
    Podcast Summary

    • PlushCare: Your Solution for Weight LossPlushCare connects you with certified doctors for weight loss meds and accepts most insurance plans

      PlushCare offers a convenient and effective solution for individuals looking to begin their weight loss journey. This telehealth provider connects you with board certified physicians who can prescribe FDA approved weight loss medications like Wegovy and Zeppound for those who qualify. PlushCare accepts most insurance plans, making it an accessible option for many. While discussing other topics, the speakers mentioned the challenges of dealing with extreme weather conditions and enjoying local wines. However, the key takeaway remains the benefits of PlushCare for those seeking weight loss support. To start your weight loss journey with PlushCare, visit plushcare.com/weightloss.

    • Personal preferences and cultural influences shape wine experiencesWine preferences are influenced by personal tastes and cultural backgrounds. Clear communication is key when it comes to wedding etiquette around alcohol.

      When it comes to wine, personal preferences and cultural influences play a significant role in shaping our opinions and experiences. The speaker shared her experiences with different types of wines, including a stunning white wine from a company called Stairway to Heaven, and a bright pink one from Portugal that wasn't really her style. She also mentioned watching reality TV shows and observing how some people enjoy darker wines, despite their bright color. The speaker also reflected on her past experiences with wine tasting and how she was introduced to different types of wines, including a bright pink one that was appreciated for its flavor. The conversation also touched upon the topic of wedding etiquette, with the speakers discussing a dilemma of a bride who couldn't afford an open bar and had to ask guests to pay for their drinks. They offered their perspective, emphasizing the importance of transparency and clear communication with guests. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of personal preferences and cultural influences in shaping our experiences with wine and other aspects of life.

    • Communication and Understanding are Key in Wedding PlanningBe clear and honest about wedding costs, provide guidelines for dress choices, and remember every budget is unique.

      Communication and understanding are key when it comes to wedding planning and expenses. It's uncommon for brides to pay for their bridesmaids' dresses in America, and it's essential to be considerate and honest about the costs involved. Most people now provide guidelines for dress colors and let bridesmaids choose their own or provide options with different price ranges. It's not fair to expect friends to spend beyond their means on a wedding, including the cost of a bar or other expenses. Clear communication between the bride and her friends is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and financial strain. Additionally, it's important to remember that every family and budget is different, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to weddings. Ultimately, the focus should be on celebrating the couple's union and ensuring that everyone involved feels comfortable and included.

    • Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's Rekindled Romance and Other Surprising Celebrity RelationshipsLove can bloom again after heartbreak, even in surprising celebrity relationships, and timing and personal happiness are crucial factors.

      The entertainment industry continues to surprise us with unexpected relationships. During a recent discussion, Melissa and I touched on the topic of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's rekindled romance. We were both shocked to learn that they had been together before their recent reconciliation. This news brought up comparisons to other celebrity relationships, such as Chrishell Stause and Jason Oppenheim, and the infamous Jay-Z and Beyoncé situation. While some may see these relationships as scandalous, others view them as proof that love can bloom again, even after heartbreak. We also reflected on the beauty and allure of Jennifer Garner and JLo, acknowledging that they are both stunning in their own ways. Ultimately, we agreed that timing and personal happiness are key factors in any relationship, regardless of public opinion.

    • Love stories don't always endPeople sometimes get back together with exes for various reasons, and every relationship is unique, focusing on personal growth and present happiness is key.

      Love stories don't always have a clear-cut ending. JLo and Ben Affleck's potential rekindled romance serves as an example of how past relationships can sometimes resurface, despite previous heartbreaks or circumstances. People often find themselves getting back together with their exes due to various reasons, including timing or external factors. While some may view this as a sign of unresolved feelings or the "one that got away," others may see it as a second chance at happiness. The idea of "the one that got away" can be a complex one, and it's essential to remember that every relationship is unique. Whether it's due to long-distance situations, career commitments, or other reasons, the decision to end a relationship doesn't always mean it's the end of the story. Ultimately, it's essential to focus on personal growth and finding happiness in the present, rather than dwelling on past relationships.

