
    Podcast Summary

    • New light on ancient beliefs: Babylonian tarpus and biblical teraphimAncient beliefs and stories, like the Babylonian tarpus and biblical teraphim, continue to intrigue us and challenge modern understanding, encouraging exploration with an open mind for potential groundbreaking discoveries.

      The ancient world, as we know it, holds rich and complex stories that challenge our modern understanding. For instance, the Babylonian column discovered by a German archaeologist in 1966, which defined "shaydu" as "tarpus," sheds new light on the biblical term "terafim." Tarpus were territorial spirits that guarded the households of gods, adding depth to the meaning behind Rachel's possession of a teraphim. Moreover, the persistence of stories and beliefs, such as those surrounding Bigfoot, throughout history, raises intriguing questions about their origins and significance. As an academic and theologian, Dr. Joel Matamale encourages us to explore these mysteries with an open mind, acknowledging the potential for groundbreaking discoveries that challenge our current paradigms.

    • Embracing the unknown: Challenging beliefs and discovering new perspectivesCourageously questioning long-held beliefs and facing the unknown can lead to significant discoveries and a deeper understanding of the world.

      Experiences, whether they involve encounters with the unknown like Bigfoot or challenges to our belief systems, have the power to shatter our paradigms and lead us to new discoveries. However, many people are afraid of this paradigm shift and choose to cling to their old ways of thinking, even when faced with evidence that contradicts them. This mental and sometimes physical entanglement in ideas can make it difficult to break free and consider new perspectives. It takes courage to question long-held beliefs and face the unknown, but the rewards can be significant. By allowing ourselves to be open to new ideas and questions, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us. This is exemplified by individuals like Dr. Heizer, who have dedicated their lives to exploring the supernatural and challenging conventional wisdom. Their bravery paves the way for further exploration and discovery.

    • Understanding the Bible through ancient cultural contextApproaching the Bible with awareness of its original audience's cultural background can deepen our interpretation, as ethnocentrism can limit understanding of ancient concepts like cosmic warfare and territorial deities in the Old Testament, which influence Paul's language of powers and principalities in the New Testament.

      Approaching the Bible with a modern, Western perspective can limit our understanding of its ancient context. The speakers discuss the importance of considering the original audience's cultural background and the role of ethnocentrism in interpreting biblical texts. They also touch upon the presence of cosmic warfare and territorial deities in the Old Testament, which are often overlooked with a modern lens. The speakers suggest that understanding these ancient concepts can provide a richer interpretation of the Bible, particularly in the context of Paul's language of powers and principalities in the New Testament. Additionally, they caution against both neglecting and over-obsessing the spiritual realm, emphasizing the importance of a balanced and informed approach to religious texts.

    • Understanding the Bible with a Biblical WorldviewThe Bible's references to territorial spirits and a divine council reveal a supernatural paradigm essential to its teachings, despite potential editorial changes in manuscripts.

      The Old Testament and New Testament texts contain references to territorial spirits and a divine council worldview, which some scholars, like Mike Heiser and Patrick Schreiner, argue are essential to understanding the Bible. These concepts, which include the idea of thin spaces where heaven and Earth intersect, can be difficult for modern, post-enlightenment Westerners to accept due to the academic era's focus on rationalism and textual criticism. However, if we approach the Bible from a biblical worldview, we recognize that we live in a supernatural paradigm, and these concepts are not only valid but also present in our own experiences. Despite the potential for editorial changes in the manuscripts, the core ideas remain significant and offer valuable insights into the Bible's teachings.

    • The supernatural elements in the Bible are deeply rooted and cannot be removed without changing the textUnderstanding the supernatural world and the existence of evil beings are important realities in the Bible, requiring humility and a willingness to admit we don't have all the answers.

      The supernatural elements in the Bible, even if edited out, cannot be completely removed from the text without fundamentally changing it. The biblical texts are deeply rooted in a supernatural cosmic worldview, and attempting to remove it would mean losing the New Testament and the Bible as we know it. Even if we try to interpret the texts allegorically, the backdrop and context still point to the supernatural realm. Some people may be excited by this idea, while others may be uncomfortable or even frightened. For those who are uncomfortable, it's important to remember that God uses the weak to make them strong and that understanding the mysteries of His ways requires humility and a willingness to admit that we don't have all the answers. The supernatural world and the existence of evil beings are realities that cannot be ignored, and the enemy's primary goal is to keep God's family divided. The study of the Old and New Testaments reveals the importance of understanding the household of God and the role of household gods in the context of the supernatural world.

