
    EP: 156 The Exorcist Files with Father Carlos Martins

    enMarch 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Signs of the devil during exorcismsUnexplained strength, knowledge, and language abilities during exorcisms may indicate supernatural intervention, expanding our understanding of the supernatural is crucial, and community engagement can deepen our exploration of the unknown.

      The Catholic Church recognizes certain phenomena as potential signs of the presence of the devil during an exorcism. These phenomena include superhuman strength, unexplained knowledge of the unknown, and the ability to speak in languages never learned. These occurrences go beyond natural explanations and are considered indicators of supernatural intervention. The discussion also touched upon the importance of expanding our understanding of the supernatural and the significance of the Exorcist Files podcast, which explores these and other unexplained phenomena. Additionally, the importance of community and engagement in exploring the unknown was emphasized through the Blurry Creatures podcast and its offerings for members.

    • Encountering the unknown: A test of faithUnusual experiences, like UFO sightings or encounters with mythical creatures, can challenge one's beliefs and lead to a deeper understanding of faith.

      The encounter with an alleged extraterrestrial sighting can have profound effects on an individual's perspective and worldview. The speaker shared his personal experience of witnessing a large, disappearing object in the sky with a friend, which he later came to interpret as a manifestation of evil rather than a spacecraft. He suggested that such experiences might be more common than reported and could be a form of the devil testing people's beliefs. The speaker also noted that UFO sightings only became prevalent after the space age, and before that, people reported encounters with mythical creatures. He concluded that the devil is allowed to manifest in various forms but ultimately operates under God's control. The speaker's insights bring to mind another conversation they had with Duke, who mentioned that many people who have encountered Bigfoot report getting saved afterwards. Overall, these conversations suggest that unusual experiences can lead individuals to question their beliefs and ultimately strengthen their faith.

    • Encounters with unexplained phenomena challenge our understanding of the worldUnexplained phenomena like Bigfoot or UFOs can shift beliefs, but angels, being immaterial beings, cannot physically travel or have a material form, making UFO sightings unlikely to be angels.

      Encounters with unexplained phenomena, such as Bigfoot or UFOs, can significantly shift people's beliefs and perspectives. These encounters can lead individuals to question their previously held skepticism and accept new and seemingly impossible realities. For instance, some people believe that UFOs could be explained as good or bad angels traveling through the universe. However, it's important to note that angels are immaterial beings and do not require physical travel or have a material form, making it impossible for us to see them directly. Despite this, many people claim to have encountered or witnessed unexplained phenomena, and these stories can challenge our understanding of the world around us. Overall, the exploration of these blurry creatures and their encounters can provide intriguing insights into the human experience and the unknown.

    • Exploring Unexplained Phenomena: Giants, Demons, and BigfootThe speakers encouraged an open-minded approach to exploring unexplained phenomena, acknowledging the possibility of angels and humans producing giants, the existence of real-life demon manifestations, and the possibility of Bigfoot. They emphasized the importance of considering alternative perspectives and the value of sharing personal experiences.

      The discussion touched on various intriguing topics, including the possibility of angels and humans producing giants, the podcast "The Exorcist Files" and its real-life demon manifestations, and the existence of Bigfoot. The speakers shared their personal experiences and beliefs, emphasizing the importance of considering alternative perspectives and the existence of unexplained phenomena. The conversation also touched on the idea that some unexplained events could be the result of occult practices or supernatural forces manipulating natural occurrences. The speakers acknowledged that not all theories can be proven, but encouraged an open-minded approach to exploring the unknown. The discussion also highlighted the importance of sharing personal experiences and the value of different perspectives in understanding unexplained phenomena.

    • Exploring the Supernatural: Exorcisms and Demonic HarassmentThe Exorcist Files podcast offers a serious and informative look into the world of exorcisms, sharing firsthand accounts and cautioning against dabbling without professional help.

      The world of the supernatural, as explored in the podcast "The Exorcist Files," encompasses a wide range of phenomena, from spiritual manifestations to physical encounters with creatures like Bigfoot. The hosts, who include a self-proclaimed skeptic and a demonologist, discuss their beliefs and experiences, acknowledging that all possibilities are on the table. The podcast aims to provide a serious and informative look into the world of exorcisms and demonic harassment, sharing firsthand accounts and cautioning against dabbling in such matters without professional help. The hosts emphasize that these stories are not meant to be glorified or taken lightly, but rather serve as a warning and a source of potential understanding for those who encounter the unexplained. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, the podcast encourages listeners to approach the subject with an open mind and a healthy dose of caution.

    • Identifying and addressing supernatural afflictionsCareful evaluation, prayer, questioning, and ruling out natural explanations are crucial steps in addressing alleged supernatural afflictions in the Catholic faith.