    • Celebrity Height Differences and Tattoos: Surprising Factors in RelationshipsDespite height differences and tattoos, celebrities like JLo and Ben Affleck, and Travis Barker, can have intriguing relationships. Anxiety about relationship dynamics, especially in new environments, is common for everyone.

      Being in the public eye comes with its challenges, as celebrities face constant scrutiny and speculation about their personal lives. During a discussion about potential celebrity relationships, it was noted that people seem to be intrigued by the rumored pairing of JLo and Ben Affleck, despite their significant height difference. The group also expressed surprise at the seemingly nice nature of some tattooed celebrities, like Travis Barker, and shared their own relationship insecurities, including the fear of being perceived as boring or uninteresting. A listener shared her anxiety about an upcoming week-long visit from her long-distance boyfriend, expressing concerns about running out of things to talk about and the possibility of him getting bored. The group offered reassurance and shared their own experiences with relationship dynamics changing in new environments. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and uncertainties that come with celebrity relationships and personal relationships in general.

    • Exploring activities together keeps things interestingEngage in creative activities, trust the experience, and enjoy each other's company to keep things enjoyable during extended periods with a significant other.

      Planning activities and having options can help alleviate potential boredom or discomfort during extended periods of time spent with a significant other. This could be as simple as cooking a meal together, going for a walk, or even making sushi at home. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not overthinking the situation and trusting that the experience will be enjoyable. They also suggest engaging in activities outside the home, such as visiting a pub or going for a picnic. Ultimately, the key is to be creative and find ways to enjoy each other's company, whether that involves speaking or simply cuddling in silence. The speaker also encourages listeners to trust in the experience and not put undue pressure on themselves to constantly fill every moment with activity.

    • Navigating Complexities in FriendshipsFriendships require open communication, respect, and understanding to overcome quirks, differences, and rogue thoughts.

      Friendships can be complex and challenging, even among a close-knit group. The discussion reveals various quirks and dynamics, including a friend who sings loudly and unknowingly to herself, another who holds controversial opinions, and a third who compares their group to a more privileged one. Despite these differences, the friends remain united and supportive, acknowledging each other's strengths and weaknesses. However, they also face challenges in dealing with rogue thoughts and beliefs that can create discomfort and tension. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open communication, respect, and understanding in maintaining strong friendships.

    • Comparing Friends and Toxic BehaviorFocus on individuality and unique qualities, avoid negative comparisons and toxic behavior in friendships.

      Constant comparison and putting down friends based on physical attractiveness or any other factor is toxic behavior. The speaker in this conversation was deeply affected by a friend's comments about their group's looks compared to those of her other friends. The friend's insecurity and complex behavior were evident in her persistent attempts to belittle the speaker and their friends. Such behavior is not conducive to a healthy friendship and should be avoided. It's essential to focus on the unique qualities of each person and celebrate individuality rather than engaging in negative comparisons. The speaker's advice was to not engage with such toxic behavior and consider ending the friendship if necessary.

    • Secrets and alcohol can lead to unexpected disasters in relationshipsSecrets and alcohol can result in unwanted advances, property damage, and disrespect for boundaries, emphasizing the importance of open communication and mutual understanding.

      Secrets and alcohol can lead to disastrous consequences in relationships. The speaker shares two personal stories of unexpected and traumatic experiences with past partners. In the first story, a secret university fling rekindled years later resulted in a horrifying night of unwanted advances and damage to property, all while the speaker was asleep and on her birthday. In the second story, a school crush led to an awkward first encounter that left the speaker feeling uncomfortable and put off. Both incidents involved heavy drinking and a lack of respect for boundaries, demonstrating the importance of open communication and mutual understanding in romantic relationships.

    • Mishaps in RelationshipsSmall mishaps in relationships, like accidents or awkward moments, can be forgiven with open communication and understanding. Focusing on positive aspects can help overcome inconveniences. However, consistently disrespectful or harmful behavior may require reevaluation.

      Relationships can be challenging and messy, but small mishaps, like accidentally peeing on the bathroom floor or sleeping naked in an awkward position, can be forgivable and even become amusing stories in the future. The severity of these incidents often depends on the level of intoxication and the individual's reaction. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that open communication and understanding can help navigate through these situations. Additionally, focusing on the positive aspects of a relationship, such as excitement and attraction, can help overcome minor inconveniences. However, if the behavior is consistently disrespectful or harmful, it may be necessary to reevaluate the relationship.