    • Ancient Household Gods: Beyond Ancestor WorshipNew research reveals that household gods in the Old Testament had connections to territorial spirits and demons, expanding our understanding of ancient religious practices.

      The ancient concept of household gods, known as teraphim in the Old Testament, was not limited to ancestor worship as previously believed, but also had connections to territorial spirits and demons. The speaker, a PhD student, discovered this through his research on the overlap between Old Testament texts and Greco-Roman representations of household deities. Despite initial skepticism from his advisor, the speaker persisted in exploring this connection and ultimately uncovered new insights that were helpful to his research. This discovery challenges the traditional understanding of ancient religious practices and highlights the importance of exploring unconventional ideas in academic research.

    • Ancient Practices and Deities in the Old Testament: Connections and SimilaritiesThe ancient practices and deities in the Old Testament, such as the teraphim and the sons of God in Job, may be more connected than previously thought. Evidence suggests that territorial spirits (shadim/shaydu/tarpus) were associated with the gods (Elohim), providing protection and ensuring safety in ancient beliefs.

      The ancient practices and deities mentioned in the Old Testament, such as the teraphim and the sons of God in Job, were not as disparate as previously thought. Research suggests that there may be connections between these entities, including the presence of demons or territorial spirits (shadim/shaydu/tarpus) that were associated with the gods (Elohim). This connection is further supported by archaeological findings, such as a Babylonian column that equated shadim with tarpus, a territorial guardian spirit. This linguistic match provides evidence of the functional and etymological similarities between these ancient deities. A notable example of this connection can be seen in the story of Rachel, who took the household deity (teraphim) of her father, Laban, with her as she left her homeland. By doing so, she was ensuring protection for herself during her journey to the promised land, demonstrating the importance of these territorial spirits in ancient beliefs.

    • Ancient Near Eastern Belief in Territorial SpiritsThe Bible reflects the ancient belief in territorial spirits or gods, which protected lands and households, and their absence could lead to conflict and chaos.

      The ancient Near Eastern belief in territorial spirits or gods, as seen in the story of Laban and the terafim, was a common concept in the Bible. These spirits were believed to protect lands and households, and their absence could lead to conflict and chaos. This belief can be seen in various parts of the Bible, such as the plagues of Egypt, where Yahweh executed judgments on the gods of Egypt. This understanding of the Bible provides a new lens through which to view these texts and helps us make sense of what might initially appear as dark or evil elements in the scripture.

    • Cosmic warfare between Yahweh and false godsThe Old Testament depicts battles between Yahweh and territorial spirits or false gods, showcasing his supremacy through natural disasters and prophetic showdowns.

      The Old Testament describes a cosmic warfare between Yahweh and various territorial spirits or false gods, each with their specific domains. These spirits, once loyal to Yahweh, became corrupted and were challenged by Yahweh through various means, including natural disasters and prophetic showdowns. The battles were not only spiritual but also geographical, with Yahweh demonstrating his supremacy over these false deities. The story of Baal and the storm god at Mount Carmel and the capture of the Ark of the Covenant by the Philistines are prime examples of this cosmic warfare. These accounts show that the principles of territoriality and spiritual warfare are not confined to ancient times but may still be relevant today, even if we are not fully aware of it. The Old and New Testaments offer different perspectives on the nature of God and the spiritual realm, and understanding the Old Testament's portrayal of these concepts can deepen our appreciation of the Bible as a whole.

    • The corrupting influence of seeking worship and adorationDesiring endless admiration and absorption of glory can lead to emptiness and a dissociative identity. Humility and congruency are essential to reflect God's glory and maintain a true identity.

