
    EP: 168 The Magic Circle with Dr. Laura Sanger

    enMay 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the pursuit of truth in secret societiesSecret societies have long sought higher rational union and truth, but elite groups manipulate this desire through dialectics. Despite the confusion, the journey towards understanding can be enlightening.

      The concept of spiritual ascension and the pursuit of truth have been central themes in various secret societies throughout history. This desire for higher rational union and totality of truth, as sought by figures like Nimrod and Hegel, has been manipulated by elite groups, such as the Illuminati, through the use of dialectics like problem-reaction-solution. Hegel, in particular, used complex language to confuse and control his readers. However, once one enters the metaphorical "magic circle" of these societies, they may feel lost, but not forever. The journey towards understanding the truth can be enlightening and meaningful, even if it involves exploring controversial topics like the existence of Nephilim or the supernatural. The Blurry Creatures podcast, with its unique blend of paranormal discussion and biblical truth, encourages listeners to keep an open mind and enjoy the ride.

    • Friendship and Success in PodcastingThe personal connections and shared interests between podcast hosts and guests contribute to the success and engagement of their audience.

      The conversation between the podcast host and Dr. Lohr highlights the impact of their connection and Dr. Lohr's work on the listeners. Dr. Lohr's episodes have been extremely popular, with his interview on "The Hitler Project" being the second most downloaded episode, and soon to become the most downloaded. Their friendship began through Dr. Lohr's book, "The Roots of the Federal Reserve," and they have remained in touch, even facilitated by Amazon and Jeff Bezos. The podcast hosts are excited about Dr. Lohr's recent accomplishments, including the translation of his book into Spanish and the release of the audiobook. They also share their admiration for Laura, a worship artist who is gaining popularity in the Christian music industry for her raw and honest approach to faith. The conversation touches on various topics related to the Federal Reserve, including the petrodollar system, inflation, and the Fed hiking interest rates. The hosts believe that it's timely to discuss these topics given the current economic climate. Overall, the conversation showcases the personal connections and shared interests that make the podcast successful and engaging for its audience.

    • Managing God's creation as good and faithful stewardsWe are called to manage God's creation faithfully, governing it according to His plans and purposes, and being found faithful in our stewardship as His representatives on earth.

      Stewardship is about managing someone else's property, as defined by the biblical principle of an oikonomos, or steward, being the manager of a household. We are called to be good and faithful stewards of God's creation, as outlined in the parable of the talents and the dominion mandate in Genesis. This dominion mandate sets humanity apart and requires us to govern creation according to God's plans and purposes, facing and overcoming foes and entities that resist us. Matthew Owen's research deepened this understanding, highlighting the importance of being found faithful in our stewardship. Ultimately, we are God's representatives on earth, entrusted with the management of His creation.

    • Regaining lost territory through spiritual warfareGood stewardship involves restoring what's been lost and requires spiritual battle against the enemy to reclaim territory.

      Being a good steward involves regaining what has been lost due to poor stewardship, which involves spiritual warfare to retake territory relinquished to the enemy. This concept of stewardship and dominion is rooted in the original mandate for humans to subdue the earth. God works through various means and speakers, including the discussion of territorial spirits and the role of elohim as stewards of specific territories. The show "Barrels of Fun" has taken on a life of its own, exploring heavy topics that may not have been initially intended but are necessary for God's message to reach people. The hosts, Luke and Laura, acknowledge that they are not experts on all topics discussed and cannot vet every fact presented, but they believe that if this is the platform and message God wants to share, they will continue to do so.

    • Saying yes to God opens new opportunities for growth and friendshipTrust in God's plan and be obedient, even when uncertain, to open doors for growth and form unexpected friendships. Expose 'fruitless deeds of darkness' and live in the light.