    • Personal preferences and hygiene in relationshipsWhile personal preferences and hygiene matter, it's important to focus on overall compatibility and connection in relationships, rather than getting hung up on minor quirks or embarrassing incidents.

      Personal preferences and hygiene can significantly impact our attraction to others. The speaker shares her strong aversion to feet, which makes it a deal-breaker for her in relationships. She acknowledges that this quirk might seem trivial, but it's a non-negotiable aspect for her. She advises that if someone's foot issue is a significant turn-off, they should give the person another chance and focus on other aspects of the relationship. The speaker also uses the analogy of someone vomiting in the bedroom to illustrate how an embarrassing incident can make one feel uncomfortable and want to leave. Ultimately, she encourages people to look beyond their pet peeves and focus on the overall compatibility and connection in a relationship. The speaker also touches upon the topic of boys' peculiar behaviors, such as wetting the bed during puberty, and shares her curiosity about the human body and its functions. She ends the conversation by recommending a popular sex education series on Instagram for those seeking to spice up their sex lives.

    • A captivating TV show with relatable themes and explicit contentThe speaker recommends a TV show for its relatable storyline, visually appealing main character, and spicy content, but warns viewers of its explicit nature.

      The speaker is highly recommending a TV show she's been watching due to its sexual content and relatable storyline about a married woman reminiscing about her past. She finds the main character visually appealing and was surprised by an unexpectedly large prosthetic penis in one scene. The show is not overly dramatic or stressful, but rather an easy and spicy watch. However, she has a complaint about her partner, who disturbs her sleep by taking the covers off in the morning, leaving her feeling cold. Despite this, she finds his warmth appealing and wishes he could understand her discomfort. Overall, the speaker strongly suggests giving the show a try, but warns viewers to be prepared for its explicit content.

    • Unexpected find: A delightful, affordable wineDiscover an affordable, 7.8-rated wine with Albarino-like qualities, perfect for summer dining and parties. Recommended for tapas, seafood, and sushi.

      The speaker discovered an inexpensive yet impressive wine, which they rate as a 7.8 due to its excellent value for the price. They were surprised to find such an affordable bottle in a local wine shop, as most options were overpriced. The wine, which is reminiscent of Albarino and is floral, light, and perfect for summer, can be enjoyed with tapas, seafood, and sushi. The speaker highly recommends this wine for dinner parties and suggests adding ice cubes for an extra refreshing touch. The conversation also touched upon the importance of delivering smiles through thoughtful gift-giving, as represented by 1800flowers.com, and the affordability and ethical manufacturing practices of Quince, a brand offering jet-setting essentials for travel.

    Recent Episodes from Wednesdays

    40. My boyfriend was found on Grindr: Does that make him a cheat?!

    40. My boyfriend was found on Grindr: Does that make him a cheat?!

    Heyy Tinies,

    Melissa and Sophie are back from their friend's wedding and ready to dive into all things bridesmaids as wedding season kicks off. They share tips on choosing bridesmaids' dresses and keeping makeup from melting in the sun. Plus, it's Euros season and the return of the WAGs —discover which famous footballer their close friend used to date! 👀

    On the dilemma front, one Tiny is in a tizzy as her boyfriend is on Grindr. What should she do? Sophie and Melissa discuss this tricky situation, balancing supporting him vs. looking out for herself.

    Summer is finally here, and the sun is out! The girls share their silly summer stories, from Melissa's adventures in Magaluf to Sophie's antics in Marbella. But more importantly, they want to hear about your summer adventures....

    Have a silly summer story or a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk



    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 25, 2024

    SPECIAL 24H SNEAK PEAK: Welcome to The Follow-Up

    SPECIAL 24H SNEAK PEAK:  Welcome to The Follow-Up


    Hey Tinies,

    We've been SO excited to finally bring out our subscription channel 'Wednesdays: The Follow-Up' that we wanted to give all Wednesdays listeners a special taste of our very first episode so you can see what we're getting up to!

