
    Ep. 1665 - Woke Voldemort Comes For Harry Potter

    enFebruary 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Woke left's influence on J.K. Rowling and Hogwarts Legacy boycottThe woke left's stance on gender identity led to a boycott of J.K. Rowling's latest game, despite positive reviews and inclusion of a transgender character, showcasing their power to shape public discourse and corporate policies.

      The woke left's influence in culture and business is significant, and those who go against their views can face severe backlash. J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, is currently under fire for her views on gender identity. Despite her past support for leftist causes and her recent apology for retconning Dumbledore as gay, she has refused to accept the woke left's stance that men can be women and women can be men. This has led to a widespread boycott of her latest game, Hogwarts Legacy, despite its positive reviews and the inclusion of a transgender character in the game. The boycott is an example of the woke left's ability to generate outrage and push companies to take action against those who go against their views, even if it means boycotting a product they might otherwise enjoy. The incident highlights the power and influence of the woke left in shaping public discourse and corporate policies.

    • Disconnect between consumer preferences and cultural pressure in entertainment industryConsumer preferences don't always align with cultural narratives, and influencers fear public opinion, even when it goes against market support. Consider where your money goes to align with your values.

      There is a significant disconnect between consumer preferences and cultural pressure in the entertainment industry. The most popular game on Twitch, Hogwarts Legacy, is dominating the market, yet some influencers and commentators are openly boycotting it due to cultural issues. This divide highlights the power of public opinion and the fear it instills in influencers, even when it goes against the market's financial support. Despite capitalism's dominance in making money, it doesn't always win in shaping the cultural narrative. Additionally, it's important to consider where your money goes, as companies like AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile may use your funds for causes that don't align with your values. Switching to a more politically-aligned company like PureTalk for phone service can help address this concern.

    • Consumers have the power to support businesses that align with their valuesConsumers can influence companies by choosing to spend money with those that share their values, while some corporations may face backlash for taking stances on controversial issues.

      Consumers have the power to vote with their wallets and support companies that align with their values. PureTalk, a veteran-owned wireless company, is an example of a business that prioritizes customer satisfaction and traditional values. On the other hand, corporations like Disney, which have taken a stance on controversial social issues, risk losing customers and facing backlash. Disney's recent announcements of layoffs and sequels to their franchises reflect their attempt to cater to both sides, but it remains to be seen if they will be successful. The culture wars have significant real-world impacts, and consumers are increasingly vocal about their preferences. If you're looking for a wireless provider that values your business and traditional values, consider checking out PureTalk. Use promo code Shapiro on PureTalk.com to save 50% off your first month.

    • Middle management pushing for wokeness in corporationsMiddle managers drive wokeness in corporations, seeking job security and avoiding backlash. Companies cave due to legal and reputational risks.

      The push for wokeness in corporations is not coming from the top or bottom, but rather from middle management. According to a study by Nikolai Foss and Peter Klein, this emergent strategy is driven by middle managers who see it as a means of securing their own employment and avoiding potential backlash if they are let go. Companies, in turn, are caving to this pressure out of fear of legal repercussions and negative publicity. A recent example of this was Airbnb's reversal of a ban on an account associated with right-wing political commentator Lauren Southern. The people at the bottom of the corporate ladder don't care about the political direction of their companies, while those at the top are hesitant to take action due to legal and reputational risks. This leaves middle management in a powerful position to shape the culture and direction of businesses.

    • Middle management's impact on corporate cultureMiddle managers can prioritize job security over innovation, leading to restrictive policies and less speech on platforms.

      Middle management plays a significant role in shaping the culture and direction of corporations. However, if not carefully managed, these middle managers may prioritize job security and liability minimization over innovation and profitability. This was evident in the recent Twitter hearing, where middle managers' decisions led to restrictive content moderation policies that paradoxically resulted in less speech on the platform. Meanwhile, companies like Black Rifle Coffee continue to make a positive impact by supporting veterans and first responders. To show your support, visit blackriflecoffee.com and use promo code Shapiro for a 10% discount.

    • Twitter's former head of trust and safety coordinated with the FBI to suppress Hunter Biden laptop storyTwitter suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story at the FBI's request, potentially impacting the 2020 election. Businesses that survived COVID-19 with 5 or more employees may be eligible for a payroll tax rebate of up to $26,000 per employee.

      Twitter's former head of trust and safety, Joel Roth, admitted to coordinating with the FBI to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story without being told it was fake or hacked. Roth's actions were aimed at minimizing liability for Twitter. The FBI's involvement with Twitter was constant and pervasive, and Roth had numerous meetings with them. This incident highlights how power is used to move information and narratives to the left. On a different note, businesses that survived COVID-19 and have five or more employees may be eligible for a payroll tax rebate of up to $26,000 per employee. To claim this refund, businesses can visit getrefunds.com, answer a few quick questions, and share a percentage of the cash they receive. This refund is a great opportunity for businesses to recover some of the taxes they overpaid during the pandemic.

