
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing giving back and self-care with Bombas and Blue NileSupport self-care with Bombas' comfortable essentials, and give back with every purchase. Enjoy discounts using 'acast' for Bombas and 'listen' for Blue Nile's beautiful lab-grown diamonds.

      Bombas offers super soft essentials for both personal use and for those in need. The company donates an item for every purchase made. Blue Nile provides beautiful lab-grown diamonds, identical to natural ones, with a discount for listeners. The discussion also touched on the concept of friendship and the comfort of activewear, despite potential concerns about toxins. It's important to remember the significance of self-care and giving back to the community. Whether it's through purchasing comfortable essentials or engaging in meaningful relationships, we can all make a difference. Use the codes "acast" for Bombas and "listen" for Blue Nile to enjoy discounts on your purchases.

    • Health concerns with leggings and sleep issuesWoman expresses worries about toxins in leggings affecting her health and sleep, while also feeling self-conscious about wearing them without shorts.

      The speaker in this conversation is expressing her concerns about potentially harmful toxins in her leggings, which she believes could be causing her sleep issues and dark circles under her eyes. She also shares her embarrassment about wearing leggings without shorts during physical activities, leading to criticism from others. The conversation then shifts to admiration for people who participate in endurance events like marathons and swims. Despite her inability to participate in such events, she expresses respect and awe for those who do. The conversation also reveals her tendency to embarrass herself and her lack of concern about others' opinions. Overall, the conversation touches on topics of health, body image, and personal experiences.

    • Love-hate relationship with fitness classesSome people thrive on instructor motivation, but others, like the speaker, find it irritating. The speaker struggles with keeping up with instructors' pace and finds lip-syncing to songs during workouts intensely irritating, but acknowledges that these features work for others.

      The speaker expresses a love-hate relationship with fitness classes, particularly Peloton, due to her competitive nature and discomfort with being motivated or encouraged by instructors. She finds their motivational speeches and lip-syncing to songs during workouts intensely irritating, yet acknowledges that some people enjoy and benefit from these features. The speaker also mentions her struggle with keeping up with the instructors' pace and her tendency to shut off the workout if she feels overwhelmed. Despite these challenges, she plans to try new things, including ASMR, as a potential sponsor for her podcast.

    • Discussing unusual ASMR sounds and emotional online contentThey share their experiences with disappointing healthy recipes and misleading video titles, but continue to seek out emotional content and healthy alternatives

      Chris Ramsay's ASMR episode this week featured the unusual sound of Esma Esma, which was compared to the sound of throwing onions into a hot wok. Chris and his co-host discussed their social media algorithms, with Chris admitting he now actively seeks out content that makes him cry. They also discussed their love for chocolate mousse and their disappointment with healthy alternative recipes that don't deliver on taste. The conversation then shifted to their experiences with misleading video titles and disappointing low-carb, high-protein recipes. Despite these disappointments, they continued to search for healthy alternatives while also enjoying emotional content online.

    • Personal Food Preferences and ExperiencesThe speaker shares her dislike for a specific food product, comparing it unfavorably to her preferred foods like Snickers and olive oil roasted vegetables. She also reflects on past experiences with food trends and shares her texture and flavor preferences.

      The speaker had a negative experience with a certain food product and expressed strong dislike towards it. She compared it to other foods she enjoys, such as Snickers and olive oil roasted vegetables. She also shared her past experiences with other food trends, like coconut oil, and expressed her preference for certain textures and flavors. The conversation also touched upon the topic of expired food and the speaker's past mistakes. Overall, the speaker's strong opinions and vivid language provide insight into her personal food preferences and experiences.

    • Regularly checking stock: Perishable items and unexpected consequencesStay alert to expiration dates on perishable items to prevent consumption of outdated products and potential health risks. Effective communication and responsibility within a household can also help prevent misunderstandings and frustration.

      It's important to regularly check and rotate your stock, especially when it comes to perishable items like food or medication. The discussion revolves around the discovery of expired throat sweets, which the speaker had unknowingly consumed despite their outdated dates. The consequences could have been unpleasant, and the speaker emphasizes the importance of being vigilant about stock management to avoid such situations. The conversation also touches upon the intensity of certain media content and the impact of the internet on people's curiosity. Another point raised is the importance of communication and responsibility in a household, as Rafe's habit of taking a cup downstairs without replenishing it caused confusion and frustration for others.

    • The absurdities of relationshipsEven small demands can lead to unexpected situations, emphasizing the importance of open communication and compromise in maintaining healthy relationships.

      Even the smallest requests or demands from loved ones can lead to unexpected and absurd situations. In this case, the speaker found herself giving her partner a drink from a bath toy boat at 1 am due to his insistence and her reluctance to leave their shared living space. This experience left her questioning her life and the intensity of the demands that come with relationships. Furthermore, the speaker shared that in the past, she had prioritized her time at home when she was away for work, leading to tension with her partner over scheduling and travel arrangements. These issues highlight the importance of open communication and understanding in maintaining healthy relationships. Additionally, the speaker expressed her excitement for the partner's current career opportunities and encouraged him to continue pursuing his goals, while acknowledging the challenges that come with balancing work and personal life. Overall, the conversation touched on the complexities of relationships, the importance of compromise, and the absurdities that can arise from even the simplest requests.

    • Feeling Overlooked in Relationships and Mother's Day ShoppingCommunication and appreciation are crucial in relationships. Seek recognition, spend quality time together, and consider shopping at Whole Foods Market, Quince, or Bombas for thoughtful gifts that support ethical practices and social causes.

      Communication and appreciation are key in relationships. The woman in the conversation expresses her feelings of being overlooked and underappreciated, despite cooking meals for her husband every night. She wishes for more recognition and time together as a family. On a different note, the discussion also touches on shopping destinations for Mother's Day gifts, with Whole Foods Market offering unbeatable savings on premium gifts, flowers, and desserts. Additionally, Quince provides jet-setting essentials at affordable prices while adhering to ethical manufacturing practices. Lastly, Bombas donates an item to those in need with every purchase, making for a socially responsible shopping experience.

    • Nighttime habits impact sleep and intimacyRespect each other's needs and maintain cleanliness for a comfortable living environment and intimate relationship.

      Personal habits and considerations can significantly impact the quality of sleep and intimacy in a relationship. The discussion revolves around a couple's nighttime routine and the husband's habit of going to the bathroom before bed, which leads to unpleasant situations and annoyance for his wife. The husband prefers to have a shower and read before going to bed, while the wife finds it annoying when he leaves the bathroom without properly cleaning up. The husband's habit of not chewing his food properly also leads to a disgusting incident involving a mushroom. The conversation highlights the importance of respecting each other's needs and maintaining cleanliness for a comfortable living environment and intimate relationship. The couple's different preferences and habits can create tension, but open communication and understanding can help resolve these issues.

    • The Power and Mystery of Consultants in the NHSConsultants in the NHS hold a unique status with significant power, importance, and mystery. Their ability to navigate different departments and influence decisions makes them respected figures in the healthcare system.

      The title of "consultant" in the NHS carries a significant amount of power, importance, and mystery. The speaker, a student midwife, expresses her admiration for consultants and their perceived ability to influence and command respect. She also speculates about their potential high salaries. The discussion also touches upon the challenges of working in different departments within the NHS and the importance of being able to navigate them effectively. The speaker shares an anecdote about a colleague who had to go to a specific hospital for his eye condition, highlighting the importance of knowing the right department in a healthcare setting. The overall sentiment is that consultants hold a special status and are perceived as knowledgeable and authoritative figures within the healthcare system.

    • Trying to Impress: The Dangerous ConsequencesActions driven by a need to impress can lead to harmful consequences, and self-confidence is a better alternative.

      People's actions can sometimes be driven by a desire to impress others, even if those actions are harmful or dangerous. In the discussed scenario, a man attempted to enlarge his penis using gasoline in an attempt to impress a woman. His actions led to severe consequences, including the loss of his penis due to necrosis. This incident underscores the importance of self-confidence and the potential risks of trying to meet others' expectations at any cost. Additionally, the conversation revealed some misconceptions about parts of speech, specifically the difference between nouns, verbs, and prepositions.

    • Using words effectively can impressEffective communication can build connections and hide insecurities, but practical jokes can have unintended consequences.

      Using your words and communication skills can be more effective than relying on physical attributes. The story shares an experience where a man felt insecure about his size and learned to use his tongue to impress a woman instead. However, things took an unexpected turn when the song they sang together became a trigger for him, reminding him of a past embarrassment. The man couldn't listen to the song anymore, but they ended the conversation on a positive note with a sing-along. Another story shared was about a practical joke played by a man during a night shift when crime rates were low. The joke went wrong, and his colleague suspected infidelity, leading to a transfer to another station. These stories highlight the importance of communication and the potential consequences of practical jokes.

