
    The Kathy Barnette Show

    Kathy Barnett is a passionate advocate for the unsung heroes of our nation. With a strong belief in the power of community, resilience, and unity, Kathy has dedicated her platform to elevating the voices that often go unheard. Over the past few years, she has observed the changing landscape of our nation's governance and felt the pressing need to address the concerns of those who feel marginalized and silenced. Join Kathy as she shines a spotlight on the unsung heroes of our nation. Over the past few years, many have felt silenced and marginalized, but Kathy believes that these individuals are the true backbone of our country. Through candid conversations, Kathy aims to address the growing concerns about our nation's governance and the feeling that something is fundamentally amiss. Tune in to hear from well-known figures and discover new voices that are making a significant impact every day. This is more than just a podcast - it's a community. Please subscribe, and share with a friend!
    enKathy Barnette26 Episodes

    Episodes (26)

    Talking with Missouri Secretary of State Candidate Valentina Gomez on the Real Issues

    Talking with Missouri Secretary of State Candidate Valentina Gomez on the Real Issues

    In this episode of the Kathy Barnette Show, Kathy sits down with Valentina Gomez. This episode serves as a call to action to all Americans to reflect on your beliefs, the legacy you wish to leave behind, and the kind of world you want to build for future generations. Valentina Gomez reminds us of the importance of standing firm in our convictions, the power of our votes, and the critical role faith plays in guiding our decisions and leadership. Whether you agree with her methods or not, Valentina's passion for her country, her unwavering commitment to her principles, and her bold willingness to challenge the status quo are undeniably thought-provoking. 

    Valentina Gomez is a candidate for the Secretary of State in Missouri, a passionate advocate for truth and integrity in politics, and a staunch defender of children's rights against indoctrination. With a background as an immigrant, a self-made businesswoman, and a former Division I swimmer, Valentina's diverse experiences fuel her mission to bring common sense and godly values back to public office. Listeners can learn more about Valentina at her website https://www.valentinaformissouri.com/get-to-know-me-1 , on IG @valentinaformissouri, and on X @ValentinaForSOS


    Please visit our great sponsors: My Pillow: https://mypillow.com/kathy. It's the bedding sale you want to take advantage of. Refresh your rest with My Pillow

    Find Kathy’s shows on her YouTube channel @Kathy4Truth 

    Check out Kathy’s book: Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

    Chloe Cole’s Story | A Mission to End Child Gender Transition Procedures

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show!

    • [0:30] Find Kathy’s shows on her YouTube channel @Kathy4Truth 

    • [0:55] Kathy introduces guest, Valentina Gomez to the listeners  

    • [1:45] Question: Valentina, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

    • [2:30] Valentina’s Viral Video Burning “Woke” Books  

    • [6:10] Explaining the concept of ‘rainbow bullies’ 

    • [8:15] Valentina's views on gender and education

    • [13:00] Pushing back against corruption in both parties

    • [17:30] The republican establishment’s cowardice 

    • [22:30] Current make up of Missouri  

    • [23:40] Valentina speaks on her upbringing  

    • [31:30] Chloe Cole’s Story | A Mission to End Child Gender Transition Procedures

    • [33:30] Pharma is weaponizing parents emotions

    • [37:00] Ad break

    • [40:00] “We need people who are hungry for change!” 

    • [44:00] Closing thoughts 

    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.


    The Real CDC: COVID Facts For Regular People With John Beaudoin, Sr

    The Real CDC: COVID Facts For Regular People With John Beaudoin, Sr

    In this episode of the Kathy Barnette Show, Kathy sits down with John Beaudoin to discuss his investigation into potential COVID vaccine harms. They discuss how public health data has been manipulated and key adverse events hidden from the public. Beaudoin argues COVID vaccines may be causing increased rates of cancer, dementia, heart issues, and strokes across all ages. They also express concerns over the lack of informed consent, government overreach, and suppression of scientific inquiry. 