      The process of identifying and addressing alleged supernatural afflictions, such as demonic possession or oppression, involves a careful evaluation that rules out natural explanations first. In the Catholic faith, this process includes prayer and questioning the afflicted person to understand the nature of their experiences. The use of the terms "deliverance" and "exorcism" can be interchangeable, with deliverance referring to anything short of full possession. The presence of superhuman strength, knowledge of the unknown, and speaking in unknown languages are signs that may indicate the involvement of the supernatural. Mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, can present similar symptoms, so they must be ruled out before considering a supernatural explanation. The exorcist uses a manual called the "Ritual of Exorcism" as a tool to guide this process.

    • Exorcists switch languages to maintain confidentiality during an exorcismExorcists use a Latin prayer test to distinguish between mental illness and demonic possession, and those who react to 'Christ' instead of 'cake' may be faking or mentally ill.

      During an exorcism, an exorcist may switch to a different language to interrogate the demon and maintain confidentiality. Mental illness and demonic possession are not mutually exclusive, and an exorcist must be aware of both. The presence of mental illness does not change the exorcist's strategy, as they are not a mental health professional. To determine if someone is genuinely possessed or faking, an exorcist may use a Latin prayer test. Those with mental illness or those who are faking may react to the word "Christ" when the exorcist is actually saying "cake." The exorcist uses this test to weed out alternative causes for a person's manifestation and deepen their spiritual prayers if they encounter demonic resistance.

    • Demons Communicate in Various WaysDemons communicate in various ways including languages known to the possessed or exorcist, body movements, and scientific methods. They aim to cause distress and are fallen angels that hate God and humans.

      Demons, as immaterial beings, can communicate in any language, including Latin, but they often choose to speak in the language of the person they are possessing or in a language that the exorcist does not know. Their communication methods can range from verbal and physical reactions to using body movements or scientific methods like yes or no questions. Demons are fallen angels that hate God and humans, and they aim to prove God wrong by afflicting humans. They can coexist with the human spirit in a person's body, and their presence can result in distress and outward reactions. Exorcisms involve forcing demons to communicate in a language the exorcist understands and can be a lengthy and challenging process.

    • Demons seeking a less painful exit during exorcismsBiblical references suggest demons experience pain during exorcisms and may seek a softer exit in large bodies of water, reflecting ancient Jewish beliefs.

      During an exorcism, the demon experiences immense pain upon being cast out, leading to negotiations and sometimes a soft landing for them in large bodies of water. This theory is supported by biblical references, such as the Gerasene demoniac and the Sea of Gennesaret. The ancient Jewish mindset considered large bodies of water as portals for demons, and Christ's kindness to the demons before his crucifion, whose symbol was a pig, can be interpreted as an allegory. While opinions on people who claim to see angels and demons vary, this discussion highlights the intriguing concept of demons seeking a less painful exit.

    • Not all supernatural experiences are from GodSeek clarification and discernment when encountering supernatural experiences, as not all may be from God. Pray for guidance to strengthen or remove such phenomena.

      The speaker believes that not all experiences of seeing things or perceiving the supernatural are from God. He shared an example of a priest friend who had the ability to answer calls before they rang and knew when someone was going to die through dreams. However, the priest couldn't explain the purpose or good effect of these abilities. The speaker suggested praying for clarification and asked God to strengthen or remove these phenomena. After doing so, the priest never experienced them again. The speaker also noted that people who claim to see angels might not be experiencing phenomena from God, and he encouraged skepticism when such experiences lack clarity or purpose. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledged the possibility of extraordinary abilities from God throughout history but emphasized the importance of discernment and seeking clarification when encountering such experiences.

    • The devil's animal-like forms during exorcismsThe devil can take on animal-like shapes during exorcisms, adding to the unpredictable and terrifying nature of these encounters.

      The devil, as depicted in the accounts of saints, manifests itself in various forms, often appearing as animals or beast-like beings when filled with anger or spite. This is an ironic contrast to God, who is the supreme being, and man, His beloved creature, with angels as intermediaries. The devil, in his most intense form, becomes something even less than human. Father, in your experience and expertise, you've encountered numerous instances of the devil taking on these animal-like shapes during exorcisms. One intriguing story involves a woman who moved into her uncle's house and experienced unexplained phenomena, including a music box that would play at random times. These experiences highlight the unpredictable and often terrifying nature of the devil's manifestations.

    • Understanding authority in the spiritual realmHuman authority can influence supernatural entities, emphasizing the importance of understanding power dynamics in both physical and spiritual realms.