    • Police inquiries leave speaker feeling isolatedRepeated police visits due to crime suspicion can lead to feelings of isolation, self-hatred, and mistrust within a community.

      The experience of having police inquiries at her home due to a dead body discovery nearby left the speaker feeling isolated and misunderstood by her community. Despite her repeated assurances that her husband was not involved, the frequent visits from the police raised suspicion among neighbors. The speaker expressed feelings of self-hatred and a lack of structure in her husband's shifting work schedule, adding to her stress and frustration. Ultimately, she felt that her own family background, which instilled a strong sense of reporting crimes to authorities, made her feel like she would be the first suspect if anything went wrong. The situation left her feeling unsupported and questioning the loyalty of those around her.

    • Misunderstandings during investigations can cause confusion and tensionEffective communication and clarity are necessary to avoid misunderstandings and assumptions during investigations, ensuring everyone is on the same page and reducing unnecessary tension.

      Communication and clarity are crucial during investigations. In the given discussion, the speaker expressed concerns about a dead body on the cycle track, but the police officer seemed unaware of the situation. The speaker assumed the officer was investigating her husband for the dead body, but it turned out that the officer was there for a different reason. Misunderstandings and assumptions can lead to unnecessary tension and confusion. It's essential to clarify the situation and ensure everyone is on the same page to move forward effectively. In the end, the officer explained the situation, and the speaker was relieved. It's also important to note that people may have fears and anxieties, and it's crucial to understand and validate those feelings while staying focused on the facts.

    • Unexpected twists in life and conversationsLife's unpredictability can lead to dark thoughts, funny moments, and unexpected confessions. Find humor in the little things, even when they disrupt our plans.

      Life can be unpredictable and full of unexpected situations, even during intimate moments. The conversation began with a discussion about a murder suspect being mic'd up in the toilet during a court case, leading to dark thoughts and the suspect's confession to want to "kill them all." The conversation then shifted to a personal story about belly button lint being an unwelcome intrusion during a romantic moment. The speakers pondered the reasons for this common occurrence and joked about it being a sign of a shallow or even toxic belly button. The conversation ended with a promotion for Mother's Day shopping at Whole Foods Market and a plug for 1-800-Flowers.com. Overall, the conversation showcased the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring, even during seemingly mundane moments. It also highlighted the importance of finding humor in the little things, even when they disrupt our plans.

    • Sheets that soften with each washBoll and Branch's organic cotton sheets improve with use, offering a comfortable and high-quality sleep experience that gets better over time. Try them with a 30-night guarantee and a 15% discount using code 'buttery'.

      Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets offer a unique sleeping experience that gets better over time. According to customer feedback, an impressive 96% reported that these sheets soften with each wash. This means that not only do you get to enjoy a comfortable and high-quality sleep right from the start, but the sheets also improve with use, ensuring a continued softness and comfort for years to come. If you're interested in trying these sheets for yourself, consider taking advantage of their 30-night guarantee and receive a 15% discount on your first order by using the code "buttery" on their website, bolandbranch.com. Keep in mind that certain exclusions may apply, so be sure to check their site for details.

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    Ep 274. Get your head stuck in
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    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!

    Ep 273. Documenting my t*ts off!
    This week on the podcast Chris is feeling under the weather and the pair get nostalgic about working in a shop. Chris gets mad at Soft Play Dads and Rosie shares an SMA level pooh story. Other topics up for discussion - CostCo, free stuff, protests and eating a cucumber in public. All of this plus Rosie has been busy watching documentaries.

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    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs

    Ep 272. Disposable Kegs
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    Ep 271. Fox Blocked

    Ep 271. Fox Blocked
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine

    Ep 269. The Summer of Sixty Nine
    It's a (kind of) sexy episode this week! Chris and Rosie chat Northern Lights, latte art, competitions and Chris does some coffee math! Rosie has been talking about Chris behind his back which gets back to him and causes some fresh beef. QTFP involve a new game, spag bowl and a roll on deodorant. PLUS Chris starts planning Rosie's quiz for next week.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!

    Ep 268. Eat an egg!
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    Ep 267. Rumour has it

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    Ep 266. Gasolina

    Ep 266. Gasolina
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    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/sma. https://plus.acast.com/s/sma.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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