
    Podcast Summary

    • Mother's Day shopping deals at Whole Foods and Mint MobileWhole Foods offers discounts on body care, candles, and desserts for Mother's Day, while Mint Mobile slashes its unlimited plan price to $15 a month

      Mother's Day shopping at Whole Foods Market offers unbeatable savings and high-quality gifts, including body care and candles with a 33% discount for Prime members, affordable tulips, and special desserts. Meanwhile, Mint Mobile is cutting its unlimited plan price from $30 to $15 a month, making it an affordable option for wireless services. During their podcast, the hosts reminisced about confusing childhood games, with one being "beat the letter," where a kid would be interrogated until they revealed a letter. Despite the nostalgia, not everyone enjoyed these games, and some preferred simpler activities.

    • Reminiscing about the childhood game 'Blocker' and expressing disdain for modern technologySpeakers shared their nostalgia for the traditional game 'Blocker' and their concerns about children preferring technology over outdoor activities, leading to a potential loss of physical activity and potential injuries from misuse of tools.

      The speakers were reminiscing about their childhood game, "Blocker," and expressing their disdain for modern technology replacing traditional outdoor activities. Blocker was a game where everyone would hide and the person looking for them had to "block" them by reaching their base first. The speakers also mentioned their frustration with children using technology instead of playing physical games outside. They also shared their experiences of trying to play games like swing ball with their kids, but getting replaced by iPads and Nintendo switches. The speakers expressed their disappointment in the younger generation's preference for technology over outdoor activities. They also shared their annoyance with people opening beer bottles with their teeth, emphasizing the importance of using proper tools and avoiding injury. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of cherishing traditional activities and the concern for the negative impact of technology on younger generations.

    • Observing others' beer habitsThe speaker prefers not to share beers due to past experiences where the other person used their teeth to open it.

      Sharing a beer can be a turnoff, especially if someone has already used their teeth to open it. The speaker shared an observation about beer that he had saved for a later time, but warned the audience that it might be boring and unfunny. He also mentioned his experience with cliffhangers from his past and shared a story about a time he got the punchline of a Christmas joke right while driving. During the podcast recording, another man sitting opposite him on the train shared a can of beer, and the speaker declined the rest of it after the man had used his teeth to open it. This experience reinforced the speaker's preference for not sharing beers.

    • A man's offer of leftover drink sparks conversation about resourcefulnessBeing mindful of our resource usage and being aware of others' sensitivities can lead to misunderstandings. Some people prioritize avoiding waste, while others may not.

      Some people have unique quirks and sensitivities when it comes to wasting resources, even if it's something as small as the dregs of a can or the leftovers of an ice lolly. This was evident in a conversation between two individuals on a train, where one man expressed his discomfort with seeing another man finish his drink from the same can, and offered him the rest. The other man was taken aback and found the offer strange, leading to a discussion about the importance of not wasting things and the potential for miscommunication and misunderstanding. The conversation also touched on the idea that some people are more conscious of their resources than others and may go to great lengths to avoid wasting them, even if it means offering them to others. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of being aware of our own quirks and sensitivities, as well as being mindful of how they may be perceived by others.

    • Unexpected encounters and energy wasteDespite frustrations, small actions like using solar panels and being mindful of energy usage can make a difference in reducing one's carbon footprint.

      Despite the frustration and challenges in relationships and the wastefulness of energy consumption, there are small actions individuals can take to make a difference. The speaker shares an experience of encountering an attempt at seduction while checking his satnav, highlighting the unexpected nature of life. He also expresses his frustration with the waste of energy, particularly in empty office buildings and hotels. However, he also shares his own efforts towards reducing his carbon footprint by using solar panels and being mindful of energy usage. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of being aware of one's actions and making small changes to contribute positively to the world.

    • Focusing on the small wins in environmental efforts and personal healthPeople prioritize addressing environmental issues and personal health in their unique ways, from energy conservation to creative methods for explaining complex procedures to health concerns. Seek professional help when necessary, prioritize preventative measures, and remember the importance of small wins.

