
    Ep. 1712 - BREAKING: Biden To Announce Re-Election Run This Week

    enApril 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Media's Role in Biden's Re-election CampaignDespite controversies and scandals, media's positive portrayal of Biden enables him to run for re-election with minimal scrutiny, shaping public perception and political landscape.

      The media's support for President Joe Biden's re-election bid is enabling him to run despite concerns over his age and past scandals involving his son Hunter. According to reports, Biden is preparing to announce his re-election campaign this week, and his team is planning to release a video to coincide with the anniversary of his 2020 campaign launch. However, the media's role in propping up Biden, despite his past issues, is the real story. Biden was a controversial candidate when he first ran for president, and his son Hunter's scandals have raised questions about the Biden family's dealings. Yet, the media's portrayal of Donald Trump as the "worst thing in history" has allowed Biden to run with minimal scrutiny. This dynamic highlights the influence of the media in shaping public perception and the political landscape.

    • Biden's Confidence in Facing Trump Again vs His Controversial PastDespite Biden's confidence in running for re-election, his past corruption allegations and recent attempts to downplay scandals have been criticized as disingenuous. Evidence suggests Russian involvement in the dissemination of Hunter Biden's laptop, and Biden's presidency has faced high inflation, a stagnating economy, and a collapse in foreign policy.

      Joe Biden's recent definitiveness about running for re-election may be due to his confidence in facing President Trump again. However, Biden's attempts to downplay his past controversies and present himself as a scandal-free politician have been criticized as disingenuous, given his history of corruption allegations. An example of this was his campaign's attempt to discredit Hunter Biden's laptop as Russian disinformation. Despite Biden's denials, there is evidence suggesting Russian involvement in the dissemination of the laptop's contents. Additionally, Biden's presidency has been marked by high inflation, a stagnating economy, and a collapse in foreign policy. Overall, Biden's efforts to present himself as a non-controversial figure may not hold up under scrutiny.

    • Protecting Online Privacy and SecurityOnline privacy is crucial, and ExpressVPN offers a solution to safeguard it. Global events underscore the importance of prioritizing online security and protecting American citizens abroad.

      Online privacy is a significant concern that often goes overlooked. As people go about their daily activities online, their browsing data is constantly being tracked and monitored, revealing personal information that could be misused. ExpressVPN is a trusted privacy partner that offers a solution to protect online privacy and security with just a few clicks. Meanwhile, in foreign affairs, the evacuation of American personnel from Sudan highlights the unpredictability of global events and the potential consequences of leaving citizens behind. The power struggle between rival commanders in Sudan has led to a full-blown civil war, leaving thousands of private American citizens stranded and in danger. It's crucial for individuals and governments to prioritize online privacy and security and take necessary precautions to protect themselves. Additionally, it's essential to acknowledge the importance of supporting and ensuring the safety of American citizens abroad.

    • U.S. foreign policy lacks a clear plan, leaving Americans stranded in unstable regionsThe Biden administration's foreign policy is unclear and has resulted in abandoning American citizens in countries like Sudan, while Russia expands influence through mercenaries. The U.S. focus on Ukraine and lack of response to crises in Sudan undermines U.S. influence and leaves citizens in danger.

      The Biden administration's foreign policy lacks a clear plan and has resulted in the abandonment of American citizens in unstable regions. For instance, while the U.S. focuses on funding the war in Ukraine, Russia is expanding its influence in Africa through the Wagner Group, a set of Russian mercenaries causing instability and leaving thousands of Americans stranded in countries like Sudan. The administration's hands-off approach has been evident in other situations as well, such as the hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan and the lack of response to the ongoing crisis in Sudan. Despite the president's claims of success, the U.S. is failing to address these global issues effectively. This leaves American citizens in harm's way and undermines U.S. influence on the world stage.

    • U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan leads to ISIS terror attacksThe hasty U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan without a clear plan resulted in ISIS using it as a base to launch attacks against Europe, Asia, and potential U.S. targets, costing American lives and allies.

      The withdrawal of U.S. personnel from Afghanistan by President Biden, less than two years ago, has led to the country becoming a significant coordination site for Islamic State terrorist attacks against Europe, Asia, and potential U.S. targets. This is according to a classified Pentagon assessment that reveals specific efforts to target embassies, churches, business centers, and the FIFA World Cup Soccer Tournament. ISIS has developed a cost-effective model for external operations that relies on resources from outside Afghanistan, operatives in target countries, and extensive facilitation networks. The Biden administration's hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan, without a clear plan, has resulted in a growing security concern and the resurgence of terrorism. Despite the president's claims that the threat of terrorism had been ended, the situation in Afghanistan has led to the loss of American lives and allies, and the abandonment of hundreds of Americans.

    • Majority of Americans don't want Biden or Trump to run againAmericans are tired of Biden and Trump, both facing low approval ratings. Parties may nominate less popular candidates due to weakening party structures, while effective foreign policy leadership is needed to address ongoing threats.

