
    Ep. 1538 - The Real National Emergency Isn’t Climate Change, It’s Weakness

    enJuly 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Criticism of Biden's Economic Leadership and Persistent InflationExperts warn of persistent inflation under Biden's administration, contradicting his prediction a year ago. Critics blame Biden for economic struggles, but some argue the underlying issues are deeper and require addressing the bloated elite class and population's lack of sacrifice.

      The current administration, specifically President Joe Biden, is facing criticism for the economic situation in the United States, with some experts warning of persistent inflation. Biden's prediction a year ago that inflation would be temporary has not panned out. Meanwhile, the media is increasingly acknowledging Biden's struggles as a leader, with some comedians even poking fun at his age and perceived incompetence. However, some argue that Biden is merely a reflection of the larger issues within the Democratic Party and the broader American population, which has grown accustomed to living off the country's resources without contributing significantly. The real problem, they say, is the bloated elite class and a population that has not been asked to sacrifice. The focus should be on addressing these underlying issues rather than just blaming the president. In the meantime, people are turning to solutions like Ring Alarm Pro to protect their homes and secure their networks, providing a sense of safety and control in uncertain times.

    • Aging leadership and controversial appointments in the USThe US is grappling with leadership challenges, including an aging leadership class and the appointment of controversial figures, which may be symptoms of deeper societal issues, such as a crisis of leadership and mental health.

      The United States is facing significant challenges, as indicated by the aging leadership class and the appointment of controversial figures in the Biden administration. Jimmy Fallon and Dana Carvey have poked fun at President Joe Biden's perceived decline, but the underlying issues go deeper. The appointment of transgender and nonbinary officials, such as Rachel Levine and Sam Brinton, to high-ranking positions, along with the inability to fill roles in the military due to low morale and lack of motivation, are symptoms of a broader problem. This problem may be indicative of a society in decline, and the appointment of figures like Fauci and Biden, who are seen as symptoms rather than the root cause, may be a sign that more fundamental changes are needed. The United States may be facing a crisis of leadership and mental health, which could have serious consequences for the future of the country.

    • Military Recruitment Challenges: Decreasing Fitness Levels, Societal Shifts, and Perception IssuesThe military is experiencing recruitment challenges due to societal trends, COVID-19 impact, vaccine mandate, and perception issues, leading to a potential shortfall in filling critical roles and maintaining adequate staffing.

      The military is facing significant challenges in recruitment due to various factors. These include societal trends such as a decrease in the number of physically fit young people and shifting attitudes towards military service. The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on recruitment efforts, as well as the vaccine mandate, have also played a role. In response, the military has offered bonuses and loosened some recruitment standards. However, the military's image and perceived role in society are also influencing recruitment numbers. The withdrawal from Afghanistan and the perception that the military is being used for social justice and social engineering rather than upholding national honor are deterring potential recruits. The military's focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion during Pride Month may not be resonating with its typical recruit pool. Overall, these factors are contributing to a recruitment shortfall, which could impact the military's ability to fill critical roles and maintain adequate staffing.

    • Internal Challenges Weakening US Global PowerThe US must address internal issues like an ideological crisis, physical problems, and educational challenges to regain global strength and confidence, while also addressing personal health issues like erective dysfunction.

      The United States is facing internal challenges, including an ideological crisis, physical problems, and educational issues. These issues have created a perception of American weakness and dysfunction on the global stage. Meanwhile, countries like China are capitalizing on this perceived weakness and taking bold steps, such as threatening forceful measures if certain political figures visit Taiwan. The U.S. has faced challenges in the past, such as pursuing bad energy policies and implementing ineffective sanctions against countries like Russia. These actions have left the U.S. and its allies in a vulnerable position, leading China to believe that it can do as it pleases without significant consequences. It is crucial for the U.S. to address its internal challenges and regain its strength and confidence on the global stage before it faces even greater threats. Additionally, the importance of addressing issues like erectile dysfunction, which affects a significant percentage of men, should not be overlooked as it can have a positive impact on personal relationships and overall well-being.