    Guest Bio:

    John Beaudoin, a vocal advocate for transparency and informed consent in public health decisions, brings a wealth of knowledge from his background in electrical engineering and his extensive research into the impacts of COVID-19 policies. Listeners can learn more about John’s work at his website https://therealcdc.com/ and on X @JohnBeaudoinSr  


    Kathy’s book: Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

    Politics and the English Language by George Orwell

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show

    • [5:00] Kathy introduces guest, John Beaudoin   

    • [8:20] Question: How does an electrical engineer become one of the more clarion voices on the topic of COVID?

    • [11:30] The role of misinformation in public health crises   

    • [14:45] The problem with centralization   

    • [17:20] Transgenderism within children 

    • [26:30] Personal stories of COVID and vaccine experiences

    • [33:00] Massachusetts drove the fear in the pandemic

    • [37:00] Changing the definition of ‘vaccine’  

    • [44:45] Covid Shots May Slightly Raise Stroke Risk in the Oldest Recipients

    • [46:30] Political Moonshine  

    • [51:55] The Real CDC: COVID facts for regular people 

    • [52:00] CDC Memorandum

    • [53:00] Ad break

    • [1:01:15] Beaudoin argues myocarditis is occurring in all ages, not just the young 

    • [1:06:30] Hope for the future

    • [1:13:00] Closing thoughts

    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.


    Part 2: 100+ Days Since The October 7th Kathy Weighs In on Genocide and Israel

    Part 2: 100+ Days Since The October 7th Kathy Weighs In on Genocide and Israel

    In today’s episode, Kathy dissects the horrific details of the Genocide of Israeli citizens on October 7, 2023, by Hamas militants. She criticizes the lack of condemnation from Palestinian leadership and the hypocrisy of South Africa's accusation of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice. Kathy also argues that acknowledging true evil and barbarism is necessary, provides hope in the Israeli response, and warns these tensions are rising abroad and in the U.S.

    Please note that this episode contains depictions of violence that some people may find disturbing. If you want to avoid this content, please skip the content starting at 24:00.


    Please visit our great sponsors: My Pillow: https://mypillow.com/kathy. It's the bedding sale you want to take advantage of. Refresh your rest with My Pillow

    Check out Kathy’s book: Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Introduction and recap of events since October 7th, 2023

    • [0:05] Today’s discussion is a part II series: What has gone on in the past 100+ days since October 7th, 2023

    • [3:00] The real question is… Why is South Africa involved??? 

    • [7:10] Kathy discusses South Africa's political ties to Hamas and Iran 

    • [10:00] South Africa's crowdfunding efforts 

    • [18:00] Recap of what we have learned since October 7th, 2023  

    • [20:10] Ad break

    • [24:00] The rules of engagement and war ethics 

    • [24:45] *Details on the brutality of October 7th, 2023 

    • [33:30] “If there was ever a day when we as a country, as a people, can point to something and identify it as evil, October 7th was that opportunity.” 

    • [35:00] Reflections on hope and the resilience of the Israeli people

    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.

    100+ Days Since The October 7th Kathy Weighs In on Genocide and Israel: Part 1

    100+ Days Since The October 7th Kathy Weighs In on Genocide and Israel: Part 1

    Kathy sits down to discuss the critical developments since October 7, emphasizing the complex Israeli-Palestinian relationship, the impact on the Abraham Accords, and the roles of FATA and Hamas in the ongoing conflict. She critiques the international response, particularly the International Court of Justice's stance on genocide accusations against Israel. She explores the broader geopolitical implications, including the involvement of South Africa and the global community's perception of the conflict. 


    Please visit our great sponsors: My Pillow: https://mypillow.com/kathy. It's the bedding sale you don't want to miss. Refresh your rest with My Pillow

    Check out Kathy’s book: Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show!

    • [0:30] Today’s topic: What has gone on in the past 100+ days since October 7th, 2023 

    • [1:00] “October 7th has gone down in the history books as one of the largest calculated mass murders of Jews in a single Day.”

    • [5:30] FATA's Response and the Abraham Accords 

    • [6:00] Vivek Campaign Advisor SPEAKS OUT on the Israel vs. Palestine WAR! 