      The desire for worship and adoration, no matter the being or entity, can lead to corruption and destruction. This is a universal truth that applies to humans, angels, and even those who were once close to God. The desire to absorb glory instead of reflecting it back to the creator can lead to emptiness and a dissociative identity. The angels who remained faithful to God likely have no interest in seeking worship or adoration, recognizing the redemptive plan of God. Humanity, as beings made in God's image, are meant to reflect His glory, not absorb it. Humility, as emphasized by the speakers, is the key to avoiding this destructive path. The danger lies in seeking endless admiration and absorption of glory, which can ultimately leave one feeling emptier and lower each time. The late Eugene Peterson's concept of congruency, where what's inside matches what comes out, is a valuable reminder in maintaining a true and humble identity.

    • The human desire to surpass limitationsThe human desire to surpass limitations, rooted in pride and idolatry, leads us away from our true nature and purpose, as shown in the story of Adam and Eve and the fall of Lucifer, and continues to manifest in various forms today, including innovative marketing techniques.

      The human desire to surpass our God-given limitations, as seen in the story of Adam and Eve and the fall of Lucifer, continues to manifest in various forms throughout history. This desire, rooted in pride and idolatry, leads us away from our true nature and purpose. Today, this same spirit, identified as Lucifer in the New Testament, continues to tempt us with innovative marketing techniques, presenting false promises of power and identity. The temptation of Christ serves as a reminder of this ongoing struggle, where Satan, as a distinct being, attempts to lure Jesus away from His divine mission. Ultimately, the choice is ours: we can succumb to the allure of immediate gratification or embrace the eternal treasure that awaits us.

    • The cosmic and earthly realms are interconnectedThe Bible shows that rebellions in the cosmic realm impact the earthly realm and vice versa, from the story of Adam and Eve to the cross, and beyond.

      The biblical narrative presents an intricate connection between the cosmic and earthly realms. Rebellions in both realms have significant impacts on each other. For instance, in Eden, both a supernatural rebellion with the serpent and an earthly rebellion with Adam and Eve occurred. Similarly, in Genesis 11, humans attempted to force God to come down, reflecting a perversion of the commission given to Adam and Eve. This pattern continues throughout the Bible, with events in the cosmic realm influencing the earthly context and vice versa. A notable example is the cross, where the physical death of Jesus led to the supernatural liberation of all humanity. This interconnectedness between the cosmic and earthly realms remains a consistent theme throughout the Bible. Additionally, the construction of empires in the pre-flood world, such as pyramids and towers, may reflect the influence of both Satan and the earthly desire to force divine intervention. The ongoing spiritual warfare between the cosmic and earthly realms is a recurring theme that continues to this day.

    • Israel as an outpost of God's kingdomIsrael welcomed sojourners and restored God's family, but warned against idolatry. Jesus brought the Gentiles back into God's plan, defeating evil spirits, and the church now stands as God's household with all nations as its members.

      Israel serves as an outpost of God's kingdom, with a grand scheme to reunite God's family. This is evident in the way Israel welcomed sojourners and strangers, allowing for the restoration of the family of God. However, Israelites were warned against worshiping stars or supernatural beings, as some did, leading to rebellion. This theme continues in the New Testament, with Jesus bringing the Gentiles back into the fold, fulfilling God's plan to reunite all of humanity. At the cross, Jesus dealt a death blow to the malevolent supernatural spirits, making it easier for the church to show God's wisdom and bring in the Gentiles. Despite this, these spirits remain active and dangerous, making the work of the church all the more important. The ancient empires, once in rebellion against God, may have left behind remnants of snake imagery, surface worship, and temple structures, but the church now stands as the true household of God, with the nations of the world as its building blocks.

    • Ancient civilizations and their celestial connectionsAncient civilizations shared beliefs in astral travel and temple alignments, but their supernatural beings had varying powers and agendas, leading to conflicts and historical influences

      Ancient civilizations, such as those discussed, were connected through their understanding of astral travel and the importance of orienting temples to align with celestial bodies. However, these civilizations and the supernatural beings associated with them were not equal in power or omniscience. Yahweh, the king of the cosmos, held a unique position, but other supernatural beings had their own agendas and territories. These beings could also infight and cause geopolitical conflicts, influencing historical events and current-day conflicts. From a biblical perspective, there is evidence of supernatural warfare and rank among these beings, with Lucifer holding a higher position. Ultimately, understanding the complex relationships between ancient civilizations and the supernatural realm requires a nuanced approach, recognizing both similarities and unique distinctions.

