
    Ep. 1586 - The Transgender Tyrants Hijack Medicine

    enOctober 04, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Pushback against gender ideology challenges and economic concernsThe AMA calls for crackdown on reporting on controversial medical practices, inflation remains a concern, credit card balances surge, and diversifying into precious metals and refinancing mortgages can offer protection and savings. Gender identity debates escalate with medical organizations advocating for legal action.

      There is a pushback against those who challenge radical gender ideology, as seen in the American Medical Association's call for a crackdown on those who report on controversial medical practices. Meanwhile, inflation continues to be a major concern, with the UN asking the US to halt efforts to reduce it. In the financial realm, credit card balances are surging, making it essential to consolidate debts. And in the face of these economic challenges, diversifying into precious metals and refinancing mortgages can offer protection and savings. Additionally, the debate over gender identity in schools has escalated, with medical organizations advocating for legal action against those who question controversial practices. It's a complex and evolving landscape, but staying informed and taking action can help protect your interests.

    • Heated Debate over Medical Treatment of Gender Nonconformity in MinorsThe debate over medical treatment for gender nonconformity in minors is contentious, with some advocating for social and medical transitions and others arguing against it. Some organizations, like the American Medical Association and American Academy of Pediatrics, are accused of promoting controversial interventions and silencing opposing viewpoints.

      There is a heated debate surrounding the medical treatment of gender nonconformity in minors, with some advocating for social and medical transitions, while others argue that such interventions are unnecessary and potentially harmful. The speaker expresses concern over the role of certain institutions and organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, in promoting these interventions and silencing opposing viewpoints through intimidation and threats. They argue that these organizations have a monopoly on the medical community and are imposing a controversial standard of care, which some view as a form of "barbarity." The speaker also emphasizes the importance of upholding the First Amendment and protecting freedom of speech, even in the face of threats or intimidation. The debate highlights the complex and contentious nature of this issue, with strong emotions and deeply held beliefs on both sides.

    • Healthcare Disruptions from Threats and MisinformationCriminal acts and misinformation campaigns disrupt children's hospitals, causing fear and disruption, and the AMA, AAP, and Children's Hospital Association urge the DOJ to take action against those spreading false information, balancing patient safety and freedom of speech.

      The current environment surrounding healthcare, particularly children's hospitals, is under threat from both criminal acts and misinformation campaigns. Instances of bomb threats, increased security measures, and harassment have disrupted care and caused fear among patients, families, and staff. The AMA, AAP, and Children's Hospital Association have called out specific individuals and organizations for spreading false information, equating it to criminal acts. They've urged the DOJ to take action against these entities, stating that these attacks threaten federally protected healthcare rights. The line between reporting on sensitive topics and creating threats is blurred, potentially endangering journalists and anyone sharing information. The situation is complex, with valid concerns for patient safety and freedom of speech, making it a critical issue that requires careful consideration and balanced solutions.

    • Digital reporting practices and medical institutionsConcerns about fact-checking reliability, potential for political targeting, and emotional debates over gender identity and care in digital media

      There are concerns about the reporting practices on digital platforms, specifically regarding medical institutions and their advocacy for controversial issues. The discussion raises questions about the reliability of fact-checking organizations and the potential for political targeting and intimidation. The issue of gender identity and care is a significant point of contention, with some arguing that it's an Orwellian concept and others advocating for acceptance and affirmation. The conversation also touches upon the potential for violence and intimidation against healthcare institutions and their staff. Ultimately, the debate highlights the complexities and controversies surrounding these topics, with strong opinions and emotions on both sides.

    • Pressure on parents to support children's gender transition without consentEncouraging children to hide gender identity from parents raises concerns for potential kidnapping, open conversations with children needed

      The pressure on parents from media and medical associations to adhere to a left-wing social agenda regarding gender identity can lead them to support their children's transition without their knowledge or consent. This phenomenon, which involves encouraging children to hide their gender identity from their parents, can be seen in the context of the Virginia transgender policy controversy, where a group advocated for helping students leave their families and live with queer-friendly guardians instead. While this may be framed as supportive and sympathetic, it raises concerns about the potential for children to be removed from their homes without proper parental involvement, which could be considered a form of kidnapping in other contexts. It's important for parents to have open and supportive conversations with their children about gender identity, while also ensuring their children's well-being and safety.

    • Group offers housing, falsified docs for LGBTQ+ minorsA group is raising funds to provide housing and falsified docs for LGBTQ+ minors, promising quick placement and transportation, but concerns arise about potential risks and indoctrination.