    • [10:00] The political landscape in the Palestinian territories 

    • [17:45] South Africa's involvement in bringing the case to the ICJ

    • [25:00] Kathy's first-hand observations of Palestinian living conditions

    • [30:30] Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

    • [31:00] Conflating the term "genocide" and the importance of precise language

    • [33:30] Overuse of the word "racism" diluting its meaning 

    • [36:30] Ad Break

    • [41:00] Stay tuned for part II next week to discuss: South Africa’s Involvement in claiming genocide 

    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Remember to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.


    The Power of Language in Cultural Discourse | Oli London

    The Power of Language in Cultural Discourse | Oli London

    In this episode of the Kathy Barnette Show, Kathy sits down with Oli London to shed light on the intricacies of identity in the digital age. London speaks candidly about his journey through various identity changes, the influence of social media, and the societal challenges faced by those grappling with identity issues. They also dive into the roles of media and elite in molding public opinion, and how the art of debating is disappearing. 

    Guest Bio:

    Oli London is known for his journey through various identity changes, including transracial and gender transitions. He is a singer, an activist, and the author of the book Gender Madness: One Man's Devastating Struggle with Woke Ideology and His Battle to Protect Children. Listeners can check out more from Oli at his website https://www.oli-london.com/, on IG @londonoli, and YouTube @OliLondon  


    Please visit our great sponsors: My Pillow: https://mypillow.com/kathy. It's the bedding sale you don't want to miss. Refresh your rest with My Pillow

    Kathy’s book: Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

    Oli’s book: Gender Madness: One Man's Devastating Struggle with Woke Ideology and His Battle to Protect Children 

    Vivek’s book: Woke, Inc.: Inside Corporate America's Social Justice Scam

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. Kathy introduces guest, Oli London to the listeners 

    • [0:40] Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

    • [1:30] “I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others,  rather than be false and incur my own abhorrence.”

    • [5:30] Oli speaks on his views on race and identity  

    • [10:40] Finding acceptance of self within, not from changing gender identity 

    • [11:30] The impact of social media on youth and identity 

    • [16:30] Cultural shifts and societal values from traditional achievements to superficial online presence

    • [23:00] Discussing the power of language and societal conditioning  

    • [30:30] Mainstream media is stripping away the ability to independently think 

    • [34:45] The art of debating  

    • [37:30] Finding middle ground in polarized topics 

    • [46:30] Are our leaders deliberately destroying our country? 

    • [50:00] Oli speaks on his book Gender Madness 

    • [54:00] Chloe Cole’s Story | A Mission to End Child Gender Transition Procedures

    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.


    State of the Union | Be Courageous or Be Part of the Problem

    State of the Union | Be Courageous or Be Part of the Problem

    In this episode of the Kathy Barnette Show, Kathy sits down to reflect on the outcomes of the Iowa caucuses, particularly focusing on the suspension of Vivek Ramaswamy's campaign. She reflects on her political journey, including her runs for Congress and the U.S. Senate. She discusses her perspective on the importance of values, leadership, and active participation in shaping the future of the nation. She emphasizes the need for courageous leadership to uphold American values and freedoms.


    Please visit our great sponsors: My Pillow: https://mypillow.com/kathy. It's the bedding sale you don't want to miss. Refresh your rest with My Pillow

    Check out Kathy’s book: Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. 

    • [0:35] Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

    • [4:00] Reflections on the Iowa caucuses and political strategy

    • [12:30] Reflections on personal political journey 

    • [15:30] The significance of the U.S. Constitution and vocalizing right from wrong

    • [27:40] “Without the Constitution…America no longer exists.”

    • [30:00] Kathy’s plea for a need for courageous leadership 

    • [35:30] Concerns About American Values and Governance

    • [40:00] Two-Party political system that is broken 

    • [46:00] Closing thoughts from the Declaration of Independence 

    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Remember to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.


    The Unexpected Faces of Homelessness

    The Unexpected Faces of Homelessness

    In this episode of the Kathy Barnette Show, Kathy engages in a profound conversation with Chaya, a young woman currently experiencing homelessness. Chaya's journey highlights the nuances of this issue, challenging stereotypes and emphasizing the diversity of experiences among the homeless population. They discuss the lack of mental health resources, the stigmas attached to homelessness, and the various faces and backgrounds of those living without a home.