    • Twitter's Handling of the Hunter Biden StoryTwitter's handling of the Hunter Biden story showed the influence of ideological agreements and a desire to cover their own asses among middle management, with decisions not based on shareholders' dictates but to appease activists like AOC.

      During the 2020 election, Twitter made a mistake in handling the Hunter Biden story by not reinstating the accounts that tweeted it and instead left them closed. This decision was made despite the similarities to the 2016 Russian hack and leak operation, and Twitter's longstanding practice not to retroactively apply new policies. The employee responsible for deciding what could be said on Twitter cited the outdated "yelling fire in a crowded theater" standard, showing the influence of ideological agreements and a desire to cover their own asses among Twitter's middle management. Democrats came to Twitter's defense, cheering the company for banning information that contradicted their narrative on the pandemic, while Twitter executives were praised for saving lives by moderating content. However, these decisions were not made in response to the shareholders' dictates but to appease activists like AOC, who declared the laptop story was half fake. The incident highlights the power of activists and the influence they have on major corporations and their decision-making processes.

    • Censorship in Congress and MediaIndividuals in power are using their positions to suppress information and limit debate, particularly on controversial topics, which can lead to false information spreading unchecked and threaten free speech.

      Certain individuals in Congress and their allies in the media and tech industries are using their positions to suppress information and limit debate, particularly on controversial topics. This was highlighted in a discussion about the Hunter Biden laptop story and the censorship of the Libs of TikTok account. These actions are seen as an abuse of public resources and a threat to free speech. The activist class seeks to silence opposing viewpoints, and middle management in companies often cave to this pressure. This game of censorship not only limits debate but also allows false information to spread unchecked, as seen with the false claims about Boston Children's Hospital. Overall, it's important to be aware of these efforts to suppress information and to advocate for open and honest debate on all issues.

    • Standing up for truth takes courageIn today's climate, advocating for truth requires courage and the ability to explain why reality matters. Matt Walsh's stance on gender identity and Daily Wire's partnership with Stamps.com illustrate this.

      In today's societal climate, it takes courage to stand up for the truth and challenge the shifting burdens of proof imposed by activist groups and the media. The example given was the debate around gender identity and the Montana bill that would allow students to use their preferred pronouns without facing punishment. The burden of proof has shifted to those who advocate for truth, making it necessary to explain why others should respect reality rather than delusions. Matt Walsh, a colleague from The Daily Wire, was highlighted for his courage in speaking out against the normalization of harmful practices like gender reassignment surgeries for minors. In business, it also takes courage to run a profitable enterprise and make informed decisions based on common sense, as exemplified by Daily Wire's partnership with Stamps.com.

    • Discounted Shipping Rates with Stamps.com and Vice President of Social Media Position at The Daily WireStamps.com offers up to 86% off postage and shipping rates, partnering with USPS and UPS. The Daily Wire is hiring a Vice President of Social Media to lead its team and develop content strategy. A former employee of a transgender clinic speaks out against its practices, claiming they cause permanent harm to children.

      Stamps.com offers significant discounts on postage and shipping rates, partnering with USPS and UPS to provide up to 86% off. This service, which has been essential for over a million businesses for the past 25 years, allows users to access shipping services directly from their computers without waiting in lines or dealing with traffic at the post office. Additionally, the Daily Wire is seeking a Vice President of Social Media to lead its large social media team and develop content strategy across various platforms. Meanwhile, a lesbian woman named Jamie Reed, who used to work at a transgender clinic, has spoken out against the clinic's practices, stating that they are mutilating children. Reed, who is married to a trans man, worked at the clinic under the assumption that early treatment would prevent anguish. However, she left after realizing that the treatment, which includes hormone prescriptions, is causing permanent harm to vulnerable patients. Reed is putting herself at risk by speaking out, but she believes it's necessary to raise awareness about the issue.

    • Concerns over sudden increase in teen gender dysphoria claims and medical interventionsExperts question social contagion in gender dysphoria diagnoses, concerns over quick and simple transition process, potential negative impacts on young people, and serious side effects of certain medications used in gender-affirming treatments often ignored by media and politicians

      There are concerns about the sudden increase in teenagers, particularly girls, claiming gender dysphoria and seeking medical interventions. Some experts believe this could be a manifestation of social contagion, but these concerns are often dismissed. The process for transitioning is relatively simple and quick, with little consideration given to the potential negative impacts on young people's bodies and minds. There are also concerns about the use of certain medications, like bicolutamide, which can have serious side effects when used as gender-affirming treatments. The media has largely ignored these issues, leaving it to individuals like Barry Weiss to bring attention to them. Meanwhile, politicians like Joe Biden continue to face scrutiny over their handling of classified documents.