      There is a group raising funds through the Democrat app platform, ActBlue, to provide housing for children who identify as LGBTQ+ and may be running away from their homes. The group also offers to falsify documentation to hide a minor's activities from their parents. While the group's intentions may be to provide a safe and affirming environment for these children, some individuals have raised concerns about the potential dangers of indoctrination into the LGBTQ+ ideology and the possibility of being housed with adults who may have questionable intentions. The group promises to secure housing within 1-2 days and even offers to pay for transportation if necessary. Despite the concerns, the group's focus seems to be on ensuring that the children are not discovered by their parents, even going so far as to offer assistance in crafting non-queer related reasons for their whereabouts. This raises serious questions about the potential risks involved in such a situation and the role of the group in facilitating it.

    • Finding the Right Talent in a Fast-Paced World and Cultural DebatesZipRecruiter helps businesses hire efficiently, especially in demanding environments. Cultural debates continue to impact various industries, with 'Bros' movie underperforming leading to discussions about intolerance.

      ZipRecruiter is a valuable tool for businesses looking to hire efficiently, especially in fast-paced environments where finding quality employees can be challenging. The speaker, who works on a mobile and demanding show, vouches for its effectiveness. Meanwhile, there seems to be a heated cultural debate surrounding certain movies and viewpoints, with strong opinions and labels being thrown around. One such movie, "Bros," which had a significant marketing and production budget, underperformed at the box office, leading to discussions about bigotry and intolerance. In essence, the conversation highlights the importance of finding the right talent for your business and the ongoing cultural debates that can impact various industries. Remember, you can try ZipRecruiter for free using the special URL ziprecruiter.com/dailywire.

    • Why 'Bros' underperformed at the box officeExplicit portrayal of gay culture and deviation from heteronormative relationships in 'Bros' may have limited its appeal to a broad audience, potentially contributing to poor box office performance.

      The lack of widespread viewership for the movie "Bros," despite Billy Eichner's promotion, can be attributed to its explicit portrayal of gay culture and relationships that deviate from heteronormative monogamous relationships. The movie's focus on casual sex, drugs, and wild parties, as depicted in the trailer and critic reviews, may not appeal to a broad audience and could be seen as taboo or off-putting for those who prefer traditional romantic narratives. Eichner's argument that gay relationships differ greatly from heterosexual norms may be true, but it seems the best way to sell a monogamous gay relationship is by presenting it as similar to heterosexual relationships, with only one key difference. The movie's departure from this approach may have limited its appeal and ultimately contributed to its poor box office performance.

    • Exploring unconventional romantic setup in a movieThe movie 'Bros' challenges traditional romantic comedy norms by focusing on two men's potential commitment to a few months of dating and tackling controversial topics, making it a risky but intriguing venture.

      The discussed movie, with its unique pitch of featuring multiple men engaging in promiscuous sex, goes against the typical stakes of a romantic comedy. Instead of focusing on the formation of a long-term, exclusive relationship between a man and a woman, this movie explores the idea of two men possibly committing to a few months of dating. This deviation from the norm may explain why the movie might not appeal to a broad audience, particularly straight men, who traditionally are not the primary demographic for romantic comedies. The movie also touches on controversial topics like gay culture education and discussions about historical figures' sexuality. These elements, combined with the unconventional romantic setup, make this movie a risky venture in the romantic comedy genre.

    • Billy Eichner's Controversial Promotion of 'Bros' May Have Turned Off Potential AudiencesDespite positive reviews, Billy Eichner's polarizing comments and unconventional film content may have limited 'Bros'' appeal to a wider audience.

      Billy Eichner's approach to promoting his film "Bros" may have alienated potential audiences, leading to its underperformance at the box office. Eichner's public statements labeling critics and those who didn't show interest in the film as bigots may have turned off viewers. The film's unconventional portrayal of relationships and open marriages contrasted with traditional values and expectations for romantic comedies. Despite positive reviews and high scores on Rotten Tomatoes and CinemaScore, the film failed to resonate with a wider audience. This could be attributed to a variety of factors, including the film's content, marketing, and cultural context. However, it's important to note that not everyone agrees with Eichner's assessment of those who didn't support the film. The box office performance of "Bros" may not be a reflection of intolerance or bigotry, but rather a difference in values and preferences.

    • Lena Dunham's Controversial Tweet and Carzing's Car Buying RevolutionLena Dunham's tweet sparked controversy, while Carzing offers a convenient and transparent car buying experience. The situation in Ukraine remains volatile, with the risk of nuclear war rising.