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:30] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. Kathy introduces guest, Chaya to the listeners 

    • [0:45] Kathy explains how she met Chaya

    • [4:30] Chaya shares her journey into homelessness 

    • [7:00] Discussion on the diverse appearances of homeless people

    • [10:00] Chaya talks about the loss of dignity in shelters

    • [15:30] Homeless Shelter Experience  

    • [22:15] Vulnerabilities felt within the homeless community 

    • [23:30] Stereotypes of what potentially causes homelessness   

    • [31:00] The Countdown: Life within the 90-Day Shelter Limit

    • [34:45] Addressing Mental Health and Homelessness 

    • [41:00] Different types of homelessness 

    • [43:30] Chaya and Kathy discuss the importance of political awareness

    • [53:45] “I think most people are one paycheck away from being in your situation.” 

    • [1:03:00] Concluding thoughts and reflections 

    • [0:00] Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.


    Connect with Kathy:

    X: @kathy4truth

    Instagram: @kathy4truth

    The Erosion of Liberty and Justice for All with David Azerrad

    The Erosion of Liberty and Justice for All with David Azerrad

    In this episode of the Kathy Barnette Show, Kathy sits down with David Azerrad, an expert in classical liberalism, conservative political thought, and identity politics. Their discussion revolves around the current political landscape, the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs in the face of adversity, and the need for genuine leadership in America. They reflect on the spirit of the founding fathers, the deterioration of moral and civic virtues, and the significance of a vigilant and courageous citizenry. 

    David Azerrad is an Assistant Professor and Research Fellow at Hillsdale College’s Van Andel Graduate School of Government in Washington, D.C. His research and writing focus on classical liberalism, conservative political thought, and identity politics. Listeners can learn more about David on his LinkedIn @DavidAzerrad  


    Hillsdale College | Washington D.C Campus

    The Federalist  

    Go to www.mypillow.com and use promo code KATHY for extra savings! Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show

    • [0:45] Kathy introduces guest, David Azerrad to the listeners

    • [1:30] David’s brief background and expertise

    • [2:30] Discussion on the younger generation's political despair 

    • [7:00] Challenges faced by public figures in the political arena

    • [14:00] The need for radicalizing the right in a positive way 

    • [20:30] Exploring the limits of tolerance in a democratic society

    • [21:45] “I think we're more attached to comfort than we are to liberty.”

    • [28:00] Go to www.mypillow.com and use promo code KATHY for extra savings! 

    • [33:00] Dangers of pacifying the American people 

    • [40:00] Reflections on the erosion of fundamental rights during COVID 

    • [43:00] “Hope is despair overcome.” 

    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Remember to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.


    The Insidious Truth about January 6th with Brandon Straka

    The Insidious Truth about January 6th with Brandon Straka


    #WalkAway Campaign

    General Mike Flynn | The First Victim of The Modern American Uniparty?

    You DO NOT Know Mike Lindell | MyPillow Owner Tells His Story

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. Kathy introduces guest, Brandon Straka to the listeners 
    • [0:30] #WalkAwayCampaign  
    • [5:00] Brandon’s personal journey and political transformation
    • [10:00] The beginning of questioning the democratic party 
    • [15:00] Reflections on the media's role in politics
    • [20:00] Brandon’s experiences on January 6th, 2020
    • [24:30] Legal repercussions post-January 6th
    • [28:30] You DO NOT Know Mike Lindell | MyPillow Owner Tells His Story
    • [29:00] General Mike Flynn | The First Victim of The Modern American Uniparty?
    • [33:00] Government persecution 
    • [40:30] Sued by Soros-funded DC nonprofit law firm 
    • [44:30] Refusing to be intimidated into silence
    • [51:00] "Why are you trying to prevent me from having the freedom that you claim we don't have the opportunity to have?"
    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.