    • Tensions between US and China over Taiwan escalateChina views US as economically overextended and politically divided, Pelosi's visit to Taiwan could be significant, China threatens forceful measures, US and China have differing priorities on climate change and energy production

      Tensions between the US and China over Taiwan continue to escalate, with China expressing strong opposition to a planned visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. China views the US as economically overextended and politically divided, making it believe it has the upper hand in the relationship. The US, on the other hand, is seen as prioritizing social issues over national security and defense. Pelosi's visit, if it occurs, would be significant as she would be the highest-ranking US official to visit Taiwan in years. China has threatened forceful measures in response, viewing such a visit as a threat to its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The US has sent signals of support to Taiwan, but China remains skeptical, believing the US is weakened by economic and political challenges. The US and China's differing priorities on climate change and energy production add to the tensions, with China focused on economic growth and the US on environmental policy. The situation underscores the complex and evolving nature of the US-China relationship, with potential for significant consequences for both countries and the world.

    • Political focus on climate change intensifiesDespite opposition, Biden admin under pressure to act on climate change due to worsening global situation and increasing extreme weather events. Widespread support among Dems and public drives executive actions and European efforts, with high stakes for economic, human, and global reputation costs.

      The political focus on climate change is intensifying due to the worsening global situation, with the Biden administration under pressure to take action despite challenges in Congress. The increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, such as heatwaves and wildfires, are pushing the issue to the forefront. Despite setbacks, such as Senator Joe Manchin's opposition, there is widespread support for climate action among Democrats and the public. The White House is considering executive actions to address the crisis and reduce carbon emissions, while Europe grapples with its own climate-related challenges. The stakes are high, as inaction could lead to economic and human costs, as well as damage to the US's reputation on the global stage.

    • Americans prioritize inflation over climate changeDespite climate change being a concern for some politicians and experts, most Americans prioritize inflation and affordability over climate change policies, even among Democrats.

      While some politicians and experts prioritize climate change over inflation, most Americans have different priorities. This was highlighted in a recent poll where only 32% of respondents supported President Biden's climate change policy even if it meant higher energy prices. The majority, at 57%, either disagreed with the policy or didn't believe climate change should be a priority. Even among Democrats, a significant number, 42%, disagreed with Biden's energy policy. The speaker argued that Americans are still reliant on carbon-based energy sources to compete on the world stage and that the media often blames the American people for not prioritizing climate change enough. Instead of relying on auto parts stores or experts who may not fully understand individual needs, the speaker recommended using a specialized online auto parts retailer like Rockauto.com for affordable and reliable parts.

    • Political Divide Over Policies for the Public GoodThe political divide in the US hinders progress on critical issues like climate change due to one major party's hostility towards science and the public good. The Biden administration's efforts face challenges due to economic concerns and inconsistent priorities.

      The political divide in the United States over policies that serve the public good, such as addressing climate change, is a significant issue. The scientific consensus in favor of such policies often falls on deaf ears due to the hostility of one major political party towards science and the public good. The Biden administration's efforts to address climate change, while important, face challenges due to the high cost of energy and the need for economic growth and innovation. The United States, as the biggest energy supplier, could be leading the way in energy transition and competition with enemies, but current policies undermine American strength and force the administration to seek help from countries like Saudi Arabia. The left's anger towards certain leaders, like Mohammed bin Salman, is hypocritical, as they have been promised climate change legislation and high moral standards from the Democratic party. However, cutting deals with countries like Iran, responsible for the deaths of American service people, is seemingly acceptable. The political divide and inconsistencies in priorities hinder progress on critical issues.

    • Balancing idealism and realism in foreign policyBiden's energy policies create challenges in foreign relations, requiring tough decisions despite public scrutiny.

