
    EP: 167 Angels in the Andes with Tim Alberino

    enMay 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Past: Viracochas and The ExplursionThe Viracochas and The Explursion remind us of the importance of delving deeply into complex topics, challenging paradigms, and coming together as a community to learn and grow.

      The ancient Andes civilization, known as the Viracochas, brought hope and light to the survivors of a cataclysmic event. Meanwhile, the modern day discovery of potential ancient skeletons and the exploration of controversial topics through intimate events like "The Explursion" in Costa Rica, reflect the ongoing quest for knowledge and understanding of our Earth's history. The Viracochas and the Explursion serve as reminders of the importance of delving deeply into complex topics, challenging paradigms, and coming together as a community to learn and grow.

    • Intimate Costa Rica Event: Giants, Aliens, Bigfoot, and FaithListeners can join a Costa Rica community event in Feb 2024, exploring Giants, aliens, Bigfoot, and faith. Limited attendance ensures an intimate, vacation-like experience. Book early for preferred accommodations.

      The hosts of a podcast are planning an interactive and intimate community event in Costa Rica in February 2024, focused on topics like Giants, aliens, Bigfoot, and faith. The event will take place in Manuel Antonio National Park and attendees can choose from various accommodation options, including hotels and Airbnbs. The hosts emphasized the importance of community and the opportunity for like-minded individuals to meet and connect. The event will be a mix of podcast-style discussions, interactive activities, and opportunities for fellowship. The hosts encourage listeners to book their travel and accommodations early to secure their spot. They aim for a limited attendance to keep the event intimate and vacation-like, rather than conference-like. The event is meant to be a fun and engaging way to delve deeper into the topics discussed on the podcast.

    • Blurry Creatures' Unique Event in Costa Rica: Podcasting, Paranormal Exploration, and RelaxationBlurry Creatures is hosting an exclusive event in Costa Rica for members, featuring podcasting sessions, bonfires, wildlife encounters, and a VIP night. Attendees will enjoy a blend of relaxation, exploration, and community in Manuel Antonio National Park.

      The Blurry Creatures team is organizing a unique event in Costa Rica for 150 members, combining elements of a vacation, podcasting, and paranormal exploration. The event will take place in Manuel Antonio National Park, known for its rich wildlife and beautiful beaches. The team has chosen a hotel that accommodates large groups and is located in the heart of the park. The event will include deep podcasting sessions, bonfires, food, and a VIP event the night before. The Blurry Creatures membership is required to attend, and members will have the first opportunity to secure their spot. The team is planning exciting activities, including potential encounters with local wildlife and possibly even some unexpected adventures. This event promises to offer a blend of relaxation, exploration, and community, making it an unforgettable experience for attendees.

    • The Significance of the Coricancha in the Inca EmpireThe Coricancha, a temple complex in Cusco, Peru, was the heart of the Inca Empire, showcasing their wealth and advanced civilization. Atahualpa's decision to meet Spanish conquistadors there led to his capture and the start of the Spanish conquest.

      The Coricancha in Cusco, Peru, was the epicenter of the Inca Empire and was renowned for its wealth, with walls lined with gold and silver, and temples dedicated to the Sun and Moon. The Inca emperor Atahualpa was aware of the arrival of Spanish conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro and had gathered his army nearby, but chose to meet them in the deserted city of Cajamarca. This decision ultimately led to Atahualpa's capture and the beginning of the Spanish conquest of Peru. The Coricancha's rich history and significance demonstrate the advanced civilization of the Incas and the profound impact of the European conquest on their culture. The speaker, who lived in Peru for a decade and has explored the country extensively, shares personal experiences and anecdotes, as well as the insights of researcher Anselm P. Rambla, to shed light on this fascinating topic.

    • The Discovery of the Inca's Wealth at the CoricanchaThe encounter between Atahualpa and Pizarro led to the discovery of the Inca's vast wealth, but the Incas hid their most valuable treasures in a tunnel system beneath Saksaiwaman, which remains a myth and legend.

      The encounter between the Inca leader Atahualpa and the Spanish conquistador Pizarro at the Coricancha in Cajamarca, Peru, led to the discovery of the Inca's vast wealth and the beginning of the Spanish conquest. Atahualpa, expecting a peaceful greeting, brought a large crowd of Incas to the central square. However, when he disrespected a Bible given to him by a Spanish priest, the conquistadors saw it as a sign to attack. After Atahualpa's capture, the Inca empire froze as Pizarro demanded a ransom of gold and silver. During this time, the Incas hid their most valuable treasures and sacred relics in a tunnel system beneath the megalithic walls of Saksaiwaman. Anselm Pi Rambla, a Spanish archaeologist, was the first to excavate the Coricancha in the late 1990s and searched for the legendary tunnel leading to the hidden treasures. However, the existence of this tunnel remains a myth and legend, as the Spanish ultimately seized the Coricancha and the Inca's wealth during their conquest.