    Dr. Lauren Schwartz Part 2 | The Role of Psychiatry in Transgenderism

    Dr. Lauren Schwartz Part 2 | The Role of Psychiatry in Transgenderism

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. Kathy introduces Dr. Lauren Schwartz back to the listeners
    • [3:00] Dr. Schwartz explains the difference between validation and affirmation
    • [6:00] "Validating is not the same as affirming."
    • [10:00] Social media’s role in increasing anxieties among youth   
    • [15:30] “Not every sense of discomfort is a negative thing. It tells us to move out of something and grow and expand our understanding of ourselves and why we're responding to something in an anxious way or depressed way.” 
    • [17:30] Emotional impact on children and adolescents
    • [21:00] Loss of foundational identity pillars within the United States  
    • [26:00] Dr. Lauren Schwartz | Proliferation and Procedures of Gender-Affirming Care
    • [27:00] Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care
    • [29:00] Difference between evidence-informed and evidence-based practice  
    • [34:00] The irreversible consequences of hormone blockers 
    • [46:45] Long-term physical effects of transitioning are unknown
    • [49:30] Gender ideology ignores the biological reality of chromosomes
    • [53:00] “He who controls language control rules the world.”
    • [56:00] Closing thoughts and advice for parents
    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Remember to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.

    Dr Lauren Schwartz | Proliferation and Procedures of Gender-Affirming Care

    Dr Lauren Schwartz | Proliferation and Procedures of Gender-Affirming Care

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. Kathy introduces guest, Dr. Lauren, Schwartz 
    • [3:00] Dr. Lauren gives a brief background of herself 
    • [4:30] Psychology, psychiatry, and psychotherapy  
    • [10:00] Chloe Cole’s Story | A Mission to End Child Gender Transition Procedures
    • [13:20] “Help me cross that bridge of how they think a physical remedy is the solution for what's going on mentally” 
    • [14:00] The process of diagnosing and treating gender dysphoria in children 
    • [18:30] Dr. Schwartz's concerns about the rush in transitioning children
    • [23:00] “Would you rather have a dead child or a trans child?” That's emotional manipulation. I think it should be criminal. Because what you're saying is these are your only two choices, and that's absolutely not accurate.” 
    • [35:30] Impact of social media and activism in psychiatry 
    • [42:00] A critical look at the new transgenderism textbook for psychiatrists
    • [48:030] Tune into Part 2 as Kathy and Dr. Schwartz next week!
    • [0:00] Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Remember to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.

    Kathy Barnette On the Road: Moms For Liberty | Education and Parental Rights

    Kathy Barnette On the Road: Moms For Liberty | Education and Parental Rights

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. Kathy introduces Moms for Liberty guests
    • [1:05] Initial Concerns About Education and COVID-19 Impact  
    • [5:00] Shelly's journey into activism 
    • [10:00] Jen's story about her son's school experience 
    • [15:00] Discussion on critical race theory in schools  
    • [21:00] Literature concerns in schools 
    • [25:30] “You have to ask yourself, based on what they're teaching our children today, what future are they preparing them for?”
    • [29:30] Sexual education content concerns 
    • [35:00] Challenges of speaking out in public
    • [48:45] “I don't have a plan B. I don't wake up in the morning saying, I can't wait to be rejected today” 
    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Remember to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.

    Chloe Cole’s Story | A Mission to End Child Gender Transition Procedures

    Chloe Cole’s Story | A Mission to End Child Gender Transition Procedures

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. Kathy introduces Chloe Cole to the listeners 
    • [2:00] Chloe shares pieces of her story
    • [5:20] Chloe recounts her early experiences leading to her decision 
    • [10:20] Kathy and Chloe discuss the rapid maturation of young individuals in serious situations 
    • [18:45] Slippery slope when tolerating everything in a child's self-exploration 
    • [20:10] “It's not kind to lie to your own child about who they are, about the way they were born.” 
    • [24:40] Childhood inability to comprehend permanent effects
    • [29:30] study on minors who underwent double mastectomies between the years of 2013 to about 2020 to 2021. 
    • [32:30] Chloe begins to have regrets about her transition 
    • [36:07] “Kids aren't thinking about having their own children when they're still going through the process of becoming adults.”
    • [38:30] Advice for parents  
    • [40:20] Strategies for parents to address transgender topics with their children 
    • [48:00] Closing thoughts on finding community and belonging
    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.

