
    The Kathy Barnette Show

    Kathy Barnett is a passionate advocate for the unsung heroes of our nation. With a strong belief in the power of community, resilience, and unity, Kathy has dedicated her platform to elevating the voices that often go unheard. Over the past few years, she has observed the changing landscape of our nation's governance and felt the pressing need to address the concerns of those who feel marginalized and silenced. Join Kathy as she shines a spotlight on the unsung heroes of our nation. Over the past few years, many have felt silenced and marginalized, but Kathy believes that these individuals are the true backbone of our country. Through candid conversations, Kathy aims to address the growing concerns about our nation's governance and the feeling that something is fundamentally amiss. Tune in to hear from well-known figures and discover new voices that are making a significant impact every day. This is more than just a podcast - it's a community. Please subscribe, and share with a friend!
    enKathy Barnette26 Episodes

    Episodes (26)

    The Rich Men North of Richmond

    The Rich Men North of Richmond

    In this riveting episode of The Kathy Barnette Show, Kathy delves into the transformative power of Oliver Anthony's song "Rich Man, North of Rich Man." She shares her personal connection to the song and discusses its broader impact on the nation, touching on its relevance in the political landscape. Kathy also opens up about her role as the National Grassroots Director for the Vivek Ramaswamy Campaign and her vision for a 1776-style revolution. From her military background to her deep-rooted faith, Kathy offers a multi-faceted perspective on the need for unity and change in America. She encourages listeners to move beyond emotional responses and take actionable steps, such as engaging in substantive conversations about school board races and library content. Tune in for an episode that's as thought-provoking as it is inspiring.

    Are Conservatives Wrong About Barbie?

    Are Conservatives Wrong About Barbie?

    Is "Barbie" as bad as the conservatives say? Kathy Barnette delves into the complexities of culture, motherhood, and media influence. Starting off with a seemingly simple decision about taking her daughter to see the Barbie movie, Kathy embarks on a journey that explores societal norms, the pitfalls of social media, and the quest for authenticity. She challenges conservative viewpoints, criticizes manipulative algorithms, and calls for a more honest approach to news reporting. Using examples ranging from the Kardashians to the war in Ukraine, Kathy questions the narratives we're fed and the power dynamics at play. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in dissecting the layers of modern culture and seeking a more authentic life.

    Kathy4Truth on Substack

    Time-coded Highlights


    Kathy Barnette kicks off the episode by diving into the essence of culture. She defines it as a blend of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that shape our world.



    Kathy shares a personal dilemma about taking her daughter to see the Barbie movie, influenced by conservative articles she had read. It sets the stage for a deeper exploration of cultural norms.



    Kathy's 14-year-old daughter voices her desire to watch the movie, prompting Kathy to reevaluate her initial hesitations and make a decision.



    Despite conservative warnings, Kathy decides to take her daughter and her friends to the movie, planning to discuss its themes afterward.



    Plot twist! Kathy ends up thoroughly enjoying the Barbie movie and appreciates its nuanced take on humanism.



    Kathy dissects the movie's portrayal of a self-absorbed, choreographed life, likening it to the unrealistic lives often showcased on Instagram.



    Kathy connects Barbie's journey towards humanity with the broader cultural need for authenticity and realness.



    Kathy uses the Kardashians as a lens to discuss the illusion of perfection, emphasizing that life is far more complex and humans are inherently flawed.



    She highlights a moment where Barbie acknowledges her own stereotypical beauty, sparking a conversation about societal pressures and expectations.



    Kathy shares her emotional response to Barbie's existential crisis, relating it to her own life experiences and challenges as a woman and a mother.



    Kathy vents her frustration about feeling manipulated by "clickbait conservatives," leading to a discussion on the power dynamics that influence our choices.



    Quoting physicist Eugene Burdick, Kathy discusses the formula for power as fear + division and reflects on its impact on her life and societal perceptions.



    Kathy calls out social media algorithms that perpetuate fear and division, questioning the ethical implications.



    Kathy opens up about the pressures of motherhood, setting the stage for a more expansive discussion on societal expectations.



    Kathy delves into the concept of predictive behavior based on categories like sexual orientation, questioning the ethicality of data manipulation.



    Kathy emphasizes the need for critical questioning, especially in the context of the war in Ukraine, and how misinformation can stifle inquiry.



    Kathy criticizes the lack of integrity in news reporting, urging audiences to demand truth and transparency.



    Kathy concludes by discussing the commercialization of news, arguing that monetization often compromises the quality of information we receive.

    Why Won't Vivek Ramaswamy Criticize Donald Trump?

    Why Won't Vivek Ramaswamy Criticize Donald Trump?

    In this episode, conservative commentator Kathy Barnette interviews 2024 Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy about his campaign and vision for America's future. Barnette presses Ramaswamy on why he refuses to criticize Donald Trump despite pressure from the media to do so. Ramaswamy explains he will not pile on Trump when Trump is already under intense attacks, believing it would divide the country further. The discussion covers accusations of racism against Ramaswamy and how asking about the diversity of his team diminishes accomplished people like Barnette. Ramaswamy advocates having honest conversations on race and other issues with radical candor. He acknowledges being naive initially about the media's bad faith but says it won't stop him from engaging all outlets. Ramaswamy expresses confidence America's best days are still achievable if citizens actively work to improve the country, rather than becoming passive or complainers. On religion, he notes many founding fathers were not traditional Christians and says he will strongly defend religious liberty. Ramaswamy shares he is motivated by gratitude to give back to the country that has given him so much, not by a desire for power. Overall, the episode provides an in-depth look at Ramaswamy's principles and strategy as an unconventional Republican candidate hoping to lead a divided nation.


    [00:01:57] Vivek won't criticize Trump just because media wants him to

    [00:05:08] Vivek advocates radical candor on issues like race

    [00:06:46] Kathy says constant diversity questions diminish her accomplishments

    [00:12:02] Vivek will engage all media outlets, even hostile ones

    [00:12:48] Vivek acknowledges being naive about media good faith initially

    [00:14:55] Vivek sees America's best days as still possible but not guaranteed

    [00:17:34] Vivek explains his religious differences with Christian voters

    [00:18:17] Vivek notes many founding fathers were not traditional Christians

    [00:20:35] Vivek running out of gratitude, not desire for power or fame

    [00:22:37] Vivek sees presidential run as duty, not something he relishes

    Welcome to The Kathy Barnette Show

    Welcome to The Kathy Barnette Show

    Join Kathy Barnett as she shines a spotlight on the unsung heroes of our nation. Over the past few years, many have felt silenced and marginalized, but Kathy believes that these individuals are the true backbone of our country. Through candid conversations, Kathy aims to address the growing concerns about our nation's governance and the feeling that something is fundamentally amiss. Tune in to hear from well-known figures and discover new voices that are making a significant impact every day. This is more than just a podcast—it's a community. 

    Please share, comment, rate, and review. Don't just be a spectator; be a part of the movement! Subscribe now and introduce the Kathy Barnett Show to your friends and neighbors.