    • Anselm's Discovery of the Shinkana TunnelArchaeologist Anselm uncovered a hidden, megalithic tunnel beneath the Coricancha in Peru, extending over a mile, which had been rumored to connect the Inca temple with Sacsayhuaman.

      During the late nineteen hundreds, archaeologist Anselm discovered the legend of the Shinkana, a tunnel beneath the Coricancha in Peru, which was rumored to connect the Inca temple with Sacsayhuaman. Anselm, intrigued by this legend, approached the prior of the Dominican Order at the Cathedral of Santo Domingo, where the Coricancha was now located. The prior confirmed the legend's truth and led Anselm and his team to a crypt beneath the church. There, they discovered a hidden entrance to the Shinkana, revealing an exquisitely built, megalithic tunnel lined with andesite blocks, extending for over a mile. This discovery not only added to the intrigue of the Inca civilization but also highlighted the significance of unearthing ancient legends and relics.

    • Challenging the Guarded Narrative of Peruvian ArchaeologyDespite the conventional narrative being fiercely guarded in Peruvian archaeology, an explorer's discovery of a potential tunnel could challenge it, but gaining access and permits can be difficult due to those in power's influence.

      In the archaeological world, particularly in places like Peru, the conventional narrative is fiercely guarded by those in power. An explorer named Anselm discovered a potential tunnel leading to treasures beneath Saksaiwaman, but when he tried to gain access, he was unexpectedly denied. Years later, Anselm was granted permission to dig in the Coricancha, where he believed the tunnel was located. However, this was a miraculous occurrence, as the conventional narrative held that the Inka built all monumental structures in Peru, and the gatekeepers of this narrative, including intellectuals and archaeologists, jealously guard their positions and the history they have been authorized to tell. Anselm's discovery could potentially challenge this narrative, making it a dangerous proposition. Even the process of obtaining permits to film in archaeological sites in Peru can be challenging, as those in power can use their influence to question and obstruct outsiders.

    • Encountering Hostility During Permitting Process for Filming in PeruFilming in Peru can involve confrontation with officials over controversial narratives, and native beliefs may differ from mainstream historical accounts, leading to tension.

      The permitting process for filming in Peru, particularly when it comes to discussing controversial topics related to the country's historical sites, can be met with significant hostility and aggression from those in positions of power. This was evident in an encounter the speaker had with a permitting official who took issue with their intended narrative about the megaliths and the Inca civilization. The official, who was not an archaeologist, became aggressive and threatened to deny the speaker's permit, going so far as to claim to be the nephew of the minister of culture and vowing to prevent any filming in the country. The speaker also shared that the Quechua and Aymara people, the native populations in Peru and Bolivia, hold different beliefs about the origin of the megalithic monuments, believing they were built by giants in a primordial age. These conflicting narratives can lead to tension and disagreement. Despite this, the speaker noted that such hostility is not commonly encountered in the United States.

    • Anselm's discovery of green diorite foundations and Shinkana tunnelAnselm's use of ground penetrating radar led to the discovery of a labyrinthine tunnel system beneath the Andes mountains, challenging historical beliefs and shedding new light on Peru's history.

      Anselm's discovery of the green diorite megalithic foundations of the Korikancha temple in Peru led him to an important realization. However, his exploration and use of ground penetrating radar to find the Shinkana tunnel beneath the temple, despite facing challenges and being expelled, ultimately proved its existence. The Shinkana, a labyrinthine tunnel system, is significant as it extends from the Coricancha to Saksaywaman and is a part of a larger, mythical tunnel system beneath the Andes mountains. This discovery challenges historical beliefs and sheds new light on the rich history of Peru. The use of advanced technology, persistence, and collaboration between Anselm and his team led to this groundbreaking discovery.

    • Legends of advanced beings called Viracochas in Andean culturesAndean cultures have legends of advanced beings, the Viracochas, who brought civilization and enlightenment after a cataclysmic event. They are associated with advanced technology and possibly underground cities.