    General Mike Flynn | The First Victim of The Modern American Uniparty?

    General Mike Flynn | The First Victim of The Modern American Uniparty?

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show. Kathy introduces guest, General Mike Flynn to the listeners
    • [0:30] Kathy gives listeners a detailed bio of Mike Flynn
    • [5:00] Flynn's early career and achievements
    • [11:00] Flynn's Military Career and Role in the Obama Administration
    • [15:00] Insights into National Security Challenges
    • [18:00] The controversial exit from the Trump administration after only 22 days
    • [29:30] “I wanted the listeners to hear [your side of the story] because again, from my awareness, you were the first casualty of the weaponization of our government.”
    • [33:00] History of assassinations in America  
    • [35:00] Reflections on political biases and challenges
    • [41:10] “They fear me because they can't control me.”
    • [52:30] The role and impact of the administrative state
    • [55:00] Discussion on the future of American politics
    • [1:05:00] Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.

    A Talk with Dennis Prager [ The Uncle I Wish I Had ] on the State of Cultural Collapse in the US

    A Talk with Dennis Prager [ The Uncle I Wish I Had ] on the State of Cultural Collapse in the US

    Guest Bios and Links:

    • Dennis Prager is a renowned conservative radio talk show host, writer, and founder of PragerU
    • Kathy Barnette is an author and commentator known for her insightful views on cultural and political issues. Check out Kathy's Book Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain

    Glossary of Terms:

    • Liberalism: A political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed, and equality before the law.
    • Leftism: A political ideology that advocates for social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to traditional social hierarchies.
    • Secularism: The principle of separation of the state from religious institutions.


    1. "I measure people by their behavior, not by their intentions." - Dennis Prager
    2. "The challenge is to persuade liberals that the left is their enemy, not the right." - Dennis Prager
    3. "Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave." - Kathy Barnette, quoting Frederick Douglass
    4. "Truth and goodness are almost synonymous. The pursuit of truth is a courageous act." - Dennis Prager

    15 Timestamped Highlights:

    1. [00:02:15] Prager on the limits of labeling in debates.
    2. [00:03:27] Barnette's take on evil intentions and actions.
    3. [00:08:56] Discussion on the cultural impact of prioritizing feelings.
    4. [00:14:00] Prager differentiates between liberals and leftists.
    5. [00:17:33] Strategy to recapture American culture.
    6. [00:23:17] Prager's views on the abortion debate.
    7. [00:27:18] The rush to abandon Judeo-Christian values.
    8. [00:33:28] Prager on influencing liberal perspectives.
    9. [00:38:03] Strategies to overcome cultural challenges.
    10. [00:42:50] Courage in speaking truth in today's society.
    11. [00:48:44] Barnette's personal political journey.
    12. [00:52:20] Prager on the left's use of race.
    13. [00:55:40] Wisdom versus knowledge.

    You DO NOT Know Mike Lindell | MyPillow Owner Tells His Story

    You DO NOT Know Mike Lindell | MyPillow Owner Tells His Story


     [00:01:00] Discussion on political weaponization.

     [00:04:00] Lindell's perspective on personal peace of mind. 

    [00:07:00] Success story of MyPillow. [

    00:10:00] Commentary on current social and political issues. 

    [00:12:00] Reflection on the impact of the Trump administration. 

    [00:15:00] Analysis of media narratives. 

    [00:17:00] Lindell on the challenges faced by MyPillow.

     [00:20:00] Lindell's view on legal battles and future strategies. 

    [00:25:00] Promotion of MyPillow products.

     [00:27:00] Lindell's first encounter with Donald Trump. 

    [00:30:00] Discussion on public perception of Trump. 

    [00:32:00] Lindell's take on Trump's presidency. [00:35:00] Reflection on personal faith and resilience.

     [00:38:00] Lindell's future plans and aspirations. 

    [00:40:00] Closing thoughts and reflections.