      American foreign policy requires a balance between idealism and realism, especially when dealing with countries with vastly different systems of government and worldviews. Joe Biden's weakening of the United States' energy production at home has put him in a difficult position, forcing him to make deals with unsavory leaders like Mohammed bin Salman. The public's focus on controversial meetings, like the fist bump incident, distracts from more pressing issues, such as inflation and economic concerns. Despite these challenges, Biden's energy advisor remains optimistic about the president's ability to address these issues and improve his popularity. Ultimately, foreign policy necessitates dealing with complex situations and making tough decisions, even if they are not popular with certain segments of the population.

    • Maintaining Democratic Base SupportJoe Biden prioritizes base support over approval ratings and popularity, focusing on winning against Trump in 2024 despite economic struggles and low approval ratings. Exclusive content from Daily Wire Plus provides additional value to members.

      Joe Biden's focus is on maintaining support from his Democratic base rather than his overall approval ratings or popularity within the party. He believes that he can win against Donald Trump again in 2024 despite low approval ratings. Meanwhile, the economy is struggling under Biden's leadership, and people are encouraged to take control of their finances by accessing equity in their homes. Additionally, Daily Wire Plus offers exclusive content, including the Ben Shapiro Book Club, which requires membership. Biden's political strategy and the economic situation, along with the availability of exclusive content, were the main topics discussed.

    • Americans' views on abortionMost Americans don't support unrestricted abortion, favoring heavy restrictions, especially in late pregnancy. Democrats often redirect public discourse to abortion to avoid discussing their failures.

      The belief among some that most Americans want unrestricted abortion up until birth is a misconception. The vast majority of Americans hold views somewhere between pro-life and pro-choice, favoring heavy restrictions, particularly in the later stages of pregnancy. However, this position varies widely by state, with some leaning more pro-life and others more pro-choice. The Democrats, lacking power to enact significant change on issues like climate change, often redirect public discourse to topics where they have no control, such as abortion. This pattern allows them to avoid discussing their failures and instead focus on issues where they can generate outrage. The pro-abortion argument denies the humanity of unborn children, and Democrats avoid engaging in a moral conversation about the issue. Instead, they focus solely on the concept of bodily autonomy, ignoring the inconsistency in applying this principle to other areas.

    • Democratic Party's Emphasis on Sexual AutonomyThe Democratic Party strongly advocates for sexual autonomy, leading to support for abortion rights, even in extreme cases. Doctors may fear prosecution, leading to confusion about legality. However, this autonomy does not extend to other areas of life.

      The Democratic Party's stance on moral issues, particularly regarding sexual autonomy, is a key aspect of their platform. This was highlighted in a discussion about same-sex marriage not being an American tradition, but rather imposed by the Supreme Court. The focus on sexual autonomy leads to arguments for abortion rights, even in extreme cases like miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. Doctors' fears of prosecution for treating these conditions have led to misunderstandings about the legality of such procedures. However, this radical autonomy does not extend to other areas of life, such as property disposal, business management, or personal actions. The Democratic Party's commitment to sexual autonomy is so strong that they view abortion as a positive good, rather than a tragedy.

    • Democratic Party's belief in individual freedom and control over abortionThe Democratic Party advocates for abortion rights as a means of promoting individual freedom and control over one's life, but recent protests have been criticized for being performative and distracting from meaningful dialogue and policy solutions.

      The Democratic Party's stance on abortion is rooted in the belief that it promotes individual freedom and control over one's life. This belief is exemplified by personal stories of individuals who have benefited from the procedure. However, recent protests, including those led by high-profile politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have been criticized for being performative and designed to generate arrests and media attention. The tactics used by these politicians have been called into question, with some arguing that they undermine the seriousness of the issue and distract from meaningful dialogue and policy solutions. Additionally, the arrests themselves have been criticized as unnecessary and staged for political gain. Overall, the debate around abortion continues to be a contentious and complex issue, with both sides advocating strongly for their beliefs and using various tactics to advance their causes.

    • Performative Politics: Image Over ActionPoliticians prioritize their image and moral guidance over problem-solving, leading to a weak political class and a disconnect from the public, making the country vulnerable to competitors.