    • Ancient vices as tools of deceptionAncient vices like pornography, psychedelics, and alcoholism are not natural but tools used by ancient enemies to deceive and lead individuals towards destruction. The gospel of Jesus Christ offers an ancient solution.

      Ancient vices like pornography, psychedelics, and alcoholism, which have persisted throughout history, are not natural phenomena but rather tools used by ancient enemies to deceive and lead individuals towards destruction. These vices are an affront to the image bearers of God and should be addressed with an ancient solution: the gospel of Jesus Christ. The belief in supernatural beings and divine councils may seem strange in a non-supernatural worldview, but stories like the transfiguration of Christ on Mount Herman can be interpreted as Christ's final blow against these forces, gathering the righteous dead from Sheol and taking them to paradise. By sending Jesus to the cross, the evil powers unwittingly sealed their own defeat.

    • Forces of evil manipulate systems and structuresUnderstand the spiritual dimension of struggles and stay vigilant against the adaptive tactics of forces of evil

      The forces of evil, represented by powers and principalities, manipulate systems and structures to further their agendas. This was evident in the release of Barabbas instead of Jesus during Palm Sunday, and the resurrection of the dead during Easter. These entities adapt their tactics to the cultural context, making them seem less overtly rebellious. Today, we face similar challenges, with issues like addiction and racial injustice, which can't be solely attributed to human innovation. Instead, they may be influenced by territorial spirits and beings. Even the church is not immune to these schemes. It's crucial to recognize this and stay vigilant against the enemy's tactics, which can take different forms in different parts of the world. This conversation underscores the importance of understanding the spiritual dimension of our struggles and remaining aware of the adaptive nature of the forces of evil.

    • The complex relationship between humans and supernatural entitiesBelievers must recognize the reality and potential danger of supernatural entities, while remaining committed to their faith.

      The relationship between human beings and supernatural entities, such as spirits or demons, is a complex one. Some believe that humans must actively give themselves over to these entities to be possessed, while others argue that manipulation and oppression are more common. Neutral individuals, particularly those struggling with addictions or engaging in practices like psychedelics, may be particularly vulnerable. The speaker expresses concern about the normalization of such practices and the potential for supernatural exchanges. Using the example of Jesus' journey to the cross, the speaker suggests that Jesus may have been confronted by mocking spirits in the valley of the shadow of death, further emphasizing the reality and danger of these entities. Ultimately, the speaker encourages believers to recognize the full scope of supernatural warfare and to remain committed to their faith despite the challenges.

    • Exploring the Supernatural with Dr. JoelHaving a supernatural worldview can help make sense of seemingly strange phenomena and lead to deeper understanding. Be open to discussing topics like UFOs, Bigfoot, and extraterrestrial life from a supernatural perspective.

      Having a supernatural worldview can help make sense of seemingly strange or unexplainable phenomena, as discussed during the conversation with Dr. Joel. Jesus' words "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" were compared to the scene in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" where soldiers unknowingly contribute to their own demise. Dr. Joel shared his experiences growing up in the church and how misunderstanding certain aspects of scripture can lead to misinterpretations and misunderstandings. He also emphasized the importance of being open to discussing topics like UFOs, Bigfoot, and extraterrestrial life from a supernatural perspective. By considering the supernatural, even seemingly bizarre concepts can become less frightening and more understandable. Dr. Joel modeled this perspective for the speaker, and they had a wide-ranging conversation that touched on various topics, including the Bible, football, and the supernatural. The speaker expressed gratitude for the conversation and invited Dr. Joel to return to the show for more discussions. To learn more about Dr. Joel's work, listeners can check out his website or follow him on social media.

    • Meet Moodle Molly: A Passionate Theology InfluencerDiscover Moodle Molly, an up-and-coming theology influencer on Instagram @muddamalley and her website justbuddamale.com. Engage with her fresh perspective on theology through Theology Talk Tuesday and her upcoming book.