    The Israel and Palestine Conflict

    The Israel and Palestine Conflict

    In a detailed and passionate discussion, Kathy Barnette addresses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. She begins by expressing her concern about the growing unease in the world and her desire to seek knowledge for understanding. Kathy critically analyzes the role of various parties involved, including Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, and their impact on the conflict. She questions the global response to the conflict, highlighting the contrasting perspectives and actions of world leaders and the media. Throughout the episode, Kathy emphasizes the importance of historical context and urges listeners to form informed opinions based on facts rather than emotion.

    List of Chapters:

    1. [00:00:00] Introduction and Personal Reflections
    2. [00:18:31] Analyzing the 'Who' in the Conflict
    3. [00:32:50] Understanding the Difference between Hamas and Palestinian People
    4. [00:44:17] Exploring the Global Response and Rallying Cry
    5. [00:53:12] Where Do We Go from Here? Reflections and Conclusions


    [00:02:14] Discussing the feeling of unease in the world.

    [00:06:23] Personal reflections on serving in the military.

    [00:12:24] Analyzing the 'Who' in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

    [00:18:31] Discussion on the broader implications of the conflict.

    [00:23:28] Questioning the mainstream narrative.

    [00:27:45] Describing the October 7th Hamas attacks.

    [00:32:50] Exploring the difference between Hamas and Palestinian citizens.

    [00:38:28] The importance of dialogue and truth-seeking.

    [00:44:17] Analysis of the global response to the conflict.

    [00:48:09] The need for identity and purpose in society.

    [00:53:12] Reflecting on where we go from here.

    [00:54:51] Kathy's views on the Israel and Palestine situation.

    [00:57:26] Encouraging listeners to find their purpose.

    [00:58:00] Closing remarks and CTAs.

    [00:14:30] Discussing Yasser Arafat and peace negotiations.

    Victim to Victor: A Black Conservative's Journey Through Race and Politics

    Victim to Victor: A Black Conservative's Journey Through Race and Politics

    Zeek Arkham grew up in a rough neighborhood in Queens, NY with an absent father and abusive family members who played the victim. After college, he became an angry police officer still feeling entitled and like a victim. A mentor told him he had potential but had to stop holding himself back. Zeek shifted his mindset, stopped making excuses and worked hard to build a successful life and career in law enforcement. He now mentors black youth to take personal responsibility, ignore racism and keep working towards success. Kathy and Zeek examine problems with black victimhood culture and people who profit from it, including the "business of racism." They agree that hard work, tenacity and a "now what?" attitude help people overcome obstacles and racism in America.


    [00:00] Introduction
    [00:05] Zeek's challenging upbringing
    [05:00] His journey to personal responsibility
    [17:00] Leaving victimhood behind [25:00] The "business of racism"
    [35:00] Immigrant success despite racism
    [45:00] Victimhood as an industry
    [55:00] Keep working despite setbacks

    Guest Bio

    Zeek Arkham is a police officer and black conservative activist. He hosts a podcast called The Zeek Arkham Show and is active on social media commenting on politics and culture. Website | Twitter


    BLM - Black Lives Matter
    NYPD - New York Police Department


    "Always be the last person in the room to call something racist. Because the more you say it, the less power it has." - Zeek's great-grandfather [03:00]

    "You have so much potential and you can do so much in your life and on this job. You just have to get out of your own way." - Police mentor to Zeek [17:30]

    "Racism is a business. Guys like Al Sharpton and Ibram X Kendi - if racism disappeared tomorrow, they'd be stressed out because now they have nothing to make money off of." - Zeek [48:00]

    "That's the real oppression - they've got to invent this white supremacy boogeyman to keep you angry, because once you're angry or fearful, you're easy to control." - Zeek [51:30]

    "I don't believe in this fatalistic view. I believe there are opportunities. Even if the flicker of light is small, you look at it, warm yourself to it, and it grows." - Kathy [29:30]

    The Kathy Barnette Show
    enNovember 02, 2023

    What Does It Mean to Be Black in America? with Stephanie Trussell

    What Does It Mean to Be Black in America? with Stephanie Trussell


    "Black people are not stupid. We want what everyone else wants." - Kathy Barnette, [00:32:37]