    As one of our V.I.Ts (Very Important Tinies), each fortnight Thursday you'll receive an exclusive bonus episode like this, and of course you'll get your regular dose of 'Wednesdays' COMPLETELY ad-free.

    In The Follow-Up, we dive even further into the dilemmas, and fill you in on the follow-up sent in from our Tinies. We also want to give you extra special curated advice + recommendations on all things beauty, lifestyle, holidays... you name it, we're here to help!

    In this episode, we go back to Episode 26 'My boyfriend had SIX secret girlfriends' and buckle your seatbelts because the follow-up is JUICY!!!!

    We love you!!!

    Sophie and Melissa x

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 20, 2024

    39. BIG family drama!! My sister’s new fiancee has a secret other girlfriend

    39. BIG family drama!! My sister’s new fiancee has a secret other girlfriend

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Heyyy Tinies, 

    Sophie and Melissa have a BIG debrief on their weekends from partying in Ibiza to how TikTok ruining their fave spots!

    As for the dilemma's it's a juicy week, Sophie and Melissa decide if it's a just a bad joke or a bad boyfriend as one Tiny's boyfriend offer to get her a b**b job, some BIG family drama from a sister’s new fiancé who has a secret other girlfriend, and hear about a story from a Tiny who moved to Australia for her boyfriend, and then I found out he was a CHEAT...

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk



    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 18, 2024

    38. I’ve been having an AFFAIR with my BESTFRIEND’S BOYFRIEND!

    38. I’ve been having an AFFAIR with my BESTFRIEND’S BOYFRIEND!

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Heyyy Tinies, 

    This week Melissa and Sophie are catching up on their fave TV shows…including all things BRIDGERTON. 

    Also what is the optimum size for a boy’s hands and feet?! The girls really deep dive into what they like and don’t like…

    AND we have one of our most SHOCKING dilemma’s yet…even Melissa and Sophie can’t believe this one! A Tiny has written in confessing she has cheated with her best friends boyfriend… what advice will Sophie and Melissa give? Tell the friend or keep it a secret? 

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 11, 2024

    37. Will my selfish sister ruin MY dream wedding?!

    37. Will my selfish sister ruin MY dream wedding?!

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Tinies, Melissa is back!!!!!

    And her and Sophie are wasting no times in getting into your dilemmas on this week's ep.

    They're tackling a potential real-life 'Bride Wars' situation. Two sisters getting married in the same year, and ONE is being a bit of a drama queen, and one dream wedding is at stake...

    The girls are also getting to grips with a boyfriend who could potentially be covering up his cheating tracks, and giving their advice to one Tiny whose seven-year relationships looks to be on the rocks.

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 04, 2024

    36. His Deliveroo driver turned out to be the girl he was CHEATING on me with…

    36. His Deliveroo driver turned out to be the girl he was CHEATING on me with…

    We've got an amazing special guest today, the one, the only, Ruby Adler is coming to help with your dilemmas!

    Ruby, aka Tim, gives an insight into 'Made In Chelsea' going to Australia, and why she's considering making a move Down Under...

    On the dilemma front, Sophie and Ruby decide whether fighting for a seven year-long relationship is worth it, give their top tips for where to find certain types of London boys, and hear about a story from one Tiny whose "Deliveroo driver" turned out to be a girl he CHEATED on her with...

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 28, 2024

    35. My ex is CHEATING on his pregnant wife, should I tell her?!

    35. My ex is CHEATING on his pregnant wife, should I tell her?!

    Melissa is still on holiday, but we've got a guest you Tinies adore! Georgia Habboo is back, joining Sophie to share everything as she prepares to be a mum.

    She opens up about her fertility struggles and her journey through pregnancy, which we really hope with help some Tinies listening 💖

    We also have some SHOCKING dilemma's this week! Sophie and Georgia offer some top tier advice as they have a proper sister catch up this episode!

