenance of a healthy society. They discuss the problem of orthodoxy, the history of political polarization in the US, the breakdown of public conversation, remaining uncertainty about Covid-19, motivated reasoning, the 2020 election, the future prospects for Gen Z, the effect of social media on the mental health of girls, Jonathan's experience with psychedelics, positive psychology, loss of self, the experience of awe, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Ep. 748 - It's Time To Put Cameras In Every Classroom

    Ep. 748 - It's Time To Put Cameras In Every Classroom

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, many parents are finally calling for greater transparency in the classroom, and more control over what sorts of things their children are taught. If that is the goal, and it should be, then why aren’t there cameras in every classroom in the country, documenting everything that teachers do and say to their students? Also, Five Headlines. The media marks the 6 month anniversary of January 6th. As we get further and further away from that event, their retelling of it gets more and more dramatic. Andrew Cuomo declares gun violence a “public health emergency.” Joe Biden wants to go door to door to get people vaccinated. And in our Daily Cancellation, we’ll discuss the orgy of ungrateful whining and complaining that accompanied July 4th this year.

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