      American politics has become overly performative, with politicians prioritizing their image and moral guidance over actual problem-solving. This performative politics has led to a weak political class that fails to get things done while posing for the cameras. The merger of the celebrity and political classes has resulted in a disconnect from the American public and an echo chamber morality reinforced by the media. This situation not only disappoints the public in the morality and efficacy of those in office but also leaves the country vulnerable to competitors like China, which may lack innovation but can still succeed due to America's weaknesses.

    • Ben Shapiro discusses the West's moral decay and China's weaknessesBen Shapiro argues that the West's moral decline is masking China's inherent weaknesses and emboldening America's enemies. He emphasizes the need to rediscover our moral backbone.

      According to Ben Shapiro, the West's deliberate weakening in moral, spiritual, political, and economic aspects is covering up China's inherent weaknesses, emboldening America's enemies. He emphasized the importance of rediscovering the moral backbone that made the West strong. Meanwhile, in the news, AOC and Ilhan Omar staged a protest and were falsely depicted as being arrested, 47 Republicans voted to enshrine same-sex marriage into law, and new reporting highlighted the heroism of the civilian who stopped an Indiana mall shooting. Tune in to The Michael Knowles Show for more on these topics. The Ben Shapiro Show is a Daily Wire production.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #JonDecker #IrisMiller #DurhamReport #DurhamReport #UKRAINE #Fauci #GUN-RIGHTS #Putin #NuclearWeapons #Ukra 6-1-23

    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #JonDecker #IrisMiller #DurhamReport #DurhamReport #UKRAINE #Fauci  #GUN-RIGHTS #Putin  #NuclearWeapons #Ukra 6-1-23
    CONSERVATIVE COMMANDOS RADIO SHOW ... DHS funding anti-terror efforts that label conservatives as terrorists!!
    Jon Decker is a supply-side community organizer, currently serving as executive director of the national free-market groups American Commitment and the Committee to Unleash Prosperity
    The Debt Ceiling Bill: It’s Upside and It’s Downsides
    The Linger COVID lunacy: how the emergency powers that government demanded are not being willingly relinquished.
    The next Lockdown may be over climate — shutting down the economy harms the environment.
    Iris Miller is the Director of Communications at the Media Research Center. Previously, she worked at a boutique crisis communications firm, FreedomWorks, and Americans for Limited Government.
    Target Media Coverage: Conservatives will threaten Target watch out. Five different bomb threats from the Left. The media buried the story.
    DHS funding anti-terror efforts that label conservatives as terrorists.
    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #JonDecker #IrisMiller #DurhamReport #DurhamReport #UKRAINE #Fauci #GUN-RIGHTS #Putin
    #NuclearWeapons #Ukraine #TrumpIndictment #RaidDonaldTrump'sEstate #ClimateChange
    #SupremeCourt #JAN6TH #Abortion #GunControl #GunCrime #FreeSpeech #INFLATION
    #ElectionFraud #Newsom #ElonMusk #Twitter #FaceBook #MarkZuckerberg #BallotHarvesting
    #ElectionFraud #GavinNewsom #BidenBombshell!! #BlackLivesMatter #Masks #RepOmar
    #PRESIDENTTRUMP #GeorgeSoros #HunterBiden #California # SupremeCourt #Antifa-BLMViolence
    #BarackObama #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #Pelosi #GunControl #StolenElections
    #AbsenteeBallots #BLM #China #Facebook #GavinNewsome #RIOTERS #BIDEN #ANTIFA

    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #Biden #ImpeachingBiden # Inflation #Crime-Violence #WOKE #DurhamReport #UKRAINE #Fauci #GUN-RIGHTS #Putin 10-3-23

    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #Biden #ImpeachingBiden # Inflation #Crime-Violence #WOKE #DurhamReport #UKRAINE #Fauci  #GUN-RIGHTS #Putin  10-3-23
    10-3-23 CONSERVATIVE COMMANDOS RADIO SHOW: Evidence for Impeaching Joe Biden? Our Veterans, Never to be forgotten!!