      When we say yes to God, He stretches us beyond our limits and opens up new opportunities for growth and friendship. The speaker shares her personal experience of writing a book and forming a friendship that she could not have imagined years ago. She encourages listeners to trust in God's plan and be obedient to His call, even when it seems difficult or uncertain. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of exposing "fruitless deeds of darkness" and living in the light, as described in Ephesians 5. She acknowledges that it's not always easy to be obedient and that she and her co-host are flawed human beings, but they keep going because they trust in God's plan for their lives. The speaker also reflects on the importance of persistence and trusting that things will align in God's timing.

    • The Bible teaches that actions defile the landThe Bible warns against sexual perversion, idolatry, broken covenants, and bloodshed as they can defile the land and establish strongholds.

      Our actions and choices have consequences not only for ourselves and those around us, but also for the land we inhabit. The Bible teaches that sexual perversion, idolatry, broken covenants, and bloodshed can defile the land and establish strongholds. For instance, Leviticus 18 warns against sexual perversion, stating that it will defile the land, while Deuteronomy 11 links idolatry to drought. Isaiah 24 speaks of broken covenants leading to death and destruction, and Numbers 35 teaches that bloodshed pollutes the land. A recent tragic event in Nashville, involving the Covenant School shooting, serves as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging the impact of bloodshed on the land. It's crucial to not only pray for those affected but also for the land itself to be cleansed.

    • Healing the spiritual health of a landNeglecting a land's spiritual health can lead to negative consequences for the people and the environment. Healing involves acknowledging past iniquities, praying for repentance, and releasing blessings.

      The spiritual health of a land is interconnected with the physical and people who inhabit it. Traumatic events, such as violence and death, can leave a curse on the land that attracts more negative energy and can lead to further harm. To heal the land, it's essential to pray for repentance and break the curses through prayer, communion, anointing with oil, and releasing blessings. Neglecting the spiritual well-being of the land can result in strongholds that affect the people living there, leading to issues such as famine, ecological devastation, war, and disease. Being a good steward of the land involves researching its history and identifying any iniquities that may have occurred, paying attention to the physical, social, and spiritual pulse of the community, and addressing any judgments on the land. The stories of hauntings and spirits may be connected to these curses, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and healing the land's spiritual health.

    • Understanding the Impact of Land's Condition on Individuals and CommunitiesRecognizing the spiritual impact of land's condition can help us address curses and strongholds, leading to positive change in our lives and communities.

      The condition of the land, both physically and spiritually, can have a profound impact on individuals and communities. Unaddressed issues, such as judgment, defilement, and iniquity, can lead to curses and strongholds that attract negative outcomes, including violence, disease, bankruptcies, high crime rates, and fear. To remove these curses and strongholds, it's essential to identify their causes and repent. Strongholds can also manifest in our thinking, and they can be linked to our generational ties or the territory itself. Understanding this concept can help us appreciate the importance of being good stewards of the land and our thoughts. The land's spiritual condition can influence our lives in various ways, and recognizing this can lead to positive change.

    • Ancient practices of destroying idols and temples for spiritual empowermentRecognizing and addressing spiritual forces is essential for securing dominion and empowering spiritual entities, as demonstrated by ancient practices and modern examples like the Salt Lake City tornado and removal of Asherah poles.

      Ancient civilizations believed that human sacrifices and the destruction of idols and temples were essential to empower their spiritual forces and secure dominion for their gods. Joshua's conquest of the promised land serves as an example of this concept, as he physically destroyed idols and temples while also dealing with spiritual entities. This strategy is still relevant today, as spiritual battles can manifest in both the physical and spiritual realms. An example from modern times is the tornado that ripped through Salt Lake City in 1999, which revealed a modern-day shrine to the queen of heaven and led to the removal of Asherah poles and the destruction of spiritual entities. These ancient practices demonstrate the importance of recognizing and addressing spiritual forces in our world.

    • Exploring the connection between spiritual and physical battlesAncient iniquities can manifest in physical forms, such as declining cities and communities. Holy practices like anointing with oil or applying the blood of Jesus can offer protection and healing. Understanding historical roots and spiritual significance can lead to transformation and reversing negative impacts.