    "You teach people how to treat you." - Kathy Barnette, [00:42:18]

    "I want to live well because of what those who came before me endured." - Kathy Barnette, [00:52:28]

    "We went from fighting hard to just being victims." - Stephanie Trussell, [00:52:17]

    "No pandering, just a vision that blankets all of us." - Kathy Barnette on Vivek Ramaswamy, [00:33:19]

    "Their goal is control, not necessarily to win." - Kathy Barnette on establishment GOP, [00:20:13]


    Kathy Barnette's book - Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

    Key Moments:

    [01:45] Realizing the Democrat party takes black voters for granted

    [04:23] Rachel Dolezal's failed racial transformation

    [07:15] Losing friends for supporting Donald Trump

    [08:49] First disillusionment with the Democrat party

    [13:26] Stephanie's mother deciding against abortion

    [16:16] Realizing establishment GOP prioritizes control over winning

    [39:11] Vivek Ramaswamy campaigning in black neighborhoods

    [52:17] Recognizing the loss of community and culture

    [56:24] Grandmas wearing cat suits now

    [59:04] The black nod of acknowledgment

    Iowa: A Political Utopia? With Eileen Saylor

    Iowa: A Political Utopia? With Eileen Saylor

    Kathy Barnette interviews Eileen Saylor, a long-time Republican party leader in rural Iowa, about the 2024 GOP presidential race, the polarization in America, and their hopes for the country's future. They discuss reasons to support candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, concerns over election integrity, big donor influence in politics, freedom of speech, refusing to be silenced or intimidated, and more. Despite labels like "domestic terrorist," they continue spreading their message because they believe in American values like life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and freedom of thought. They urge Americans to have respectful dialogues, focus on shared beliefs instead of differences, reject victimhood mentalities, and strive to be better. This episode is a thought-provoking discussion of conservatives' goals, fears, and determination to preserve the republic.


    [00:00:00] Introduction
    [00:03:10] Domestic Terrorists or Patriots?
    [00:06:00] The Real Cultural War in America
    [00:09:20] Why Stay Republican After 20 Years?
    [00:12:20] The Appeal of Vivek Ramaswamy [00:17:00] Winning vs Controlling Power
    [00:21:00] Bold Leadership Needed
    [00:25:20] Time to Pass the Torch
    [00:28:40] Having Respectful Conversations
    [00:32:40] Refusing the Slave Mindset
    [00:35:20] Aspiring Towards Exceptionalism [00:38:40] Why We Keep Fighting

    Notable Quotes:

    "When I hear Threat to Democracy, I always wonder, What do they mean by that? Yeah. There is no way that I feel any threat on my part to democracy." - Eileen Saylor [00:03:38]

    "Why should we, the majority, be ruled by the tyranny from the minority? We have to speak up. I don't want that anymore. They call us the party of the silent majority. I don't think we can be silent any longer." - Eileen Saylor [00:20:26]

    "He speaks our values more clearly than I have ever heard a Republican candidate do." - Kathy Barnette on Vivek Ramaswamy [00:22:25]

    "I appreciate that he listens to the voters. I've been so impressed with him. When he has gone to town meetings or meet and greet, whatever, and somebody does protest or speak against him, he is so kind to them. He listens to them and said, I hear what you're saying." - Eileen Saylor on Vivek Ramaswamy [00:27:19]

    Timestamped Moments:

    [00:04:10] Kathy Barnette explains being labeled a "threat to democracy"

    [00:09:55] Eileen Saylor shares why she stays involved in politics after 20 years

    [00:14:00] They discuss political corruption and candidates being "bought"

    [00:18:20] Kathy Barnette on the Republican Party failing to accomplish goals when in power

    [00:23:40] Eileen praises Vivek Ramaswamy's bold stances like shutting down the FBI

    [00:28:10] Eileen shares an anecdote about kindly engaging a protestor

    [00:31:10] They discuss the danger of conflating disagreement with hatred

    [00:34:30] Kathy rejects notions that external factors determine your life outcomes

    [00:37:50] Eileen emphasizes this election is about changing victimhood mentalities


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