      There are legends of advanced beings known as the Viracochas in Andean cultures. These beings, described as fair-skinned men with beards, long hair, cloaks, sandals, and staffs, are said to have appeared during a time of darkness and chaos after a cataclysmic event. The Viracochas are sometimes confused with the primary Inca deity, Viracocha, but in some legends, they are distinct entities. The legend of the Viracochas is ubiquitous among the Aymara and Quechua peoples in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, and they are associated with the larger Tinkana system, a network of advanced technology and possibly underground cities. The legends suggest that the Viracochas brought civilization and enlightenment to the survivors of the cataclysm. These beings and the advanced technology they are said to have left behind continue to intrigue researchers and explorers.

    • The Path of Viracocha: A Geodesic Alignment of Significant Andean SettlementsThe Inca Empire's major settlements, temples, and monuments were strategically aligned along a geodesic line, known as the Path of Viracocha, which is believed to have played a crucial role in their civilization.

      During a time of chaos and darkness in the Andes, the beta coaches, led by Viracocha, played a crucial role in civilizing the survivors. Viracocha traveled through the Andes, teaching love, setting up legal systems, and healing the sick. His route, now known as the Path of Viracocha, is said to align geodesically with significant Inca and pre-Inca settlements and structures. This alignment is noteworthy given the rugged terrain of the Andes. The Inca Empire, which consisted mainly of native communities, was divided into four sectors, each governed by the Inca ruling class, who claimed divine ancestry. The Inca's authority was believed to stem from their gods, and their major settlements, temples, and monuments were situated along this geodesic line. This alignment, discovered by anthropologist Maria Scholten Diebnitz, adds to the intrigue surrounding the Inca civilization and their connection to the land.

    • Ancient Andes Civilizations: Advanced Knowledge and ConnectionsAncient Andes civilizations possessed advanced knowledge and capabilities, as evidenced by the precise alignment of significant sites along the path of Vitacocha, including Machu Picchu and Tauripunku, which appear to be mirror images of each other.

      Ancient civilizations, specifically those in the Andes region, are believed to have possessed advanced knowledge and capabilities, as evidenced by the alignment of significant sites along a line called the path of Vitacocha. This path, which is believed to have been used by ancient gods or architects around 3000 BC, is marked by megalithic sites such as Machu Picchu and Tauripunku, which appear to be mirror images of each other on opposite sides of the Andes mountains. The precise measurements used in the construction of these sites, which are based on a complex and highly mathematical unit of measurement called the American unit, were likely beyond the capabilities of primitive people. The legend of Vitacocha promises that these gods would return from over the sea one day, further emphasizing the advanced knowledge and connections of these ancient civilizations.

    • The belief among indigenous peoples that Spanish conquistadors were divine beings played a significant role in their conquests.The advanced technology and small numbers of Spanish conquistadors, combined with the belief among indigenous peoples that they were gods, allowed the Spanish to conquer the Aztec and Inca empires despite their vast armies.

      The conquistadors' small numbers and advanced technology, combined with the belief among indigenous peoples that they were divine beings, allowed a few hundred Spanish conquistadors to conquer the Aztec and Inca empires despite their vast armies. This phenomenon occurred around the same time in the early 1500s, with the Aztecs in Mexico and the Inca in Peru. The conquistadors, preceded by disease and civil war, appeared as gods with their advanced weaponry and European appearance, which further reinforced the belief among the indigenous peoples. This belief, rooted in existing legends and the influence of previous empires, played a significant role in the conquistadors' success. The idea of returning gods was a prophecy in the indigenous cultures, and the Spaniards' arrival was seen as the second coming of the god Vida Coches. This belief, along with the conquistadors' military superiority, allowed them to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds and establish new empires.

    • Belief in Ancient Civilization of Bida Coaches among Andean CommunitiesAndean communities, particularly Quechua and Aymara, believe in the existence of an ancient civilization of fair-skinned, bearded men called Bida Coaches, who are said to have advanced technology and have interacted with their ancestors.

      There exists a deeply rooted belief among certain Andean communities, particularly the Quechua and Aymara people, of an ancient civilization of fair-skinned, bearded men called Bida Coaches, living beneath the Andes. These beings are said to possess advanced technology, including flying machines described as shiny discs. The Quechua people claim that these beings have interacted with their ancestors, healing the sick and sharing knowledge. Some legends attribute the construction of megaliths to the Bida Coaches or their offspring. These stories are not commonly known among the general population but are prevalent in the mountainous regions off the beaten path. The tales of the Bida Coaches share striking similarities with stories of red-haired giants found in places like Chachapoyas. The encounter of two travelers, one resembling a Bida Coach, with these communities further highlights the belief's authenticity.