    • Balancing Progressive Agenda and Blue-Collar VotersBiden aims to win back blue-collar voters with jobs and Sanders-like policies, but his economic plans have mixed results and progressive social agenda may not sit well. He emphasizes GOP's intent to cut Social Security and Medicare, while labor market strength and inflation challenge his strategy.

      President Joe Biden is attempting to win back blue-collar, white working class voters by embracing elements of the Bernie Sanders agenda and creating jobs that don't require a college degree. However, his economic plans are not producing the desired results, and his progressive social agenda may not sit well with this voter base. To counteract Republican appeals, Biden is also emphasizing that Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. Despite this, the labor market's strength and the surprising hiring acceleration in January suggest that bringing down inflation will take longer than anticipated. Overall, Biden's strategy involves a delicate balance between catering to the progressive base and reaching out to disaffected voters, while also dealing with the economic realities of inflation and unemployment.

    • Politics of Entitlements: Scare Tactics and MudslingingThe political discourse on entitlements is overshadowed by scare tactics and personal attacks, distracting from the need for meaningful reform.

      The political landscape is gearing up for a contentious debate over entitlements in the US, but the current administration is avoiding this issue. Instead, they are using scare tactics to suggest that Republicans are out to steal entitlements. Meanwhile, the Republican primaries are heating up, with Donald Trump making questionable attacks against his rivals, including accusations of grooming high school girls against Ron DeSantis. These attacks, which lack evidence, are particularly hypocritical coming from Trump, who has a well-documented history with women. DeSantis, on the other hand, is focusing on his role as governor and delivering results for his constituents, choosing not to engage in petty fights. The political scene is filled with mudslinging and distractions, but the real issue of entitlement reform remains unaddressed.

    • A heartwarming story about family and loveThe film explores family dynamics and the power of love to overcome darkness, with standout performances by Michelle Yao and Ke Huy Quan.

      The movie "Everything Everywhere, All at Once" is a creatively messy film with multiple universes colliding, but at its core, it's a heartwarming story about family and the importance of love and acceptance. Michelle Yao and Ke Huy Quan deliver standout performances, and the film explores the theme of battling nihilism, particularly when a mother's depression affects her daughter. Despite its length and oddities, the movie offers a nice family narrative wrapped in a bizarre and sometimes violent package. Overall, it's an interesting and moving film that showcases the complexities of family dynamics and the power of love to overcome darkness.

    • Love and connections may not be enough to debunk nihilismThe movie 'The Shape of Water' explores the power of love and connections, but the speaker argues that a higher moral purpose is necessary to sustain meaningful relationships and withstand nihilistic arguments.

      The movie "The Shape of Water" presents the idea that love and connections with others can debunk the nihilistic view of a meaningless universe. However, the speaker argues that this philosophy is not compelling and sustainable on its own, as it lacks a higher moral rubric to justify long-term commitments. The movie's challenge lies in the characters' attraction to nihilism, and the speaker questions the moral justification for condemning those who prioritize their own happiness over family obligations. While the movie may be enjoyable and creative, the speaker argues that it fails to provide a strong enough moral foundation to withstand a full-scale nihilistic argument. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that a higher purpose and cause are necessary to sustain a civilization or even a family.

    • Allegations of US military operation to damage Nord Stream pipelinesInvestigative journalist Seymour Hersh claims US military destroyed parts of Nord Stream pipelines under NATO exercise cover, but denials from CIA and White House leave the story's veracity uncertain.

      There are allegations by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh suggesting that the United States military carried out an operation to damage the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea without congressional approval. This operation reportedly occurred under the cover of a NATO exercise and resulted in the destruction of three of the four pipelines. The pipelines, which provided Europe with cheap Russian natural gas, were seen as a tool for Russian President Vladimir Putin's political and territorial ambitions by the Biden administration. However, the CIA and the White House have denied these claims, and the sourcing for the story is considered thin. If true, this would be a serious scandal involving the unauthorized use of military force. However, it's important to note that Seymour Hersh has a history of making controversial claims with questionable sourcing. The veracity of these allegations remains to be seen.