      Moodle Molly is an up-and-coming theology influencer who uses accessible language to discuss theology. She can be found on Instagram under the handle @muddamalley, where she hosts "Theology Talk Tuesday." Her website, justbuddamale.com, is where you can sign up for her newsletter and learn more about her upcoming book, set to release in March of next year. Molly encourages everyone to engage with theology in a passionate and curious way, and she's excited to share more about her project in the coming days. If you're interested in theology and want to learn from a fresh perspective, be sure to follow Molly on Instagram and check out her website.

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    A Conversation with the Interfaith Amigos

    A Conversation with the Interfaith Amigos

    Welcome to What Matters Most.  On this episode I speak with the Interfaith Amigos, who are Imam Jamal Rahman, Pastor Don MacKenzie, and Rabbi Laura Duhan-Kaplan. Rabbi Laura replaced the recently retired Rabbi Ted Falcon as a part of this interfaith trio. When you listen to the episode you will notice that I did not start with saying, "A Rabbi, an Imam, and a Minister walk into a bar..." This is either a missed opportunity or a sign of great restraint on my part. They did however come into a terrific Zoom session and a wonderful podcast resulted. 

    The podcast was recorded on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xwməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam) People. We are thankful for their welcome to us so that we can live, learn, and pray on their land.

    It has been a while since I have released an episode due to our Pope Francis conference in early May, which was a smashing success, and the death of my father John Martens on May 18 at the age of 92, a couple of weeks prior to his 93rd birthday on June 5. Death and funerals certainly turn one’s mind and heart to What Matters Most.

    This is our final episode for the year, though I will re-release episodes during July and August. I also hope to be taping episodes in July and August to be released in September.

    Now let me turn to our podcast. I think many people will find this episode challenging, as it asks serious questions about the nature of religious traditions, beliefs, practices, and scriptures. What’s at the heart of a religious tradition? What are core teachings? What’s the purpose of a religion? Must a religion be exclusive? How inclusive should or can a religion be before it is not one’s own tradition?

    Who are the (original) Interfaith Amigos?

    Imam Jamal Rahman, Pastor Don Mackenzie, and Rabbi Ted Falcon taught together starting in 2001 until Ted's recent retirement, speaking and leading workshops in the United States and Israel-Palestine. Jamal's personal experience as a Muslim after 9/11 moved him to share more of the substance of Islam. Ted stepped more visibly into the larger community, teaching how a healing spirituality emerges within Judaism. Don concluded his position as minister of University Congregational UCC to devote more time focusing on the ways a true spirituality supports us in bringing healing to our world.

    Together they have explored an inclusive spirituality to promote healing that expresses as concrete environmental, social, and political action. They brought and bring a message of deep hope and profound possibilities for healing on both a personal level and a planetary level. Their work comprises a dialogue of the mind, the heart, and the hands, encouraging greater understanding, compassion, and social action in the world. For more on the group, please see this old New York Times article about the group. 

    Their book, Getting to the Heart of Interfaith: The Eye-opening, Hope-filled Friendship of a Pastor, a Rabbi, and a an Imam, was released in July 2009 by Skylight Paths. Additional books include, Religion Gone Astray: What We Found at the Heart of Interfaith and Finding Peace Through Spiritual Practice - The Interfaith Amigos Guide to Personal, Social, and Environmental Healing. All three books received Spirituality & Practice Book Award as one of the Best Spiritual Books in the year of publication 2009, 2011, 2016. 

    The Amigos (and one Amiga):

    Don MacKenzie: Rev. Dr. Donald Mackenzie, a minister of the United Church of Christ, is a graduate of Macalester College, Princeton Theological Seminary and New York University. He taught at Princeton Seminary, and was a minister at Nassau Presbyterian Church, Church of Christ at Dartmouth College, and University Congregational Church in Seattle. Since 2001, he has been part of the Interfaith Amigos, with whom he has co-authored three books. Don is also an accomplished country musician. He currently lives in Minneapolis.

    Jamal Rahman: Jamal Rahman is a popular speaker on Islam, Sufi spirituality, and interfaith relations. Along with his Interfaith Amigos, he has been featured in the New York Times, CBS News, BBC, and various NPR programs. Jamal is co-founder and Muslim Sufi minister at Interfaith Community Sanctuary and adjunct faculty at Seattle University. He is a former co-host of Interfaith Talk Radio and travels nationally and internationally, presenting at retreats and workshops. In addition to the books he has co-authored with the Interfaith Amigos, he is also author of three books on Sufi spirituality, most recently Sacred Laughter of the Sufis.