      Individuals can feel overwhelmed by the vastness of environmental issues and may prioritize addressing them in their own ways, even if they seem insignificant. For instance, instead of focusing on global climate change, some people might focus on their own energy consumption at home, like having a bulb that takes a long time to light up. However, it's essential to prioritize personal health and seek professional help when necessary, even if it seems like a small concern. Additionally, parents might struggle to explain complex health procedures to their children and may use creative methods to make the process less daunting. Lastly, there's a tip that washing a child with Head and Shoulders shampoo before they get chickenpox might help reduce itching. However, it's important to remember that preventative measures, such as vaccinations, are crucial in ensuring the health and wellbeing of individuals.

    • Long-term relationship and intimacy in jujitsu practiceCertain hobbies can bring intimacy and challenge long-term relationships, but open communication and mutual support can help navigate these issues.

      The speaker is sharing a video of his jujitsu practice with his partner, but she finds it uncomfortable to watch due to their long-term relationship and the intimacy it brings. The speaker is apologetic but also feels proud of his hobby and the progress he's made. The conversation also touches upon the idea that certain activities, like jujitsu or CrossFit, can become all-consuming and form a kind of cult-like community. The speaker acknowledges this but also sees it as a positive aspect of his hobby. Ultimately, the speaker and his partner continue to navigate their relationship and its challenges, with the speaker expressing his love and support for his partner's interests as well.

    • Exploring the Implications of Passions and HobbiesBe aware of potential risks, but also appreciate the joy and benefits of passions and hobbies. Open-mindedness is key.

      Hobbies and interests can evolve into deeper passions or even potential risks, and it's essential to be aware of the potential consequences. In the discussion, there's a concern that someone might join a cult and start dressing differently, using specific language, and potentially sharing sensitive information. The speaker expresses a mix of worry and intrigue, acknowledging that they might even secretly be relieved if their loved one had left for a cult. However, they also recognize the benefits of having hobbies and enjoying them without judgment. The conversation then shifts to the topic of Shopify and Mint Mobile, showcasing how these platforms can help individuals grow their businesses. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being open-minded and aware of the potential implications of our passions, while also appreciating the joy and benefits they bring to our lives.

    • Misunderstandings in Relationships: A Joke About 'Chinning'Clear communication is essential in relationships, even when joking. Be mindful of how words and jokes may be perceived, especially when dealing with individuals with unique communication needs.

      Communication and understanding are key in any relationship, even when jokes are involved. The speaker shares an anecdote about a misunderstanding with his friend, Chris, regarding a joke about "chinning" someone. The speaker admits that he used to joke around with Chris, but now Chris has changed the way he communicates the joke, leading to confusion for others. The speaker also reflects on the importance of being considerate of how words and jokes can be perceived, especially when dealing with individuals like Robin, who has ADHD and may not fully understand the context. The speaker acknowledges that marriage can be challenging and that small annoyances can build up over time. He emphasizes the importance of open communication and expressing feelings honestly, rather than resorting to passive-aggressive behavior or jokes that may be misconstrued. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of clear and thoughtful communication in maintaining healthy relationships.

    • A disagreement over going out and tracking activitiesBoth individuals struggled to respect each other's boundaries and personal space, leading to misunderstandings and annoyance.

      The conversation between the two individuals revolves around their disagreement on going out and keeping track of each other's activities. One person feels that the other is judging them for not going out as often and has even created a list to prove it. The other person denies this and feels annoyed by the constant interference in their activities, including their stretching. The conversation also touches upon past arguments and the perception of cleanliness and personal habits. Ultimately, the conversation highlights a lack of understanding and respect for each other's boundaries and personal space.

    • Impact of stress and anxiety on body and lifeCBD oil may help relieve physical tension and anxiety, but it's also important to address the root causes of stress and overwhelm in our daily lives.

      Anxiety and tension can manifest physically, causing discomfort and pain. The speaker shares his experience with CBD oil and suggests that the recipient may be holding tension in her neck, causing her discomfort. He also discusses the challenges of balancing responsibilities as a parent, feeling overwhelmed by the constant need to plan and care for children. The conversation then shifts to a humorous anecdote about a dog getting its head stuck in a dressing gown. Despite the various topics covered, the underlying theme is the impact of stress and anxiety on our bodies and lives.

    • Unexpected challenges with pet ownershipPet ownership brings joy but also unexpected challenges, requiring quick thinking and long-term commitment. Preventative measures can help avoid potential issues.

      Owning a pet, no matter their age, can bring unexpected challenges. The speaker shared a humorous story about their dog getting its genitals stuck in a dressing gown loop, causing a panic and requiring quick thinking to free the dog. This experience made them ensure they took preventative measures to avoid similar incidents in the future. The speaker also reflected on the comparison between having a pet and having children, acknowledging that pets require long-term commitment and can bring both joy and unexpected difficulties. Additionally, the speaker shared a story from their clubbing days involving an embarrassing incident where they forgot to pull their pants down in the bathroom before going to the dancefloor, and a man they had a crush on still went on to kiss them, demonstrating that sometimes unexpected events can lead to unexpected outcomes.

    • Unconventional Drinking GamesThe speaker shares stories of questionable drinking games from their past, finding humor and entertainment in their unconventional nature, despite their current disgust.

      The speaker shares anecdotes about questionable drinking games from their past, including drinking from urinals and contaminated glasses, and participating in a game called "Mine Sweeper" where they drank unknown substances. The speaker expresses disgust at these actions now, but admits to finding them entertaining at the time. Another story involves a competition at a pub on holiday where the speaker's father won by consuming a balloon, pint, and crisps in the fastest time, using an unconventional method to eat the crisps. The speaker reflects on how their father would have excelled on the TV show "Taskmaster" due to his quick thinking and logic. These stories show the speaker's past experiences with unconventional and sometimes disgusting drinking games, and their appreciation for the creativity and competitiveness involved.

    • Misunderstandings from appearances and accentsClear and open communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings and build stronger connections.

      Communication is crucial in avoiding misunderstandings. In this discussion, a participant shared an experience from a competition where people mistakenly thought he was German due to the way he looked and his accent. However, when he sang a song, they realized their mistake. This incident highlights the importance of clear communication and how assumptions based on appearances or accents can lead to misunderstandings. Another topic that emerged was the use of internet slang, specifically "no cap," which left some listeners confused. The discussion also touched upon working from home and the challenges it presents, such as the absence of in-person interaction and the lack of clarity around certain terminology. Additionally, the conversation revealed that some people, including the participant's boyfriend, can be overly anxious about their health, leading to unnecessary worry and fear. The use of medical tests, like MRIs, was also discussed, with the participant sharing their experience of waiting anxiously for results. In essence, the discussion covered a range of topics, from communication and assumptions to internet slang and health anxieties. The key takeaway is that clear and open communication is essential in avoiding misunderstandings and building stronger connections.

    • Misconceptions and Fear Can Lead to Unnecessary PanicUnderstanding the true nature of health concerns and avoiding unnecessary fear and panic can save time, energy, and potential embarrassment. Proper education and understanding of health topics, as well as disposing of food waste properly, can help prevent similar situations.

      Misconceptions and fear can lead to unnecessary panic and distress. The story shared involves a man who, due to his hypochondria, mistook a long bean sprout for a worm and believed he had a serious health issue. This led him to request an ambulance, causing frustration and waste of resources. It is important to understand the true nature of health concerns and not jump to worst-case scenarios, which can save time, energy, and potential embarrassment. Additionally, proper education and understanding of health topics can help prevent unnecessary fear and anxiety. Chewing food thoroughly and disposing of food waste properly can also help avoid similar situations.

    • Childhood experiences shape our perceptions of quicksandChildhood cartoons may instill unnecessary fears about quicksand, but real-life experiences can be enjoyable and formative. Monitor cat health with Pretty Litter and celebrate special occasions with loved ones.