      The political landscape is shifting, with both incumbent President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump facing significant unpopularity among Americans. According to a NBC News poll, a majority of Americans do not want Biden to run for reelection, while only 35% support Trump's potential bid. Instead, exhaustion is the leading feeling towards another potential Biden-Trump matchup. The weakening of major political parties may contribute to the nomination of less popular candidates. Meanwhile, the ongoing presence of ISIS K in Afghanistan poses a threat to American interests and highlights the importance of strong foreign policy leadership. It's crucial for both parties to nominate candidates who can effectively address these issues and regain the trust of the American people.

    • Trump Attacks DeSantis from the Left for Florida EndorsementsDespite attacking DeSantis from the left, Trump's strategy to humiliate him isn't resonating well with the base who prefer DeSantis's leadership style. Florida's economic growth under DeSantis contradicts Trump's claims.

      Despite being the former president and the current Republican front runner, Donald Trump is actively seeking endorsements from politicians, particularly in Florida, where he is attacking Ron DeSantis from the left due to the popularity of DeSantis's record of governance. Trump's strategy to humiliate DeSantis is not resonating well with the base, as they prefer DeSantis's leadership style. Contrary to Trump's claims, Florida has seen economic growth under DeSantis, and many people, including the speaker's own family, have moved there as a result.

    • DeSantis attacks Trump's COVID-19 leadershipDeSantis criticizes Trump for being too reliant on health experts, inconsistent messaging, and slow action during the pandemic, positioning himself as a strong leader in contrast.

      Ron DeSantis is attacking Donald Trump's leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic as part of his potential presidential campaign. DeSantis is positioning himself as a strong leader who took control of the situation in Florida, while criticizing Trump for being too weak and reliant on health bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci. Trump's inconsistent messaging and conflicting statements about reopening states during the pandemic provide ample material for DeSantis to attack from the right, accusing Trump of being too cautious and slow to act. Trump's own criticism of Governor Brian Kemp for reopening Georgia also provides evidence for DeSantis' argument that Trump subcontracted his leadership to health experts. This attack on Trump's leadership during the pandemic is a significant vein for DeSantis to mine as he positions himself as a viable alternative to Trump in the Republican primary.

    • Leadership Styles of Trump and DeSantis during COVID-19Trump took a passive role during COVID-19 while DeSantis demonstrated bold leadership despite opposition. Voters should consider their preferred leadership style in upcoming elections.

      During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, former President Trump took a passive role and let others make decisions, while Governor Ron DeSantis demonstrated strong leadership and made bold decisions despite opposition. Trump boasted about his handling of the situation but was criticized for his lack of action during the crisis. In contrast, DeSantis faced opposition from his own surgeon general who suggested social distancing measures, but DeSantis refused to follow that advice and instead focused on reopening Florida's economy. This difference in leadership styles is an important factor for voters to consider in the upcoming primary elections. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of having life insurance and the dangers of the left-wing ideology of systemic racism.

    • Perception of personality traits overshadows policy discussions for potential candidatesCritics often label candidates as 'mean' or 'likable' based on personality, overshadowing important policy discussions and qualifications.

      The political discourse surrounding potential presidential candidates often revolves around perceived likability and personality traits, rather than policy or qualifications. The discussion focused on Ron DeSantis being labeled "mean" by critics, despite his policy achievements and qualifications, while figures like Joe Biden and Donald Trump are often given a pass on more serious issues. This trend is expected to continue with other potential candidates, such as Tim Scott. It's important to remember that these labels can be misleading and don't necessarily reflect a candidate's ability to lead effectively.

    • Media treatment towards political figures changes post-candidacy declarationTim Scott faces intense scrutiny upon presidential bid, while Trump's behavior goes unchecked; Companies respond to public pressure, as seen with Bud Light's controversy resolution; Defending women from false representations isn't toxic masculinity, but necessary for truth and authenticity; Traditional masculinity is essential, not a threat to women.

      Media treatment towards political figures can drastically change once they declare their candidacy for higher office. Tim Scott, a beloved media figure, will face intense scrutiny once he announces his presidential bid, while President Trump's election behavior remains largely untouched. Additionally, companies respond to public pressure campaigns, as shown by Bud Light's attempt to mend relationships with consumers following their controversial marketing move. The controversy surrounding Dylan Mulvaney's partnership with Bud Light was met with backlash due to toxic masculinity, but queer people have been consuming beer for generations. Ultimately, the protection and defense of women from false representations is not toxic masculinity, but a necessary aspect of ensuring truth and authenticity. The attempt to destroy traditional masculinity is an absurd notion, and instead, what women truly need is strong, masculine men to protect them.

    • Raising awareness about violence against women and helping the vulnerableMen can fight toxic masculinity by being good men and standing up against violence, while donations can provide essential aid to vulnerable populations.

      Raising awareness about violence against women is crucial, and events like Hope in High Heels campaign can help spread the message. However, it's essential to understand that wearing pink heels or pretending to be women does not solve toxic masculinity. Instead, men being good men and standing up against violence is the solution. Meanwhile, thousands of vulnerable people, including Holocaust survivors, are facing extreme poverty, hunger, and violence. A small donation can make a significant impact by providing emergency food boxes and hot meals. Lastly, the number of very happy people in America has decreased significantly, with 12% reporting they are very happy compared to 30% in 2016. These people tend to prioritize marriage, religion, and community involvement.

    • The push against traditional religious beliefs and valuesWhile some prioritize community, marriage, and spirituality, society is moving away from religious living, leading to individualistic beliefs and potentially pagan atheism. A deeper belief in God is needed for connection and values.

      While some people who consider themselves very happy in America prioritize community involvement, marriage, and spirituality over material wealth, society as a whole seems to be pushing against traditional religious beliefs and values. This is evident in the militant atheist movement, which equates religious living with bigotry and hatred. However, simply substituting faith in a higher power or spirituality for God and religion does not provide the same sense of connection and morality. In fact, it may lead to individualistic atomism and even pagan atheistic beliefs. The Wall Street Journal's recent findings that a higher share of young adults believe in a higher power or God is puzzling because believing in a higher power does not demand the same obligations and duties as believing in God. Therefore, a belief in a higher power alone may not be enough to provide a sense of connection to a community or set of values. Instead, a deeper and more embedded belief in God is necessary for this connection.

    • Exploring the Role of Religion in Revering the EarthReligion's nature-centered origins, role in community building, and potential for renewed appreciation for nature can inspire a new approach to Earth Day.

      The authors, two environmentalists with different religious backgrounds, question the meaning and relevance of Earth Day and propose a new approach to revering the Earth based on the origins and practices of established religions. They suggest looking to the nature-centered origins of religious holidays, the role of religion in forming communities and marking life's benchmarks, and the potential for a renewed appreciation for nature and the natural world. However, they caution that this approach may not make people happier or provide a strong binding force for communities, as nature both sustains and threatens life. Additionally, they note the growing trend of paganism in America and its influence on various aspects of modern life.

    • The rejection of monotheistic religion and its moral code leads to societal chaosRejecting traditional moral codes can result in confusion and chaos, as seen in debates over gay pride parades and transgender identity, potentially harming society as a whole.

      The shift towards pagan beliefs and the rejection of monotheistic religion and its moral code can lead to a chaotic and violent society. This was discussed in relation to the cancellation of a gay pride parade due to lewd displays, and the confusion surrounding the concept of age and gender identity in the trans movement. The speaker expressed concern about the potential consequences of these trends on society as a whole. Additionally, the speaker shared that they found the six-year-old man identifying as a six-year-old girl situation amusing, as it exposed the absurdity of some aspects of the transgender movement. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of understanding and adhering to traditional wisdom and moral codes for a fulfilling and ordered life.

    • Debate over gender identity portrayal in children's mediaParents should be mindful of their children's media consumption and educate them on complex gender issues

      There is ongoing debate and confusion surrounding gender identity and its portrayal in media, particularly for young children. This was highlighted in a discussion about a popular YouTube channel for babies and toddlers, "Songs for Littles," where one of the hosts, Jules Hoffman, identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. Some parents have expressed concern about the potential impact on their children's understanding of gender, leading to backlash and controversy. Ultimately, it emphasizes the importance for parents to be vigilant about the content their children consume and the need for clear communication and education on these complex issues.

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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

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    Vivek DESTROYS Nikki Haley, Tucker Carlson for VP & Elon Musk vs Bob Iger | PBD Podcast | Ep. 337

    Patrick Bet-David, Adam Sosnick, Tom Ellsworth, and Vincent Oshana as they discuss Vivek Ramaswamy calling out Nikki Haley and Chris Christie at the 4th GOP Primary Debate, Alex Jones' interview with Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk calling for the firing of Disney's Bob Iger, and the Presidents of Harvard, MIT, and Penn testifying in Congress regarding anti-Semitic activities on their campuses.

    Purchase Patrick's new book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD Connect one-on-one with the right expert to get the answers you need with Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0 Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time! SUBCRIBE TO: @VALUETAINMENT @vtsoscast @ValuetainmentComedy @bizdocpodcast Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m Join the channel to get exclusive access to perks: https://bit.ly/3Q9rSQL Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms https://bit.ly/3sFAW4N Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

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    Ep. 1 - The American Presidency: Too Big For One Person?

    Ep. 1 - The American Presidency: Too Big For One Person?

    As the United States celebrates the 2023 President's Day weekend, Brian explores the dynamics of the modern American Presidency. The scope of the office has always been big; but, modern pressures make it overwhelming for any one person. Brian offers his view of the biggest challenges facing any president, shares some ideas for reform and asks listeners from around the world to offer their own opinion.