
    Ep 199. Christmas Special: What would Jackie do?

    enDecember 23, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Allergy relief and personalized Mother's Day giftsKleenex Ultra Soft Tissues aid allergy relief, Moonpig offers customizable Mother's Day cards with same-day mailing, and a Ninja air fryer is a convenient and time-saving kitchen appliance.

      During allergy season, Kleenex Ultra Soft Tissues can be a valuable ally to help combat symptoms without causing further irritation. Meanwhile, for a special and personalized Mother's Day gift, consider a card from Moonpig, which offers customizable options and same-day mailing for just $5. In the holiday spirit, Shag Murdenoid expressed frustration with the monotony of gift-giving and the desire for unique presents. A listener shared their success in obtaining a Ninja air fryer, which has gained popularity for its convenience and time-saving capabilities, making it a potential game-changer in the kitchen.

    • Finding humor in everyday mishapsDespite kitchen and personal life mishaps, the speakers found humor and expressed gratitude for listener support. They regretted wasting resources and joked about personal improvements, while acknowledging the holiday break.

      The speakers in this conversation had some mishaps in the kitchen and in their personal lives, but they found humor in their experiences and expressed their gratitude to their listeners for their support. The speakers mentioned regretting wasting resources, such as oil from sausages and a rented tree for recycling, and joked about their sex life improving as they felt less exhausted and hated themselves less. They also acknowledged the upcoming holiday break and the absence of new podcast episodes during that time. Overall, the conversation reflected the speakers' ability to find humor and positivity in everyday mishaps and their appreciation for their audience.

    • Regrettable holiday moments and the importance of responsibilityDuring the holiday season, enjoy responsibly and appreciate those who work hard behind the scenes, while avoiding regrettable actions that can't be undone.

      During moments of intoxication, we often engage in activities that we may later regret, such as consuming curry or having sex, and forget the details. However, unlike the disappointment of a forgotten curry experience, a regrettable sexual encounter is not typically followed by a redo. Additionally, during the holiday season, it's important to remember and appreciate those who work hard behind the scenes, such as the recycling bin attendants, and make an effort to dispose of waste properly. The speaker also mentions the importance of not overindulging to the point of clumsiness or forgetfulness, like dropping a tube of Pringles multiple times or forgetting where the butter is kept. Overall, the takeaway is to enjoy the holiday season responsibly and with consideration for others.

    • Expressing Frustration and Anger through Metaphorical LanguageThe speaker expresses feelings of frustration and anger towards those who wrong them, using vivid and metaphorical language, and plans to address issues of bias and chauvinism in a seminar, acknowledging their own potential biases.

      The speaker expresses feelings of frustration and anger towards those who wrong them, using vivid and metaphorical language. They imagine taking revenge in unexpected ways, such as making a mess in someone's living room or labeling them as incompetent recyclers. The speaker also shares their annoyance with sexist behavior and chauvinistic attitudes, particularly towards recycling and women. They plan to address these issues in a seminar, but acknowledge their own potential biases and shortcomings. Overall, the speaker's words reveal a complex mix of emotions and perspectives, touching on themes of revenge, bias, and the importance of being mindful of our actions and attitudes.

    • Challenging Traditional Gender Roles in RelationshipsWomen are taking the lead and men are becoming more supportive and respectful in relationships, but deeply ingrained attitudes may take time to change completely. It's important to challenge such behavior and promote equality and respect.

      Traditional gender roles and chauvinistic behavior in relationships, where men dominate and women submit, are becoming less common and are being challenged by the newer generations. This was a topic of discussion between two individuals, who shared their experiences and frustrations with such behavior. They spoke about how women are increasingly taking the wheel and men are becoming more supportive and respectful. However, they also acknowledged that such attitudes are deeply ingrained and may take time to change completely. The conversation got heated at times, with one person expressing her disdain for such behavior and her preference to walk rather than be in the car with such men. Despite the heated exchanges, they both agreed that things are improving and that the next generation seems to be more open-minded and respectful. They also discussed the importance of challenging such behavior and not tolerating it, no matter how deeply ingrained it may be. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of challenging traditional gender roles and promoting equality and respect in relationships.

    • Effective communication and understanding traffic signsClearly signaling and expressing displeasure can help resolve merge conflicts. Cooperation and clear communication on the road reduce frustration and congestion.

      Effective communication and understanding traffic signs can help avoid unnecessary frustration and congestion on the road. The speaker shared an experience of a confusing merge sign and suggested a tactic to assertively signal and express displeasure when other drivers refuse to let you merge. They also humorously recounted a maniacal strategy used by a friend to manipulate other drivers' emotions. Lastly, they kindly asked for listeners' support by voting for their podcast and TV show in the National Comedy Awards. The speaker acknowledged their past success and joked about their potential comparison to Ant and Dec. Despite some humor and exaggeration, the core message emphasizes the importance of clear communication and cooperation on the road.

    • Whose name goes first on a Christmas card?There's a tradition for parents' names to go first on their own cards, but for others' parents, the partner's name typically goes first to avoid discomfort or confusion. Some see Christmas cards as a worthwhile tradition, while others find them time-consuming.

      The order of names on a card can be a source of consideration, with some people believing that their name should go first, while others may not care. During the discussion, the speakers reminisced about whose name should go first on a card, with the consensus being that when it comes from the parents, their names typically go first due to the "mom and dad" rule. However, when it comes to cards addressed to other people's parents, there is a belief that the partner's name should go first to avoid potential discomfort or confusion. The speakers also shared their thoughts on the importance of Christmas cards, with some expressing frustration over the time and effort spent on them, while others saw it as a tradition worth maintaining. The conversation also touched on pop culture references, including football and TV shows, and the potential impact of these on children. Overall, the discussion highlighted the small yet significant decisions that people make in their daily lives and the importance of considering others' perspectives.

    • Nostalgic Football Training and Unusual Nostril PracticeDuring intense physical activities, increased mucus production might lead to an unusual practice of covering one nostril while running to prevent uniform stains.

      During football training, players, especially young ones, might engage in an unusual practice where they cover one nostril while running to prevent mucus from dripping onto their uniforms. This practice, while seemingly odd, is likely a result of the intense physical exertion during training that can lead to increased mucus production. The speaker shares a personal experience of trying this out of necessity and the resulting mess. The conversation also touches upon the nostalgic aspect of old phone systems and the challenges of sharing them with multiple users.

    • The Advantages of Constant ConnectivityWhile yearning for simpler times, modern communication methods offer convenience and efficiency, but it's essential to find balance and prioritize in-person interactions.

      While we may romanticize the past and yearn for simpler times, constant connectivity through technology has its advantages. People were able to connect and socialize more deeply in person before the age of smartphones and social media, but the convenience and efficiency of modern communication methods cannot be ignored. However, it's important to find a balance and make time for in-person interactions to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the constant barrage of messages and notifications. Additionally, it seems that the speakers in this conversation have found creative ways to manage their various group chats and prioritize their time effectively. Ultimately, it's up to each individual to determine what works best for them in terms of managing their digital and analog social networks.

    • A Disagreement over a Bucket HatDespite differences in opinions and fashion choices, open communication and understanding can help resolve conflicts in relationships.

      The speaker and her companion have had a disagreement about the companion's recent purchase of a bucket hat. The speaker has expressed her disapproval and criticized her companion for being boring and unadventurous. The companion, who feels self-conscious about wearing hats, has defended her right to wear the hat when she's ready. The conversation has also touched on their background and the conservative fashion culture where they come from. Ultimately, the speaker suggests a solution for her companion to ask people about their hats and measure her own head before wearing one in public. The disagreement highlights their different perspectives and the importance of communication and understanding in relationships.

    • Our pasts shape our present actions and preferencesUnderstanding and addressing people's unique quirks and pain points can lead to successful businesses and meaningful connections

      Everyone has their unique quirks and pet peeves, shaped by their upbringing and experiences. Daniel, the founder of Pretty Litter, shared how growing up in a northern working-class background made him self-conscious about standing out, leading him to create a superior cat litter. Randy and Dave from Bombas discussed the importance of comfort and giving back, resulting in absurdly comfortable essentials for everyone, with every purchase leading to a donation. Meanwhile, Rosie and Chris shared their discomforts, from the overuse of holiday cheer to unwanted Christmas decorations on cars. These shared stories demonstrate how our pasts influence our present actions and preferences, and how businesses can cater to those unique needs and desires. Whether it's creating innovative cat litter or absurdly comfortable essentials, or addressing the needs of those facing homelessness, understanding and addressing people's quirks and pain points can lead to successful businesses and meaningful connections.

    • Expressing the Holiday Spirit: Diverse WaysPeople have unique ways of expressing the holiday spirit, from attending pantomimes to wearing festive clothing. While respecting individuality, it's important to acknowledge that not all expressions are appreciated by everyone.

      People express their holiday spirit in various ways, some of which may not be appreciated by everyone. The speaker shared her experiences of attending a pantomime in Glasgow, where her boyfriend played the character "Ich," and her encounter with a woman wearing a Christmas-themed dress at the doctor's office. She also expressed her disdain for adults who wear Christmas-themed clothing as part of their daily wardrobe and those who buy matching family Christmas t-shirts. The speaker acknowledged that people should be allowed to enjoy the holiday season in their own way, but she couldn't help feeling annoyed by some of these trends. Additionally, she shared her excitement about her husband being the Santa Claus at their village's children's Christmas party and her anticipation of meeting her friend during the university break. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the diversity of holiday experiences and the importance of respecting individual expressions of the holiday spirit.

    • Unexpected embarrassment at the pubThe holiday season can bring unexpected and awkward moments. Be prepared and adaptable to embrace the unpredictability.

      The holiday season can bring unexpected and embarrassing situations, even in the most ordinary places like a local pub. A friend of the narrator was seen wanking the friend of their older brother at the bar, in plain sight of everyone, including the narrator and their brother. The situation was made worse by the fact that their father, who had driven them to the pub and was waiting for them on the lounge side, might have witnessed the incident. The narrator expressed confusion and disbelief over the woman's actions and questioned the pleasure she could have gained from the situation. The incident serves as a reminder that the holiday season can bring unexpected and awkward moments, and it's important to be prepared for anything. The legend of the narrator's father, who is known for his eccentric behavior, serves as a source of amusement and inspiration for the narrator's fiancé. Despite his questionable actions, the father is seen as a legend in his own right, and the narrator's fiancé strives to emulate his behavior with the new saying "what would Jackie do?" However, the narrator suggests that it might be more productive to consider the opposite of what Jackie would do instead. Overall, the story highlights the unpredictability of the holiday season and the importance of being adaptable and resilient in the face of embarrassing situations.

    • Navigating Unexpected Challenges During the HolidaysThe holiday season can bring joy and excitement, but also unexpected challenges and disappointments. Stay flexible, maintain a sense of humor, and be open-minded to cultural differences.

      Traditions and expectations can lead to humor and unexpected challenges during the holiday season. The speaker shared a personal story about their Irish family's Christmas tradition of buying selection boxes early and not touching them until Christmas day. They also shared an experience of a comedian's unappetizing request for a British meal, which led to a discussion about cultural biases and food preferences. The speaker also mentioned an unnamed person they didn't like, who was described as a legend but turned out to be a disappointment. The holiday season can bring joy and excitement, but it can also present unexpected challenges and disappointments. The speaker's stories illustrate the importance of flexibility and a sense of humor in navigating these situations. Additionally, the speaker's experiences highlight the potential for cultural misunderstandings and biases, emphasizing the importance of open-mindedness and respect for differences.

    • A man's mistake leads to amusement and frustration during the holiday seasonMistakes happen, find humor in the little things, and prioritize family during the holiday season

      Even during the happiest of times, unexpected mishaps and disappointments can occur. In the story, a man's thoughtless act of eating all the chocolate in a selection box and replacing it with bread led to amusement and frustration for his family. Despite his inconsiderate behavior, the family chose to overlook it and maintain the holiday spirit. The incident serves as a reminder that everyone makes mistakes and that it's essential to find humor in the little things, especially during the holiday season. Additionally, the story highlights the importance of family and the lengths they will go to protect each other's feelings and maintain a positive atmosphere.

    • Unexpected moments in family gatherings can lead to hilarious situationsUnexpected moments in family gatherings can lead to awkward situations, but finding humor and cherishing traditions can turn them into memorable experiences

      Unexpected and embarrassing situations can lead to awkward and hilarious moments in family gatherings. This was evident in a story where a family watched an unwanted and explicit image on the TV during Christmas, leading to confusion, laughter, and silence. The incident left a lasting impression, and the family never spoke of it again. The incident also highlighted the importance of consent and respect in sharing personal images. On a lighter note, the story also showcased the lengths people go to for a good laugh and the power of humor to bring people together, even in the most awkward situations. The incident also reminded us that technology, while convenient, can sometimes lead to unexpected and embarrassing situations, and it's essential to be mindful of what we share and view in front of others. Furthermore, the story also touched on the concept of tradition and the importance of creating magical moments for families, as seen in the Lapland tour guide's job. Despite the long journey and initial reluctance, the families were transported to a magical world filled with wonder and excitement, creating memories that would last a lifetime. In essence, the story teaches us to appreciate the unexpected moments in life, to find humor in awkward situations, and to cherish the traditions and memories that bring families closer together.

    • In the face of fear and trauma, there's potential for wonder and healingEmpathy, compassion, and storytelling can transform negative experiences into positive ones. Appreciate the good things in life and endure hardships.

      Even in unexpected and unfortunate situations, there is always an opportunity for magic and wonder. In our story, Snowy Boy calms the children down after hitting a reindeer by promising to make it better. The next day, she surprises everyone by bringing the injured reindeer to the reindeer farm for healing. The adults, initially skeptical, are amazed by the transformation. This experience shows that even in the face of fear and trauma, there is potential for wonder and healing. Furthermore, the story highlights the importance of empathy and compassion, as Snowy Boy takes care of the reindeer and calms the children down. It also demonstrates the power of storytelling and the ability to transform negative experiences into positive ones. Moreover, the discussion about "Would You Rather" from Home Alone showcases the extreme lengths and pain each character would go through, emphasizing the importance of appreciating the good things in life and the value of enduring hardships. The story of Joe Pesci's experience during filming adds an interesting fact, highlighting the reality behind the scenes and the dedication of the actors to their craft.

    • Making Time for Joy and Celebrating Special OccasionsMake time for activities that bring joy, even if it means adjusting schedules. Celebrate special occasions and express gratitude. Check out Impress Beauty for instant glam with press-on manicures and falsies. Use code 'presson25' for a discount. UnitedHealthcare offers short-term insurance plans for flexible and budget-friendly coverage in some states.

      People prioritize different things in their lives and it's important to make time for what brings them joy. The speaker in the podcast expresses his love for golfing in the mornings and how he makes it a priority, even if he doesn't have the power to change work schedules. He encourages listeners to do the same and make time for the things that matter most to them. Additionally, the podcast also touches on the importance of celebrating special occasions, such as Mother's Day, and expressing gratitude towards those who have given us so much. The speaker promotes a deal from 1-800-Flowers for Mother's Day gifts. Furthermore, the speaker shares two new obsessions: Impress press-on manicures and falsies. These products offer instant glam without the damage or mess of traditional nail polish or false lashes. The speaker encourages listeners to check out impressbeauty.com/presson and use code "presson25" for a discount. Lastly, the speaker mentions a fun fact about crocodiles and introduces UnitedHealthcare's short-term insurance plans, which offer flexible and budget-friendly coverage for those who need it for a month or less in some states.

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