    Laura Duhan-Kaplan: Laura Duhan-Kaplan is Director of Inter-Religious Studies and Professor of Jewish Studies at the Vancouver School of Theology, and Rabbi Emerita of Or Shalom Synagogue. She has won many awards for her teaching of religion and philosophy, including the Carnegie Foundation’s prestigious U.S. Professor of the Year. Rabbi Laura is the author of Mouth of the Donkey: Re-Imagining Biblical Animals and Shechinah, Bring Me Home: Kabbalah and the Omer in Real Life. She has also collaboratively authored four books on interfaith topics including friendship, reconciliation, othering, and hope. She states that she is delighted to be part of the Interfaith Amigos, after admiring their work for many years. If you want to hear more from Laura, please check out episodes one and two with her on What Matters Most.

    During our conversation, I asked my guests for recommendations for reading and spiritual practice. Jamal recommended Rumi, the great Sufi mystic.  I have linked to one translation of his poems, but there are many others to explore. Don recommended Marcus Borg, and I have linked to one of his books, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, but there are many others. Laura noted her doctoral supervisor Rabbi Marcia Prager, the Path of Blessing, a book I am excited to read. There was so many things mentioned, and I might forget something, but I wanted to link to a book Jamal mentioned, American Grace.

    Since St. Mark’s Centre for Christian Engagement seeks to enable the creation of a culture of encounter and dialogue, let me invite you into that discussion. Please follow me on Twitter @biblejunkies, or on Facebook, at Biblejunkies, or on Instagram @biblejunkies. Or email me at jmartens@stmarkscollege.ca. Let me know what you think.

    I also want to ask you to help out by letting people know about the podcast. If you are enjoying the podcast, please let your friends know. You can also let people know by rating and reviewing What Matters Most on your favourite podcasting platform. This lets people find the podcast more easily and lets people like you enjoy the work that we are doing. I think these are important and inspiring discussions and I would like people to have a chance to listen in!

    This episode I think makes it clear why this name of this podcast is What Matters Most, as what matters to us leads to behaviors and practices that seek out the good of the planet and its people or that lead to destruction and anger. Keep in mind what Rabbi Laura said about gratefulness: what can you be grateful for today? What gives you hope? What can you do today that helps preserve the planet or that helps you get along better with your neighbour? Thanks so much for listening.


    John W. Martens

    EP: 67 Satan's Domain with Tim Alberino

    EP: 67 Satan's Domain with Tim Alberino

    Tim Alberino returns for another in-depth discussion about the rules of the game. What authority does the devil have here on earth? What do humans have to say about it? Can we be that easily overtaken? What exactly the devil do? Where can he go? We ask more questions and delve into the controversies surrounding the interpretations of scriptures and ideas pertaining to the dragon's abilities to rule here on earth. 

    Guest: timothyalberino.com

    contact: blurrycreaturespodcast@gmail.com


    Socials instagram.com/blurrycreatures facebook.com/blurrycreatures


    Music Kyle Monroe: tinytaperoom.com

    Aaron Green: https://www.instagram.com/aaronkgreen/

    Mastering: ironwingstudios.com

    Outro Song: TimeCop1983: timecop1983.com

    Why do Calvinists believe the Gospel? w/ Dr. Braxton Hunter

    Why do Calvinists believe the Gospel? w/ Dr. Braxton Hunter

    Dr. Braxton Hunter, President of Trinity Seminary and host of Trinity Radio, joins Dr. Flowers to discuss a clip from a sermon by well know Calvinistic pastor, Dr. Voddie Bauchman (original sermon found here: https://youtu.be/nMfKlqMNnw0).


    To learn more about Braxton and Trinity Radio, click here: https://www.youtube.com/@BraxtonHunter/featured


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    Is Calvinism all Leighton talks about? https://soteriology101.com/2017/09/22/is-calvinism-all-you-talk-about/


    Dr. Flowers’ book, “The Potter’s Promise” and his book, “God’s Provision for All” can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/Leighton-Flowers/e/B06VWXZBXM/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1


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