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

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    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 21, 2024

    34. I HATE my boyfriend’s haircut ft. Sophie’s Hair Stylist, Willis Galbraith

    34. I HATE my boyfriend’s haircut ft. Sophie’s Hair Stylist, Willis Galbraith

    Melissa is off holiday but don’t worry Tinies we have an extra special guest to keep Sophie company! Sophie's got a fab stand-in—her hair stylist Willis Galbraith! Willis tells his journey of how he got into the world of hair, through to becoming Sophie's hair stylist and gives some of his advice to your dilemmas.

    As well as learning how to get Sophie's ICONIC blowout over on our TikTok, Willis answers all your burning hair questions from saving bleached locks to his fave hair care products. 

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 14, 2024

    33. Love or Lust? Boyfriend's My Soulmate, BUT I fancy my Lecturer!

    33. Love or Lust? Boyfriend's My Soulmate, BUT I fancy my Lecturer!

    Sophie and Melissa are back, serving up a heaps of advice for all you Tinies out there - from crushing on a married lecturer to leaving a ten year relationship with someone who was leading a double!

    The girls dish on their latest adventures, from Sophie becoming an aunty to Melissa's unexpected Parisian escapades AND the juicy reveal of which Netflix celeb Sophie slid into DMs of?! You would never guess who...👀

    We're now on WhatsApp and ready for your voice note dilemmas! Send us one in to: https://api.whatsapp.com/message/54SRBQ66M633F1?autoload=1&app_absent=0

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer: @ben_johns

    Editor: @kat.milsom

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    32. My husband downloaded TINDER on a stag do… now he’s at the CLINIC!

    32. My husband downloaded TINDER on a stag do… now he’s at the CLINIC!

    Are you ready for what could be our WILDEST dilemma yet on ‘Wednesdays’? If your partner is off on a stag do, make sure he doesn’t misbehave like this Tiny’s did...

    Wedding season is on the horizon, so Sophie and Melissa give their top tips on how to nail the perfect fake tan, and advise one Tiny on how they can turn their dating experiences from stale to spicy.

    We're now on WhatsApp and ready for your voice note dilemmas! Send us one in to: https://api.whatsapp.com/message/54SRBQ66M633F1?autoload=1&app_absent=0

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Becoming – Men Set the Tone, Tackle the Text with Pastor Keion Henderson, Angelina Gives Her Take
    Becoming – Men Set the Tone, Tackle the Text with Pastor Keion Henderson, Angelina Gives Her Take on Men Setting the Tone

    In this episode of Becoming with Angelina Watkins, Angelina adds her thoughts to men setting the tone in a marriage.

    During the Tackle the Text conversation with Pastor Keion Henderson and two other pastors at Lighthouse Church in Houston TX, they discussed the men setting the tone in the marriage and household and the woman creating the atmosphere. Pastor Moore was waiting for his wife to set the atmosphere for him to change. He realized one day as head of household he can’t wait for her to set the atmosphere. . . .he has to set the tone so then she can set the atmosphere.

    He had to be the change he wanted to see. If he wanted his marriage and his household to be better and more harmonious, he was going to have to change how he was showing up.

    But. . . .do women only create atmospheres? Do women not have a tone and just as easily as the man determine by her attitude (whether good or bad) how the atmosphere in the home will be. Just as the pastor changed, the wife could have easily decided to show up differently too.

    Women set a tone in how they want to be treated. And the energy you give is the energy you get back whether male or female.

    Episode Outline
    [00:00] A sneak peak into the episode
    [00:30] Music intro
    [00:38] Introduction
    [01:11] Topic intro
    [03:39] Men set the tone
    [05:35] Change starts with you
    [09:05] The woman creates the atmosphere
    [12:17] Closing

    Where you are is not where you have to be. Your past does not define you, YOU define you.

    Follow Angelina Watkins on IG: https://www.instagram.com/becomingangelinawatkins/
    Follow Angelina Watkins on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@becomingangelinawatkins

    Real Men Pour In Full Video

    Tackle the Text “Relationships in the Pursuit of Happiness”

    Relationship Compatibility

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    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.



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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod

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    “Brayden would absolutely have s*x with one of the Golden Ladies.” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store. Android User? Listen here: https://www.onamp.com/  

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

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    Quip - That’s your 20% off any Electric Toothbrush, Mint & Gum Dispenser, Water Flosser at https://www.GETQUIP.com/VIALL 

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