      Lena Dunham, the creator of the TV show "Girls," which featured Billy Eichner, made a controversial tweet declaring herself a gay hero and expressing a desire for her casket to be driven through a Pride parade upon her death. Meanwhile, in other news, Elon Musk is currently in a dispute with the Ukrainian government. In the business world, Carzing is revolutionizing the way people buy cars online by providing transparency and convenience. Consumers can easily prequalify for financing and find their ideal budget car without stepping foot into a dealership. Additionally, there's an opportunity to win a $250,000 McLaren car or cash by referring people to Jeremy's razors or a Daily Wire subscription. Regarding international affairs, the situation in Ukraine remains volatile, with the Russian government struggling to defend annexed areas. The risk of nuclear war is rising, and possible outcomes include Putin backing down, launching a mass offensive, or using a tactical nuclear weapon. It's important to note that even if Putin leaves Ukraine, those who may take over are unlikely to be democracy-minded or liberal.

    • Elon Musk proposes a peace plan for the Russia-Ukraine conflictElon Musk proposes UN-supervised elections, Crimea becoming part of Russia, water supply assurance, and Ukraine's neutrality to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict. However, the likelihood of Russia accepting these terms is low. Musk also expresses concern about bot attacks and potential nuclear war.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a complex issue with potential dangerous consequences, including the possibility of nuclear war. Elon Musk, recognizing this, has proposed a peace plan involving UN-supervised elections in annexed regions, Crimea becoming formally part of Russia, water supply assurance for Crimea, and Ukraine remaining neutral. However, the likelihood of Russia accepting these terms is low. Musk also expressed concern about bot attacks influencing poll results and the potential for a large-scale conflict escalating into a nuclear war. Henry Kissinger has made similar suggestions about finding an off-ramp to avoid the worst-case scenario. The west's response to the conflict could significantly impact its outcome, with the possibility of increased funding or eventual acceptance of Russian territorial gains. Elon Musk's involvement includes providing Starlink internet access to Ukraine at a significant cost. The Ukrainian ambassador to Germany responded negatively to Musk's suggestions, reflecting the emotional intensity of the issue for those directly affected. Ultimately, finding a peaceful resolution will require a multifaceted approach, addressing both military and economic aspects.

    • Being cautious with promises to UkraineThe West, including the US, must be careful with promises to Ukraine to avoid repeating past mistakes of overcommitting and failing to deliver, potentially leading to distrust and instability.

      The West, including the United States, must be cautious about making promises to Ukraine or any other country that they may not be able to keep in the long term. History shows that the United States has a tendency to overcommit verbally and then not fulfill those commitments, especially when it comes to long-term engagements. This can lead to negative consequences for those who have allied themselves with the United States, as seen in the cases of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Hong Kong. It is important for the West to deliver on their promises, especially when lives are at stake, but also to be realistic about what they can sustainably commit to. Overpromising and then failing to deliver can lead to distrust and instability, and it is crucial to avoid repeating this pattern in the context of Ukraine and its ongoing conflict with Russia.

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    Today's episode of Up First was edited by Susanna Capelouto, Mark Katkov, Andrew Sussman and HJ Mai. It was produced by Claire Murashima, Ben Abrams and Milton Guevara. We get engineering support from Robert Rodriguez and Phil Edfors, and our technical director is Stacey Abbott.

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    Ep. 1460 - Biden Threatens WMD Retaliation

    Ep. 1460 - Biden Threatens WMD Retaliation

    Joe Biden travels to Europe and tells Vladimir Putin that if he uses WMD, we will respond “in kind”; BlackRock’s Larry Fink says he wants to control companies; and Ketanji Brown Jackson’s hearings continue.

    Okay, this is epic. Get Ben Shapiro merch here: https://utm.io/uedoS 

    The fight for truth is just beginning. Check out Matt Walsh’s upcoming movie - What Is A Woman: https://utm.io/uepPK 

    Join Third Thursday Book Club now to get my notes for The Once and Future King by T.H. White and be a part of next month’s Q&A: https://utm.io/uejl1 

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    Ukraine repulses attacks in the Donbas and the changing face of Russia's cyber war

    Ukraine repulses attacks in the Donbas and the changing face of Russia's cyber war

    Day 398.

    Today, Brussels Correspondent Joe Barnes brings updates from across the battlefront and we analyse the state of the cyber war with Technology Reporter Gareth Corfield. Plus - why the EU is slapping trade restrictions on countries helping Russia acquire washing machines and used cars?


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on Twitter.

    Gareth Corfield (Technology Reporter). @GazTheJourno on Twitter.

    To support our work, subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Executive border action, Biden blasts Putin, panda diplomacy

    Executive border action, Biden blasts Putin, panda diplomacy
    President Biden is now considering new executive action that would restrict the ability to seek asylum at the US-Mexico border. Meanwhile, the Kremlin is now responding to the president's comments to describe Vladimir Putin, language that's too colorful for morning TV. And: China plans to send more pandas to the US this year, a small move that could have a big impact.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices