

    enApril 21, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Behind-the-Scenes of Podcasting and EcommerceShipStation simplifies ecommerce shipping with cost savings and efficient solutions, while Kroger offers affordable food choices and additional savings. Engaging with the past and focusing on details can provide valuable insights.

      Producing a high-quality podcast or running an ecommerce business involves a significant amount of work behind the scenes. From research and planning to recording, editing, and shipping, every step requires dedication and optimization. ShipStation, a multi-carrier shipping solution, can help ecommerce businesses streamline their shipping processes and save on costs. With an easy-to-use dashboard, reliable enterprise solutions, and industry-leading carrier discounts, ShipStation enables businesses to focus on growth rather than shipping challenges. Meanwhile, shopping at Kroger offers a wide range of affordable and inspiring food choices, as well as additional savings through digital coupons and fuel points. During a casual conversation, the hosts discussed the idea of dressing up as spirits or infamous figures to experience their energy or influence. While debatable, the idea of engaging with the stories and histories behind objects raises questions about the power of our connection to the past. The hosts also touched upon the memorization game, Simon, which highlights the importance of focus and attention to detail in various aspects of life.

    • Children and Paranormal ToysParents should be aware of their children's experiences with toys and objects, as they may lead to unexplained phenomena. Maintain open communication and distinguish between imagination and reality.

      Toys and objects, especially when used in unusual contexts, can sometimes give rise to strange and unexplained phenomena, particularly for children who may not fully understand the difference between reality and imagination. The story of the malfunctioning Simon toy serves as a cautionary tale about the potential for seemingly inanimate objects to become the focus of paranormal activity, and the challenges parents face in distinguishing between their child's imagination and genuine supernatural occurrences. The discussion also touches upon the idea that children, due to their lack of experience and understanding, may be more susceptible to being influenced by such phenomena, and the importance of maintaining open communication with them. Additionally, the topic of imaginary friends and their potential impact on a child's behavior was brought up, further emphasizing the need for parents to be aware of their children's actions and motivations. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of maintaining an open mind and being attentive to our children's experiences, even if they seem unusual or unexplainable.

    • Recognizing Neurodivergent Talents and GeniusesNeurodivergent individuals, including those with autism, can exhibit extraordinary talents and intelligence, and society's understanding of these conditions has evolved to recognize their unique abilities. Historical figures may have had neurodivergent conditions, and recognizing and understanding these experiences can lead to valuable discoveries.

      People with autism and other neurodivergent conditions can exhibit extraordinary talents and intelligence, even if their abilities may not fit the typical mold. The speaker shares a personal experience of witnessing a child with autism display remarkable rhythm and musical ability during a church service. He emphasizes that society's understanding of these conditions has evolved, and we now recognize that people with neurodivergent conditions can be geniuses in their unique ways. Furthermore, the speaker discusses historical figures like Adolf Hitler and Napoleon, suggesting they may have had neurodivergent conditions based on their actions and behaviors. He argues that, in the past, these conditions might not have been recognized or classified, and people were simply labeled as "crazy" or "different." The speaker also shares a story about a child who saw ghosts and a man who stumbled upon strange occurrences while searching for snakes in the Everglades. These stories further illustrate the importance of recognizing and understanding neurodivergent experiences, as they can lead to unique and extraordinary discoveries. Lastly, the speaker reflects on the potential benefits of sharing stories and experiences, as they can lead to increased awareness, understanding, and appreciation for neurodivergent individuals and their abilities.

    • The spiritual significance of namesNames may hold spiritual significance and could be used in rituals. Coincidental connections between names and historical figures could indicate deeper spiritual connections.

      The name "Python" and the name "Kimmel" may hold spiritual significance in the context of the strange events discussed in the podcast. The person named Python, who was involved in a ritual, shares a name with Jack Parsons' wife, who was believed to have been conjured from hell. This coincidence may suggest that there is a connection between names and spiritual significance, and that someone with a connection to that name could be used in a ritual. This theory is supported by the idea that certain names have the power to affect people across time and space, as suggested by the example of a person dying when someone with the same name is mentioned. The discussion also touches upon the idea that we may be connected to people in the past through our ancestors, and that these connections could have spiritual implications. Overall, the podcast raises intriguing questions about the power of names and the potential for spiritual connections across time and space.

    • Understanding hidden motivationsPeople's actions towards us might have hidden motivations, rooted in protection or belief in our potential. Consider context and motivations before jumping to conclusions.

      People in our lives, including friends and family, may have hidden motivations for their actions towards us. These motivations could be rooted in protection or a belief in our potential, even if it may not feel that way in the moment. The example given is Kanye West's alleged affiliation with a gang, where his friends kept him close to prevent him from going down the wrong path. This protective measure could be compared to a parent keeping a child away from a potentially dangerous situation without revealing the reason. It's important to remember that these actions, though they may seem manipulative or even hurtful in the short term, could ultimately be for our own good. It's a reminder to consider the context and motivations behind people's actions towards us, rather than jumping to conclusions based on surface-level perceptions.

    • The role of mentors and holding back potentialMentors can hinder or help, but individual's growth depends on taking initiative and believing in oneself.

      Mentors play a crucial role in an individual's growth and success, but sometimes, holding them back can hinder their full potential. The story of Kanye West and Virgil Abloh is a prime example of this. Kanye recognized Virgil's talent and potential, but didn't fully support him until after Virgil left and started making waves on his own. The moment of their emotional reunion in Paris was a pivotal point in Virgil's career. The idea of iPhone videos becoming art pieces in museums might seem far-fetched, but it's a reflection of the evolving definition of art. Art is subjective and can evoke various emotions, even if those emotions are negative. The goal is to create something that resonates with someone, and that's what makes it art. Ultimately, the value of art lies in the emotional response it elicits from its audience.

    • An ordinary day for a sound recordist turns into a dangerous game of cat-and-mouseStaying vigilant and trusting instincts can lead to uncovering larger conspiracies in seemingly ordinary situations

      Even the most mundane situations can lead to something extraordinary. In the discussed horror film, a seemingly routine day for a sound recordist takes a dramatic turn when he captures an assassination on tape. However, when he tries to share the evidence with the authorities, he finds that the recordings have been erased. Suspecting foul play, he becomes embroiled in a dangerous cat-and-mouse game with the assassin. The film's climax unfolds at a fireworks display, where the sound recordist races against time to save the woman he had saved earlier from the assassin. Despite the numerous obstacles, he manages to outwit the assassin and uncover the larger conspiracy behind the assassination. The film ends with the sound recordist returning to his job, seemingly unscathed but forever changed by the events he had unwittingly become a part of. This unexpected turn of events underscores the importance of staying vigilant and trusting one's instincts, even in the most seemingly ordinary circumstances.

    • Blurring the Line Between Reality and Fiction in FilmmakingFilmmakers can use real sounds or footage for authenticity, but ethical dilemmas and practical considerations arise when blurring the line between reality and fiction.

      The line between reality and fiction in filmmaking can be blurred, with some films using real sounds or footage, even if it means capturing disturbing or violent events. This discussion revolved around a film called "Andrew DePalma's Blowout," where the filmmakers obtained a chilling scream from a real-life murder. The speaker was surprised to learn that this wasn't an indie film but a real production. They also shared examples of other films and media that used real sounds or footage, such as the Jonestown Massacre recordings and a niche indie film trying to replicate a real-life scenario. The speaker acknowledged the ethical dilemmas that come with using real sounds or footage, but also the practical reasons for doing so. They also mentioned the potential for unwitting participants, like TTC riders or Disney characters, to end up in films without their knowledge.

    • Hidden messages and urban legends in unexpected placesKeep an open mind and observe closely for hidden messages and urban legends in everyday life, even in seemingly mundane places like eye doctor offices or children's movies.

      Hidden messages and urban legends can be found in unexpected places, such as eye doctor offices or children's movies. For instance, during a visit to an eye doctor, a hidden message asking about the Illuminati was spotted on the wall behind the eye chart. Similarly, in a Christmas movie or kid's show, the phrase "we love Santa" might be replaced with "we love Satan," a subtle detail that many might overlook. Moreover, urban legends, like the one about a girl who danced with the devil in Mexico, can be popular and impactful, even if they're not widely discussed. Another example is the incident involving Rey Mysterio and another Mexican wrestler, where the script was changed during a high-profile match, leading to tragic consequences for one of the wrestlers. These instances remind us to pay closer attention to our surroundings and to be aware of the stories and legends that shape our communities.

    • Under the Spotlight: How Our Communication ChangesAdapting to different communication styles is crucial for effective communication and positive perception, but staying true to oneself is equally important.

      People often change their behavior when under the spotlight, especially in professional settings like news interviews. This transformation can make them seem like a completely different person. The use of formal language and professional tone is expected in such settings, and those who deviate from it may stand out but not always in a positive way. For instance, some politicians like Donald Trump have become memorable due to their unconventional ways of communication, but not everyone can pull it off effectively. Ultimately, it's essential to understand that the way we communicate can significantly impact how we are perceived, and it's crucial to adapt to different situations while staying true to ourselves.

    • The desire for perception over authenticityPeople may act insincerely to fit a certain image, leading to a superficial existence. Time travel could alter the past and force unwanted emotions, emphasizing the importance of authenticity.

      People's actions, including trying to buy votes or seeking power through manipulation, can be driven by a desire to be perceived as a certain type of person rather than who they truly are. This can lead to a superficial and insincere existence. The discussion also touched upon the concept of time travel and its potential consequences, such as altering the past and forcing someone to fall in love without their knowledge. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity and the potential risks and sadness that come with trying to change the past or manipulate situations.

    • Overworking can impact free time negativelyOverworking can lead to self-sabotage, making it crucial to maintain a balance between work and rest to make consistent progress

      Overworking can lead to negative consequences, not just from the work itself, but also from the activities we engage in during our free time. It's essential to consider how we're using our time, including the time we spend sleeping. Our friend's perspective helped illustrate this point: even if we work hard for five hours one day and then take two days off, we could be three months behind in reality. This is a crucial mindset to adopt because many people don't realize that taking breaks can actually work against us if we're not prepared. It's essential to ensure that the work we set up would still be going while we take a break. This concept is known as self-sabotage, where we do things to make ourselves fail and give ourselves an excuse. Instead, we should aim to maintain a balance between work and rest, allowing us to make progress consistently.

    • Turning Fears into StrengthsPerceived weaknesses or fears can become sources of motivation and strength when faced with adversity.

      Sometimes, perceived weaknesses or fears can actually serve as strengths when faced with adversity. The speaker in the conversation described a fighter who used his fear of losing as motivation to never lose, turning it into a powerful tool. The movie "The Book of Eli" also illustrates this concept, as the main character's blindness, which could be seen as a weakness, actually gave him the ability to create something of great value – a King James Bible – that brought people together in a post-apocalyptic world. The unexpected twist of the mob boss discovering the book was blank but in braille, revealing that Denzel Washington's character had been blind all along, further highlights this idea. Ultimately, it's important to recognize that what may seem like a weakness can actually hold hidden power and potential.

    • Survival Value of Music and Cherished Items in ApocalypseIn an apocalypse, music through MP3 players and cherished items can provide emotional support and entertainment, but carrying them comes with limitations.

      During a hypothetical apocalypse, having access to music through an MP3 player could be a valuable tool for survival due to the potential lack of other forms of entertainment and the emotional boost it could provide. Additionally, the speaker muses about the importance of having a cherished item as a source of comfort during such a catastrophic event. The conversation also touches upon the idea that the apocalypse might cause mass blindness due to nuclear explosions or sandstorms, making braille books potentially valuable. However, the speaker also ponders about the limitations of carrying items from the past universe and the importance of considering the survival of these items.

    • Motivations for attending events and sharing experiences on social mediaPeople seek attention and validation through concert attendance and social media, rather than just enjoying the moment or music.

      People's motivation for attending concerts or sharing experiences on social media can be driven by a desire for attention and validation, rather than just enjoying the music or the moment itself. The speaker shared his experience of feeling disappointed with VIP seats due to the loud base, leading him to question why he even wanted to attend the concert for. He also discussed how social media can make individuals feel like they are the center of attention, leading them to seek validation through likes and shares. The speaker also shared an anecdote about a friend's experience at Comic Con while under the influence of shrooms, further emphasizing the idea of people seeking unique experiences to stand out. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex motivations behind our actions and the role social media plays in shaping our perceptions of ourselves and our experiences.

    • The Complex Interplay of External Influences and Inherent TraitsExternal factors like media and inherent traits influence our interests and preferences. Deadpool's appeal comes from his nonchalant, badass persona. Misuse of superpowers can lead to disregard for rules and consequences. Email security is crucial with potential breaches from easy access.

      Our interests and preferences, including those drawn to unconventional or anti-hero characters like Deadpool, may be influenced by both external factors, such as media we consume, and inherent traits. Deadpool's appeal lies in his ability to act nonchalantly and badass, embodying a psychopathic yet relatable persona. If given superpowers, people might be tempted to misuse them and live life without regard for rules or consequences. The ease of obtaining someone's email can lead to potential security breaches, making two-factor authentication an essential security measure. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex interplay between external influences and inherent traits, as well as the importance of being cautious with personal information.

    • It's okay to ask for helpReach out for support during tough times, resources like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline are available 24/7, and it's important to prioritize mental health.

      It's important to reach out for help when you're going through tough times, no matter how small or big the issue may seem. The speaker emphasizes that it's okay to bother them or seek help from others, as they are there to listen and support. This can be especially crucial during low points or crises. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, available at 988 or neverabother.org, is a valuable resource that is open 24/7 for those who need someone to talk to. Remember, you're not a bother, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it. The speaker reassures that they will be there for you, no matter what. So don't hesitate to reach out when you're feeling overwhelmed or when things seem hopeless. Help is always available, and it's important to prioritize your mental health and well-being.

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    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 180 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Matilda's crazy sixth sense, Growing up with spirits, Supernatural entities, Shadow people lore, Ghost occurrences, Talking to spirits, Sleep paralysis demon, Sabrina's first paranormal experience, Past life regression, Their Dad's sixth sense, Aunt ghost story & picture, Carlos' egg cleanse story, Condo live reading, Supernatural theories and much more! Follow the podcast: @JumpersPodcast Follow Carlos: @CarlosJuico Follow Gavin: @GavinRutaa Check out the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/JumpersJumpYT Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices


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    Remember there’s still a stigma about mental health.

    It vitally important that you actively look out for opportunities to initiate a conversation with a team member, if you suspect that they may be struggling, so that you can start to offer support sooner.

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    Talk to me if you want to know about my training on support individuals or managers on Mental Health or even stress awareness.

    Any questions on this, drop me an email at emma@emmalangton.com

    For further information on 1:1, group coaching or training get in touch.

    Please do make sure you hit ‘subscribe’ so that don’t miss an episode.  


    If you haven’t yet  left a review, please do go and find the little button to leave a review and let me know your thoughts, key take-aways and what you value from the podcast.


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    I am a warrior in my world, battling my anxieties, and I am winning.
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    Stephen De Sede is the founder of the De Sede Mentoring and Coaching Academy, a Life and Business Strategist, Creator, and Elite Educator, who works from his studio In Sydney, Australia.


    He has developed courses in Personal Development, Mindset, and Mind Health, as well as Behavioural Marketing, Speaking, Telling Your Story, and Content Creation.


    He also runs weekly Live shows described by guests as ‘life-changing experiences’.   


    If that’s not enough, Stephen’s also running foundation work in the Philippines, feeding programs, De Sede Futures for children, and De Sede Mastery for local community leaders. 


    Stephen has it all, and it wasn’t always like this. 


    Yes, he was a multi-millionaire with eight homes and married to the love of his life, while having a career other people only dream of, with jet-setting around the world and mingling with big names. 


    Until one day, it all came crashing down and he lost everything… his money, his career, his wife, his homes… everything. 


    Feeling like a failure and that he had nothing left to live for, he attempted suicide by wrecking his car… and failed. 


    He felt so stupid that he couldn’t even get THAT right!


    Then he had a life-changing AHA that made him realize that he had survived for a reason.


    Listen to our episode to learn more!


    Topics Discussed:

    • Adversity is happening FOR us!
    • How to create unstoppable confidence from nothing


    Connect with Stephen De Sede

    Website: stephendesede.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephendesededistinction/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephendesede/

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephendesede/?originalSubdomain=au



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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.irenec/?hl=en

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFTN-EU3umbz_0d0GFwk_Bw 



    Hello! Episode 7 of MOOD SWINGS in Isolation is here and my guest is body piercer and tattoo artist NATHAN HAGUE. We discussed Nathan's new studio UTOPIA BODY ARTS, the challenges of opening a business during lockdown, UFC and combat sports, Anthony Bourdain as well as discussing some conspiracy theories surrounding coronavirus! Thanks Nathan! 

    Instagram: utopiabodyarts

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/utopiabodyart