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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

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    My Patriot Supply - Get $50 a 4-week emergency food supply: http://www.preparewithBen.com/


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1-800-245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/SHAPIRO


    Masterworks - Get connected to Masterworks Advisers at https://masterworks.com/ben


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    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code SHAPIRO at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


    Tax Network USA - Take the first step toward resolving your tax debt! http://www.TNUSA.com/SHAPIRO


    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

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    Birch Gold - Text "BEN" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/BEN, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code SHAPIRO at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Ep. 1985 - Did Biden FREEZE Again?!

    Ep. 1985 - Did Biden FREEZE Again?!

    Republicans have now reversed a massive voter trend heading into 2024; Trump prepares for his debate with Biden; and the media try to turn the age issue against Donald Trump.


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    ExpressVPN - Get 3 Months FREE of ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/BEN


    Grand Canyon University - Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University: https://www.gcu.edu/


    Policygenius - Get your free life insurance quote & see how much you could save: http://policygenius.com/SHAPIRO


    Stamps.com - Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at https://www.stamps.com/shapiro. Thanks to Stamps.com for sponsoring the show!


    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1-800-245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/SHAPIRO


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    Can America Be Saved? | Dan Bongino

    Can America Be Saved? | Dan Bongino

    We are excited to welcome Dan Bongino back to The Sunday Special this week. Bongino’s broadcasts at The Dan Bongino Show are characterized by his profound patriotism and a relentless pursuit of truth. In today’s episode, we forecast the 2024 election, discuss Trump’s unique political strengths, and potential presidential debate strategies for each candidate. We also weigh the merits of populist economics and the Right’s recent bifurcation on foreign policy. Tune in for another fantastic conversation on this episode of The Sunday Special.


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    ExpressVPN - Get 3 Months FREE of ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/BEN


    Birch Gold - Text "BEN" to 989898 for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    The Wellness Company - Exclusive Discount for my Listeners. Use promo code BEN at http://www.UrgentCareKit.com/BEN

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 16, 2024

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    We’re proud to announce that DailyWire+ is partnering with Angel Studios on their latest film, Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot. The movie is the true story of how Donna and Reverend Martin inspired and supported 22 families from a rural Black church in Texas to adopt 77 of the most at-risk kids from the foster system. This film is the beginning of a determined fight for kids. In America, there are over 100,000 children who need a home, and that is unacceptable. Join the fight for kids today. Get showtimes to see Sound of Hope in theaters starting July 4th at http://angel.com/ben.

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 15, 2024

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    CNN Host Goes Quiet as His 2024 Question for DeSantis Backfires | Direct Message | Rubin Report

    CNN Host Goes Quiet as His 2024 Question for DeSantis Backfires | Direct Message | Rubin Report
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Ron DeSantis’ explosive interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Dave’s appearance on Patrick Bet-David’s “PBD Podcast”; Donald Trump’s town hall with Fox News’ Sean Hannity where he vented about the Deep State plotting against him; CNN’s Dana Bash and John King desperately trying to connect Jack Smith getting a sandwich at Subway with an anticipated new Trump indictment; “The View’s” Whoopi Goldberg and Sunny Hostin labeling Trump’s being out on bail as some kind of special treatment; Joy Reid letting historian Michael Beschloss share his bizarre fascism conspiracies about Donald Trump; Rachel Levine trying to convince an interviewer why young trans kids can’t wait for puberty blockers; Margaret Thatcher destroying her interviewer’s dreams of socialism; and much more. WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Gravity Defyer - Sick of knee pain? Get Gravity Defyer shoes. Minimize the shock waves that normal shoes absorb through your feet, knees and hips forcing the body to absorb as much as 1,000 pounds of harmful impact with every step. Try a pair risk-free for 60 days and experience the difference they can make in your life! It's the most powerful shock absorption system ever put into a shoe. Use Code RUBIN for 15% off your first order. Go to: http://gravitydefyer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    What the Woke?! w/ Iona Italia & Rod Graham (Series Premiere)

    What the Woke?! w/ Iona Italia & Rod Graham (Series Premiere)

    We're very excited for the premiere of our newest show "What the Woke?!", aiming to foster a greater understanding of social & societal issues. In this first episode, we explore the concepts of "whiteness", "equality vs equity" and more.

    Iona Italia is an Enlightenment scholar, tango dancer, copyeditor and translator and the author of the books Anxious Employment and Our Tango World. She will take over from Helen Pluckrose as editor-in-chief of Areo magazine from 4 May. She is also the host of the podcast Two for Tea.

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/IonaItalia​​

    Rod Graham is an Associate Professor of sociology and criminal justice at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. When he is not playfully provoking people on Twitter, he researches and teaches cybercrime. He also has a YouTube channel where he has conversations with folks about social issues.

    Website: http://roderickgraham.com​.
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7yo...
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/roderickgraham
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