    • Encountering Local Legends in Andes VillagesTravelers discovered that local legends were deeply ingrained in Andes communities, adding an intriguing layer to their adventure and showcasing unique beliefs

      Our travelers' experiences in the remote villages of the Andes brought them face to face with local legends and beliefs, including stories of giants and other supernatural beings. Despite being initially skeptical, they came to learn that these tales were deeply ingrained in the local culture and were not just myths but part of the community's everyday life. The travelers found themselves staying in a Catholic Church, where they were welcomed by the priests and nuns who shared these stories with them. These tales ranged from giants putting cows in trees as pranks to the existence of red-haired giants roaming the virtually unexplored cloud forest. The travelers' encounters with these legends added an intriguing layer to their adventure and highlighted the unique and diverse beliefs of the communities they visited.

    • Andean Legend of the Pukanawe and ViracochasAncient Andean legend tells of gatekeepers, the Pukanawe, leading to underground cities of the Viracochas. Seeking their guidance requires Capacuna assistance and crossing a bridge.

      In the Andes region, there exists a rich cultural tradition involving the belief in red-haired, red-eyed beings known as the Pukanawe. These beings are said to be the gatekeepers to the underground cities inhabited by the Viracochas. To meet with the Viracochas, one must first seek out the Pukanawe through the assistance of the Capacuna, an ancient Andean secret society. Upon crossing a bridge and encountering the Pukanawe, one is transported to another world where they will be escorted to meet with the beta coaches. This legend is widely known in the Andes, and the details of the story are shared among various communities. The similarities between this legend and descriptions of secret societies suggest that some modern-day groups may be influenced by these ancient traditions.

    • Stories of hidden civilizations and otherworldly beingsLegends of beta coaches, dragons, and their angels persist in various cultures, describing supernaturally charged locations and encounters with otherworldly beings. Some believe these tales hold truth and warrant further investigation.

      There exist stories and legends about hidden civilizations and beings, often referred to as beta coaches or dragons and their angels, believed to reside in specific locations such as the Andes, Himalayas, and Antarctica. These stories span from ancient Andean legends to more recent new age circles. For instance, in Peru, there's a place called Amaru Muru, which is known as a supernaturally charged location in New Age circles, but the local Aymara people have a different name for it and believe it to be a gateway to another world or dimension. These stories often involve disappearances or encounters with otherworldly beings. While some may view these tales as mere folklore, others believe they hold truth and merit further investigation.

    • Separating fact from fiction in myths and legendsBe cautious of tour guides and sources when exploring myths and legends, as not all stories are rooted in fact or culture.

      Not all legends and myths are rooted in ancient history or culture, and it's essential to differentiate fact from fiction. The speaker's experience at Amaru Mudu, a site believed to be a gateway to Lemuria or Atlantis, highlights this. The mythology surrounding the place was not created by the Aymara people but by a tour guide, who fabricated it to attract tourists and make money. The Aymara people have their own beliefs about the site, but the tour guide's story gained popularity among "new agey Gringos." The speaker's team camped near the site and experienced a massive storm, which they later learned was a localized hailstorm that affected only the Aymara village nearby. This story serves as a reminder that it's crucial to verify the sources of information and be aware of potential deception, especially when exploring spiritual or historical sites.

    • Ancient South American Mythologies: The Elder Race and ViracochaThe Incas and Aztecs shared beliefs about a creator god, Viracocha, and a legendary elder race, who were believed to be tall, blonde-haired beings that came from under the earth and possessed both good and bad qualities. Spanish conquests uncovered evidence of their existence, and these beliefs are connected to Quetzalcoatl mythology in Central America.

      The ancient civilizations in South America, specifically the Incas and the Aztecs, shared similar mythologies about a creator god named Viracocha and a legendary race of tall, blonde-haired beings known as the elder race or the Viracochas. These beings were believed to have come from under the earth, possibly inhabiting bases in the Andes, and were often depicted as having both good and bad qualities. The Spanish conquest of the Incas uncovered evidence of a tunnel and a hidden treasure, which led to the veneration of Viracocha and the belief that these beings had once walked among humans. The elder race is also connected to the Quetzalcoatl mythology in Central America, as both traditions depict these beings as departing over the sea. Overall, this discussion highlights the interconnectedness of ancient mythologies and the common themes of creation, destruction, and the existence of otherworldly beings.

    • Theories of the origins of spiritual teachersBeliefs in spiritual teachers' origins include survivors of ancient civilizations, angels, or even Jesus Christ. These appearances were part of a divine plan to spread love and salvation.

