
    About this Episode

    Thanks to social media, we stay connected to many people all at once. Everyone can be a friend. But…who’s the person you call when you’re really down and out? When you have something uber personal to share? When you need advice or just an ear? Today, Wendy’s talking lifeboats and who, in our social groups, make the final cut. Hint: It’s not all our friends on Facebook.

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    Cropped: A Mid-Life Minute
    enOctober 16, 2023

    Ep. 33 - Leanne Morgan, Part 1

    Ep. 33 - Leanne Morgan, Part 1

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    Cropped: A Mid-Life Minute
    enOctober 09, 2023

    Ep. 31 - Can We Just Cancel Cancel Culture Already?

    Ep. 31 - Can We Just Cancel Cancel Culture Already?

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