      Supernatural entities, such as demons, can be influenced by the legal permissions given by the human occupants of a space. In this case, when a woman encountered paranormal activity in her uncle's house, she was able to exorcise the demon only after her uncle had given her permission to use the house. The demon, being legal entities in the spiritual realm, respected this authority and vacated the areas where she resided. This story highlights the importance of understanding the role of authority in both the physical and spiritual realms, and how it can impact our interactions with supernatural entities. It also raises intriguing questions about the origins of our human need for justice and order.

    • God uses Satan as a pawn in his plan for humanityGod allows Satan's actions to bring greater good, turning human mistakes into opportunities for growth

      God, according to Christian theology, is in control despite the existence and actions of Satan and his minions. They are used as pawns in God's strategic plan for humanity, as seen in scriptures like the story of Job where God gave Satan permission to afflict Job. This seems like a theological mystery, but it's believed that God, being rational, only allows these actions to bring forth greater good. The devil, aware of his role, may rage and rebel, but ultimately helps to bring about God's will. When we sin, we may not explicitly give permission to the devil, but we make poor decisions that lead to negative consequences. However, God can turn these situations for good for those who trust in him. This perspective offers a fascinating perspective on the interplay of good and evil in God's plan.

    • A mortal sin puts individuals in opposition to God, leading to demonic possessionMortal sins, defined as conscious and deliberate acts against God's will, can result in demonic possession and require exorcisms, which can be mentally and physically demanding for the exorcist, involving battles with demons attempting to instill feelings of shame and unworthiness.

      A mortal sin, as Catholics define it, is a conscious and deliberate act that goes against God's will. This sin puts the individual in direct opposition to God and can lead to the granting of sufficient rights for the devil to possess them. Exorcisms, which involve confronting and expelling demons, can be physically and mentally taxing for the exorcist. Demons may attack them physically and mentally, trying to make them feel unworthy or unworthy of their task. The exorcist's own psychological makeup and experiences can also impact their ability to perform the ritual. The encounter with the demon is a battle, and the devil will use various tactics, including shame and unworthiness, to make the exorcist's life a hell.

    • Exorcist finds intellectual challenge more intriguing than fearExorcists value understanding the devil's tactics and debriefing with colleagues over fear, emphasizing the importance of mental engagement and thorough investigation.

      The speaker, an experienced exorcist, views the phenomena of supernatural encounters as less frightening over time. Instead, they find the intellectual challenge of understanding how the devil ensnares individuals and the process of debriefing with another exorcist to be more intriguing and important aspects of their work. They emphasize the need for mental and intellectual engagement, as well as the potential for complex contracts with the devil that require thorough investigation. The speaker also clarifies that mind speak, where entities communicate directly into one's mind, does not occur for them, but they can still hear or sense things without audible sound.

    • Communication from the Supernatural WorldThe supernatural world can manipulate emotions and impact lives through unexplained experiences. Seek help when needed.

      The supernatural world, whether it's demons or entities like Bigfoot, communicates with us in various ways, sometimes through unexplained sensory experiences. The demonic entities are masters of deception and can manipulate our emotions, especially fear and grief, to gain access. In one extreme case, a person born into a satanic cult was consecrated to evil since birth and had to undergo a long and difficult process of exorcism when she decided to leave the cult. This is just one example of how the supernatural world can impact our lives in ways that are often hidden and misunderstood. It's important to be aware of these phenomena and to seek help when needed.

    • Delving into unexplained phenomena and supernatural challengesThe 'Exorcist Files' podcast explores the existence of evil in a personified form and offers hope and resources for those dealing with supernatural experiences, regardless of their religious background.

      The "Exorcist Files" podcast explores unexplained phenomena, including alleged satanic rituals and strange occurrences, and encourages listeners to form their own opinions. The podcast's hosts, including Father Martin, share their experiences and invite experts to contribute their perspectives. While some may find the subject matter heavy, the podcast also offers hope and a sense of liberation for those who have faced supernatural challenges. The experiences shared on the podcast, from various religious backgrounds, suggest that evil exists in a personified form and can wreak havoc on people's lives. However, many individuals find solace and a renewed faith in God after encountering these challenges. The podcast aims to educate and provide resources for those who may be experiencing similar issues.

    • The power of faith in the face of fearEven when faced with supernatural fears, maintaining faith in a higher power can provide comfort and strength.

      Even if there are scary or supernatural elements in our world, the hope and the reality of a higher power can be even more compelling. During a podcast conversation, the topic of sage being a solution to supernatural issues was brought up, but the importance of keeping faith in the face of fear was emphasized. A listener reached out to the show, expressing how the podcast had strengthened their faith, despite the unsettling topics discussed. The hosts, Luke and Ryan, are simply asking questions and seeking answers, and they encourage listeners to do the same. Coincidentally, a guest from a previous episode, Father Carlos, was asked back on the show to discuss further. The overall message is that while it's natural to be scared of the unknown, the hope and faith in a higher power can provide comfort and strength.

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