      The spiritual and territorial battles we face today, as described in religious texts and personal experiences, can manifest in physical forms such as the decline of cities and communities. These issues are rooted in ancient iniquities and can be connected to our institutions, families, and churches. Anointing with holy oil or applying the blood of Jesus, as mentioned in scripture, can be a powerful tool for protection and healing. An example of this is the practice of applying the blood of Jesus on doorposts during the COVID-19 pandemic as a protective measure. Additionally, understanding the origins of iniquities, through historical research and prayer, can lead to breakthrough and transformation in our communities. One specific example of this is the connection between the establishment of the Federal Reserve on Jekyll Island and the presence of a Canaanite altar there. This history, and the spiritual significance behind it, is crucial in addressing and reversing the negative impacts of these ancient roots.

    • The Federal Reserve's origins may be rooted in ancient ritualsThe Federal Reserve's use of the circumpunct symbol and connection to ancient Timucuan rituals hints at a deeper historical link to the Nephilim agenda and monetary manipulation.

      The history of the Federal Reserve and its symbolism can be traced back to ancient civilizations and their rituals, specifically the Timucuan tribe on Jekyll Island. The Timucuan's worshiped the sun god and used the circumpunct symbol, which is a circle with a dot and the ancient phallic symbol of the Egyptian sun god Ra. In their victory celebrations, they formed a circle with the dead and the living, and the sorcerer sat in the middle. The dead bodies were mounted on poles with vines connecting them to the earth, forming the symbol Capemni, which represents the connection between the upper and lower worlds. The center pole had two vines wrapped around it, forming a double helix and representing sacred communication between the worlds. This staff, called the catechism, was also used in commerce and had magical powers. The Federal Reserve's use of the circumpunct symbol and the connection to the Timucuan's rituals suggest a deeper, historical connection to the Nephilim agenda and the manipulation of the monetary system.

    • Early Inhabitants' Occult Practices Curse Jekyll IslandThe history of Jekyll Island, rooted in occult practices, influenced the creation of the Federal Reserve System, which is based on debt and enslavement, and may have attracted similar energies to its founding.

      The early inhabitants of Jekyll Island, including the Timucua people, engaged in practices involving false worship and occult symbols, leaving a spiritual curse on the land. This curse, in turn, influenced the development of the Federal Reserve System, which is rooted in debt and enslavement. The symbol of the circumpunct, used by the Timucua and later by Hermes Trismegistus, Hermes, and modern medical systems, highlights the root issues with our modern medical and pharmaceutical industries. The choice of Jekyll Island as the founding place for the Federal Reserve may not have been a coincidence, as the island's history of spiritual practices and portal-opening rituals may have attracted similar energies. These practices, which involved giving dominion to entities, may have influenced the Federal Reserve's founding principles.

    • The past iniquities of places can shape history and attract negative eventsRecognize the spiritual dimensions of our world and take action to address past and present iniquities for spiritual protection and historical significance

      The history of certain places can be influenced by past iniquities and unresolved spiritual issues, which can attract further negative events and even shape significant historical moments. The example given was the meeting of the founding members of the Federal Reserve at Jekyll Island, which followed the arrival of a slave ship and the establishment of slavery on the island decades after it was illegal. This pattern of iniquity and its impact on future generations is not limited to specific historical events, but can also manifest in paranormal phenomena and unexplained occurrences. As Christians, it's essential to recognize the spiritual dimensions of our world and take a proactive role in dealing with past and present iniquities to protect ourselves and our communities. The ancient Jewish practice of writing prayers on doorposts, such as the one described in Deuteronomy, can serve as a reminder of the importance of territorial stewardship and spiritual protection.

    • Understanding the Hegelian dialectic and its connection to Hermetic philosophyThe Hegelian dialectic, rooted in Hermetic philosophy, is a philosophical method that uses opposing ideas to arrive at a synthesis, shaping history towards a higher rational unity and the totality of truth.