      Our childhood experiences, including the portrayal of quicksand in cartoons, may shape our perceptions and prepare us for real-life situations, even if the fears they instilled are not as terrifying in reality. Quicksand, for instance, is not the treacherous force of nature it's often made out to be in media. It's essentially just wet sand with reduced friction between particles. During the conversation, the speakers also shared personal anecdotes, such as experiencing muddy situations reminiscent of quicksand. They emphasized that these experiences, while sometimes unpleasant, were enjoyable and formative. Another topic discussed was the importance of monitoring a cat's health and the value of products like Pretty Litter, which can help detect early signs of illness through color changes. Lastly, the importance of celebrating special occasions with loved ones was highlighted, with a mention of Whole Foods Market and 1800flowers.com as resources for Mother's Day gifts and other celebrations.

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    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in
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    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!
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    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs

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    Ep 271. Fox Blocked

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked
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    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine
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    Ep 268. Eat an egg!

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!
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    Ep 267. Rumour has it

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    About the Host:


    Nathalie is the EXPERT with a PROVEN SYSTEM to get you transformational results. She works with people who want to find Confidence & Clarity to Unlock their Full Potential. She is international No.1 Bestselling Author of fifteen books on success, communication, wellness and empowerment. She is the Founder and CEO of the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY, offering leading-edge courses, training and events.

    Along the past 30 years, she has inspired over 100,000 audience members and empowered thousands of clients internationally to get rid of their negative self-talk. She combines over 10 years of experience in human resources, 25 years of experience in sales and over 30 years in the fitness industry. In 2007, she was "Fitness Instructor of the Year" for Canada. She was named Canadian Presenter of the Year in August 2021.








    instagram: @nathaliepthinkyourself

    Book your FREE 15-min Virtual Coffee: www.thinkyourself.com/schedule


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    1436 Where Are You, Christmas?

    1436 Where Are You, Christmas?

    Why do we rush to Christmas, merging the paper and bows with the advent season? Where are you, Christmas?

    A question and song sung beautifully by Faith Hill written for the movie, How the Grinch Stole Christmas in 2000.

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    Traveling these past few days gave me LOTS of time to think.

    • Thinking about the importance of what I do on a daily basis.
    • Dreaming about what I should be doing.
    • Driving myself crazy for second guessing myself.
    • Wondering...

    Where are You, Christmas?

    With the hustle and bustle, this busy time of year, I can't help but ponder how we live the Christmas lifestyle of R.U.S.H.- Running uncontrolled shadowing hustle.

    Now that hustle as a verb is to force (someone) to move hurriedly or unceremoniously in a specified direction; obtain by forceful action or persuasion.

    What happened to the reason for the season; where your heart skips a beat and your eyes are brighter than the stars?

    If we stop long enough to smell the crisp, cool air, maybe we will begin to unlock the magic and wonderment of the gift. Not just the perfect present. The most popular gift-on-demand. The heart of gold gift that's eternal.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Where are You, Christmas?

    As I drove up to the house after returning from an extended excursion to move my daughter once again, visit with my son, and meet-up on the road with my daughter's boyfriend, I couldn't help but see the beauty in the decorations I labored over for days.

    The lights reflective throughout the house. A reminder of God's unconditional love.

    The trees tall and sturdy. A reminder of God's steadfast grace.

    The ornaments adorning the branches. A reminder of God's overreaching forgiveness.

    The reason for the season hasn't changed. But maybe your heart has.

    It's easy to get caught up in the bows and the paper, the gifts under the tree, the food on the table, the decorations.

    What needs to be captivated is your heart!

    Stop for a moment. Hit the pause button. No more rushing to get it all done.

    • Embrace the value of what this season is showing you.
    • Open your heart to the benefits of this glorious season.
    • Relish the blessings that only the Son of God can bring.

    Christmas isn't lost. Christmas is within your heart. Fill your heart with love and joy!

    "Fill your heart with love and joy!"

    Songwriters: James Horner / Mariah Carey / Wilbur Jennings
    Where Are You Christmas lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group, BMG Rights Management

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.