    Roger Aronoff is the executive director and Editor of the Citizens Commission on National Security. Aronoff founded the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi. He has produced and directed six documentaries, and produced a weekly series on PBS called “Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg.” TOPIC: Evidence for Impeaching Joe Biden?

    Karen Worcester is Executive Director of Wreaths Across America. With over 35 years of experience in the administrative stewardship of the various Worcester family enterprises, Karen is well-known as a passionate champion and spokesperson. As a volunteer and co-founder of Wreaths Across America, Karen tenaciously works on ways the organization can best Remember the fallen; Honor those who serve; and Teach our children that our freedoms are purchased at a great cost. TOPIC: Our Veterans, Never to be forgotten!!

    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #Biden #ImpeachingBiden # Inflation #Crime-Violence #WOKE #DurhamReport #UKRAINE #Fauci #GUN-RIGHTS #Putin #NuclearWeapons #Ukraine #TrumpIndictment #RaidDonaldTrump'sEstate #ClimateChange #SupremeCourt #JAN6TH #Abortion #GunControl #GunCrime #FreeSpeech #INFLATION #ElectionFraud #Newsom #ElonMusk #Twitter #FaceBook #MarkZuckerberg #BallotHarvesting #ElectionFraud #GavinNewsom #BidenBombshell!! #BlackLivesMatter #Masks #RepOmar #PRESIDENTTRUMP #GeorgeSoros #HunterBiden #California # SupremeCourt #Antifa-BLMViolence #BarackObama #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #Pelosi #GunControl #StolenElections #AbsenteeBallots #BLM #China #Facebook #GavinNewsome #RIOTERS #BIDEN #ANTIFA #ChineseVirus

    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #ClareLopez #JeffCrouere #UKRAINE #Fauci #GUN-RIGHTS #Putin #NuclearWeapons #Ukraine #TrumpIndictment #Ra5-31-23

    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #ClareLopez  #JeffCrouere #UKRAINE #Fauci  #GUN-RIGHTS #Putin  #NuclearWeapons #Ukraine  #TrumpIndictment #Ra5-31-23
    George Parry is a Contributor to The American Spectator, The Federalist, and the Philadelphia Inquirer. George is a former federal and state prosecutor. George served as: Special Attorney for the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section, U.S. Department of Justice ; Unit Chief, Investigations Division, Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office ; Special Organized Crime Prosecutor, Blair and Cambria counties (central Pennsylvania) ; and was a Legal Analyst for KYW-TV in Philadelphia. TOPIC: The Durham Report’s Missing Pieces!!!
    Rick Manning is a Conservative Commandos and AUN-TV alumnus and the President, Americans for Limited Government. Rick also served on President Trump’s transition team. And he is also the author of the new book with Starr Parker — "Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why this is good for America!” TOPIC: TOPIC: DEBT CEILING: HEADING FOR NATIONAL BANKRUPTCY!!!tcy

    #CONSERVATIVE-COMMANDOS #GeorgeParry #RickManning #DurhamReport #DurhamReport #UKRAINE #Fauci #GUN-RIGHTS #Putin
    #NuclearWeapons #Ukraine #TrumpIndictment #RaidDonaldTrump'sEstate #ClimateChange
    #SupremeCourt #JAN6TH #Abortion #GunControl #GunCrime #FreeSpeech #INFLATION
    #ElectionFraud #Newsom #ElonMusk #Twitter #FaceBook #MarkZuckerberg #BallotHarvesting
    #ElectionFraud #GavinNewsom #BidenBombshell!! #BlackLivesMatter #Masks #RepOmar
    #PRESIDENTTRUMP #GeorgeSoros #HunterBiden #California # SupremeCourt #Antifa-BLMViolence
    #BarackObama #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris #Pelosi #GunControl #StolenElections
    #AbsenteeBallots #BLM #China #Facebook #GavinNewsome #RIOTERS #BIDEN #ANTIFA