      The Hegelian dialectic, a philosophical method developed by German philosopher George Hegel, offers a unique way to understand and arrive at conclusions. This method involves the interplay of opposing ideas (thesis and antithesis) that ultimately lead to a synthesis, which then becomes the new thesis in a continuous cycle. This dialectic is significant because it intersects with Hermetic philosophy, which posits a circular relationship between God and man. Hegel, influenced by Hermeticism, believed he had the power to shape history and considered himself a "sorcerer." This philosophical pursuit of divine knowledge through the Hegelian dialectic can be seen as a spiral towards a higher rational unity and the totality of truth, a concept echoed in the Tower of Babel story and the goals of secret societies like the Illuminati.

    • Understanding Hegelian Dialectic and its ManipulationThe Hegelian dialectic, a tool used by the elite to control masses, follows a pattern of problem, reaction, and solution. By promoting relativism and moving people away from absolute truth, the elite can manipulate public opinion and responses, as seen in the COVID-19 pandemic.

      The Hegelian dialectic, a philosophical strategy used to control the masses, follows a pattern of problem, reaction, and solution. The global elite, or Nephilim hosts, create a problem leading to a mass reaction, which in turn drives the masses towards a predetermined outcome that benefits the elite. Hegel, the originator of this dialectic, used complex language to confuse readers, creating a "magic circle" that leaves people feeling lost but not forever. This strategy is directly linked to relativism, the abolition of absolute truth, and the promotion of new paradigms based on relativity. By moving people away from absolute truth, the elite can more easily manipulate them with Hegelian dialectics, as seen in the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent trust in "science" as the solution. To break free from this manipulation, it's crucial to recognize the deception and understand the nature of these dialectics.

    • Proposed solutions centralize power and controlHistorically, societal issues have led to proposed solutions that seem helpful but ultimately centralize power and control. Faith in Jesus provides true freedom and promises never fade.

      Throughout history, societal issues have led to proposed solutions that seemingly address the problems but ultimately serve to centralize power and control. This was seen in 2020 with the suspension of liberties for safety, the implementation of vaccine passports in response to continued restrictions in 2021, and the proposed central bank digital currency as a solution to inflation and bank closures in 2023. These proposed solutions, often presented as beneficial for society, are rooted in the Hegelian dialectic and ultimately lead to increased control by a governing body. True freedom, however, comes from placing hope in Jesus and recognizing that even in uncertain times, His promises never fail. The collapse of our monetary system, as terrifying as it may seem, does not diminish the inheritance we have in Him, which is kept in heaven and never perishes, spoils, or fades. So, while we may face trials and hardships, our faith in Jesus will provide a way through and result in praise, glory, and honor when He is revealed.

    • Relying on God's guidance during crisesTrusting in God's guidance through the Holy Spirit helps individuals navigate crises with unique strategies and ensures specific needs are met, contrasting with systems that enslave or manipulate.

      During times of crisis, relying on God's guidance through the Holy Spirit can help individuals and families navigate through challenging situations, even if it means making unconventional decisions. The Holy Spirit provides unique strategies for each person or family, ensuring their specific needs are met. Even in the face of potential monetary collapse or global economic shifts, trusting in God's provision and His kingdom is crucial. This perspective contrasts with systems and structures that aim to enslave or manipulate individuals into thinking they need to sacrifice or give up control for promised rewards, which often turn out to be illusions. Ultimately, trusting in God's kingdom and His provision allows us to break free from enslavement and experience true renewal and freedom.

    • Prioritizing our relationship with God and trusting in His provisionTo live a meaningful life, focus on your relationship with God, prioritize stewardship, beware of monetary enslavement, seek truth in the biblical text, and trust in God's creative provision.