      There are various theories about the origins of spiritual teachers or beings who appeared in different parts of the world during times of chaos and destruction, teaching love, healing, and civilizing people. These theories include the possibility that these beings were survivors of ancient civilizations, angels, or even Jesus Christ himself. Some believe these appearances were part of a divine plan to help humanity recover and spread the message of love and salvation. The idea that God only works through certain channels or methods can be limiting, and it's essential to remember that a limitless God could be working in various ways, including through dreams and visions. The drive to spread the gospel to all corners of the earth is a crucial aspect of this belief. The existence of these theories and beliefs challenges us to expand our understanding of the divine and the ways in which it interacts with humanity.

    • Legends of Divine Beings Aiding Human CivilizationThroughout history, stories exist of divine beings aiding human civilization, challenging the common perception that they only bring destruction.

      Throughout history, there have been various legends and stories of divine beings intervening in human civilization, not just to bring destruction but also to help rebuild and teach. Melchizedek, an enigmatic figure from the Bible, is one such example. Some theories suggest that there may be an order of Melchizedek that helped civilization restart after the flood. This idea challenges the common perception that only "bad guys" or demons interfere with human life. Furthermore, there are ancient traditions that angels have assisted humans in various ways, including helping Noah build the ark. These stories and legends are often preserved among indigenous communities, particularly those living in remote areas. To truly understand these stories, it's essential to seek out the wisdom of the elderly members of these communities and engage in meaningful conversations with them. Ultimately, these stories remind us that the divine realm is not limited to bringing destruction but also plays a role in the creation and rebuilding of human civilization.

    • Broadening our understanding through travelTraveling deepens faith, challenges paradigms, and encourages ongoing exploration while maintaining allegiance to the gospel

      Firsthand experiences and travel can significantly broaden our understanding of biblical stories and the world around us. Traveling to different places and interacting with diverse cultures can challenge rigid paradigms and deepen our faith in Christ. The speaker emphasizes that no matter how much we learn or discover, there is always more to explore and question. Our allegiance to the gospel and our faith in Christ should remain the foundation of our beliefs, while embracing the complexity and vastness of the world around us. The speaker encourages an open-minded approach to learning, emphasizing that there is always more to discover than what we currently know. This perspective is reflected in the speaker's purchase of an official forest service cup, symbolizing a connection to the natural world and a support for ongoing exploration.

    • Appreciating the Complexity and UnexplainedEmbrace the complexity of the world and the unexplained, rather than trying to categorize or explain everything.

      The world around us is full of complexity and unexplained phenomena, and it's important to embrace that complexity rather than trying to neatly categorize everything into boxes. The speaker shares his appreciation for shows like Blurry Creatures, which allow people to share their weird experiences without pushing back or insisting on a specific explanation. He also believes that there is a level of supernatural or magical element in the world, but it's not something that can be easily defined or understood. Instead, we should keep exploring and embracing the weirdness and complexity of the created order. The speaker also commends Blurry Creatures for presenting a variety of opinions and perspectives without telling people what to think, providing a "buffet and a spoon" for their audience. Overall, the message is to appreciate the complexity of the world and embrace the unexplained rather than trying to force everything into neat categories or explanations.

    • Exploring connections in faithExploring various aspects of faith deepens our understanding and appreciation, adding pieces to the puzzle of God's kingdom. Embracing creation's vastness and weirdness makes faith more exciting and encourages growth. Valuable conversations deepen connections with others and with God.

      Exploring the connections between various aspects of our faith, such as the gospel, the Bible, history, and even seemingly mysterious phenomena like megaliths, enriches our understanding and appreciation of the kingdom of heaven. These explorations don't provide all the answers, but they add pieces to the puzzle and remind us that God is the ultimate author of all good things. Furthermore, embracing the vastness and weirdness of creation, both known and unknown, makes our faith more exciting and encourages growth. The conversations we have about these topics, whether in person or through media, are valuable for sharing ideas and deepening our connection with each other and with God. So, let's continue to explore, ask questions, and engage in thoughtful discussions, both in everyday life and at special events, to further unpack the wonders of our faith.

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    Cloak and Dagger TV show gets a premiere date

    And much more!


    Show notes: Avengers #676, Mighty Thor #703, Doctor Strange #384: Superconnectivity Episode #168


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    Follow Charlie Esser on Twitter:  https://twitter.com/CharlieEsser


    Produced by:



    Production Team: Phil Perich, Rob Southgate