      In order to live a meaningful and obedient life, we must prioritize our relationship with God and trust in His provision. This means being proactive in our stewardship of the land, being aware of the potential enslavement in our monetary systems, and seeking truth through the absolutes of the biblical text. Additionally, spending time in the presence of God will lead to a deep, intimate relationship and a desire to walk in radical obedience. Fear is a major obstacle that can lead us into a cycle of manipulation and enslavement, so it's essential to place our fear only in the Lord and trust that He will provide for us in creative and unexpected ways. This mindset allows us to become "giant slayers," overcoming challenges and living in obedience to God, even in the midst of societal fear and uncertainty.

    • God is our source of hope and provisionEven in tough times, God calms the seas and provides for our needs, bringing comfort and encouragement

      Even in the darkest of places, God is our source of hope and provision. The discussion emphasized that we may encounter difficult times, but God is always with us, calming the seas and providing for our needs. It's important to carve out time for Him and remember that He is our loving Father who will not give us snakes or rocks when we ask for bread or fish. This truth brings comfort and encouragement in uncertain times. The speakers also expressed their enjoyment of their conversations and their desire to continue learning and growing together. So, hold on to the promise that God is in control and always provides for us.

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    Let’s talk about.

    Connect With Carla:

    Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com

    Inquire about one-on-one mentorship ---> affirmingtruthsco@gmail.com

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    058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design

    058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design


    Today, I'm speaking to Richard D. Bartlett, aka Rich Decibels.


    During the Occupy movement in 2011, Rich caught a glimpse of a different way of being together — more compassionate, more intelligent, more creative, inclusive, and animating than he'd experienced as a student worker or citizen up to that point. Since then, he's been on a mission. In 2012 he co-founded Loomio, a digital tool for deliberation and decision-making in groups of 3-300 people.


    In 2016 he co-founded The Hum, a management consultancy for organizations without managers. The Hum has recently published an online training course that shares what they know about working in highly decentralized organizations. Rich is also a Director and longstanding member of Enspiral — a network of people supporting each other to grow up and to get paid for doing meaningful work.


    Rich has a daily writing practice. He writes about how people work together, at any scale, from relationships, to organizations, to social change, and he's prolific on Twitter and on Medium. His fascinating book (currently in beta) is called Patterns for Decentralized Organizing and can be downloaded from Leanpub.




    In this conversation we talk about:

    • How growing up in a strict fundamentalist Christian upbringing, and decoupling from that, shaped his outlook.
    • His complex relationship with atheism and religion today.
    • How he discovered love and solidarity in activism.
    • Technologies of organizing.
    • Forming decentralized decision-making processes.
    • Nihilism in the face of dysfunction as a form of cowardice.
    • Loomio, and collective decision-making software.
    • Status and hierarchy.
    • Shifting culture through fermentation.
    • And the concept of stewardship.


    We spoke in mid-June 2022, and I was excited to talk to Rich since he's been introduced to me by Daniel Thorson, whom I interviewed here in episode 10. I've been following his writing on Twitter and find the idea of decentralized work and collaboration fascinating, exciting, and challenging.


    It's perhaps the greatest question of our time: now that we're all connected and have incredible tools of self-organization, how can we make better decisions together? How can we outcompete centralized organizations? And how can we benefit from the wonderful richness of so many brains without descending into chaos, nihilism and mob rule?


    This conversation is one of a dozen or so weekly conversations that we already have lined up for you with thinkers, designers, makers, authors, entrepreneurs, and activists who are working to change our world for the better. So follow this podcast on your favorite podcast app, or head over to RemakePod.org to subscribe.


    And now let's jump right in with Richard D. Bartlett.




    [5:23] Life in the Present

    [8:07] Early Childhood Community

    [10:33] A Complex Religious Journey

    [18:37] The Occupy Movement

    [23:45] A Transformational Insight

    [28:21] Cowardice and Courage

    [30:40] Membership Groups

    [35:16] Intersecting Communities

    [41:06] Status and Hierarchy 

    [44:35] Fermenting the Right Culture

    [48:21] The Stewardship System

    [51:58] A Short Sermon